superserioussirius · 4 months
Remus: That giant box is Sirius' gift for me?
Regulus: Yes
Remus: He's inside, isn't he?
Regulus, sighing: Yes
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superserioussirius · 4 months
OK, but Imagine Sirius in his cell in Azkaban remembering how Remus told him he loved him for the very first time just before everything went to shit. He had said he loved him, and Sirius couldn't bring himself to say it back. Even though he felt the same—or perhaps not the same—because Sirius loved him more than he had ever found a way to say to him, more than there were stars in the sky and fish in the sea. He loved him with every single piece of him that wasn't broken, and yet he never said it back. Because he thought Remus was the spy, and even after that, he couldn’t bring himself to love him any less.
He never said it back.
And it felt stupid, yet in the solitude of his confinement, whispering those words back to the moon made him feel a little better, as if Remus was somehow listening to him, maybe even talking to him back.
"I love you too."
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superserioussirius · 4 months
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Wolfstar ❤️
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superserioussirius · 4 months
james "oh i guess i am a bisexual" potter
regulus "swallowed by the tension winding up in my own household, i feel i must fill my duties as the true heir to The Noble House of Black and provide them with an offspri- is that James Potter half naked after quidditch practice oh lord im abouta-" black
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superserioussirius · 4 months
Fake Date - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 256
"This'll work, now hold my hand, damnit," Regulus murmured, rolling his eyes.
"I've told you, he doesn't-" Remus began to argue, but Regulus ignored him, grabbing at his hand.
"Now pretend that you're not disgusted by touching me," Regulus said wryly, linking their fingers together.
They sat at a table at the Three Broomsticks, purposely in plain view. Remus felt like he was on a stage, sitting there holding hands with Regulus, like they were on a date. "I'm not-!" Remus retorted, but Regulus again interrupted.
"He's coming! Now, laugh!" And with that, Regulus shot Remus a look he'd never seen. It was coy, with lots of fluttering of eyelashes and suggestive smirks.
Trying not to look away, or look too obvious, Remus sighed. "Listen, Reg, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I think you're wrong. Sirius doesn't-"
But this time, he cut himself off. Because Sirius finally came into view.
At first, Remus wondered if perhaps he was so furious because Remus was on a supposed date with Sirius's brother. There had to be rules about that amongst friends, and Sirius was very overprotective of Regulus. But Remus quickly realized that Sirius's fiery gaze was directed toward Regulus.
"He looks furious," he murmured, looking back to Regulus in awe.
"Yeah, idiot. He's jealous. Because he likes you," Regulus said triumphantly. "Now I guarantee he'll come to break up our little date in five...four....three...two.."
"Moony! What're you up to?"
Sirius's falsely-cheerful voice made Remus turn bright red, for some reason. Maybe Regulus was right.
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superserioussirius · 4 months
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superserioussirius · 4 months
remus the type of tall person to bend down and put his ear next to ur lips when talking to a short person to ‘hear them better’
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superserioussirius · 4 months
sirius has a chronic ass-smacking problem.
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superserioussirius · 4 months
Not a date - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 161
"For the last time, Prongs," Remus huffed, stomping around the room, rolling his eyes, "It's not a date!"
"Going to Hogsmeade alone?" James wheedled, smirking. "After years of you staring at him like a lovesick idiot? I dunno, Moons, maybe you're thicker than I thought."
"I don't stare," Remus grumbled, spraying on cologne and adjusting his jumper. "And Sirius doesn't feel the same way, so it's a stupid argument."
"Hm..." James hummed, pulling open the door. "It's just I heard from Marlene, who heard from Mary, who heard from Alice, who heard from Lily, who heard from Amy, that when she asked Sirius to Hogsmeade, he said no."
"Well. We have plans," Remus shrugged.
"Yeah," James nodded, grinning, smugness rolling off of him in waves. "But he said he had a date. And that if it went well, he'd never be taking anyone else to Hogsmeade ever again. So what does that mean, O Great Intelligent Moony?"
Remus just stared, shocked.
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superserioussirius · 4 months
may 6th - first kiss
919 words - @wolfstarmicrofic
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
remus fiddled with the feather of his quill, absently tickling his own nose. he was looking down at the textbook in his lap, his face scrunched into perpetual frustration, so focused that he didn't notice sirius staring at him.
the other's textbook was forgotten long ago, and remus was several pages ahead of him by this point. his essay seemed leagues less important than the boy in front of him.
sirius just couldn't help it. the way his unruly blonde hair fell in his face, and how his amber eyes glowed like warm honey. he knew remus must be the most beautiful person alive. he was truly irresistible.
the blonde looked up at that thought, and sirus just about jumped out of his skin.
" i'm stuck. " remus admitted, putting down his quill.
sirius chuckled, " me too. this is boring, yeah? "
remus endearingly tilted his head to the side, and sirius felt like keeling over from affection.
the blonde mused, " it's actually quite interesting to me at least, but you think anything short of near-death is boring, don't you? "
sirius solemnly shook his head, his earrings jingling together, " that is far from true. "
" oh yeah? "
" mhm. "
" what can i do to get you to pay attention then? "
the answer hung on the tip of sirius's tongue.
*just be yourself.*
sirius wasn't one to be timid, but remus lupin triggered his fight or flight.
" i just need some help. "
" with? "
" my essay i mean. "
remus closed his textbook and put it to the side. the blonde stood and plopped himself down next to sirius on his bed.
" what in specific is troubling you? " remus asked, crossing his legs to face the other.
sirius flipped a couple pages ahead quickly, pointing to a random section.
remus paused for an uncomfortable moment to scan the page, and sirius started to sweat. but he then cocked an eyebrow, giving sirius a confused look.
" you're confused about... basic spells? "
sirius blanked, it'd landed on the next chapter's page.
he was in too deep, he had to act it up now.
" yeah... i just don't get it. "
" magic... in general? "
sirius shrugged, leaning back on his right arm.
remus grumbled, bringing sirius's paper and textbook into his own lap. the blonde-haired boy began to scribble some things down.
now that he was an arm's length away, sirius could admire the other more dutifully.
he loved the way remus mumbled to himself. little words slipping out, bringing him deeper into his work, he felt it was adorable.
as he watched his focused gaze, sirius admired the other's devotion to his studies, even if it was misplaced now. though that was his own guilt to bear, he felt it was worth every second.
the boy followed the others scars up his face with his eyes, he studied the valleys and edges, the way they made across his face. he wondered where they came from, what would make such a terrible mark on such a perfect man?
remus shot a pointed glance up at him, and sirius tried to look away, but remus must have noticed.
" what's wrong? " remus asked.
sirius felt his face warm, " nothing, just watching you murder my essay. "
" it seems your essay isn't being written on my face, unless i'm mistaken. "
sirius knew he was in for it now, but his stupid audacity kept it going.
" well maybe i could get a closer look, and i'll let you know. "
remus looked back down at sirius's work, " don't be make me laugh. "
" i'm not trying to. "
sirius gently grabbed remus's chin with his thumb and forefinger, bringing his freckled face towards his own.
the two locked eyes for a blissful moment, and sirius felt every atom in his body urge him to just *do it*.
remus looked to the side, and slid the textbook and papers off his lap.
" sirius... "
the other braced, he already figured remus didn't like him like that. he wasn't even gay, why did he ever hope?
sirius's adrenaline dropped and with it went his confidence. but just as he was about to make his escape, remus locked eyes with him again.
the blonde's eyes softened, and he hesitated for a moment.
" remus, i- "
the other grabbed the back of sirius's head, tangling his scarred fingers into his black hair. and in a moment, their lips were pressed together.
sirius felt over the moon.
he slipped his palm onto remus's cheek, returning the kiss.
just as quickly as it happened, remus pulled away, his face red as a tomato.
" i'm sorry, " the blonde blurted out.
sirius was sure his face was the same hue, " don't be. "
the two carefully watched each other for a short while, and sirius thought about slipping his fingers into remus's.
after a beat, the other glanced out the window, " it's getting late, i really ought to go- "
remus rushed to collect his textbook and bag.
" wait, what about our assignment? " sirius posed, wishing he could beg remus to stay.
the blonde slung his bag over his shoulder, " tomorrow? "
sirius nodded defeatedly, " tomorrow, then. "
remus left in a hurry and closed the door behind him.
once sirius was sure the other was gone, he dramatically fell back onto his bed, butterflies dancing around in his stomach.
never before had sirius had a crush like this. he grabbed his pillow and felt like screeching. with girls it was easy, but with remus...
oh how he prayed that remus would kiss him again tomorrow.
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superserioussirius · 5 months
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Happy birthday to my favorite wolfy mc wolf
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superserioussirius · 5 months
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Just them🤍
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superserioussirius · 5 months
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here’s Wolfstar being a couple of menaces and driving James up the wall while he’s trying to study (he’s only “studying” in the library in attempt to impress lily, so no harm done)
I’ve been hoarding a bunch of Marauders scribbles I’ll probably never clean up so expect more incoherent chaos
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superserioussirius · 5 months
my brain is so rotted that even when im focusing on doing homework in the back of my brain im like “im like remus he’s so swotty he’s so good at studying and doing homework, just be like remus and get ur work done”
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