summalamaduma-blog · 4 months
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summalamaduma-blog · 1 year
You don't need to believe that God exist.
Destined to be a moslem from birth, I always thought that I have a lot of burden and responsibility to spread the truth, the truth of its credibility to make people believe in it. At some point, this particular thoughts crosses my mind, “ If I were destined to be a moslem since my birth, why a lot of people were not born the same?”. People didn't ask to be born in this world. In actuality, God chose them to. You may be asking yourself, “why?”. Why the hell among those gazillion gallons of sperms, you're chosen to be the “winner” and exist in this cruel world? The answer is, it's because God loves all of us. He wants us to shine and do good deeds in this world. Not because he needs billions and trillions of people to worship him, but because he wants to give us the best experience in this world and the afterlife. Yes, it is true. He wants the best for us. Therefore, wants to choose people that are worthy to go to heaven and live the eternal extravagant. It is also the reason that he wants us to go through this life, the life of constant test and fight, the life of constant prayer, and the life of constant faithfulness. He didn't`t put us through this “hell of life” to make us suffer, he wants us to become the best version of us, to make us worthy of his heaven. 
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