supersimsstories · 1 year
it’s like that until he reveals he’s an evil mastermind genius smh 
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Saw the Gaston statue in front of Gaston's Tavern and got asked to draw Whisper and Manny in that pose so here it iss ^^
This is very Chapter 1
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supersimsstories · 1 year
They were definitely the girls everyone knew and liked (Neese was just nice to everyone and Vee was a cool kid)
Vee D4 and Neese F4?
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Sitting on the bed talking about gossip and kicking legs like a schoolgirl- type vibes
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supersimsstories · 1 year
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Introducing the first KQ sim, Forsythia, a fairy from the House of Torwynn, whose respect is only surpassed by the Royal Family of Tamir, the House of Fae. The Torwynn women have acted as the wet-nurses and closest companions for the Queens of Tamir ever since its founding up to Forsythia’s mother, Amaltheia, who nursed Queen Cassia, Forsythia’s best friend.
Troubles have risen when Forsythia’s older sister, Carnelia, and Cassia’s infant daughter die of an infection leaving Tamir without an heir, and Forsythia with a whole new set of responsibilities, including being Cassia’s errand girl and raising Carnelia’s now orphaned daughter, Genny. But what happens when a boy is mixed into the picture?
(btw the year is 48 BGC)
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supersimsstories · 1 year
Tale of Three Treasures
DISCLAIMER: I have a habit of feeling bad to invalidate a timeline variant so I just make really weird ways to merge the timelines together
The first part of this story comes from the 3 AGDI remakes of the first three King’s Quest games, and uses years before and after Graham’s coronation (BGC- before graham’s coronation and GC- graham’s coronation).
Due to a scientific revolution in the world that we call ours, humans, influenced by the words of intellectuals bound by their jealousy to those with magic, started to hunt magical beings to test their reality. All found solace in the wise and powerful mage Crispin, who vowed to find a solution. In 1695 BGC, using his magic, he was able to shift the axis of space (all worlds lie on a 2 dimension graph of time and space) and thus create a new world. To aid him to replenish civilization, Crispin drew magic from each star and personified it. He trained them all in magic, and they became The First Mages, from whom all the other mages (e.g. Manannan, Mordack, Hagatha, etc.) are descended from. He soon announced his prodigy, Legenimor, who was born from the North Star, as his successor and King of All the Land.
Legenimor ruled piously after Crispin’s retirement and created treasures to aid him in his rule, naming his serene kingdom, Serenia. This did not stop the other mages from harvesting their jealousy, and waging a war, known as the Grand War. After 715 years of violence, during which Legenimor’s general and younger brother Morgeilen (born from the little star next to the North Star) disappeared, Legenimor decided to end the war completely. In 980 BGC, he hid all his treasures and created one last one, a pair of hands made of emerald, which he held up, and through that, he relinquished his magic back to the heavens from which he was born.
Without his superpower, Legenimor was murdered and the war had finally come to an end. Before he died, Legenimor bewitched the crown of his kingdom to only fit the head of the true king, prompting the advisors to check the head of every figurehead in the court, until it finally fit the head of Grantithor, the farmer turned First Knight of Serenia. He was crowned king and aimed to rule with equality and justice for both the powerful mages as well as the helpless citizens harmed by the war. In honor of the citizens, he erected a well where the first tree in Serenia was planted, coincidentally by Grantithor’s father Dafa. He thus split the continent into half, keeping the western side as Serenia, and renaming the eastern side and the continent as Dafa’s tree, which became Daventry.
Grantithor’s many kids spread to new lands and founded new kingdoms, like Kolyma, Llewdor, Tamir, and more. He then decreed that if the king did not have any biological heirs, the throne should go to the First Knight if they prove worthy. To back up his decree, he married his eldest daughter to his First Knight,  born from the House of Cracker. Their descendants continued to be First Knights to the kings for centuries. The emerald hands, entitled The Item, alongside a green healing orb and the Chest of Gold, an everlasing chest always filled with gold, were buried with Legenimor, but stolen by the pirate, Saren.
In 900 BGC, Grantithor’s great-grandson, King John the Compassionate, accompanied by his second cousin, Sir Robin Cracker, defeated a bandit who, through a series of thefts stemming from Saren, obtained the Chest of Gold.
Legenimor gave his magic shield to the titan Oceanus for protection. Oceanus passed it on to his son, Asopus, who lended it to his daughter Aegina for protection from teh lust of Zeus. She was ultimately kidnapped by Zeus and given her own island, named Aegina, where she gave birth to Zeus’s son and teh first king of Aegina, Aeacus, who inherited the shield and passed it down to his son Peleus. Peleus married the Nereid Thetis, and they had Achilles, who inherited the shield. Achilles and his lover Patroclus were killed in the Trojan War, but were honored by naming the shield the Shield of Achille. For their valor in the Trojan War on the trojan side, Grantithor’s 16x great-grandson, Cassux, and his contemporary First Knight, Sir Polltor Cracker, were given the shield in 520 BGC.
Finally, Legenimor sent his friend Merlin back to our world, with the Magic Mirror, where Merlin died at the hands of his unreciprocated lover, Nimue. in 220 BGC, Grantithor’s 28x great-grandson, King Anthrovale, and his First Knight, Sir Gallevain Cracker, excavated the cave and found Merlin’s coffin, where they retrieved the Mirror.
The Crackers continued to serve the House of DeVentry as First Knight, until a romantic mixup in Llewdor years later...
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supersimsstories · 3 years
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It’s just a normal day with triplets Baylie, Haylie, and Kaylie Reaves. After finishing their presentations, the girls must eat dinner. With a goody two-shoes, a rebellious bad b, and a sorority girl, how could things go wrong? Right?
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