sunflowerswit-blog · 6 years
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Far be it to use a mortal mind to comprehend a god and their urges, he had simply thought the boy to be a foreigner since this is Japan and no where else. Could, and would speak in such a dialect, it was jarring even to hear it. But for some reason he could understand it perfectly, almost like magic. 
Impossible. But also disturbing. it was like one of those ghost stories or murder ones, where you see a strange child before being murdered in their own house. 
 “This isn’t a charity. How much money do you actually have with you.”
He looks down on the counter. 
 “And where are your shoes. “ 
Such questions were common in a country that prized etiquette among all else. Even if he wanted to throw a rock through the cream puff store on the other side, it was useless that he lost a portion of his customers to that freaking cream puff store, forcing him to stop all cream puff productions to save on money. 
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It was a tempting idea, to find -Finding the right sponsors for his little bakery was out of the question. It would attract more attention than need be and he didn’t need that right now. But of course there was the appeal of more funds being used, more cookies being baked. And more hands being hired .But that appeal had so many drawbacks it wasn’t even funny. like the decline in quality, to say the least. 
No wait someone just entered, his contemplation would have to wait now. 
 “Welcome.” He tries his more pleasant tone, which sounded as pleasant as a sponge being used on a black board. “to Sunflower Sweet. Today special is, pumpkin seed pie.”
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    Bare feet touched the ground ever so lightly, just enough to give off an impression that his flesh was actually touching it. Pretending something that he was not was oddly hard for him. In any case, he looked no different than a child trying to sneak in a store to steal some candy and on the out side, even if he appeared as calm, his body was really stiff. Right now the star god was not that different than a small animal that was trying to learn more about its surroundings and adapt to it. From up in the Heavens, when he was not sleeping, he sometimes took a few peeks at humans, watched them as much as he could but he had never truly paid attention to small details such as what they ate or how they ordered in stores and.. well what they did after having their stomachs all filled. Life went on so very differently here than how it did in ancient times..  
                “Hm? – Ah. Hi..” 
    His voice was calmer than expected, which caused him to breathe in relief for a moment. His smile was a light one as his gaze scanned the environment. Humans nowadays.. sure did have a different taste than Gods huh and well than their ancestors. 
                “I seeth, I has’t nev'r hadst one of these.”                  Or any human food actually-                                                     “Can I has’t some, prithee?”
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sunflowerswit-blog · 6 years
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@starkisscd liked your post “Grump grump, starter call.”
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Finding the right sponsors for his little bakery was out of the question. It would attract more attention than need be and he didn’t need that right now. But of course there was the appeal of more funds being used, more cookies being baked. And more hands being hired .But that appeal had so many drawbacks it wasn’t even funny. like the decline in quality, to say the least. 
It was a tempting idea, to find -
No wait someone just entered, his contemplation would have to wait now. 
 “Welcome.” He tries his more pleasant tone, which sounded as pleasant as a sponge being used on a black board. “to Sunflower Sweet. Today special is, pumpkin seed pie.”
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sunflowerswit-blog · 6 years
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sunflowerswit-blog · 6 years
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@softestmood liked your post “Grump grump, starter call.”
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Grump grump. It seems the chef today was particularly grumpy. As in there is this customer who wouldn’t decide on what to get! 
Grump grump. 
 His shoes continued to tap on the floor rapidly. 
Grump, grump. 
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sunflowerswit-blog · 6 years
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Grump grump, starter call.
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sunflowerswit-blog · 6 years
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sunflowerswit-blog · 6 years
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Do you like stern bakers? How about sugar and everything yummy and nice? A kind of lazy roleplay blog about a baker and his bakery. Enjoy and reblog or like if you want some interaction.
Original character
written by Nugget. 
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sunflowerswit-blog · 6 years
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