tyrantmade · 1 year
I really enjoy your wesker and writing with him! You're not afraid to get really dark with him and explore his more awful side which I absloutely love. you don't hold back his controlling behavior and it's interesting to see the humanizing moments as well. i enjoy our interactions very much.
beep beep how’s my PORTRAYAL ?
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NO!!!! You don't get to come up in my inbox either and spread these misinformed LIIIIES!!! Y'all trying to get me to cry, Stop! I love you guys so much. Thank You so much Jay! Cause I love writing with Your Leon just as much. Wesker wakes up the most when it comes to someone who me and him both adore. And who can bring the most to out threads. So you and Nikki both are apart of this psychotic, tormented and demented baby of mine. But being able to humanize him can be a chore sometimes. But when he opens up, and allows me to do so, - Chefs Kiss; . <3 <3 <3
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superiorbcrn · 2 years
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yesfxckyxu · 2 years
☠ ✼ ⛔ ♥ (-evilly rubs hands together-) ♡ ⚔ ☰
☘ : Why are you short lmao
mun asks. 
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☠ - Do you think you’d survive a zombie apocalypse?
to be honest..? i have no idea. probably not? maybe? it depends on how long i’m able to survive to start with. i am not 100% in-the-know about which natural plants are beneficial or not, but if i got my hands on some things to help me out - then no doubt my chances of living will rise. 
it also depends on which ‘zombie’ or how the ‘zombies’ are too. if they are like Left For Dead or The Walking Dead, lesser chance on Left For Dead than Walking i feel. since, i don’t think i have much chance against special infected than i do normal. falls into the lines of what i can get my hands on too, to be fair. 
✼ - Do you think the character/characters you role play as reflect who you are?
yes and no. since i feel like this answer is universal to everyone else too, but i know that is my opinion alone. but when it comes to which characters are close to my heart, that does reflect some aspects of me that others may be able to see sparks of depending on how close they are to me - as well as to how well they know/understand me. 
with Jack, we see undying loyalty to those who he loves dearly. with Caleb, we see a care for his friends that is purely tender. and Maxx, we get a certain type of innocence that is rarely seen nowadays. as to how that reflects me, i am unsure - but i know because i put a small bit of my heart in these characters there is something there. i may not be able to see it but i know others might. 
and that is all based on perspective. 
⛔ - In real life, are you friendly?
i hope so! i know i can be reserved, and it takes a moment for me to warm up - but i do believe i am somewhat friendly. as to how much i am unsure. i know i sound very indecisive, especially with these answers most of the time, but that is only because i don’t really know how i come off and what really goes into some vague questions as these. i know it’s intended, for those who want to share however much or little as they can... but i just don’t know how i am outside myself. 
♥ - Besides fictional characters, is there someone you love?
ahahahaha, you. 
♡ - OTP for your muse?
of course, it has to go the main Jack/Mich. but i also have to add Caleb/Penny, ( even if they haven’t been written out yet we both know it’s true ). 
those top two are very sweet and powerful to me. 
⚔ - NOTP with your muse?
anyone trying to ship with canon Maxx. that won’t happen, sorry. 
☰ - Fun random fact about the mun!
my favorite Faygo drink is as of now is Firework. 
☘ - Wildcard! Ask the mun anything you’re interested in finding out.
“Why are you short lmao”?
. . . Why are you shorter than me? that’s my answer. 
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tyrantmade · 1 year
Okay, listen you are hands down one of the best fucking Wesker's on this site. Why? you write him flawlessly. You give depth to him and really bring out different sides to him that I love so damn much. Love you bitch.
beep beep how’s my PORTRAYAL ?
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BITCH, Your not supposed to come up in my inbox and spread LIES!!!!! - anime crying; I love my Wesker so much, Love my boy to death. And my favorite part of writing him comes from the sides, focusing on him having Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Cause no one wants to address the reasoning for why he is the way he is. My Baby Boy is damaged goods, and it is all Spencer's fault. But as far as me being that good, THANK YOU. I don't think I am all that great as Him. But I am LOVE YOU for the support. And You, YOUR CHRIS is perfect. I and Wesker both love the hell out of you.
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tyrantmade · 2 years
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