suicideissocliche · 3 months
the year is 2024 now, which means that its been 10 years since i first met this amazing, humble man. and i still mean every word i wrote back then.
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Happy 29th birthday to the nicest man I’ve ever gotten the chance to meet. I have quite a few idols on this earth. But no one’s story ever touched my heart as much as Jason’s. Jason simply is truly inspiring. I’m so grateful for the life lessons he taught me. I’m so thankful for the happiness and strenght he gives me. It’s crazy how he can make life so appealing and so worth it. The way he moves on stage and gives it all. I can’t help but be amazed by him. A letlive. show is truly a show you don’t wanna miss. Even if you don’t like the vibes. letlive. lives are insanely good and pretty emotional, too. I love the Muther speechs, every deep words he says on and off stage. This man is a hero. And I have so much respect towards him. I still cannot believe I met him. I’m on here, on tumblr, he pops onto my dashboard, lights my face with a smile and I actually tell myself ‘Wow. This guy. I actually met him one. Wow.’ I got the fucking pleasure to actually meet him. Paris, June 14th 2014. Life goal achived, I’m telling you. 
Thank you, Jason Aalon Alexander Butler. With ll.ove, Dem.
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suicideissocliche · 7 months
love that for me 11years later aw
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This is gonna be a long, cheesy and detailed text about yesterday so you’re free to scroll down. So on Friday afternoon, I went to the Bring Me the Horizon signing, in a very cool store in which I had already attempted 4 signings and. (You Me, ATL, TWY, GK.). but before that, i finally got to meet my friend Pauline who was waiting me at the metro station. So we (Pauline, Ena and I) arrived at 4:45 at Landscape Rockshop. The signing started at 5:30, there was quite a lot of people queuing in front of us. Luckily, we arrived right after my friends I often see at gigs. (Célia, Alma, Agathe.) Hasn’t seen those girls since the Paramore show so it was great seeing. Anyways, the band arrived a little before the beginning of the signing. When it was my turn, I was totally freaking out already. Didn’t know if I’d have the courage to talk to them but I knew from experience that I would have regretted it if I hadn’t spoke to one. So I did. I went in. First thing they said is ‘no photo with the band!’ Sad. Anyways, the first was Lee. He’s so adorable I was so happy to see him. Said hi to him, he replied and i gave him my sheet to sign. (An album would have been inconvenient cos of the gig after.) then I said hi to Matt (Kean), so did he and then waved afterwards when I was taking a picture. Right after, i remembered i still had the letter and decided to give it to Lee. He was so happy about it and thanked me and smiled and aw. Jordan was next. I absolutely love Jordan since be joined the band. He’s really great. Thought I was gonna die looking at him in the eyes. His eyes are just so impressive and beautiful. Ater quickly speaking, I took a photo of him so he decided to pose. (The photo is beautiful cause he’s smiling and aw.) He seemed the less shy. Then, Nicholls. Matt Nicholls is my fav member, since the beginning. (Oliver does not count.) So it was really great to finally meet and talk to him. Him too smiled real big when I took a photo of him. Then…… Oliver. With Oliver, it was real special. We had a basic and short conversation but it means so much. I love his voice a lotttt. And he’s so so shy yet impressive, it’s crazy. It felt so good to meet him. He’s my God. My hero, savior, idol, etc. He really is the person I love and admire the most. He’s just my favorite person in the entire world. Literally. I asked him if he could write me some lyrics he wrote that means lots to me. It was embarrassing cause I was so emotional that I stuttered on the name of the song while Oliver was very sweet, attentive and stuff, looking me in the eyes, waiting for me to finish my sentence. He’s a total babe. It was from Suicide Season but i kept stuttering on Chelsea Smile and other song names. Awkward. Anyways, the lyrics are ’ Don’t give up hope my friend, this is not the end.’ He didn’t write ‘hope’ for it to be more general. So sweet from him. (And he drew me a heart. Cutie pie.) I swear he was glad to be here, it was so easy to tell. And he was so happy when I asked him that. He kinda messed up a word but he was really concentrated on his writing. Meant lots. Like, really. I’m just so happy. Then, I had to leave the store directly. But we waited in front of the store till they leave. And when they did, Oliver was the first followed closely by Lee, Jordan, Kean. We just couldn’t approach them at all cos body guards. Matt Nicholls was the last one tho, so he was walking on his own to the taxi. So I grabbed him and asked for a hug and he said ‘Yeah why not!’, then hugged me. I died. En they left. A photographer told me that she had filmed the hug and told me I’d be able to download the video when she posts a final video edited with parts of the signing session. And then she asked then filmed us giving our thoughts/reactions of the event. She was really nice. It topped up the perfect following events. It was just perfect. We left afterwards at 6:45pm. No full panic/anxiety attack so yay me. Although I was indeed shaking lots on the way to the venue. I don’t care what anyone say, I don’t care if I looked like a fangirl or whatever. I met my favorite band. (Yh I have three favorite bands.) It was priceless and perfect. I can’t wait to get my tattoo on my 18s. 💙 N11.15.13. 💙 (Told ya it’d be long. ½.)
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suicideissocliche · 7 months
this was in 2014. so ten years ago.
to this day, still one of the best shows ive ever been to.
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I seriously got so lucky yesterday. It was the best day ever and now I’m left with memories. So many things to say. BTW. I write to remember so feel free to scroll down. Not that I’ll ever forget that day, but yeah.
I met another one of my 3 favorite bands. Of Mice & Men. I got to talk with Alan and gave them letters. Alan was actually so nice. And Austin, a sweetheart. Even in a hurry, he showed me happiness and gracefulness. My hero. Then I met Beau and Eliott from blessthefall aka my babies. Those guys were absolutely adorable. And Beau legit freaked out when I gave him his letter. Then I met Jason fucking Butler, the only one left I was dying to meet. This guy is literally amazing. He couldn’t walk so he had crutches, yet he stayed out to talk with every fan with his biggest smile on and then still acted crazy on stage, climbed on everything and everyone basically. Queuing at 9am got me my first row and all three bands legit killed it. All of them. But let me just say that letlive. only played one song and we fucking broke the barrier down and had to stop the show… 😉 Pretty scary tho, when you’re at the barrier. Anyways, Jason high fived me like 3 times, smiled so big at me when I was screaming the lyrics back at him and ended up letting me sing in it. Plus I got letlive.’s setlist. Beau was amazing, he stood up many times in front of me, high fived me and somehow, just basically got his perspiration all over me. Aaron stared at me while playing for like 30 straight seconds when I was screaming the lyrics, made eye contacts with Phil and Austin, Austin looked me straight in the eyes when he sang ‘you ARE NOT alone’ (maybe he read my letter?) and he smiled at me a couple of times too. Fav. Then at the end, Tino fucking threw his drumstick at my face and Phil literally gave me his pick right into my hand, instead of throwing it in the pit. Fair to say that I love them. I love those bands. I love Music. k bye.
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suicideissocliche · 7 months
Nov 30th, 2011, wow.
now the year is 2024 and they're saying goodbye.
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suicideissocliche · 7 months
!!! this happened 10 years ago!!!
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Jason Aalon Butler (letlive. duh) aka hero.
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suicideissocliche · 7 years
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suicideissocliche · 7 years
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suicideissocliche · 7 years
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so pretty you might cry by Anette Helene on Flickr.
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suicideissocliche · 7 years
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Miss these talented dudes ❤️
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suicideissocliche · 7 years
Take a shower, wash off the day. Drink a glass of water. Make the room dark. Lie down and close your eyes. Notice the silence. Notice your heart. Still beating. Still fighting. You made it, after all. You made it, another day. And you can make it one more. You’re doing just fine.
Charlotte Eriksson (via wordsnquotes)
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suicideissocliche · 7 years
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Find your Zen | @Mammothstock | AOI
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suicideissocliche · 7 years
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suicideissocliche · 7 years
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Thor’s Well
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suicideissocliche · 7 years
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suicideissocliche · 7 years
There are two reasons why people don’t talk about things; either it doesn’t mean anything to them, or it means everything.
Luna Adriana (via wordsnquotes)
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suicideissocliche · 7 years
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suicideissocliche · 7 years
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