superiorbcrn · 2 years
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superiorbcrn · 2 years
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superiorbcrn · 2 years
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superiorbcrn · 2 years
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superiorbcrn · 2 years
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( sms ) : hey! is this [WRONG NAME] from the club last night?
( sms ) : wait right there, i’m on my way
( sms ) : sorry, who is this?
( sms ) : so… last night was fun.
( sms ) : can i come over?
( sms ) : did i leave my underwear at your place last night?
( sms ) : i am having the WORST / BEST day!!
( sms ) : we need to talk.
( sms ) : i’m in. whatever it is you’re planning, i’m in.
( sms ) : you awake?
( sms ) : i miss you.
( sms ) : i’m sorry.
( sms ) : wanna hang out later?
( sms ) : it’s honestly insane how much i love you.
( sms ) : i’m worried about you.
( sms ) : please don’t say i told you so…
( sms ) : you know how you totally adore me?
( sms ) : got any plans tonight?
( sms ) : i know it’s three am but i got donuts and i’m outside.
( sms ) : i’m outside. come on. we’re going out.
( sms ) : i’m boooooooooored.
( sms ) : i can’t sleep.
( sms ) : i know it’s late, but… would you like to go for a walk with me?
( sms ) : where are you?
( sms ) : i love you.
( sms ) : are you really okay?
( sms ) : please don’t shut me out. i can tell when something’s bothering you.
( sms ) : can you come pick me up please?
( sms ) : this date is a total disaster. can you call me with a fake emergency?
( sms ) : why have you been acting so weird lately?
( sms ) : you know you can tell me anything, right?
( sms ) : not to sound like a tv trope, but i need a plus one for a wedding this weekend. you in?
( sms ) : wanna do fake proposals at fancy restaurants for free food?
( sms ) : wanna go on vacation together?
( sms ) : i got arrested and it’s a hilarious story but i really need you to come bail me out first.
( sms ) : what the hell happened last night?
( sms ) : i don’t wanna be alone tonight. can i stay at your place?
( sms ) : i got a code red situation.
( sms ) : what’s shakin, bacon?
( sms ) : what should i have for dinner tonight?
( sms ) : it’s so boring when you’re not around.
( sms ) : so… the drunk voicemails i left you last night… you totally listened to them, didn’t you.
( sms ) : i love you but if you ever eat my bagel bites again…
( sms ) : wanna go out tonight?
Please reblog if you are in TheGlamorousList RP. If you are going to reblog the meme, be sure to send it out to everyone! If you play more than one FC and you reblog the meme on all of them, send out an ask per FC.
*credit goes to this blog for the meme
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superiorbcrn · 2 years
i rewatched the etern.als. and then i got thinkin. and now you guys are on the receiving end of more protective prompts, but these little beauties are aimed more for the act of actually saving a life! bon appetit!
“ what the hell were you thinking?! you could’ve been killed! “
“ hey! get away from them! “
“ if you wanna hurt them, you’re going to have to get through me, first. “
“ you underestimate how much you mean to me. i wasn’t about to let them hurt you. and i certainly wasn’t about to let them even consider killing you. “
“ i told you before. i’m not gonna let anything in this world nor the next harm you. “
“ you need to get out of here! go! i’ll buy you some more time! “
“ what are you doing?! i told you, get out of here! now! “
“ get it through your head, i’m not gonna just leave you here! “
“ now’s not the time to play the martyr, got it? you’ve got a good long life ahead of you, and i intend to keep it that way. “
“ you need to go now, okay? don’t worry. i’ve got this. they’ll want to be trying a lot harder if they want to keep me from protecting you. “
“ don’t worry about me; are YOU okay? “
“ damnit, [NAME]! i TOLD you not to play the hero! “
“ i can look after myself, you know. but… i do appreciate you stepping in back there. you saved my life. “
“ why are you so invested in keeping me alive? “
“ that was for saving my life. “
“ it’s alright, they’re gone now… are you alright? hey, look at me; are you hurt at all? “
“ are you insane?! run! “
“ were you preoccupied, or did you just really want a dramatic heroic entrance before you saved my ass? “
“ are you okay? “
“ yeah, yeah, i’m okay… are you okay? “
“ hey! why don’t you try picking on someone your own size! “
“ hurry! take my hand! “
“ get in the car! now! “
“ i’m sorry i was late… are you alright? they didn’t hurt you too badly, did they? “
add a “+ REVERSE” to switch the roles around!
[ SHIELD ]:     sender uses their own body to shield the receiver from an attack.
[ EMBRACE ]:     sender quickly wraps the receiver in a protective hug and turns so the sender’s back might take on the brunt of an on-coming attack.
[ SHOVE ]:     seeing the receiver is in immediate danger, the sender runs to them and shoves them out of the line of fire.
[ YANK ]:     seeing the receiver is in immediate danger, the sender hastily grabs them and pulls them against them, out of harm’s way.
[ TACKLE ]:     sender physically tackles the receiver out of the line of fire.
[ THROW ]:     sender throws themselves between the receiver and an on-coming attack, taking on an injury that might have been fatal to the receiver otherwise.
[ DISTRACT ]:     sender causes a distraction to draw the receiver’s attacker/s away from them.
[ FIGHT ]:     just as the receiver is about to be attacked, the sender arrives suddenly and begins to physically fight off their assailant.
[ CATCH ]:     sender manages to intervene and catch the falling receiver before they fall to their death.
[ SACRIFICE ]:     sender sacrifices themselves, either fatally or otherwise, in order to save the receiver’s life.
[ HIDE ]:     sender quickly pulls the receiver into a hiding place, hiding them from their pursuers.
[ KILL ]:     sender, seeing the receiver in immediate and intentionally fatal danger, intervenes by killing their assailant before they can kill the receiver.
[ INCAPACITATE ]:     sender, seeing the receiver in immediate danger, intervenes by knocking out their assailant before they can harm the receiver.
[ AFAR ]:     sender, having been watching the receiver’s interactions with a threat from afar, saves them from an impending attack while remaining distant from them.
[ SECRET ]:     sender, having been secretly following the receiver, saves their life from an immediate threat while remaining hidden from the receiver.
[ REVEALED ]:     sender, having been secretly following the receiver, reveals themselves in the process of saving the receiver’s life from an unexpected threat.
[ REUNION ]:     after spending a considerable length of time apart, the sender reunites with the receiver after saving their life from an immediate and potentially lethal threat.
[ KISS ]:     after having been saved from immediate danger by the receiver, the sender, in a state of intense emotion and relief, kisses them to express these feelings.
[ HUG ]:     sender, having just saved the receiver’s life, pulls them into a tight hug out of relief and a need to steady and support both themselves and the receiver.
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superiorbcrn · 2 years
basically i was looking over the protective prompts and the hero prompts and it hit me that like. the unbridled angst and vibes of the whole “post-battle” scene, or a scene set after an attack or a disaster or smth, needs to be ADDRESSED!!! and so y’all get the full weight of my angst today, sprinkled with a lot of teamwork and selfless and sacrificing vibes. i hope you enjoy! do NOT add further contributions to this list!!! i will curse your potato crops!!!
“ can you hear me? hey… [NAME], can you hear my voice? “
“ come on… wake up. please… please wake up… “
“ oh! oh, thank god! i thought we lost you… “
“ hey, hey… look at me, okay? you gotta get up now. you think you might be able to walk? ‘cause they sent for back-up, and if they find us… we cannot let them find us. understand? “
“ go, go! save yourself! i’ll buy you some time! “
“ we both know i’m not walking out of this one. it’s okay, alright? it’s okay… just… do me a favor, will you? will you make them pay for this? i don’t care how. but… don’t let them get away with it. “
“ hey, how badly are you hurt? can you move? you think you can walk? “
“ if you can’t walk, i’m gonna have to carry you, alright? we can’t stay here. “
“ hey, look at me. i’m slowing you down, we both know it. it’s okay. i’ll hide and wait for back-up; you get yourself out of here. “
“ you’re gonna need to climb up on my back, you’re slowing us down with that injury. “
“ will you quit talking like that?! i’m not leaving you behind! “
“ what the hell are you doing here?! i told you to get out of here! “
“ you’re shivering… hey. hey, listen to me, okay? everything’s gonna be alright, i promise. here… take my jacket. don’t worry, i’m warm-blooded. “
“ i’ll get blood on your shirt… “
“ hey, don’t you dare close your eyes, you hear me? you die in my arms, and i’m gonna stick the dry-cleaning bill for this shirt in your coffin, that’s a promise! “
“ i know we almost died just now, but… am i the only one who’s hungry? “
“ we need to get you to a hospital… “
“ hey, come on now… you’re okay. you’re good, right? “
“ i must be hurt pretty bad if you’re being this nice to me. “
“ quit playing the martyr. we’re not leaving you behind. “
“ you know, i hate to be the negative voice, but… did… did we just lose? “
“ look at me… i’m not gonna make it. it’s okay, i’m fine with that. but… you can’t stay here. you’ve got a good long life ahead of you. and you’re smart, too; too smart to wait around here and waste that long life. so you get out of here, and you go live that life. live it for both of us. will you promise me you’ll do that? “
“ back-up isn’t coming. is it? we’re on our own, right? “
“ can’t sleep, huh? it’s okay. it’s probably all that adrenaline and shock; i can’t sleep, either. wanna keep each other company? “
“ i don’t give two shits about the back-up; i’m just happy you’re alive. “
as always, add a “+ REVERSE” to switch the roles!
[ CARRY ]:     having found the receiver in an injured/weak/unconscious state, the sender carries them in their arms to safety.
[ TILT ]:     the sender gently tilts the receiver’s chin up so that they can check to see if they’re okay.
[ PULL ]:     sender takes the fallen receiver’s hands and carefully pulls them up so that they’re standing once more.
[ WAIST ]:     sender, while physically supporting and steadying the receiver, loops an arm around their waist for extra support.
[ BACK ]:     sender crouches down slightly to let the wounded receiver climb on their back, giving them a piggy-back ride to safety afterwards.
[ HAIR ]:     while in the process of checking the receiver for injuries or other signs of harm, the sender gently brushes several strands of hair from their eyes.
[ TEND ]:     sender begins to care for the receiver’s injuries.
[ LEAN ]:     the wounded sender leans against the receiver for physical support.
[ SUPPORT ]:     the sender encourages the wounded receiver to lean against them for physical support.
[ PUSH ]:     the sender gently pushes the receiver back to lie down so they can check them properly for injuries.
[ COAT ]:     sender removes their jacket and drapes it around the shoulders of the trembling receiver.
[ BLANKET ]:     just as they’re all about to go to sleep, the sender covers the receiver with their own blanket.
[ AWAKE ]:     the sender, unable to sleep, gets up to go for a walk, and finds that the receiver is also unable to sleep.
[ TOGETHER ]:     when the receiver awakens, they discover that the sender has been sleeping next to them, arms wrapped around one another for warmth, comfort, protection ( or something more… )
[ BANDAGE ]:     the sender sits down across from the receiver and begins to bandage their wounds.
[ DRAG ]:     unable to leave them behind, the sender drags the wounded receiver out of danger and into a safe hiding place for both of them to wait until help arrives.
[ TOUCH ]:     the sender nudges or touches the receiver to check and see if they’re alright after the attack.
[ CLEAN ]:     the sender gently and carefully begins to bathe the blood/soot/ash/dirt from the receiver’s skin during a moment of calm.
[ PRIORITY ]:     when they arrive at a designated safe place, the sender refuses to be examined or cared for until the receiver is taken care of first.
[ PROMISE ]:     before leaving to get help/food/water/a rescue mission etc, the sender assures and promises the receiver that they’ll return safely, refusing to bring them along or to stay behind.
[ BROKEN ]:     after having promised the receiver that they’d return, it’s learned that the sender died during their mission. how does the receiver respond?
[ TRAPPED ]:     after having promised the receiver that they’d return from a mission, the receiver learns that the sender has been kidnapped or otherwise trapped, requiring a rescue mission to bring them home.
[ RESCUE ]:     the sender and receiver reunite after the sender embarked upon an infamously perilous rescue mission to save the receiver.
[ FOUND ]:     after a massive rescue mission to try and find the missing receiver, the sender is the first to find them just as the efforts are about to be abandoned.
[ HOPE ]:     just as the receiver is about to lose hope in ever finding the sender again, a message or clue of some kind is discovered that essentially guarantees that the sender is still alive, restoring the receiver’s hope once more.
[ CLING ]:     having finally been reunited, the sender pulls the receiver into a tight, overwhelmingly relieved embrace, clinging to them and burying their face in their shoulder. the whole deal. make it EMOTIONAL–
[ TEARS ]:     having finally found the receiver, or having finally been found by the receiver, the sender breaks down in tears of relief, fear, and many other emotions as they officially reunite.
[ SACRIFICE ]:     knowing that the circumstances only allow one of them to survive, the sender sacrifices their life in order to guarantee the receiver’s survival and safety.
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superiorbcrn · 2 years
so i started listening to music, and reading poems, and my vibes were very shippy for a while, and then my sims got married so obviously that didn’t help??? anyway, none of these are written by me, aside from the third one. i saw them on insta or i read them in lyrics or smth, they’re incredibly romantic, very eloquent and passionate and sincere, so i hope you shippy angels like them!! as always, please DO NOT ADD ANY MORE PROMPTS TO THIS LIST!!! i will make more!! i am a simp!! 
“ you are half my soul. “
“ i wish i could tell you what you are to me. “
“ you say you’re dangerous. that you destroy everything you touch. so destroy me. ruin me. tear me apart, and let me love you all the same. “
“ our “almost” will always haunt me. “
“ only love can hurt like this. “
“ i just want you to be happy. if that’s with me or with someone else or with nobody… i just want you to be happy. “
“ i love you. i feel as though we were never strangers, you and i, not even for a moment. “
“ if anyone else were to kiss me, all they would taste is your name. “
“ the stars will go out before i forget you. “
“ i will love you if i never see you again, and i will love you if i see you every day. “
“ if i loved you less, i might be able to talk about it more. “
“ there’s nothing i wouldn’t do for you. “
“ i just realized i don’t care if they’re the most perfect person in the world. they’re not you. “
“ you know how i feel about you… you’ve always known. “
“ i forget every beauty in the universe, the moment you smile. “
“ i say it all the time, i just say it very very quietly. i tell you when you’re in another room, or right after we hang up the phone. i say it after you shut the door behind you. i say it in my head every time you look at me. i love you. of course i love you. i never stopped. “
“ i feel like a part of my soul has loved you since the beginning of everything. maybe we’re from the same star. “
“ my only hope is that one day i can love myself as much as i love you. “
“ in the space, the pause, between this breath and the one that follows, you have made a home in me. “ 
“ i loved the way you touched me with your eyes and felt me with mine. “
“ you’ve always seen me. and i think that’s all that anyone wants. seeing someone. really seeing someone. that’s love. “
“ you kissed my cheek. and then i knew, that you could be homesick for people, too. “
“ all i’ve known are temporary people, the leaving and the hoping, the begging someone to stay… so forgive me if i break apart when you say the word “forever”. “
“ sometimes i wonder if love is worth fighting for. and then i look at you and i’m ready for war. “
“ my darling, you will never be unloved by me. you are too well entangled in my soul. “
“ i climb into my bathtub the same way i’ll keep loving you; until my skin is wrinkled. “
“ and if i could ever ask for one more blessing in this life of mine, i’d pray for a thousand years to see you one more time. “
“ when i am near you, i finally know how it feels to breathe without worry, without caution. i just feel safe with you… “
“ you kissed me goodbye, but you never left. i’ve been seeing you every time i close my eyes. “
“ what cloud did you fall from? because you taste like stardust and eternity. “
“ all i know is, when i think of you, i feel like singing. and i feel like i could run miles to find you. all i’m sure of is, i love you, entirely as you are. “
“ i will never regret us, because you taught me i could love and be loved without the fear of loss. “
“ i wanna spend the rest of my sunsets with you. “
“ let’s do something crazy. like grow old together. let’s show everyone how to do forever. “
“ and i’m not afraid to love you. only afraid my love won’t be enough. “
“ the universe has existed for billions of years, and by chance, we ended up living at the same time. that counts for something. “
“ the sky exploded into a thousand moonbeams dazzling with stars, and as you stared quietly above, i couldn’t help but stare at you, falling in love. “
“ there is a little bit of you in all the words i write. maybe you’re the language of love my heart speaks. “
“ you deserve someone who isn’t okay with losing you. “
“ they named a black hole after you, and i’d be lying if i said you weren’t pulling me in. “
“ i thought i knew what love was, until i felt your arms around me, and realized what it truly was. “
“ i wish you were here. or… or i was there, or something… i don’t know. i just wish i was with you. “
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superiorbcrn · 2 years
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superiorbcrn · 2 years
affectionate action prompts 
( bear ) : sender bear hugs receiver 
( back ) : sender rubs receiver’s back 
( embrace) : sender gently hugs receiver 
( hold ) : sender hugs receiver from behind 
( caress ) : sender caresses receiver’s face
( peck ) : sender kisses receiver on the cheek 
( smooch ) : sender kisses receiver on the lips 
( snuggle ) : sender pulls receiver into their lap
( warm ) : our muses cuddle together for warmth  
( bloom ) : sender gives receiver a bouquet of flowers 
( comb ) : sender runs their fingers through receiver’s hair 
( whisper ) : sender shares a secret with receiver ( specify )
( tend ) : sender looks after receiver when they’ve been hurt 
( comfort ) : sender holds receiver while they’re sad / scared 
( visit ) : our muses visit sender’s favorite place from childhood 
( snack ) : sender brings receiver their favorite food to cheer them up
( carry ) : sender carries receiver to bed when they’re too tired to walk
reverse prompts 
( bear reverse ) : receiver bear hugs sender 
( back reverse ) : receiver rubs sender’s back 
( embrace reverse ) : receiver gently hugs sender 
( hold reverse ) : receiver hugs sender from behind
( caress reverse ) : receiver caresses sender’s face 
( peck reverse ) : receiver kisses sender on the cheek
( snuggle reverse ) receiver pulls receiver into their lap 
( smooch reverse ) : receiver kisses receiver on the lips 
( whisper reverse ) : receiver shares a secret with sender 
( bloom reverse ) : receiver gives sender a bouquet of flowers
( comb reverse ) : receiver runs their fingers through sender’s hair 
( tend reverse ) : receiver looks after sender when they’ve been hurt 
( comfort reverse ) : receiver holds sender while they’re sad / scared
( visit reverse ) : our muses visit receiver’s favorite place from childhood 
( snack reverse ) : receiver brings sender their favorite food to cheer them up
( carry reverse ) : receiver carries sender to bed when they’re too tired to walk
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superiorbcrn · 2 years
loss and lost … sentence starters
tw’s for death, discussions of death, grief change pronouns/wording as needed
“It’s okay to say you miss them.”
“They can’t be gone. they can’t.”
“I never even got to say goodbye.”
“Do you think they know I miss them?”
“I’m sure they’re smiling down on you.”
“I tried… I tried to save them. I couldn’t.”
“Do you think they’d be proud of me, now?”
“I never even got the chance to mourn them.”
“I’m trying to honor their memory… I’m trying.”
“You never even got to grieve them, did you?”
“Mourning someone doesn’t have a time-limit.”
“I just… thought I’d have more time with them.”
“You won’t… you won’t leave me, too, will you?”
“You did all you could. You can’t save everyone.”
“I thought I’d be happy they’re gone, but I’m… not.”
“I lost them so long ago… so, why does it still hurt?”
“Please, don’t die. I can’t.. I can’t lose anyone else.”
“I visit them whenever I can. I leave them flowers…”
“I hope they can see me. Somehow. I hope they’re proud.”
“You’ve lost someone. I can tell. It’s in the eyes, the grief.”
“It’s okay to have conflicted feelings. Grief is complicated.”
“Sometimes, I think I can see them when I look at the stars.”
“There’s no right or wrong way to mourn. Do what helps you.”
“Everyone keeps dying. Everyone keeps going where I can’t follow.”
“I wish I’d been there. Maybe if I’d been there… I could have saved them.”
“I just don’t understand… how can they just be gone? They were here. And then they weren’t.”
“I know it hurts to face it, but you can’t keep pretending. They’re gone. You’ll have to face it someday.”
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superiorbcrn · 2 years
Send me a ☂ to find my character in a dark alley in the middle of a storm, beaten and bloody
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superiorbcrn · 2 years
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superiorbcrn · 2 years
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superiorbcrn · 2 years
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superiorbcrn · 2 years
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“cute old friend”
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