superiorbcrn · 2 years
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myhappyxending · 2 months
☕ - Do you prefer coffee or tea? Perhaps neither, or both? ☠ - Do you think you’d survive a zombie apocalypse? ☺ - Post a picture of yourself or describe what you look like! ⚽ - Are you active? ⛄ - Do you have a favourite holiday? ♫ - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music, if no, why not? ☤ - Have you ever had to go to the emergency room? Why? ♪ - Do you play any instruments? ⚖ - Opinions on the fandom your muse blong to? ♿ - Is there anything about your body you’d like to change if given the chance? ✂ - Do you hate people easily? ✼ - Do you think the character/characters you role play as reflect who you are? ⚄ - Do you play videogames? Have a favourite? ✵ - Are there any other fandoms you’d like to approach? ⚜ - If you role play more then one muse, do you have a favourite? ⛔ - In real life, are you friendly? ⨁ - Do you hold grudges, or easily let things go? ♥ - Besides fictional characters, is there someone you love? ♾ - Which timezone are you in? W - What do you do for a living?♡ - OTP for your muse? ⚔ - NOTP with your muse? ☰ - Fun random fact about the mun!
Munday Meme Extraordinaire - Send me a symbol and I’ll answer ooc 
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☕ - Do you prefer coffee or tea? Perhaps neither, or both?
I prefer coffee. I like it iced. I can drink it warm/hot, but I would rather have iced. As for tea, I find it tastes bitter no matter how much sugar you put in it. So I just don't drink it as I don't care for it.
☠ - Do you think you’d survive a zombie apocalypse?
The outcome is not likely. LOL.
☺ - Post a picture of yourself or describe what you look like!
Under the read more at the bottom.
⚽ - Are you active?
Not really.
⛄ - Do you have a favourite holiday?
Halloween. I love dressing up.
♫ - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music, if no, why not?
Yeah. Most of the time I do listen to music. I will just put on my likes list from Spotify. I might click a genre and listen to those or just skip the songs I'm not feeling. I rarely put it on shuffle. I have no idea why though.
☤ - Have you ever had to go to the emergency room? Why?
I have. I had a bad tooth infection. It was on New Year's Eve, and I ended up getting a huge dose of antibiotics in a shot and then ended up having an allergic reaction to it. My blood pressure spiked while in there, and until it went down, they wouldn't let me leave.
♪ - Do you play any instruments?
No. But I would have loved to learn how to play the piano.
⚖ - Opinions on the fandom your muse belong to?
It's been awhile since I was in this fandom but I remember it being chill and welcoming. Better than some fandoms that I've been in.
♿ - Is there anything about your body you’d like to change if given the chance?
Possibly the size of it.
✂ - Do you hate people easily?
Not at all. But when my gut tells me someone isn't good, there's usually proof of that somewhere along the line.
✼ - Do you think the character/characters you role play as reflect who you are?
Not really. I mean, sure, some of them have somethings the same as me, but nowhere near enough to be a reflection.
⚄ - Do you play videogames? Have a favourite?
Yes. I love to play Super Mario Bros. And Kirby. Kirby and the Forgotten Land.
✵ - Are there any other fandoms you’d like to approach?
I wish there were more roleplayers in the Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and The 100.
⚜ - If you role play more then one muse, do you have a favourite?
I do. It would be a tie between Carol Peletier and Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead.
⛔ - In real life, are you friendly?
I like to think I am, yes.
⨁ - Do you hold grudges, or easily let things go?
It really depends on the situation. I can forgive, but I will never forget the thing that was done to me.
♥ - Besides fictional characters, is there someone you love?
Absolutely. My family, for sure. That would be my son, my Mom, and my husband and my brothers and sisters and my cousins and extended family but those three listed first are my favorite people.
♾ - Which timezone are you in?
Central. USA.
W - What do you do for a living?
I'm a Stay at Home Mom/Wife/FurMom.
♡ - OTP for your muse?
Regina Mills & Robin Hood (Robin of Locksley).
⚔ - NOTP with your muse?
Regina Mills & Gold/Rumpelstiltskin.
☰ - Fun random fact about the mun!
I'm an amateur poet.
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