supermommitali · 5 months
Your Baby's First Steps
Watching your baby's growth journey, from first food to first steps, is heartwarming. But when it comes to a baby's first steps, there are many things you need to take care of. When and at what age do babies take their first steps to how to get baby to walk, this video will guide you on your baby’s crawling to walking journey.
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supermommitali · 5 months
How to Manage an Oversupply of Breast Milk
Being a new mum brings numerous challenges along with happiness and excitement. During these days, breast milk overproduction can be a big concern for new mothers. If your baby frequently refuses to nurse or experiences gagging or choking, then these are signs of breast milk oversupply. But how can you control breast milk flow?
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supermommitali · 5 months
Backache Relief During Pregnancy
A woman’s body undergoes many changes during pregnancy, which can result in severe backaches. If you, too, are looking for how to treat backaches during pregnancy, this video is for you! Increasing weight and muscular changes are among the many reasons why backaches occur during pregnancy. This video outlines many ways to reduce backaches during pregnancy, from backache exercises to other methods.
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supermommitali · 5 months
Daily Asanas to prepare for Labour & Normal Delivery
प्रेगनेंसी के दौरान यह 3 आसन करने से आपको नार्मल डिलीवरी में सहायता मिलती है | इस वीडियो में भारती गोयल (प्रीनेटल योगा एक्सपर्ट) ने इनके ऊपर चर्चा की है
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supermommitali · 5 months
Daily Pranayama for a Healthy Pregnancy
प्रेगनेंसी में रोज़ प्राणायाम करना बहुत ही फायदेमंद होता है | इस वीडियो में भारती गोयल (प्रीनेटल योगा एक्सपर्ट), के साथ सीखिए प्रेगनेंसी-सेफ प्राणायाम:
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supermommitali · 6 months
Discover Team Resilience Through Impactful Outbound Activities For Employees
Building flexibility within your team is paramount in the fast-paced business world. Resilient teams adapt, recover from setbacks, and grow from challenges. An effective way to increase resilience is through impactful outbound activities. These experiences strengthen bonds and equip individuals with the tools to overcome adversity. Let's learn how such outbound activities for employees can change your team dynamics.
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Connecting with Nature
A refreshing journey into nature will help you escape the hustle and bustle of city life. Holiday resorts near Mumbai provide ideal locations for team retreats. These resorts offer a peaceful and verdant setting, perfect for rejuvenation and contemplation.
Team Building Amidst Adventure
Adventure resorts near Mumbai offer thrilling activities for those looking for an adrenaline rush. From zip-lining through dense forests to conquering challenging obstacle courses, these adventure resorts provide the ultimate platform for team bonding. The shared experiences of overcoming obstacles and pushing boundaries create stronger bonds between team members.
Embracing the Challenges
Outdoor activities go beyond just leisure; they serve as valuable learning experiences. Whether going through a maze or participating in a team-building exercise, these activities encourage collaboration, communication, and problem-solving skills. Every challenge provides an opportunity for growth, fostering the ability to cope with adversity.
Building Trust
Trust is the foundation of any successful team. Outbound activities create opportunities for individuals to rely on each other, fostering trust and camaraderie. Whether relying on a teammate to navigate a high-ropes course or supporting each other through a challenging journey, these shared experiences deepen bonds and enhance teamwork.
Empowering Leadership
Effective leadership is essential to navigating turbulent waters. These activities allow emerging leaders to hone their skills and showcase their capabilities. From leading a team on a challenging task to making critical decisions under pressure, these experiences empower individuals to rise to the occasion and build confidence in their teams.
Celebrating Success
As the sun sets on a day filled with adventure and camaraderie, pause to reflect on the journey. Celebrate successes big and small and acknowledge the progress achieved through shared experiences. These moments of reflection foster a sense of accomplishment and inspire resilience for future challenges.
Exploring Creativity
Unleash your team's creativity amidst serene landscapes by choosing an artistic venue near Mumbai. Take part in painting sessions while overlooking breathtaking landscapes, or take part in pottery workshops surrounded by the beauty of nature. These endeavours foster creativity and provide unique team bonding and self-expression.
Cultivating Mindfulness
Prioritise your team's well-being with a wellness retreat focusing on mindfulness and self-care. Participate in yoga and meditation sessions in a serene environment, allowing team members to reconnect with themselves and find inner balance. Nurturing a culture of holistic well-being promotes mental clarity, reduces stress, and increases the resiliency of the overall team.
Developing team resilience through outbound activities for employees is paramount to navigating the constantly evolving terrain of modern business. As you move forward on this path of growth and adaptation, explore the transformational experiences offered by various camps, such as Empower Activity Camps.
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supermommitali · 7 months
Yoga Asanas for a Normal Delivery - Bharti Goel
इस video में Bharti Goel, internationally certified childbirth educator and prenatal yoga expert ने pregnancy yoga for normal delivery के बारे में जानकारी दी है. ये 3 आसन, pelvic flexibility, better baby positioning और आराम देने में सहायता करते हैं:
1. Malasana (full squat pose) - यह आसन आपके pelvic region और आपके पैरों को मजबूत करता है.
2. Baddha Konasana (Butterfly exercise for pregnancy) - इससे आपके hips, pelvic floor muscles और inner thighs मजबूत होते हैं.
3. Cat-Cow Stretch (Pelvic tilt exercise during pregnancy) - यह आसन आपके पेट के muscles को मजबूत करता है और आपकी pelvic mobility भी सुधर जाती है.
Disclaimer: Third trimester pregnancy yoga करने से पहले अपने doctor से ज़रूर पूछिए.
For more information, visit us at: https://www.morisonsbabydreams.com/
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supermommitali · 7 months
Breathing Exercises During Pregnancy - Bharti Goel
क्या आप pregnancy breathing exercises को अपने daily routine में शामिल करना चाहती हैं? इस video में Bharti Goel, internationally certified childbirth educator and prenatal yoga expert pranayama during pregnancy के बारे में बता रही है.
Breathing exercises during pregnancy आपके baby के blood circulation और oxygen supply में मदद करती है.
हमारी expert, Bharti Goel इस video में कुछ महत्वपूर्ण pranayama for pregnancy के बारे में जानकारी दे रही हैं, जैसे कि:
1. Deep abdominal breathing
2. Anulom vilom 
3. Bhramari pranayama yoga
हम आशा करते हैं कि यह pregnancy breathing exercises आपको अपनी pregnancy journey में सहायता देंगी. 
For more information, visit us at: https://www.morisonsbabydreams.com/
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 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Morisonsbabydreams
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#MorisonsBabyDreams #ChoiceOfSmartMums #PranayamaDuringPregnancy #AnulomVilomDuringPregnancy #PregnancyBreathingExcercises #BreathingExercisesDuringPregnancy #PrenatalYoga #BenefitsOfPrenatalYoga #PregnancyYogaBenefits #PregnancyYoga
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supermommitali · 7 months
Yoga Asanas for a Healthy Body & Mind During Pregnancy - Bharti Goel
क्या आप जानते हैं कि prenatal yoga आसन आपके mind और body को आने वाले बदलाव के लिए तैयार करते हैं? Pregnancy में yoga for healthy mind and body बहुत ज़रूरी है. Bharti Goel, internationally certified childbirth educator and prenatal yoga expert, इस video में आपको 3 ऐसे आसन के बारे में जानकारी देती है जो आप आसानी से कर सकती हैं:
1. Marjaryasana-Bitilasana (cat and cow pose) - यह आसन spine flexibility को बढ़ाता है और इससे back pain भी कम हो जाता है. Cat and cow exercise in pregnancy से uterus में बच्चे की position में भी सुधार आता है.
2. Adhomukha Svanaasana (supported downward dog pose) - इस आसन से आपके hamstrings, calf muscles और lower back stretch होते हैं. आपके back को support मिलता है और back pain कम हो जाता है.
3. Parivrtta Janu Sisraasana (head-to-knee pose) - ये आसन आपके sides और legs को stretch करता है ताकि आपके शरीर में बच्चे के लिए और space बन सके.
Disclaimer: आसन करते समय यदि आपको कोई भी तकलीफ हो, तो excercise उसी समय रोक दीजिए.
For more information, visit us at: https://www.morisonsbabydreams.com/
Connect With Us on Social Media Channels:
 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Morisonsbabydreams
 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/morisonsbabydreams/
 Twitter: https://twitter.com/MorisonsBaby
#MorisonsBabyDreams #ChoiceOfSmartMums #YogaForHealthyBody #CatAndCowExcerciseInPregnancy #AdhoMukhaSvanasana #ParivrttaJanuSisraasana #YogaAsanas #PrenatalYoga #BenefitsOfPrenatalYoga #PregnancyYogaBenefits #PregnancyYoga
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supermommitali · 7 months
Do's and don'ts of baby's first solid food
Throughout the journey of being a new parent, one may receive thousands of tips on a baby's first solid food. To understand when to introduce solid food to a baby watch this video. It also underlines which baby solid food is good for your little one and what food you should avoid.
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#MorisonsBabyDreams #ChoiceOfSmartMums #BabySolidFood #BabyFirstSolidFood #WhenToStartBabyOnSolids #IntroducingSolidsToBaby #BabyWeaning #BabyLedWeaning #FirstSolidMealForBabies #SolidMealForBabies #NutritionGuide #NutritionTips #BabyNutritionTips #HealthyFoodForBabies #SmartMumsBlog
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supermommitali · 7 months
Breastfeeding Diet Foods to Eat to Increase Your Milk Supply - Sonali Shivlani
कहा जाता है कि जो माँ खाती है वही उसके बच्चे को breast milk के ज़रिये मिलता है. इसलिए बहुत जरूरी है कि आप nutritious खाए और अपना ध्यान रखें. पर मां का दूध बढ़ाने के लिए क्या खाना चाहिए, यह सवाल हर new mom के मन में रहता है. और आपके सवाल का जवाब pregnancy, lactation aur child nutrition counsellor, Sonali Shivlani ने इस video में दिया है.
उन्होंने बताया है कि कैसे grains, सब्जियां, फल और हर food group को अपने आहार में शामिल करना ज़रूरी है. Protien एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण nutritional requirement है for lactating mothers. Iron, calcium, omega-3, zinc और water nutrition provide करते हैं for a breastfeeding mom. उन्होंने ये भी बताया है कि ब्रेस्ट मिल्क बढ़ाने के लिए क्या खाना चाहिए और इसके लिए उन्होंने कुछ घरेलू नुस्खे भी share किए हैं. तो यह video ज़रूर देखिये. Breastfeeding से संबंधित और बातें जानने के लिए पूरी series Morisons Baby Dreams के चैनल पर देखिये. 
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supermommitali · 7 months
How breastfeeding leads to jaw development in a newborn | Dr. Ipshita Suyash
एक माँ और बच्चे, दोनों के लिए breastfeeding महत्वपूर्ण proces होता है. बच्चों को breast से nutrients तो मिलते ही हैं, पर क्या आप जानते हैं कि breastfeeding jaw development, facial muscle और teeth eruption में भी मदद करता है? इस video में paediatric dentist, Dr. Ipshita Suyash ने breastfeeding का impact बताया है on baby’s facial muscles.
जब बच्चा mom के breast पर latch करता है, तो उसके lips के muscles और upper jaws मजबूत होते हैं. और breastfeeding के कारण बच्चे का lower jaw भी right position में आता है. अगर आप जाना चाहते है की how does breastfeeding help in teething तोह ये video अभी देखिये क्यूंकि इन सभी बातों के बारे में Dr. Ipshita ने इस video में discuss किया है. 
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supermommitali · 10 months
The Power of Postnatal Massages for Mums and Happy Babies
Get ready for some relaxation and well-being with Morisons Baby Dreams! This video will dive into the benefits of postnatal massages for mums and their adorable little ones. Discover why post-delivery massage is necessary to improve mental health for mums after childbirth. 
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supermommitali · 10 months
Winter Care Tips for Babies
Embark on a heartwarming winter care journey for your little ones with Morisons Baby Dreams! Discover essential Winter Care Tips for Newborns, ensuring every snuggle is warm and cozy. Learn the nuances of choosing the right newborn winter clothes for delicate skin, creating a joyful dressing experience. 
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supermommitali · 11 months
Veggie Sandwich Without Bread
#SoojiVegetableSandwiches ki recipe🥪🥬:
1️⃣ Base ke liye: 1 cup roasted sooji, 1/2 cup dahi, 1/2 cup paani, namak aur 1/2 tsp baking soda milaye aur 20-minutes ke liye rest karne de.
2️⃣ Veggie stuffing ke liye: 1/2 cup green shimla mirch, pyaaz aur gajar ko 1 tbsp oil mein sauté kare. Salt and kali mirch se season kare. Aap apne bache ki pasandida sabji bhi daal sakte hai!
3️⃣ Assembly: Greased sandwich maker mein sooji mixture daale aur usme veggie stuffing daale, phir ek aur layer of sooji daal kar golden brown hone tak cook kare.
Storage: Fresh taur par enjoy karne ke liye best hai, lekin airtight container mein 1-2 din tak fridge mein rakh sakte hai. Serve karne se pehle garam kare!
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supermommitali · 11 months
How to deal with kids who are picky or fussy eaters?
Here are 3 ways in which moms can deal with kids who are fussy eaters:
1. Allow your baby to use their hands when learning how to eat
2. Surprise your kids with fun shapes
3. Kids prefer quick meals. So serve small, calorie-dense meals at regular intervals
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#MorisonsBabyDreams #ChoiceOfSmartMums #SmartMumsBlog #BabyNutrition #FussyEaters
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supermommitali · 2 years
Feeding Schedule For Good Weight Gain - Dr. Debmita Dutta
A baby's appetite and nutrition needs increase as they grow. Smart mums must follow a feeding schedule and include all the essential nutrients in their child’s diet. Watch Dr. Debmita Dutta explain how to maintain the right feeding schedule for babies to help them gain weight. 
Don’t miss out on the entire video series on weight gain food for babies. Check this link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSijh59RPVTLF6_8uYxutGPp1gDqXKNvN.
 For more information, visit us at: https://www.morisonsbabydreams.com/
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#MorisonsBabyDreams #ChoiceOfSmartMums #BabyFeedingSchedule #BabyWeightGainFood #HealthyBabyFood #WeightGainFoods #FoodAndNutrition #BabyNutrition #SmartMumsTips #Nutrition #NutritionForBabies #NutritionTips
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