supergirlimagine · 4 years
Who Knew pt.2
Hi! Thank you guys for all the cool new Requests I got! Def want to write some of those! My most requested was to write a Part two of a Story I wrote a while back! Sorry it Took me so long, I really hope that you guys like it! Lmk what you think and what else you wanna see! 
Thanks for all the love 
Who Knew pt.1 
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It was way past her bedtime, Alex had to be up in the morning and shouldn’t stay up this late. God knows she needed the sleep. But these kind of things just keep you up, at least that’s what she'd tell herself. It had been about two weeks now since she had seen you in that Bar with that...guy. Two weeks since she had felt your lips on hers. Touching her Lips absently at the thought, as if she would find yours there. As if you were still with her and not God knows where, doing God knows what. But that wasn't her problem, right? She tried to help! She really did. Sure, knocking your Boyfriend out might have not been the best Plan, but who can blame her? The way he touched you, the way he- he tried to possess you. It truly disgusted her. And she offered you help! She told you to come Home with her that Night and that she would help out in any way she could. But you had refused. Your Pride was greater than your Pain, however even possible. You had scooped up your drunken and bruised excuse of a Boyfriend and stumbled with him out of the Alleyway, leaving one last glance over your shoulder as you rounded the corner. Walking out of view and out of Alex's Life. The brunette Feet frozen solid to the ground. Alcohol and Adrenaline pumping through her veins, her Lips feeling like yours again and her knuckles stinging. 
The worst thing? She couldn't even blame you. No, she couldn’t even be mad at you if she had the right to. Because she was the one who ended things this way. You were easy to love and easy to fall in love with. Alex, at the time,  was in love with you. Just..not enough. It was too soon and too fast and the feelings were too familiar to the ones she had with her Ex-Fiance. That alone was too good to be true, right? No one gets two great loves in the span of a short time. No, Maggie was her one shot at happiness and she ruined it. She wasn't allowed to walk around acting like she deserved more love from someone as caring and kind hearted as you. She started to feel her love for you run deeper each day, so she really had no other choice. What else was she supposed to do, other than to end it before it got too far and someone really got hurt. But she could see now, it was already too late for that, because someone had already gotten hurt. Lucky for her, it was the other Party. Alex knew that she subconsciously always kept you at Arm's length, because deep down she always knew it would end. That was Information unfortunately only one of you had, as you freely and childishly fell more and more into love. You feel hard, thinking someone would be there, ready to catch. She always knew that wasn’t going to be her, but having you around and unconditionally love her, just felt way too good to let go at that Time. And thats the fucked up Part. 
Alex tried in the days following the Incident to find you and to make contact with you, clearly seeing you were in trouble  and you needed help even though you would never accept it from her. Even with the help from Kara, you stayed hidden. That was, up until this Moment, when an unsure knock made Alex turn away from the city Lights through she was staring at though her window. It was late so she grabbed her Gun from under the sofa cushion and looked through the Peephole. Her breath caught when she saw you standing on the other side, looking over your shoulder and fidgeting. 
“(Y/N)...”, she breathed out and unlocked the door in a hurry, being scared to move her eyes away from the Peephole. The irrational fear that you'd be gone by the time she swung the Door open, growing with every Lock turning. 
But there you were. An oversized hoodie hanging off you and almost reaching your knees, your naked calves almost looking blue from the cold. You were holding a bag of your shoulder, the Hoodie covering up half your Face as you looked at each other in Silence for a beat just too long to be comfortable. 
“Can I come in, please?” , you sounded tired. 
“Oh..yeah, of course. Sorry, come in.”,  Alex stepped away and you moved past her and  inside, the Door locking behind you. Silence again. 
“I don't need anything from you. I’m sorry I’m showing up late and unannounced. I just need one Night”,  You spoke with your Back still turned to her.  Not ready for eye contact and then unpacking what you would find in them. 
“(Y/N)..I-”, Alex words were coming out shaky. 
“Alex. Please don't make me beg, don't make me explain. Please, I just need one Night. That's it. Ill be gone after that. That's all I'm asking for.”,  You turned around after you last word, trying your best to seem sure of yourself. 
Alex was shocked when she got a good look of you in the Living Room light. Your Eyes were bloodshot and puffy, half of your right eye and cheek were hiding under your Hoodie and Hair, but even then she could see the swelling and a dark bruise casting a shadow over that part of your Face. Your Hands looked cold with dried Blood between your Fingertips and bruised knuckles. She couldn't help but stare. The bag over your shoulder was actually hers. It was the same one you had packed all these Years ago. You didn't have one at the time she pretty much kicked you out of her Apartment and she let you have it. It looked worn out now, used up from moving around so much and probably never seeing the comfort of being packed away in a closet. It looked like it lived by the front Door, always ready to grab and be on the road again. 
You dropped the Bag on the floor with an exhausted exhale, which made Alex catch up with her Brain, which was still going a Million Miles an hour. 
“Yes”, she cleared her throat 
“Yes, of course. Uhm, let me get you something more comfortable to sleep in.” 
Your stance relaxed a little bit, grateful knowing you would be warm and safe at least for the Night. 
“Thank you.”, you avoided her eyes and sat down on the couch.
She came back with a set of clothing a little bit later, having left you a couple more Minutes to adjust yourself to the new and at the same time familiar sensation of being here. She laid the clothes down next to you and sat on the coffee table directly in front of you. Not having any answers was killing her, this was all just not right. 
“I don't want to talk about it, ok? Like I said just one Night, you owe me that much”, your voice was harsh. Risky for someone who really needed the help right now, but you couldn't stop yourself. 
“Will you at least tell me if you are hurt. Please?” she tilted her head down, trying to catch your eyes. Silence. 
Alex reached out trying to hold your Face, to turn it and have a better look, but you wouldn't let her. Pulling away by moving down the cushion, away from her line of vision. Her hand still raised, she exhaled in defeat before dropping her Arm again. She got up without trying for eye contact again and poured you a glass of Water and grabbed some Tylenol from the Cabinet. She set it down on the Coffee Table and looked at you once again. You had the clothes in your lab now waiting for her to leave so that you could change and then silently cry yourself to sleep. You were exhausted. It took you a lot to swallow all your Pride to show up here, but you had no other choice. It was this or the Streets, knowing the Shelter was already closed at this time. 
“I don't know what happened to you and I am not pushing you for answers. I am just worried. Believe it or not, I care about you. A Lot. I just want you to be safe.”, she stooped to take a deep Breath.
You were listening, but not moving a Muscle. 
“Just..Please. (Y/N), please be here in the Morning. Just be here. Whatever you are fighting. I want to help.” She sounded sincere. 
All of this was in complete contrast to your last meeting. Which had been physical, passionate, full of surprise, suppressed anger and raw emotions. This was different, this was open and vulnerable. It was soft in the way that makes you forget all the bad stuff that ever happened and made you want to let go into the Person. Curl up and never let go. Yet, you stoped yourself. That's not what you came here for, not at all. You just needed to sleep. 
Silence, another beat. Alex started to walk toward her Bed, you heard her climbing up the steps and getting into Bed. She turned off the Light by her bedside, leaving you with the lamp in the living Room as the only source of Light. Sitting for another Moment, exhaustion overtook you once more, so you threw on the Sweats and switched out your oversized Hoodie for a clean Shirt. You grabbed a blanket from the basket next to the table, downed the glass of Water and turned the light off, laying your head on a pillow. 
“Yeah. I’ll be here. I promise.”, You spoke into the darkness, knowing she could hear you and that she was listening. 
Sleep overtook you in what felt you just seconds later. 
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supergirlimagine · 4 years
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Heeeeey..how yall doin??
So it’s been a HOT minute! Long stories, but anyways, I‘m kind of back on here, been feeling the need to write a lil these days💃🏽 So send some requests my way! I mostly do Supergirl, I could do some Brooklyn99 on the low!
Some peeps have been asking me for some pt.2/3, but lets do something new and fresh😬Could be about literally anything! I will write it, PROMISE
Nice to see you all and I hope everyone is staying healthy!✌🏽
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supergirlimagine · 5 years
Heeeere it is yo! I’m so pround of this lil piece me & @baked-bean-bekah brought into the world! Its been a ride that i hope all of you enjoyed😌 thanks for reading🖤
Lost & Found pt. 6
(A/N): This is the shittiest ending to a series, but I tried my best to make it good. It’s been real though and it was a lot of fun! See you in my next collaboration!
Parings: Alex Danvers x Reader, Maggie Sawyer x Reader
Summary: Maggie and Alex find you, a homeless alien teen with nowhere to go. You’ve been experimented and held captive for the majority of your life. You just want to feel safe again. The question is… will it happen?
Parts: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
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It had been a few months since, Maggie and Alex picked you up from the NCPD and things had mostly gone back to normal. However, with the knowledge of your powers, you had to go through some DEO testing, but as terrifying as it was to you, it was nothing like Cadmus. Maggie and Alex were with you through the whole process and made sure you were treated with love and respect rather than violence and force.
They were able to identify all the abilities and powers you possessed, Winn even created some things to help you control your powers better and Alex and Kara took you in for training a few times a month to help strengthen you. Of course, Winn couldn’t help himself and created a super suit for you on the down low, but you didn’t know that, and he got scolded from Alex and Maggie, saying you were far too young for that. However, they somewhat knew in the back of their minds that there would come a day you would follow in their footsteps, but that was not going to be anytime soon.
For now, it was just the three of you living your best life once again, letting you grow in intelligence and love. There was a point where Cadmus had popped up once again, on the search for you, their lost experiment, but that didn’t last long at all. Alex and Supergirl were quick to put that case to rest, locating and taking down the heart of the organization while you watched from the sidelines with Maggie’s hand in yours.
It was almost as if a large weight had been lifted the moment you heard Alex’s voice over the communicators saying that it was over. Nothing else really mattered in that moment, time almost freezing and all you could think was that you were finally safe, and you didn’t have to run anymore. Maggie had embraced you in the tightest of hugs and you smiled, thinking of the hug you would get from Alex when she got back.
Just like you thought, the moment her eyes met yours, she rushed over and grabbed you so tight in her arms and you did the same. Maggie had at some point joined in on the hug and for once in your life it was the safest you had ever felt with the family you thought you would never have. Maggie and Alex missed your biggest smile yet, but that was okay because you were missing theirs as well.
Keep reading
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supergirlimagine · 5 years
Ey what's up. Just wanted to say your writing is great. I always like to read what you write. Hope your day is good and if it isn't I hope it will become good soon
Ey thanks! I am having a good Day, thank you! Hope the same for you🤗 and Im glad u enjoy my writing. I‘ve been super busy with life, but im trying to get back into it again!
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supergirlimagine · 5 years
r u kewl??
My Mom certainly thinks so!😎
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supergirlimagine · 5 years
Girl? You killed me with the "last sunset" oneshot. It's so well written and the words are a perfect fit together. Its beautiful!! 😍
Awww! Thanks🤗🖤
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supergirlimagine · 5 years
Bro heccin HECC. I cant write. End my suffering plz
Brah..sometimes you gotta put that Pen down, jump on a wave and let the Stroy write you, instead of you writing the story🤙🏽🌊 brah
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supergirlimagine · 5 years
Last Sunset
I gave myself the Feels last Night and decided to write thie One-Shot, so you guys can feel them with me! You’re Welcome
Kara and Alex drive out to Midvale to enjoy one last Sunset together. This is kinda sad, so you‘ve been warned!
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The sun was setting in Midvale, it was truly a beautiful sight. A car pulls into the Driveway of an empty house with faded grey tiles and washed out light blue paint. Nonetheless, the House is still standing bright and welcoming amongst the Trees. A place where a family would come together. Children and grandchildren were raised here, great grandchildren welcomed to the world. These walls stand alone out here and tell stories of an almost forgotten past. The engine comes to a stop and the two woman in the Car take in the image in front of them. This is not just a House, it is their Home.
“We made it, sis." Kara states softly and looks over to the passenger side, smiling at her older sister.
"Yeah. Almost didn't. I see Opssums are still an issue for you?" Alex voice comes out tired and hoarse, but still with an amusing undertone.
"Whatever!" Kara rolls her eyes playfully and exist out the driver seat.
She retrives her sister wheelchair from the trunk, before coming around the passenger side an opening the Door. Alex lets herself be lifted out of the car and placed into her chair, to tired to complain after 96 Years of living. Her Hands are rough from years of combat, grey hair falls onto her shoulder in a light shimmer and her face is painted with wrinkles. She is tried, but her eyes still have the same shine in them. They hold the same curiosity for the world.
"Are you ready?" Kara askes and places one hand on her sisters shoulder after laying a blanket in her lap.
Alex reaches up and gives the hand a light squeeze. Karas hands as still young and smooth, her wavy hair falls down her back in a vivid blonde. Eyes shinning blue and free, a time where they were kept hidden behind glasses long gone. Her face, although marked with some signs of the stressful years that past, doesn't look a day over 35. A blessing and a curse at the same time, that the Kryptonian has learned to live with.
Kara pushes their way around the house, the sisters enjoy the silence amongst them, the sound of nature all around, the only thing that is needed right now. Alex closes her eyes and soaks in the last rays of the sun, before it will disappear behind the horizon one last time. They make it to the side of the house, when Kara puts the breaks on the wheelchair and takes her sisters frail body in her arms.
"Kara!? What if someone sees?" Alex voice betrays her, as it holds the slightest bit of youthfull excitement at the thought of being caught.
Kara rolls her eyes for the second time and starts to gently float up, until they are both comfortably sitting on the Roof of their childhood home.
"Always worried. Somethings never change, huh?"
She smirks as she adjusts her sister position, making sure she is comfortable and secure. She wraps her in the blanket and holds her to her side.
"I have to watch out for my little sister."
Silence follows, the moment they had been talking and preparing themselves for is finally here and it still seems surreal.
Alex turns her head and locks eyes with Kara.
"And I always will."
She reaches up and wipes a single Tear from her sisters face. Her wrinkled hand a stranger contrast on the blondes youthfull skin.
"I know that, Alex."
She reaches up and catches her sister hand in her own, closing her eyes and leaning into her touch. The comfortable silent stays between them until the sun is dissapears behind the horizon. The stars and Moon now lighting up the Night sky. No words need to be said, because no words would be enough anyways. Sitting there and feeling each others presence, is all they need.
"I love you, Kara." Alex voice is nothing but a whisper at this point, her Heartbeat slowing.
"I love you." Karas voice is shaking as she continues.
"Tell everyone Hi from me, please? Tell Winn I'm still holding on to his Toys. Tell James and Cat, Catco has became more than we could have ever imagined. Tell J'onn that you and I carried on the peace. Tell Nia her Dreams have all come true. Tell Lena..Tell her I miss my best friend and so do the Kids. And just make sure that Mom know I'm happy, okay?"
Alex has her eyes closed and smiles at the mention of every single Person they have loved and lost. Excitement bubbles in her stomach at the thought of seeing them again. Dread bubbles in Karas at the thought of saying goodbye once again.
"I will, Kara."
She inhales and opens her eyes to take a long look at the Night sky. Going over the constellation she can spot in her Head.
"I'm Ready, sis." She closes her eyes again and leans into her sisters strong body.
Kara takes a shaky breath and holds her sisters as close as she can. She kisses her forehead one more time, before starting the old Kryptonian Prayer.
"You have been the sun of my live. My prayers will be the sun that lights your way, on your journey home."
Alex Heart beat slows and fades into the Night, her eyes will remain forever closed now, as a soft smile graces her lips. Kara suppresses a sob that starts to make her way up her throat, willing herself to continue.
"I will remember you in every dawn and await the night I join you in the sky. Rao's will be done."
She finishes the Prayer and sits with her sister in her Arms. Taking in the Night and taking in this Life left behind. She lets silent Tears roll down her eyes freely and she is teying to be grateful for the great life her sister got to life and that she lived to the fullest. She was happy, even in her last moments, but that did not make it hurt any less. Like so many times before, she came to Midvale with her sister, but this time she will be leaving alone.
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supergirlimagine · 5 years
Who Knew
Funny Thing! I was shuffling through an old Playlist and ‘Who Knew’ by Pink came up. This popped into my Head and wouldn’t let me go until I wrote it. So here you ✌🏽
Alex Danvers x Fem!Reader. 
Where R was the rebound after Maggie. After the Relationship also fails, they meet again in a Bar 3 years later and are at very different points of their Lifes.
Thanks for Reading🖤
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It had been a long and stressful day, a stressful week even, for Alex. All she wanted to do was to grab a quick drink and then pass out in her bed. She stopped at a random bar just a little outside of town and walked over to the bartender waving him down and ordering. She sat at the bar and looked around while she waited.
Her heart skipped a beat when she saw a familiar face sitting in one of the booths. It’s been 3 years, but she would recognize you anywhere. She weights out her options, you hadn't seen here yet, so she could just run out and never think about this again or she could go over and say hello.
You were sitting with three other guys in the tight space, the one next to you had his arm around your shoulders and was in deep conversation with the other two, while you were just staring blankly ahead. The expression in your face seemed so lost and vacant, it made Alex itch to get to you and hold you close, even if things didn't end so great.
"So, this is it then?" You were standing in the door with your bags packed.
A picture all too familiar to Alex at this point. It had only been 6 months since she and Maggie broke off the engagement and she had meet you shortly after and thought you would be able to fill the hole in her heart. She had finally come to realize that no one else could heal her, if not herself. You guys had a long conversation, which ended with you packing your bags and buying a bus ticket for somewhere that was anywhere but National City.
"This is it. I'm sorry, but all of this... It's just not what either of us need right now."
You always knew you were the rebound of a failed engagement, but never thought it would end like this.
"Maybe if we just talk about it some more. We can try to find a solution?"
"No Y/N. I'm sorry there is nothing left to talk about. It's over."
You were holding on with everything you had. You had never been as happy as you had been in these last months and you were trying to fight for the two of you, not believing it was truly over.
"But Alex..."
"I've never loved you. I honestly think I never will, not like..."
Alex’s words faded off before she looked at the floor in shame, but also relived to finally let out the truth. She had to make you see that this was for the better and she looked up at you for the next part, seeing the heartbreak in your eyes.
“...not like I loved her."
The silence hung thick in the air and tears stung behind your eyes, but you held them in. Not wanting to give her the pleasure of letting seeing them fall.
“I don't ever want to see you again!"
You screamed before turning your back, hurrying out the door, slamming it behind you and never looking back.
Alex let the last encounter replay in her head, trying to make up her mind on her next step. The last words you had said to her echoed in the back of her mind, but looking at you now, you just looked sad and uncomfortable. She made up her mind and walked over to your table.
You were sitting at the table with your boyfriend and some of his friends, when you heard a voice call out to you. You were in deep thought, you felt like more of a bot these days, but that voice pulled you out immediately. What was she doing here?
You turned around and stared at Alex, it had been three years, but she still had the same effect on you.
Everyone at the table was suddenly quiet and watched as the two of you started at each other.
Your boyfriend was the first to speak up.
“Who are you, Lady?"
He asked lowly and you cringed on the inside as Alex looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm Alex… I'm uhm, an old friend of Y/N."
That's all the information he really cared about, as he shrugged and went back to talking to his friends, picking up the conversation like they never stopped.
You were left staring at each other until holding eye contact seemed too much for you to handle. You got up on unsteady feet and told your boyfriend you needed some air. He either didn't pick up on your discomfort or just didn't care enough to ask you if you were okay.
"Alright Babe! Just grab some more beers on your way back."
He said and slapped your ass when you got up to leave.
You cringed once more on the inside and stumble past Alex, not looking at her as you head for the door. The cold air hits you as you step outside and you realize how drunk you really are at this point. You take a few deep breaths when that voice calls out behind you again.
"Y/N! Are you okay? Who was that Asshole?"
Anger makes its way through your veins when you hear the concern in her voice.
"Why do you care?"
You turn around a little too fast and lose your footing for a second but manage to catch yourself.
"He's my Boyfriend and he loves me!"
You raised your voice and make sure she understands that you were doing better without her. So much better.
"Oh Yeah?"
She crosses her arms, not believing you for one second.
You threw back, well aware you sounded like a child arguing, but not really caring.
"Is that why your arms are bruised, and your make-up is covering up a black eye?"
You subconsciously pull down your sleeves and try to turn your face. How dare she say something like that.
"That's none of your god damn business."
Alex eyes soften, and she takes at step towards you, reaching out to touch your shoulder.
"Don't you dare touch me!", you jerked back, the thought of feeling her hands on you again was more than you could handle.
"Alright!" She raised her hands in surrender.
"Fair enough… Just, Y/N, please. I know I have no right and I know I deserve your anger, but you’re not safe, I can see that. So, just let me help you. Let me take you home, where you can sober up and I can help you out of-"
"I don't need your help! Or your pity! I am just fine without you! Screw you for thinking you can just come in and fix me after what you did!"
There was hurt in Alex eyes, but you were too far gone to even care about it.
"Y/N... I know, but-"
Just then the door opened, and your boyfriend stepped outside. Great.
"Hey! What going on out here? I've been waiting on those beers forever."
Alex was about to say something back when you answered in her place.
“Yeah...uhm, sorry. I'll be there in a minute."
"I didn't say a Minute now did I? I said now."
He moves towards you and grabs your arm, making you gasp in pain, while trying to drag you back inside.
He barely had his hands on you when he was abruptly pulled away and pressed face first into the nearest wall, arm twisted behind his back.
"Listen! You better not ever touch her again or you will have hell to pay!"
Alex growls as she instinctively twists his arms more and all he could let out were some pathetic whimpering, which kind of made you happy, but also made you snap back into reality.
"Alex! What the hell! Let him go!"
As stunned as she was at your request, Alex slowly lowered his arm. In his mind, that was the right moment to attack, so he turns around and tried to swing at Alex. However, she easily side stepped him and knocked him out with one quick punch to the face. He stumbled a couple feet and fell against the wall, sliding down and deciding to stay down for now. To drunk and out of it to try and fight back.
"Y/N! Why would you defend him?"
"He loves me!"
"He hurts you!"
"So, did you!"
Your outburst echoes through the alleyway.
“So, did you Alex! You hurt me more than anyone ever has and more than he ever physically could!"
Alex was shocked to see how much you were still holding on to what happened all those years ago.
"You broke me, because you were broken!"
You were in her face now, drunkenly yelling and trying to make your point by pushing your hand against her with every word, which she let you.
“You were broken so you dragged me down with you! And I kept quiet and let you! All this time I was there for you! When you cried over a different woman! When you called out her name during... When you drank to make yourself forget!"
There was no stopping your rage right now Alex knew better then to interrupt you.
"I. Was. There! And then you tell me you never loved me! How fucking dare you!"
You were crying at this point, not even trying to hide your tears from her anymore.
"Y/N... Please, just-"
"No! No Alex! You promised me forever and I believed in everything you said to me! I loved you!"
You scream as you start swinging your arms in a weak attempt to hurt her back, which she easy catches.
"Please just calm down!"
Alex begs as you grab her collar and look into her eyes.
"Why? Why am I never good enough! I'd give you everything."
You look into her eyes again and the world around you is spinning.
You breathe out and rush forward connecting your lips with hers. She lets you for a short moment before pulling away.
"Y/N… you're drunk. Stop."
You don't listen and pull her closer again, trying to get the feeling of her lips on yours back, but she holds you away.
“Please... Alex, please, I just need…"
Your words turn into sobs and you feel your knees give out, but her strong arms hold you up before pulling you into her chest. You cry… for everything you know you could never have and for what your life has become.
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supergirlimagine · 6 years
Hey! How are you? I hope you are fine! I was just wondering when do you gonna upload a new sticks & stones part? I reaaaaaaally love this fanfic and I would LOVE to see and read more!! ☘
I’m good thanks! Uuuhm idk honestly! I’m gald your liking it! Thanks🖤 I was going back and forth if I should leave it at that? I do really liked writing the story so I’m down to do one last part sometime in the next week or so:)
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supergirlimagine · 6 years
Just Breathe
A/N: This is a request I got a little while ago and finaly got around to doing it! I switched it up a little bit, I hope thats okay!
Ok could you write a one shot where Kara and Alex's little sister has really bad asthma and has an attack while training with Kara that gets bad enough she has to go to the hospital. And her sisters go all mother hen?
Thanks for reading🖤
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They had finally allowed you to train with them! It had taken you a lot of convincing for them to even let you near the DEO in the first Place, let alone into the Training Room. You wanted to be able to defend yourself, but deep down you were trying to impress them. Especially Alex, so that she would maybe someday let you join the DEO and become an Agent. That way, you could also be a Hero.
So that's were you were right now, Training with Kara in the Kryptonite Room. You guys had been going at it for a while now and you were getting tired, but you wouldn't dare show any of that. When you guys parted and set up for another round, you took a shaking breath, feeling your Asthma slowing making its way into your Lungs. Kara noticed and dropped her stance, taking a step towards you.
"Y/N? Are you okay? We can break if-.."
"No! No I'm fine! Don't worry, just caching my breath! Lets continue."
She looked at you suspicious for a Moment, but decided not the push further and raises her fists once more. This went on for about another 5 minutes, before you were sure you couldn't seem to get a full breath in. This time, Kara noticed.
"Y/N. Lets just be done for today, Alright? You did really good and we'll find another day to continue this."
That's not what you wanted, who knew if you'd get this chance again.
"No. Just..uhm..Give me a Minute." A cough was building up in your throat and you did your best to keep it down.
"Let me just go freshen up, I'll be right back."
With that, you excused yourself to the Bathroom. Once there, you locked the Door behind you and started breathing heavily. Your breaths were coming out short and fast and you knew exactly what was happening. Dammit! They would never let you train again! Looking around in your Panic, not really sure what you were looking for, you realized how screwed you really were. It was getting harder and harder to breath and you felt like the walls were closing in on you. You didn't have pockets, so you didn't grab you Inhaler. Stars were dancing at the edge of your vision and you knew you were going to go down fast, if you wouldn't get some help right now.
You leaned against the Wall and slid down to your Knees, when the Door suddenly busted open. Clutching your Chest, you looked up at your sister with desperate eyes.
"Y/N! What the hell is going on?"
You where past the point of talking, terrified wheezes the only sound coming out of your Mouth.
"Where is your Inhaler?" Kara looked around the Room like you had, wishing for it to appear.
You shake your Head, your Breathing getting worse and worse by every passing second.
You blink and Kara was gone, but before you could even worry, she was back with Alex. The eldest Danvers still had her lab coat and goggles on and a sample tube in her Hand.
"Kara?! What the Hell are you-.." That's when she noticed her surroundings and looked down at you.
"Y/N!”, She immediately kneeled down next to you.
"What's wrong?" She asked, but already knew the answer.
"Just breathe okay..Try and breathe with me.”
She was coaching you like she'd done a million times before, but it wasn't having any effect this time. To far gone at this point, your eyes started getting heavy and Alex must have noticed, as she started shaking you almost violently!
"No! Hey, Y/N! Open those eyes for me! Keep them open just for a second longer! Stay with me here!"
You breaths were coming out in gasps now and you tried to listen to your eldest sister, but the darkness was just too welcoming.
You felt the gust of wind of Kara leaving once more and before you knew it, something was placed at the tip of your Lips. You vaguely recognized it as the back up Inhaler you kept in your Nightstand.
"Take some deep Breaths!"
You didn't feel the energy to comply.
"Come on, Y/N! DO IT!"
Kara sounded frantic and it made you feel guilty, so you gave your best at trying to take a breath in.
"There you go! That's it, keep going.",
Alex voice was like a calm anchor to hold onto through the fog. You kept doing as you were told and slowly started to feel the Medicine making its way to your Lungs and your breathing going back to Normal. It was progress.
You kept your eyes closed and just focused on breathing with the inhaler that was still pressed to your Mouth. Minutes passed and your breathing was completely back to normal, the dizziness lifted from around you and your head felt like it was in the right place again. You noticed you were leaned again something soft and slowly opened your eyes to see that Kara had moved behind you and was sitting on the Bathroom floor with you. Alex sat against the opposite wall, her head leaned back, but still keeping an eye on you. You held her eyes for a second, knowing exactly what would come next.
There it was. Her disappointed tone made you want to crawl into a hole and never come out.
"What were you thinking?"
You didn't answer and avoided her eyes, so Kara decided to talk.
"Yes! Why didn't you tell me you were feeling bad?"
"And where is your Inhaler? How many times do I have to tell you, that your supposed to have it on you, at all times?!”
"We could have just stopped!"
"Why did you let it get this far?"
This was all too much. You knew that Tears would come soon, so you quickly got up, they would never understand you.
"Y/N! Stop! Were are going to talk about this!"
Kara called after you as they followed you out of the Bathroom.
"Hey! Don't make me drag you back here!”
Alex voice cut in with anger, which made you stop. You were getting mad yourself, they had no clue what it was like!
"What?!" You turned around so quickly it made them stop in their tracks. Not used to you yelling at them. Ever.
"What do you want me to say? That I'm reckless? Can't take care of myself? That I still need my big sisters to come and safe the day, because I can't do a damn thing myself?"
Alex crossed her arms over her chest, not letting you off that easy, but Kara’s eyes softened as she tried to step towards you.
"No! I don't want to hear it! I've heard it a Million times! When it comes to you guys, I can't do anything right myself! Im useless to you! You guys have everything and you know everything and I'm just the little sister you have to drag along!"
Alex dropped her arms and forgot her anger when she heard your confession.
"Y/N..That's not what we think of you. You don't really believe that do you?"
All this yelling was irritating your throat even more, you let out a shaky breath and tried to calm down, not needing a coughing fit right now.
"I mean why wouldn't I?"
Well, now or never. This was the moment of truth for you.
"You guys are the Heroes. You safe the World pretty much every other Week. And I just...I wanted to be like you. I want to make this world better, but you guys just won't let me. You keep me in a bubble, like I don't deserve any of this. I work so hard to make you guys see me as an equal, but I just feel like I'm never good enough."
Tears were going down your Face freely now and before you knew it, strong arms wrapped around you. There was no point in fighting anymore, so you let them.
"Hey..Shhh. No. We don't think that. Not at all. I know we can be a little overprotective, but that’s just because we love you so much. You are our little sister and the most imporant Person to us, we can’t help but worry about you. That doesen’t mean we think you are not capable.”
You sobs turned into small whimpers and Kara spoke up.
"You are Perfect the way you are. You make everyone around you a better Person. I can’t even tell you how much joy you bring to my Life. If anything, the World doesn't deserve YOU."
You detached yourself from the Hug and looked up at them to see if they were being serious.
"You guys mean that?"
Their answers were immediate
"A 100%!"
You smiled back at them and felt the love from their Words go right into your chest.
"I just want to be like you guys. I want to train and become better. Fight for the People, that can't fight for themselves."
"We know.", Alex said as she gently wiped the remaining Tears from your eyes.
"We will become better at letting you do what you want to do, but we will always worry. I’m sorry, it’s in our DNA.”
You let out a chuckle, already knowing that part would probably never change and a small piece of you, didn't really want it to.
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supergirlimagine · 6 years
I love your writing ❤️
Thank you, Anon 🤗🖤
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supergirlimagine · 6 years
I love lost & found. Thank you for a wonderful story!
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supergirlimagine · 6 years
Lost & Found pt. 5
Heeeeey Guys! Alright so this has been Real! I had the best time working on this with the one and only @baked-bean-bekah! So this will be MY last Part for this Series. She’ll be leading us out with the final Part sometime next Week! Be excited! I Really enjoyed putting this together and thanks to everyone who showed us some love! We really appreciate it and are Glad you guys liked it, we shall see how this ends! Thats it from me✌🏽
Thanks for Reading🖤
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The DEO is busy with Agents and IT personal scattering around. The latest attack had everyone on high Alert. In the Middle of it all, Maggie stands with Alex and Supergirl, looking at the Screen in Silence. A Picture of you was pulled up. A scared young child with a lost expression in her eyes, your baggy hospital gown making you look way to thin. You held up a sign that read: Subject 9473. Alex breaks the Silence.
"Brainy. Find Project Shockwave and tell me about it."
"I am not sure if we can access said File, Director Danvers. It seems to have been filled away as..Classified.”
"Then find a way, Agent Dox.", her order left no Room for argument.
Brainy ducked his head and works his fingers over the Tablet for a Few Seconds, just like that, the File showes up on the Screen. He starts rattling of the Details.
"Project Shockwave. A Cadmus experimental trial which had its Participants, from an unknown Planet of Origin, compete against each other to test their Strength and Stamina. The goal of the Program was to understand and then Convert the Subjects Abilities as a use for an never exhausting Power Source, meant for all Electronical Devices. Ultimately, the creation of Weapons with electricity currents, that would be stronger than any Man made machine, would come to be. Although, it looks like the Test Subjects were unable to meet the criteria in all but one cases and deceased shortly after Initiation of the Program. The dissection of the Subjects proved that...-"
"Okay. We get it." Maggie cuts him off, having heard enough.
"What about Y/N?"
Brainy lookes at her confused. She cleares her throat and shifts uncomfortably.
"Subject..9473?", she clarifies.
"Oh, yes. It looks like this Test Subjects was brought into the Programm as a young Child and was monitored and tested throughout Adolescence. Said Subject is known to Produce large amounts of Energy, which were successfully converted into Electricity. With excessive testing and training, the subject was later able to change it's monocular structure and Teleporte through any Electrical current. For safety reason, the Subject was held in Isolation. Held in a Glass Cell, surrounded by Water as it was one of the few ways to disciple the Subject. Power blocked devices were placed around it's Wrists at all times. Furthermore,..-"
"That's Enough. Thank you.", Alex cut him off this time, starting to feel sick to her stomach.
They hade somewhat of an Idea of what had happened to you, but were never able to get the full story. You had refused to tell all of it and they decided to stop pushing.
"Get the Alpha Team ready. We are moving out."
Without spearing another glance, Alex turned around and headed for the Armory. Supergirl close on her toes, determination strong in her features.
"Danvers! Wait." Maggie caught up with a few quick steps.
"Where do you think you’re going?"
She whipped around quickly and looked at her Finance.
"I'm going to do what I should have done a long time ago! I'm taking down Cadmus and then finding Y/N."
She made a move to leave again, when Maggie grabbed her Arm.
"Wow. Hey, Stop. You don't even have a Plan or any Clue on where to start. Let's think this through!"
Alex started getting irritated.
"No! Listen, Sawyer. I don't care! All they do is hurt People and use them for their own gain. I'm so sick of it! This ends tonight!"
Emotions were running high and Maggie matched her frustration.
"There is no point in running in there blind! You are going to get yourself hurt! Lets take a step back. I know you’re angry..-"
"I'm not Angry, Maggie! Im furious! They hurt the People I care about! Y/N is out there alone right now and probably terrified! If you would've just..-"
Maggie let go of the Brunettes arm and looked at her with raised Eyebrows.
"If I would have what, Danvers?"
"If you would have just stayed behind with her! Like I told you to!" Alex was close to shouting at this point and heavy Silence followed her Outburst.
Immediately, Alex felt guilty as the hurt expression crossed over her Lovers Face. She avoided her eyes in Shame and continued in a low voice.
"I'm Sorry. No, this is not your fault in any way. Its Just..If I would've been better and faster and paid more attention to her. I'm supposed to be the Director. I'm supposed to know these things. This is on me. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to let my anger out on you."
Maggies facial expression softened and she pulled Alex to the side when she saw her eyes starting to water.
"Hey, Alex. This is not anybodies fault, especially not yours. We will get her back and we will get justice, but not like this. I can't lose you too. Please."
Alex looked up now and stepped closer to Maggie, almost whispering the next words.
"I know you’re right..I'm just.. I'm scared''
Maggie tilted her head to the side, flashing her Dimples with a sad smile.
"I know, Babe. Me too."
It's been two Days since the Attack and two Days of you being back on the streets. You had not eaten or slept. You were constantly looking over your shoulder, frightened by every small noise. Using you Powers after such a long time had taken a lot out of you, but you couldn't afford to rest just yet and debating your next steps wasn't an easy task. Your brain was telling you to get out of town, leave this Place behind and find somewhere far away where they wouldn't be able to get to you. But there was a tightness in your chest, a hollow feeling creeped through your veins at the thought of leaving this City behind. You had never felt this before, like there was something that had made you want to hold on. You let out a sigh at the realization of how much you missed them. That's what this Felling was. You wanted nothing more than to go back Home and cry in their Arms and never leave their sides again, but that would be too dangerous. What if Cadmus found you there or worst yet, punish them for helping you? You had never felt this torn, because for the first Time since you could remember, you felt like there was something worth fighting for, like you had a chance at a happy and normal Life. Letting to ine good thing in your Life go just seemed like something you couldn't handle. The Rain was coming down heavy and you were trying to find cover in some Alleyway. Just as you were rounding the corner you saw a Tall Man towering over a frightened Young Woman. He was yelling at her.
"Give me your Purse! Now!"
She handed it over and you saw a Knife clutched in his fist, as he went through her Stuff. For a split second you wanted to turn around and just walk away, but that's not what Maggie and Alex would do. They are Heroes and they help People, so you should do the same.
"Hey!", you yelled and started to run towards the Guy.
He turned around just in time to see your eyes start to glow and Electricity forming in your Hands. He looked at you wide eyed, dropped the Purse and ran in the other Direction. You came to a stop in front of the scared woman, not thinking it was worth it to chase after the Guy. When you bent down to gather her Belongings and hand them back to her, you suddenly heard a voice yell behind you.
"NCPD! Freeze!"
You stoop up and turned around with the Purse in your Hand, this was bad.
"No!" You looked at the Officer with a shocked expression, understanding what this must look like.
You still had the woman's Purse in a tight grip and your eyes where glowing a pale blue, sparks still running along your finger tips.
"I'm helping!" You yelled back through the Rain.
The gun remained pointed in your direction so you turned and looked at the Lady, pleading with your eyes to back up your story, but all she did was stare at you in Horror.
"Keep those arms up!", the wavering Voice of the Officer made you turn your Head back around.
"I'm going to come over there an put these cuffs on you!" He reached behind him and pulled out a heavy set of cuffs.
You knew those and knew they would dampen your Powers.
"Please! Listen me..-"
"No! Just keep you Mouth Shut and no sudden Movements or I WILL shoot!", He mostly kept his composure, but it wasn't hard to tell that he was new and probably just as nervous and scared as you were right now.
You choose to not push any further, you could see this going sideways. The Cop slowly walked over to you, gun still raised and pointed forward, the Rain around you making it hard to see. The Lady standing off to your side finally seemed to snap back into her surrounding. She made a move forward and tried to make the Officer understand that this was all one big Misunderstanding. The sudden movement startled you enough to look around and put one arm out to let her know you had it handled. The next part happened so fast, you are not even sure it happened at all.
"I said don't move!" thats the last thing you heard before the deafening sound of a gun shot rang through the Allyway. The familiar sensation of Pain ran up your Leg, before the ground came up to meet you.
"Sawyer?" Maggies voice came out raspy and heavy with sleep.
They had been up for the most part of the last couple days. Looking for you and for a way to take down Cadmus and get you back safely. It was around 3 am now and they had just fallen asleep on the couch, surrounded by research and anything else that could help them.
"What?" She was standing just half a second later.
Fully awake now as Alex was slowly opening her eyes.
"Where is she?!" She raised her voice and Alex was at her side this time around already, trying her best at listening in on the Phone Call.
"What?? What do you mean she..- You know what! Nevermind We'll be there in 15min."
She hung up her Phone and walked over to the Front Door, where Alex was already putting on her shoes.
"Who was that? Where is she? Is she ok?"
She asked as she handed her Finance her coat.
"That was my work." Alex was just as confused as Maggie now.
"She's at the NCPD extraterrestrial Holding Cells."
They both shared a look and rushed out the Door, everything else forgotten.
You sit on one of the benches inside a small basement Cell. Your hands still locked in those awful Handcuffs behind your back. The bullet had only grazed your leg and it bleed a little bit, but they had wrapped it up with some gauze and had you sit down and wait for...you don't really know what you were waiting for. All you know is you were cold. You still had your clothes on which were damp from the rain and stuck to your body in an uncomfortable way. This was not how you thought this Night would have gone. Suddenly, a familiar voice cuts you out of your thoughts and you perk up to see where its coming from, your heart suddenly racing. It sounded like the quick steps were coming from just around the Corner.
"Where is that Rookie?! He freaking SHOOT her?? What the Hell is going on here?"
The Officer who had fired at you stood up from his Chair outside the Cell where he was watching up. You heard him gulp as he straightens up and braces himself.
"Please. Detective, we need you to calm down."
They were getting closer.
"Don't tell me to calm down right now! Just get me to her!"
You looked up just as they rounded the corner and your eyes immediately lock with Maggies, which made her she stop in her tracks. Alex was close behind her and you heard her sigh in Relief, when she saw you sitting there. The world stopped for a second as the three of you just stared at each other.
"Open the Cell.", Maggies voice came out calmer, but still not with the same amount of Compassion it usually carries.
"I'm sorry Detective. There are protocols. She's dangerous and I can't just..-"
The Rookies next words were cut off by him being slammed against the Wall behind him. He had at least half a foot on Maggie, but she was still holding him against the Wall, her Forearm pressed against his throat.
"Listen Buddy! You are going to open this Cell for me. Right. Now." Her voice was low and dangerous, there is fire in her eyes.
"I suggest you don't say another Word. I'm not even close to being done dealing with you for shooting at my kid! You don't even want to know what you got coming if you don't open this damn Door!"
She let go of him and he looked at her with wide eyes, too scared to even move.
He stuttered out a quick 'Yes Ma'am' before stumbeling over to the Door and fumbling to unlock it. The second it was open, Alex rushed inside and wrapped you in her arms.
"Oh my god! Y/N! I'm so sorry! I should've look after you better! I'm so glad you're alright!" She pulled back and held your face between her hands, forcing eye contacts as she clarified.
"You're alright, yes?" Hey eyes drifting to your wrapped leg.
You nod and can't help but lean into her touch. You close your eyes and smile a little. You never thought you'd ever miss another's Persons touch, but you sure had.
"What happened Y/N? Why didn't you come back?", Her voice sounded hurt and you tried to sit up and reassure her, but the cuffs made moving around hard.
"Take them off." Maggie was standing slightly behind Alex and had her arms crossed over her chest.
She had barely finished her sentence when the Rookie came over and had you unlocked. Alex now gave you a proper Hug and you could feel the love and worry radiating off her. You looked over her shoulder and locked eyes with Maggie, dread made it's way into your stomach when you weren't able to read her expression.
"Give us some Space." She instructed without breaking your eye contact.
The Rookie and other Officer, that had led them down there, were out ther so quickly, you were sure they were the ones with Power. Maggie finally seemed to Relax. Alex let you go and started to examine your Leg, not caring about the protest that you were giving. It was silent for far to long for your liking and you started to get anxious. A single Light bulb was hanging from the ceiling of the Cell, it flickered and your eyes shot over to it. For a split second, you thought about just zooming out of there.
"Don't." Maggies voice was still sharp, but also soft and it held no venom, like it had with her Colleges.
You turned your head in her direction, ashamed that she knew what you were thinking of.
"You hate me now?" It was meant as a question, but came out more like a statement.
"No! Y/N..That's not." The detective let out a heavy sigh and moved closer to you, kneeling down to be eye level and put her hand on your thigh.
"I'm just worried. You were gone and we had no Idea where you were or if you were Okay."
Alex looked up from where she was making sure your Leg was fine and the bleeding was controlled.
"We were so worried about you.", she added to the conversation.
"I'm sorry. Had to leave. Too Dangerous for you." You look at them with watery eyes, the events from the last couple Days finaly catching up with you.
"I'm....My Powers", you almost spat that word, hating what it made you.
"My Powers are Bad, like me. I'm Bad Person", it came out broken and just above a whisper.
There was no need to hide anything from the two of them anyways, they would always know.
"No! Hey..Don't say that Y/N!" Maggie picked up your Chin and made you look at her.
"You are not Bad. You are one of the smartest, funniest and kidest People I’ve ever meet! Even after everything this World has done to you, you still give it so much Love. Its amazing to witness and be a part of. You are good, you have a good Heart. Just because you have these gifts, doesn't mean you are bad."
Alex was holding your Hand and nodding along with what Maggie was saying.
"She's right. For the short amount of time I was lucky enough to have you in my Life, you have only made it brighter."
Tears were making their way down your Face.
"You mean it?"
"Yes. Of course we do. And Y/N..It's okay to be scared sometimes, but you don't have to run anymore. You don’t have to be guarded. I was scared too when you were gone, but as long as we all stay together, we’ll be fine. I promise you. Forever."
You guys had finally made it home. You were unsure if you should've gone with them at first, but that was out of the question for them. Some more protest followed as Alex stitches up your Leg and you were now laying half on Top of her and fast asleep on the couch. She was playing with your Hair and was softly soothing you everytime you flinched our let out a whimper in your sleep. A comfortable silence was in the Air.
"So...", Alex looked up at Maggie with a knowing smirk, her hand never stopping the soft motions over your head.
The brunette was sitting at your Feet and was Knee deep in Files that was spread out across the Table. They still had to find a way to stop Cadmus.
"What, Danvers?" She didn't have to look up, to know exactly what Alex was playing at.
"Your kid, huh?" Maggie stopped writing and put down her Pen to look at the two of you.
Her features immediately softening at the sight. The quick, witty comeback dying on her lips, as she took in the scene in front of her. This was Perfect and everything she never knew she wanted.
"Yeah.” She reached over you and grabbed Alex hand, letting the Moment take over, nothing but love in her eyes.
“She’s ours.”
Alex gave her Hand a soft Kiss and looked down at your sleeping face and nodded.
"She sure is."
A frown took over her Face, thinking of what they were facing next.
"What if they take her?”
"Hey. No, don't worry. They won't. I will fight with everything I have for our Family. I know you will do the same."
Maggie made sure her Tone showed Alex how serious she was about this.
"Yes. I’m oing to be right there next to you.”
Alex whispered as she moved some stray hairs from your exhausted Face.
@thatcrazybookwormgeek @mysterious-teen-blogger
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supergirlimagine · 6 years
Damn! She just keeps on killin it🙌🏽 I’m going to be writing part 5 by next week!
Lost & Found pt. 4
(A/N): This is hella long. I’m sorry.
Pairings: Alex Danvers x Reader, Maggie Sawyer x Reader
Summary: Maggie and Alex find you, a homeless alien teen with nowhere to go. You’ve been experimented and held captive for the majority of your life. You just want to feel safe again. The question is… will it happen?
Parts: [x] [x] [x]
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The sound of sizzling and the smell of something delicious slowly begins to pull you from your deep sleep. Your body catches up with mind and your eyes sluggishly open up, being met with the morning sun. You sit there for a few moments, blinking away the sleep and ignoring the pins and needles within your limbs when your eyes finally focus on what’s in front of you.
You see Alex leaning against one of the kitchen counters, sipping what you could only guess was coffee while watching Maggie fluidly move around as she cooks breakfast. They seem to be chatting softly to one another, each smiling at the other as they do. The smell of food lingers in the air, warm morning sun illuminating the place, and this is how you imagined it would be in the movies.
You finally pull your gaze away from the nearly perfect scene in front of you, taking in your uncomfortable position against the front door. You turn seeing the car keys still loosely gripped in your fingers and your eyes widen to the size of saucers before they snap to where Maggie and Alex are once again. They don’t seem to notice you’re awake, continuing on with their morning and for that you’re grateful as you’re frozen in place.
There was no way they didn’t see you sitting there with their car keys in your hand and there was no way they didn’t know you were planning to run away on them. If only they knew you stayed because of that simple promise they said the night before… the promise of forever. Such a simple word that held such importance.
You wanted that. Your entire life was people taking things from you and for once, you were selfish, and wanted something in return.  You wanted to be loved, you wanted to be accepted… you wanted a family. You wanted that foundation, that constant, that everyday reminder you would never be alone again. Maybe that’s why you couldn’t get yourself to leave… because secretly, deep down, you had grown attached to these two woman who had shown you what true kindness was.
That inner voice still screams at you that this could all be a part of their evil plan of using you like Cadmus but… what if it wasn’t? You can’t help but feel the guilt and fear wash over you at the thought. If they wanted you before they definitely didn’t want you now. They had given you everything you could ever ask for and in return, you stole their food, money and almost stole their car. How could they forgive you? They would just throw you in a cell and abandon you like everyone else had.
You feel your powers tingling in your fingertips due to your anxiety growing within and you clench your fists in hopes of calming yourself as the lights momentarily flicker. It isn’t till a soft voice calls out to you when you break from your fixated trance on the floor. “(Y/N)…”
You quickly avert your gaze up, meeting Alex and Maggie’s stares from the kitchen and your heart stops when meeting their eyes. They both smile at you softly before Alex pipes up. “Maggie made breakfast. Why don’t you come over and join us?” She suggests, gesturing to the barstools in front of her.
You gulp nervously, but nod nonetheless as you quickly slip the car keys inside your jacket pocket before standing and walking over to the two. You silently sit on one of the stools and Maggie sends you a wide smile before setting a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of you. “Eat up, kiddo.”
You stare at the food blankly for several seconds and the more you look at it the more the guilt of everything weighs down on your shoulders. You feel your chest involuntarily tighten as tears begin to build within your eyes as they don’t stray away from that perfectly decorated plate of food. You try your absolute best to keep your emotions in check, but as memories of Maggie and Alex’s kindness replay in your mind you can’t help the sniffle that escapes.
You’ve fully gotten their attention now and both their smiles vanish as they look at your distraught form. “(Y/N), sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Maggie questions, voice laced with so much concern it proceeds to make your tears break from their dam.
“I-I’m sorry…” You mutter, voice small as you now shake from silently sobbing and Maggie and Alex share a look before making their way around to you, not noticing how the kitchen lights slightly flicker on and off once again.
“Sorry for what?” Alex asks gently with that same level of worry as Maggie, as they sit in front of you.
You can’t even look at them as you silently grab the car keys and money from your jacket pocket, holding them out. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry.” You choke out almost inaudibly, tears now flowing freely down your cheeks, but Maggie and Alex hear it.
“Oh, (Y/N)…” Maggie mumbles sadly as she slowly approaches you.
You instinctively curl in on yourself, eyes slamming shut as you’re afraid she might hit you or something. However, you’re ultimately surprised when you feel her arms gently wrap around you. You stay tense, too afraid to move at first, but when you realize what she’s doing you ever so slowly relax in her arms and before you know it, you’re letting yourself cry in Maggie’s arms as Alex comes and joins in on the hug.
It takes a while but when you finally calm down, they pull away and you’d be lying if you weren’t slightly disappointed at the loss of warm contact. They both smile sadly at you and Alex carefully fixes some strands of hair, which were misplaced. “You don’t have to be sorry, okay? We’re just glad you stayed.” She comments truthfully, and hesitantly you look up, sheepishly meeting their warm eyes.
“Really?” You question softly, a tinge of disbelief in your tone and both Maggie and Alex nod in response.
“Really.” Alex answers before wrapping an arm around Maggie. “We know you haven’t known us for very long, but we want you to know that you are safe with us and we’ll do whatever we can to make you feel safe. That is, if you let us… What do you say?”
You don’t answer at first, shocked at the words that left Alex’s mouth. Never in your lifetime had you met anyone as amazing as the women in front of you, but then again you hadn’t gotten to know many people either. People were cruel and mean, however, you slowly felt yourself putting your trust in the two women who saved you and for once, it felt just right.
“Forever?” You question, hesitation in your voice as you look at Maggie and Alex hopefully.
They look slightly taken back by the question, glancing to one another, and fear that you’ve gone too far begins to course through your veins, but it instantly vanishes when both of them turn, sending you the most loving smiles known to the entire universe. “Of course, kiddo… forever.” Maggie answers sweetly, and for the second day in a row a small smile curves on your lips.
It had been about three weeks since that promise was made to you and honestly, it was the happiest you had been in your entire life. They kept true to their promise, making you feel safe and helped you get settled down with whatever you needed. You found yourself smiling more often than not and sure, they didn’t know everything about you and there was still some trust issues now and then, but other than that it was smooth sailing. 
They never tried to push you to do anything you didn’t want to, only encouraged and you even trusted them enough to let them introduce Alex’s sister, Kara, to you. You were hesitant, but Kara was just as kind as Maggie and Alex, accepting you with open arms… and a really tight hug. You never thought you’d be able to trust again, but here you were being showered with love from this little group of people you had come to secretly cherish.  
With them, you were gaining confidence and you even started speaking more. They started teaching you how to write, which was of course hard, but they were so patient with you and for that you were grateful. The three of you, soon got into a rhythm… if Alex was busy with work, you would be with Maggie or the opposite and on the rare occasion you would hang out with Kara for the day.
You do admit you had a bit of separation anxiety when you weren’t with either of them, but Kara made sure that everything would be okay, and it became a thing for the two of you to see who could eat the most ice cream or pizza. Kara would always win, but it always ended up with you smiling like a dork as Kara looked like a chipmunk. You really liked Kara, even if you didn’t show it.
Sure, you were an alien, but when you were with them, they made you forget you were… you even forgot you had powers for a period of time. Your life wasn’t perfect in the slightest, but you were beginning to love every moment and the people who were in it.
It was a Saturday afternoon and you, Maggie and Alex were sitting in Noonan’s for a late lunch. You munch on your food happily, listening to Maggie and Alex talk about whatever, with them asking you questions here and there to make sure you feel included. You giggle to yourself as they begin to argue over vegan ice cream for what seems like the hundredth time when a loud crash, followed by the ground shaking interrupts.
Both Alex and Maggie immediately pull their guns from their holsters at the sound, snapping their gazes to outside to see people screaming and running. Alex quickly stands from her spot, gravitating toward the chaos, Maggie following close behind and your eyes widen, not wanting them to leave you. So, you stand before promptly rushing to Maggie’s side.
Alex catches this from the corner of her eye and she abruptly stops her quick steps, turning to you and Maggie. “I got this. Stay with (Y/N), keep them safe.” Alex commands sternly and you turn to Maggie, seeing the hesitance in her brown eyes.
In the end, Maggie reluctantly nods her head, giving Alex the reassurance, she needs before she’s running out of the restaurant towards the chaos. “Come on…” Maggie says as she ushers you to back part of the restaurant and away from the windows.
You more than easily oblige, and she stays close to you as the sound of sirens echo in the air. You’re scared on what’s happening, worried about Alex and you can tell Maggie is to by how she’s pacing around, calling someone on her phone as she does. However, the sound of another loud crash nearby, followed by gunshots finally makes Maggie snap.
She quickly turns on her heels, eyes immediately meeting yours and she walks over before placing her hands gently on your shoulders. “(Y/N), I need you to stay here. I’m going to go find Alex.” Your heart stops at the thought of both of them leaving and Maggie instantly picks up on this. “I just want to make sure she’s okay. I will be back… we’ll both be back, okay?” Maggie assures, and you say the only thing that springs into your mind.
“You, promise?” You question seriously as you look into her dark orbs.
“I promise.” Maggie answers, before removing her hands from your shoulders. “Now, stay here.”
You watch as Maggie sprints out the door, pistol in hand, towards the loud sirens and gunshots. You now stand alone, eyes fixated to the restaurant exit as Maggie’s words echo in your brain. You do as you’re told, not moving a muscle, but as 20 minutes tick by with neither Alex or Maggie showing up, you can’t help but think the worst as chaos continues to brew outside.
You try your best to contain your powers which were building up due to the stress, but as another minute ticks by, you can’t take it anymore. For the first time in a long time, you let your powers free and your eyes instantly glow blue, followed by blue electricity popping all around you. You feel the electricity of everything surging around you, flowing from building to building and in the blink of an eye, you’re turning yourself into pure energy before rapidly transporting yourself through the electrical wiring.
You’re traveling fast, jumping from electrical source to electrical source before you finally pinpoint where everything is going down. You exit through a street light, transforming back into your solid form and your eyes are filled with smoking cars, running people and gunfire. You immediately duck behind a car, hoping to shield yourself from the flying bullets and you instantly regret leaving the restaurant. 
You feel panic slowly rising within you and you’re about to zap yourself back to the restaurant, but a familiar voice yelling out stops you. “I need backup!”
You cautiously peak over the car and you see Alex across the street, ducking behind her own car as bullets ricochet off the metal. She shoots off rounds towards these men dressed in black tactile outfits and before you know it, Maggie is rushing over to Alex’s aid. Your heart races as the two most important people in your life could be shot at any moment, but you couldn’t get yourself to move.
Yeah, you used your powers to transport over there, but you panicked. You had hid who you were for so long. You weren’t sure if you were ready for the world to see who you truly were… for Maggie and Alex to see. No, you couldn’t… you didn’t want to.
However, the sound cars crashing into one another and increase of people screaming pull you from your overbearing thoughts and you look up to see a heavily armored vehicle coming full speed down the street. It’s coming up so fast and Maggie and Alex right in its path flash in front of your eyes. Your heart stops, dropping to the ground and without a single thought, you quickly run out from your hiding spot.
“Maggie! Alex!” You wail, running towards them and their eyes turn to you and they widen in fear.
“(Y/N), no!” Alex screams in horror, as her and Maggie can only watch as you run right in front of the speeding vehicle.
Just as the vehicle is about to hit you, your eyes glow blue and you use your powers to shoot powerful electrical charges from your hands, in attempts to stop the vehicle. Instantly, electricity envelopes the vehicle, stopping it mere inches from you and the force and speed of it causes it to ascend upwards into the sky. Blue electricity surges in the air as you hold the vehicle in place, so it doesn’t flip back onto the people behind you and you grit your teeth as you use a burst of energy to throw it back in the direction it came.
It lands with a large bang, crashing where the men in the black tactile outfits were shooting. Your eyes are still glowing that signature blue, electricity still dancing around your body as you glare menacingly at the despicable vehicle. It’s eerily quiet, all eyes on you, but your adrenaline is still coursing through your veins for you to notice.
“(Y/N)…” A quiet voice calls out, breaking the silence and you turn, seeing Maggie and Alex with several emotions flashing across their features… one of them being fear.
The glow in your eyes immediately diminishes at the sight and, in an instant, you’re overcome with your own fear and guilt. It’s now you notice the many looks, as well as, guns pointed your direction and you begin to breathe heavily as you try to back away from everything.
Alex takes a step forward, hands out in front of her to show she wasn’t going to hurt you, Maggie following right behind, but it does nothing to comfort you. “(Y/N), honey, it’s okay…” Alex declares gently, and you immediately shake your head, tears beginning to blur your vision.
“I’m sorry… I-I didn’t mean to…I-” You begin before a pained voice sounds behind you.
“Alpha Leader 1, I’ve located Subject 9473 of Project Shockwave. Do you copy?” A man in heavy tactile armor says through his coms as he rises from the destruction of the armored vehicle.
Your identification number awakes memories you never wanted to remember and as you officially scan the man’s outfit, you can clearly see that infamous Cadmus logo stitched on the sleeve. Your eyes widen in fear and you don’t know why, but you look back towards Maggie and Alex. They have a mixture of shock and something else you can’t pinpoint across their faces, but you can see they understand what that Cadmus agent meant.  
Mind full of fear of what will happened if you stay, you abruptly change into your electrical state and transport yourself as fast as you can away… missing the yells from Maggie and Alex for you to stay.
Tags: @sxph-t @ridingmoxley @mymourningtea @iamwarrenspeace @pharaoh-of-time-and-space @morbid-gaymer @russianredassassin @thatcrazybookwormgeek @mysterious-teen-blogger @alphalesbianwolf
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supergirlimagine · 6 years
Lost & Found pt. 3
Heeeey! ✌🏽 So here is part 3 for ya’ll. Thank you guys for all the great feedback, we appreciate all the love! Now it’s @baked-bean-bekah turn again and she’ll bring you part 4 Sometime next week so get ready!
Thanks for reading 🖤
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The three of you finished the Rest of your Meal mostly in Silence. They don’t ask more questions or expect you say anything else, which you appreciate. After everyone is done and you are sure you had never been this full, they lead you back inside and upstairs. They bring you to a Place, that looks kind of like a Hospital Room, but also a Laboratory. You look around the Glass Room nervously and sit down in one of the Chairs, as instructed, as the two other woman pull up stools to sit in front of you. You play with the sleeves of you Sweater and look at the Floor. Maybe this was it, but they had been so nice to you, gave you food and clothes. What if It had all been a trick and now they had you where they wanted you?
“Y/N?”, Maggies voice pulls you out of your spiraling thoughts and makes you look up.
“We just have a few questions for you. You don’t have to answer anything that you don't want to.”
She slightly raises her hand and it looks like she wants to place in on your leg as a sign of comfort, but decides against it.
““Would that be Alright with you?”, Alex speaks this time.
You nod and she continues.
““Where are you from?””
Your eyes remain glued to the Floor. You don't even react to her question, because you are not going to answer this one. You would never give your People away.
“”Y/N. We are only trying to help you, we Promise.””, Maggie chimed in.
Its silent for an uncomfortably long time before Alex and Maggie share a look and the later reaches for the Whiteboard again.
“”Here.” She places it in your hands.
““You can use this if it makes it easier. Or let us know if you have a hard time understanding us?””
You take the board and look at it for a little while longer, before giving it back.
“”Can’t.””, You simply say as you try and hold eye contact.
Maggies eyebrows crease in confusion at that statement.
“”You can’’t what? Tell us? It’s alright. You are safe here..We are just try-“”
““No Maggie.I don't think thats what she means.””
Maggie looks over to her Girlfriend in confusion and back to you before her face morphes into understanding and then she looks at you with sad eyes, maybe even pity? You are ashamed now and you want to get out of there. Turning your whole Face away from them this time, being sure that Tears would soon fall. Since when did you become so sensitive?
“You “don’t know how to write?””, Alex specifies. Her voice doesen’t hold and kind of judgment and you nod. Maggie doesn't miss a beat.
““Thats alright, sweetie! Don't even worry about it. Its not a big deal, I’m sorry I brought it up.”” This time Maggie does put her hand on your leg and to your surprise, you don't flinch away.
““Do you have anybody here?””
You shake your head, No.
““Is there anybody we can call for you?” Someone that might be looking for you?””
Another shake of your head.
““We can help you find them.””
““Is there anybody..-“”
““No.””, You answer that one quickly, having known that answer for years.
“”Okay.””, Maggie pulls her Hand away to rub her tights nervously.
““Well uhm..Who takes care of you?””, Alex voice is laced with concern as well as curiosity.
““Me. I take care Myself.””, Your voice is still small, but you feel yourself get a little more confident in what you say.
After another couple of Minutes of probing questions, which you don't give or have answer for, they both excuse themselves and you can't help but watch them discuss something on the other side of the Glass Walls. The next thing you know, they were making some arrangements while you patiently sit in the Chair. Not knowing what to do with yourself at this busy place, you decide to stay put until instructed otherwise. A couple more Minutes pass before they come back to get you and lead you to another Car. Apparently they were taking you to a place called Home. They take you up to an Apartment and you slowly walk through the front Door, taking in your new surroundings. It had gotten pretty late, so they just give you a quick Tour which ends at the Guestroom.
““This will be your Room for now. Until we can figure out the next steps. I know its not a lot, but this kind of all happened on such short notice.”, Alex chuckles nervously as you look around the Room in wonder.
You walk around and look at the bed, tracing the soft fabric of the blanket with your hand. You turn around and see both of them eyeing you expectantly from the Doorway. You nod and try your best at a small smile, hoping they can see how grateful you are.
““Alright then. I’ll go grab something for you to change into and we’’ll leave you to it. Do you have everything you need for tonight?””
You nod.
““Good. Nothings else we can do for you right now?”
You want to say that there is nothing. Say thank you and that this is more than enough, but there is just one thing that you really want, but you are too afraid to ask. You had never asked for anything before. Either because you weren't’ allowed or you just never wanted anything, but with these two, you feel like you can at least give it a try. Alex can see you biting your bottom lip, nervously building up the courage to ask what you have in mind.
““You can just ask, Sweetie. We will try our best to make it happen.””, Maggies warm eyes give you the last bit of encouragement you need.
““Take it? Please?”” They both turn around to look at what you are pointing at.
“”Take off the Door?””, Alex wonders out loud.
““No!””, you answers quickly. You wanted the Door. It brought you a sense of privacy and protection, but you just didn't’ want it to be able to stay closed. You hated that sound, you'd go as far as saying you were scared of it. That sound of the Door shutting and the Lock turning, not knowing the next time it would be unlocked and opened. You couldn't stand hearing that sound ever again and knowing that you would be trapped on the other side. Not wanting to tap into the feeling that it brought you any further, you quickly continued.
““No Lock. Please.””
Maggie doesn't even waste another breath, excusing herself as she leaves the Room. You think you overstepped and shrink in on yourself, but then she returns not even a minute later with a screwdriver in her hand. She kneels by the Door and starts working on taking the whole Lock off. Alex looks at her girlfriend with nothing but love in her eyes.
“”Here.””, Maggie gets up once the Job is done and hands you the parts that she took out.
““You can hold onto this for us.””, She winks at you as you gratefully hold out your hands to grab the items from her.
You all say your Goodnights and they leave you alone in the Bedroom, gently closing the Door on the way out. After laying awake in Bed for a couple of hours and being sure that Maggie and Alex were asleep, you slowly tip toe out of the Room. You had made an escape Plan and were ready to get out of there. Of course, this had been nice, but also way too good to be true. First, you went into the Kitchen, grabbing some Items from the Fridge and bringing them back to hide under your Bed. It was a back up Plan, in case your Escape failed and they would lock you in that Room for good. At least then, you would have some Food stacked away. After that was all taken care of, you had grabbed the keys for the Car from the little table next to the Door. You didn't’ know how to drive, but it did not look that hard. Firguring it out should be easy, you always find a way. Feeling your pockets, you made sure the couple 10 Dollar bills you had found in on of the drawers earlier were still there. Sure, they had been nice to you and you felt shame rise in the back of your throat, thinking how you were stealing from them. They had been so kind to you, as kind as anybody had ever been in fact. But this wouldn't’ last, you didn't know their strategy just yet, but you weren't going to stick around to find out what their plan here was. You had gotten some food and new clothes out of this and that's already an improvement to how your day had started. Thats all you really needed anyways. This was for the better, because once they found out what you are and what you can do, they would send you away anyways. Or worse, do what Cadmus did to you. A shudder went down your back, so you took a deep breath and started to undo the first lock of the Door, trying to be as quite as possible. That's when you heard hushed voices coming from the Room across the Hall. They were talking. Realizing they were Talking about you, you couldn't’ help but sneak a little closer and listen in.
““...know Danvers, but its just not that simple. She needs help. Real help””
You inch closer.
““Yes Babe, but who is going to fight for her if not us?””
There was no answer so Alex continued.
“”She has no one. What are we going to do? Let her go into the system? She’’ll drown. No one is going to give her the attention she needs right now and she’ll just end up right back where we found her..””
Maggies tone rises slightly, even in her whispered voice.
““Don’’t you think I know that? I see it everyday, Alex. It’s just not as easy as you might think. We’ve known her for what? A day? We barley got her to talk maybe 4 sentences.””
You can hear the sheets rustling and for a second you think one of them is getting up, but then Maggie continues.
“”She made us take off the Locks. Alex, she probably thought we were going to lock her in there once we closed the Door. She was testing us, which I don't blame her for, but no child should have to think like that.“”
She lets out a long and shakey breath.
„”She has obviously lived through some horrible things that we don't even know the extend of. So What if...What if what we can give her is just not enough?“”
The sheets rustle again and you are practically glued to the Door at this point.
““Maggie. Maggie, Look at me. Listen, maybe it is enough and maybe it isn't. No one can know that, but at least we can try. Right? This is all we got right now, all she got. It’s her best shoot at something different. A better Life, that I know we can give her. Its not ideal, I agree with you and it won’t be easy, but we have to at least try. Please, let us try?””
This time its quite for so long you almost thought they went back to sleep, but then Alex continues.
“”You trust me, right?””
““Yes babe! Of course.””
“”Alright. Then trust me when I say, whatever you can give, will always be enough. All day, you were so perfect with her. Do this with me? Not because we have to, but more so because we want to.”
””Okay. Alright. Yes, I want this to. Because I know it will be alright, as long as you are there beside me.””
You hear a soft kiss exchange between the two of them.
““I love you.””
Another gentle Kiss.
“”I love you too, Forever.””
You stand there frozen for a minute, before shaking yourself out of it and making your way back towards the Front Door. You grab the handle, but can't get yourself to twist it. Turning around you lean against the Door and slide down until you sit on the Floor and your chin is resting on you Knees. Tears prickle in your eyes as you think back to today's events. You sit there for a while before you whisper into the dark.
“”Forever.”” You repeat to yourself in a shaking voice.
You decide you like the sound of that word. Its sounds lika a promise that could never be broken, like a invisible bond that connects two People beyond the end of time. You wonder how a simple word can hold that much Power.
““Forever.””, You say it again as you close your eyes.
You don’t know how long you sit there, keys still cluched in your Hand and silent Tears escaping your closed eyes. Even in your uncomfortable Position, the exhaustion form the Day finaly takes over, making you drift into a peacful slumber.
@thatcrazybookwormgeek @mysterious-teen-blogger
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supergirlimagine · 6 years
Yooo! So @baked-bean-bekah KILLED it with this Part!🙌🏽 I will be bringing you Part 3 sometime next Week! Stay Tuned and tanks for reading🖤
Lost & Found pt. 2
(A/N): It’s ya girl with that part two with @supergirlimagine! She’ll be doing the next part so stick around!
Pairings: Alex Danvers x Reader, Maggie Sawyer x Reader
Summary: Maggie and Alex find you, a homeless, alien teen with nowhere to go. You’ve been experimented and held captive for the majority of your life. You just want to feel safe again. The question is… will it happen?
Part 1
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The drive to wherever you were going was quiet besides the occasional screeching of the breaks. You didn’t dare say a word or even look up at the two woman who were sitting next to you, scared of what happened and what was to come. You could hear them mumbling a few things about you, but you didn’t care to listen… You’ve heard it all before and you didn’t need to hear it again.
It feels like forever, but the van finally stops, signifying your arrival and as soon as it does both woman stand from their seats. Someone from the outside opens the van doors up and you’re met with a large, secure building, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Your heartrate suddenly rises, memories of the building you escaped so long ago flashing across your mind.
It wasn’t the building, you knew that, but just the thought of returning to anything remotely like it made you panic. Sure, you acted calm at first, shamed about what had happened, but now seeing this place in front of you sparked a new type of energy. You weren’t going back… you were never going back.
You don’t even realize your eyes are wide with fear, glued to the building as you’re pushing yourself as far as you can into the gate, which separates the front of the van from the back. “Hey…” A voice gently says and your eyes snap to the woman you remember as Alex, kneeling in front of you while sending you a gentle smile. “It’s okay. You’re safe with us.”
You don’t say anything in response, instead violently shaking your head as you avert your gaze to the ground. You clench and unclench your hands, fingernails digging into your palms, as you try to relieve any of the stress flowing through your veins. You don’t want to move… you don’t want to go in… you don’t want to be just another test subject… a number.
You miss the look Alex sends over her shoulder to Maggie, but you hear the soft sounds of her boots coming towards you. You see Alex briefly move before Maggie is now the one squatted in front of you. You don’t dare look up, protecting yourself from what could come your way.
“This place reminds you of somewhere doesn’t it?” Maggie questions softly as she looks at your timid form. You don’t say anything, but she can see you visibly swallow at the question and she takes that as her answer. “It looks scary, I know… but you know what’s inside?” You briefly glance up through your eyelashes with a tinge of curiosity and Maggie smiles softly at the small reaction. “A really big cafeteria, full of food, warm water for you to shower and a new set of clothes. Alex and I can also guarantee you will be safe. We’ll be with you the entire time… Does that sound good?”
You don’t know what it was, but you couldn’t help but believe her. It takes a moment, hesitating at first, but for the first time you slowly send you gaze up, meeting Maggie’s kind brown ones. She sends you a smile and you quickly nod before snapping your gaze back to your feet. You miss Maggie’s smile widening as she turns to Alex before she stands from squatting in front of you.
“Great, you’ll be okay. I promise.” Maggie assures once again as she begins to walk to the back of the van.
You watch as Alex hops off, but Maggie waits at the edge, sending you an encouraging smile as she holds out a hand to you. You eye her hand warily, still unsure about the whole situation, but with a split second of courage, you take those few steps forward before grabbing her hand. She gently helps you down, Alex helping you as well before all three of you are standing in front of the large building.
They begin to guild you in, going through several security checks before you’re in the main section of the building. It’s full of people in tactile suits rushing around and you make sure to keep yourself situated safely between Alex and Maggie. The high-tech machinery within the place reminds you of Cadmus, but you do your best to push away those memories. They promised you would be safe…. They promised you would be safe.
Before you know it, you’re in a less crowded hallway when both Maggie and Alex stop. “I have to go call the precinct and update my captain. I’ll be back in a bit.” Maggie tells Alex before turning to you, who’s nervously staring at the ground. “Alex, here, is going to take good care of you. Don’t you worry.”
You glance up at Maggie and she sends you a smile before giving one last look at Alex and leaving. “Alright, how about we get you cleaned up, yeah?” Alex questions gently as she begins to lead you to a private area with a shower. “We got you some clean clothes to change into afterwards and everything you need is in there. I’ll be waiting out here for when you’re done, okay?”
You nod, carefully walking into the bathroom before shutting the door. It’s then you relax a bit, eyeing the large bathroom with a bit of awe. You don’t think you’ve ever seen a place so nice before or people treat you so kindly. It all could be a trap, but Maggie and Alex seemed so genuine in their efforts, however, you knew to keep yourself at a distance. You shake your ever-growing thoughts before quickly stripping down and hopping into the much-needed shower.
You want to stay under the hot water for hours, the water cleaning your dirt covered skin and hair. However, after you felt as if your skin could be scrubbed no more, you got out and dried yourself with the towel provided. You quickly dress yourself with the clean sweats and hoodie lying on the counter and it’s then you get a good look at yourself in the mirror.
Behind all that grime and dirt, you notice the visible bags beneath your eyes and as you stare into those tired eyes that have been through so much, you’re at a bit of a loss. Who were you besides that scared kid on the streets? Why you? Out of every alien that had to survive… why you?
You don’t notice that you’re gripping the counter of the sink so hard your knuckles are turning white and the few tears falling down your face. You feel your powers swirling around in your body due to the heavy emotions, but you take some calming breaths before subduing them. You bring a hand up, wiping away the stray tears before quickly brushing your hair and going out to meet Alex.
You walk out a bit sheepishly, fidgeting with your fingers and the moment your eyes meet Alex’s, a smile curves on her lips. “Look at you!” She declares, a bit of shock lacing her voice as she looks you up and down. “You hungry?”
You silently nod, and Alex then leads you to the cafeteria. You’re eyes momentarily widen in shock at the amount of food options and the both of you pile food onto your plates before heading to one of the balcony’s. You instantly begin to chow down on your food and Alex sadly smiles, seeing how hungry you really were.  
“You guys eating without me?” A voice pipes up jokingly and you turn, seeing Maggie walking over and sitting on the other side of you. “Oh, I got you this…” Maggie announces, holding out a small white board and marker to you. “Thought this might help us talk to you.”
At the statement, your eyes lock with Maggie’s, something that you had found yourself doing more in the presence of these two women you had only met a few hours ago. You know you said you would keep your walls up and of course, they were still heavily fortified, but the more time you spent with these women, the more you felt safe. A feeling that you thought was lost so long ago.
Maybe it was the way they treated you with such patience and kindness or maybe it was the actual positive energy you could feel within them. They weren’t trying to force you to talk, hurt you or belittle you like people had in the past. They sincerely were trying to make sure you feel safe with them even if it took lots of baby steps and safe is what you felt.
You slowly pull yourself from your thoughts, averting your gaze to the items in her hand before you gently grab them. Both Maggie and Alex smile as they watch you look down at the whiteboard, fingers gently tracing the outside of it. It’s comfortably silent as the three of you sit on the balcony but little do Maggie and Alex know you’re putting what little trust you have in them.
“(Y/N)…” You mumble sheepishly, voice sounding hoarse from the misuse and your out-of-world accent slightly coming through.
Alex and Maggie’s eyes widen at hearing you talk, both sharing a shocked look. “What, sweetheart?” Alex questions gently, trying not to sound like she’s prying.
“Name is (Y/N).” You repeat a bit louder, avoiding their starstruck faces as you begin to eat on the chips remaining on your plate to distract yourself.
Because of this, you don’t get to see Alex and Maggie’s shocked faces morph into excited ones as smiles reach from ear to ear. “Beautiful name… it’s very nice to meet you, (Y/N).” Alex returns, honesty clear in her voice and for the first time in a long time, you feel a smile vaguely tug at the corner of your lips.
Tags: @sxph-t @russianredassassin @mymourningtea @iamwarrenspeace @ridingmoxley @morbid-gaymer @tigermillionaire-philanthropist @thesecondstark
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