sunflowerfycs · 4 years
Le Lendemain Matin
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sunflowerfycs · 4 years
Le Lendemain Matin
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sunflowerfycs · 4 years
“Shut up Blaise”
Summary: Blaise can’t stop playfully teasing Draco & Y/N, who have been dating for almost a year now. Blaise exposes some secrets that should not have been said in Slughorn’s class, which leads the couple to touch on the surface on a little secret of his own.
Pairing: Draco X Reader
Warning: SUPER Fluff. All the characters are soft. Bad writing: written at 2:00am. Comedy? Mild language? Idk. || “friend things”
A/N: Hello guys! I am a new writer here, and I’m sorry this is bad. I was feeling very soft and wrote this more comedy based? which I never do? bet here we are. I hope you enjoy! I’ll actually post a serious work later. Don’t worry :)
Don’t forget to give me request! I’m better if I have a prompt or an idea to work with <3
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“Did you sleep well, love?” Draco asked with a husky morning voice that was slowly fading. He was leaning against the wall near the entrance of your common room, reading a book which soon snapped closed as he sensed your presence.
He moved his arms swiftly around your waist and pulled you close. He placed a kiss on top of your forehead and then put his head on your shoulder, burying himself deep in your neck. Touching him felt like home: two entities becoming one in the warmth of the love you both had for each other. The smell of cologne and fresh shampoo soon reached you nose, making you squeeze him tighter —— not wanting to let go.
“Yes, but I could’ve slept better with you next to me...” you said teasingly.
He pulled away, giving you a playful smirk, as he shook his head staring at the ground clearly flustered by your flirty antics.
“You are such a flirt, always all over meee,” he responded as grabbed your hand. He twirled you around giving you a playful spin and then interlocked his long fingers with yours.
“haha, I’m just saying ....” you continued as you raised and dropped your shoulders playfully.
You both slowly started walking to your Potions class. This was a peaceful time for the both of you. You and Draco talked about everything and anything: ranting about the golden trio, bringing up “existential-crisis” questions, being cheeky, and listening to each other’s worries and excitements. You and Draco shared all of this together. Sometimes, you even felt his mood even before you saw him, and acted accordingly depending on how he was feeling.
What you loved the most about this morning walk in particular is how Draco took his guard down and let his true emotions show. His smile so radiant, a genuine and pure smile that can instantly warm your heart and fill your belly with butterflies of love. Whenever he talked about something interesting or about a personal project he wanted to achieve, his light blue eyes would sparkle the way waves reflect the warm light of the sun in a nice summer day.
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“Well, well, well.... if it isn’t Mr. & Ms. Malfoy... when’s the wedding?” Blaise asked as soon as he saw you two walk through the door.
“Sorry to say this.... but you just...” Draco leaned in to whisper something to Blaise, putting his hand on his shoulder as if to say something important, “...aren’t invited” he completed his sentence. A smile soon creeping on his face.
“WhAT? Oh My GoSh Y/N? I mIghT JuSt...” he turned around looking at you pretending to be stabbed deeply in the heart. With his hands on his chest, he sat down, pretending to faint. He sat between you and Draco, which meant that you were never bored.
“Oh Blaise! Please don’t die! I don’t think Draco could live without you...” you played along.
Laughs filled the room as other students started to get ready for the class.
“Okay class, it’s time to settle down,” Mr. Slughorn entered the classroom surprisingly a little over a minute late.
Everyone took their seats and got ready for potions, you as well turned into you “game mode” face Draco said it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen and payed attention to the class.... or at least tried.
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“pssstt..... Y/N...” Blaise said putting his face on his desk, trying to find your gaze.
“What?” You whispered.
“How’s it like kissing Draco? wait, is he a moaning type of guy?” He smirked. you rolled your eyes and looked to see if Draco had heard his friend’s question, but he was still concentrated on the lesson.
“Mhmmm... YOU should know,” you retorted back.
His jaw dropped at you sassiness. He’s such a drama queen sometimes. Well, actually, all the time.
“You’re becoming sarcastic like your boyfriend! Maybe it’s because you make out with him so much,” Blaise responded, causing a slight blush to appear on your face.
He wasn’t wrong though...
“Oh Draco, please kiss me oh please Draco,” he moaned while making smooching sounds and grabbing his arms as if making out with himself.
Finally, Draco turned his head around at his friend, not impressed by his actions counting the million times he has teased you both like this.
‘So immature... yet it’s cute to see Y/N flustered’ Draco thought.
“Shut up Blaise...” Draco slightly pushed him from the other side in an attempt to shut him up.
“Draco... remember that time you were sleep talking?” Blaise snapped his head at him but then started to look between the two.
“Huh?” Draco inquired.
“I’ll do a reenactment...” he fake coughed a couple times as if to clear his voice.
“oh Y/N... you look so pretty in that dress please come here yes yes don’t stop” Blaise moaned but not being able to control his laughter.
You raised your eyebrows, finding Draco’s eyes already on you looking for a reaction.
you smirked...
“Wait, Blaise tell me more,” you tried to calm him down and slowly pulled him your way trying to make him face you.
“Once....” he looked as if he were to spill more information about his friend, but then swiftly turned his head at him.
“Y/N likes your butt,” Blaise blurted out which took your smirk and drew it in your boyfriend’s face.
Blaise then faced you again.
“Draco said he likes touching you boob-“ he didn’t get to finish his sentence as Draco grabbed his papers and smacked his friend’s face with them.
“Didn’t I tell you to shut up?” Draco said maybe a little too loudly, as it caught Mr. Slughorn’s attention.
“Settle down class, no more talking”
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Blaise, Draco, and you were now walking to get some lunch. Even though it was already the middle of the day, and several classes passed, you were still petty about what Blaise did that morning in Mr. Slughorn and you could sense Draco was too.
Both of you exchanged glances, as Blaise kept on babbling about the many ways he was better than Cedric in Quidditch.
Oh it was on, you smiled at Draco that had placed his arm around your waist pulling you closer.
“Blaise, are you lonely?” this question catching him off guard.
“What do you mean?” He responded a little too defensively.
“You always tease me and Draco about being together, but maybe you tease us because you want a relationship yourself,” you said innocently.
There must be somebody WE can tease him about. There must be. Draco catching up with your thoughts continued your plan.
“Why are you so silent my friend is there anyone in mind?” Draco asked teasingly as he caught up to his friend and stepped in front of him causing him to stop in his tracks.
Blaise for the first time, ever, in history, didn’t know what to say.
“I- I- think I forgot something,” he quickly said blasting off back to the slytherin common room.
“You know what that means?” Draco said as he stepped closer to you grabbing both of your cold hands in his. Excitement filling the atmosphere.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we got him!” you said not fighting the urge to jump and swing both of your arms all around. Draco smiled at you fondly spinning around with you while holding hands, your beautiful hair dancing with you.
“We need to find who it is!” the mischievous spark in your eye made draco chuckle, putting his forehead on yours. Damn, his eyes were beautiful.
“When did my girl become such a trouble maker?”
“I learned from the best...” you responded wrapping your arms and pulling him to connect the space between you.
His lips were heavenly soft, your chapstick imprinting in his own lips. Time seemed to slow when you had moments like this, there was nothing that could separate you two. You moved your hands up, from his shoulders all the way to his nape, getting a hold of some strands of his light blondish hair, which caused draco to slowly release a pleasing sigh into your mouth.
You slowly pulled back, not that you wanted to, but because you were very hungry.
“Come on let’s go my prince,” letting Draco guide the way and get a little ahead so you could...
“Hey! Did you just smack my ass?”
“What can I say? Blaise may be a blabber mouth but he is certainly not a liar.”
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sunflowerfycs · 4 years
Hello Everyone!
I’m Sarah, a new writer here, and I am looking for people to give me requests! 
Please feel free to DM me any time :)
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