novataleart · 2 days
Made a side blog for game dev stuff!!
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Made some assets for my game's Hub/Lobby area.
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novataleart · 7 days
I love how Vessel from Sleep Token blends Greek Mythos with religious things seamlessly
"Tangled up like Branches in a Flood" from TMBTE (which is hard to hear and I love how every single lyric is important in their music!!) is a reference to the Androgyne of Greek mythos!! Where humans used to have 2 faces (or heads) 2 pairs of arms and legs, but were feared for being too powerful so they were split and humans were cursed to search to earth for their other original half
What are your fav examples of this? Please comment!! I wanna know more :::}c
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novataleart · 1 month
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I just found out another name for Earth/Terra is Tellus and that we are Tellurians We really are the yappers of the cosmos, huh?
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novataleart · 2 months
Wanting nothing more than to have genuine positive human interaction, but thinking better of it due to others taking every chance to shut me out every time I have the confidence to be myself
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novataleart · 2 months
Just realized something about myself is I capitalize a word if it has Importance like a highlighted word in a Video Game 💀
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novataleart · 2 months
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My first fursona, 🍁 Roan Oak 🍁
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novataleart · 3 months
Name a more iconic duo than III and his checkered socks. I'll wait.
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novataleart · 4 months
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In Fanfiction terms, how would ya'll describe this hair? (Example: The Brunette/Ombre/Tricolored Chuckled, etc.) IDK...
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novataleart · 5 months
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I have a NEED for this Ikran skin
Please Ubisoft I am BEGGING
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novataleart · 5 months
Anyone willing to explain how comic and/or manga panel shapes express the mood/emotions going on in the scene??? I may be stupid
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novataleart · 6 months
Love how the person interviewing my transition at the gender health clinic while my dad was on the phone with us (he provided absolutely no info whatsoever) asked if he misgenders me constantly, and I was like-
... no :)
Yknow, like a liar
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novataleart · 6 months
Never. I don't really count "beta-testing names" or as I call "beta names" as deadnames (names I came up with for a character but as they evolve, the name doesn't fit them anymore) I don't really think a deadname would do any good or help progress in a story tbh, unless it was a "I am no man" moment but that's all I can really think of a "good" way of using a deadname :/
Do you come up with deadnames for your trans OCs?
See results
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novataleart · 9 months
Uhhhh, I was watching some old angsty Animation memes I used to watch on YT, and youtube blurred parts of it containing blood and self harm. Not sure if the creator knows or if it was done with/without permission, but thought I'd share incase other creators don't want YT to censor their work.
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novataleart · 10 months
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Am I wrong for this? Honestly, please tell me if I'm wrong for this.
I'd just like to escape into a world where I can date one or more men without having to worry about Sexual Orientation and the memories of me telling past female friends about my crush on other guys only for those friends to later date them and be all over them and tell me to fuck off that he's hers only. The GNC!Reader is a good start but even then, there's an inherent lack of that even, and like, what about us Cis and Trans men who wish to be/perceived as Cis???? TL:DR Men hot, and other men can see that too (Cis or otherwise) and should be allowed to engage in fandom regardless of Sexual Orientation and have rep just as much as Cis Female readers and be portrayed in loving/sexy/fluffy relationships too . Simple as that.
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novataleart · 11 months
How does one get into role playing in games, when one was bullied out of it for being "weird" (tm)
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novataleart · 11 months
I wish whoever decided that shit be ok, a very "Being at a secure location 🔪"
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novataleart · 1 year
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Here, enjoy my Adam Faulkner-Stanheight and David doodles!! >7<)/"
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