superskinnyshit · 20 days
“boys don’t like skin and bones”
okay well i do so
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superskinnyshit · 20 days
nothing feels worse than watching yourself gain back the weight you lost
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superskinnyshit · 20 days
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starving until these images become in reality in my body...
Starting from today ~ 05/09/24
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superskinnyshit · 20 days
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superskinnyshit · 20 days
Its always fun to restrict and see how little i can get away with eating before he starts noticing and giving a shit problem is when he does notice i miss a meal or two he will start to become very observent... Can't have that now can we 🤭
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superskinnyshit · 20 days
Starting today I’m trying to restrict as much as I can I only want to eat very low cal things
I want to feel powerful strong pretty thin and in control
I can only do that if I ⭐️ve
wish me luck
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superskinnyshit · 20 days
Don't mind me just working out at 2:30 after working behind a bar for 5 hours and then having a few drinks im so normal hahaha hope im this motived from now on like but doubtful 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄
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superskinnyshit · 21 days
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superskinnyshit · 2 months
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Hey cuties!! Sorry for not being able to post a lot lately 😭, here’s some daily th!nspo for u guys!💗
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superskinnyshit · 2 months
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Movie: Sharing the secret
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superskinnyshit · 3 months
Times i thought about doing this.. anyone got any spare?
I'm close to swallowing a tape worm if I don't lose weight faster.
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superskinnyshit · 3 months
"I believe in control, the only force mighty enough to bring order to the chaos that is my life. I believe in perfection. I believe in salvation by trying just a bit harder than i did yesterday. I believe in a wholly black and white world, the losing of weight, the recrimation of sins, the abnegation of the body, and a life ever fasting"
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superskinnyshit · 3 months
I want to give up.
I’ve been making myself suffer for weeks now, only to gain and lose the same kg. I’m back at 54, even tho i’ve been restricting and working out this whole time. I don’t want to do this anymore. Apparently it’s pointless.
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superskinnyshit · 3 months
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superskinnyshit · 3 months
Mind in the gutter just going lie in bed all day and avoid food
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superskinnyshit · 3 months
i never see anyone talk about how hard it is to be an adult w ED
this shit sucks
like ur telling me i have to work, cook for my boyf, clean and exercise while constantly trying to lose weight and have no one notice i’m not eating??
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superskinnyshit · 6 months
I want to be light enough he can pick me up with no effort, I want him to be surprised at how easy it is
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