supersmartfrog · 6 months
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@rbhvleo // roberto ferri // mothering by ainslie hogarth // rainer maria rilke // ? // planet of love by richard siken // a self portrait in letters by anne sexton // indian summer by ron hicks
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supersmartfrog · 6 months
hey guys new diagnosis just dropped: EVIL AUTISM
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supersmartfrog · 4 years
Concepts to use in horror
• Being watched/followed. Can be used with plots like a home invasion or someone watching another person through a webcam.
• Losing control. Can be used with plots like possession, being forced to kill/hurt people to save oneself or a loved one, being blackmailed, etc.
• The nature of humanity. This can work when the “monster” is a human, and can call into question the concept of good and evil. Works well with the above in my opinion, as a human being doing monstrous things can sometimes lead to questions about humanity and whether humankind is good.
• The end of humanity. Can be cheesy (like in a lot of zombie plots), but is innately scary to a lot of people to think about. Things that seem more plausible, such as an apocalypse related to pandemics or environmental pollution, can come across in a more serious way when done subtly.
• Isolation. In some cases this can seem a little too convenient to the plot, but when done right isolation can up the terror of the plot, or even serve as the plot itself. Being trapped somewhere, like in the woods or in a small space, could work for this.
• One’s own insignificance. Most cases I’ve seen where this works well show the character’s smallness in relation to something else. The ocean, space, cosmic gods, etc.
• The unknown. Often works well with the above in my opinion. The ocean and space, for example, would be good settings for this.
• Instinctive responses. The human brain tends to naturally react to things like violence, disease and contamination, and other things that threaten survival. Using these things too gratuitously can easily become campy or even voyeuristic and insensitive, but they can be used well.
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supersmartfrog · 4 years
150 Angst/Horror Prompts
“The screams all sound the same…”
“You’re gone… I watched you disappear…”
“We all watched it happened, and time stood still.”
“It feels as if time hasn’t passed”
“I feel stuck. And everyone is moving without me.”
“They keep staring at me.”
“What if I never get better?”
“Why wont they wake up?”
“You said they’d come home. Where are they?”
“I used to think I didn’t deserve love. Now I know that it’s true.”
“We found you crying. What happened?”
“Who hurt you?”
“You’re scared…. and broken…”
“I don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve you.”
“What did I do wrong?”
“It’s so cold…”
“Am I going to die?”
“Please answer me.”
“Nothing ever goes right!”
“Why do you have to ruin everything?!”
“Why do you hate me so much?”
“Things will be better this way.”
“I swear to god if you jump-”
“I trusted you.”
“I never thought this would happen.”
“This is all my fault.���
“You’re the worst mistake I’ve ever made!”
“Are you even listening?”
“Why are you always so sad?”
“Why have you been hiding this from us?”
“… Where did all of these scars come from?”
“Were you drinking again?”
“I gave you everything and this is how you repay me?”
“Did I ever even matter to you?”
“Would they even notice if I vanished?”
“What if I end up being forgotten?”
“I don’t know what I’d do without them.”
“I don’t think I can make it.”
“Why are you being so nice to me?!”
“You’re supposed to be yelling at me! And… and hitting me! Why aren’t you doing that?!”
“Please don’t look at me…”
“I never want to see your face again.”
“You’re dead to me.”
“I wish I never met you.”
“Why do you look at me like that?”
“I found those medical papers in your room… Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Are you going to be okay?”
“Stop lying to me!”
“Please, just breathe.”
“Where did you go?”
“I thought you died.”
“Why are you doing this to yourself?”
“I just wanted to help…”
“It hurts so much.”
“Why can’t I stop thinking about you?”
“I can’t feel anything anymore.”
“It never mattered anyway.”
“I’ll just be forgotten.”
“There’s too much going on!”
“I can’t think like this.”
“You will never be good enough.”
“It’s okay. They’re gone now.”
“Why did they have to be so cruel?”
“I hate you!”
“I didn’t mean it… Please forgive me.”
“Get out of my head.”
“Put the pills down.”
“I can’t hear you.”
“My eyes hurt… why can’t I see?”
“Bad dream?”
“My throat feels tight.”
“I-I can’t breathe!”
“Please help me!”
“I think I broke my leg-!”
“Quiet- I can hear it.”
“I want to cut your hand off so I can hold it forever.”
“Nothing could go wrong!”
“Where am I?”
“What did you do to them?!”
“Where are they?”
“Will they be okay?”
“Don’t turn around. It’s behind us.”
“Breathe slowly, show no signs of fear.”
“I think it’s touching me.”
“Hey, who turned out the lights?”
“There’s something in the kitchen.”
“Did you hear that?”
“Please tell me it’s just you down there.”
“If this is a joke it isn’t funny!”
“Where are you? I’m scared.”
“My light wont work.”
“This is all your fault!”
“Wake up!”
“Why aren’t they breathing?”
“Please tell me this is fake.”
"Just shut the hell up.”
“You’re the reason why I’m like this.”
“I thought you loved me.”
“If this is what you think is best…”
“Am I just a toy to you?”
“Nothing ever mattered to me.”
“I am damaged.”
“The weakest must go…”
“I can hear it calling my name.”
“I feel so sick.”
“I’m tired of living in a life where I’ll never be happy.”
“All I can think of are those rainy days.”
“Why can’t things just be the way they always have been?”
“Do you not care anymore?”
“I would rather die.”
“I’m tired of getting wounds that will never heal.”
“Why am I always so tired?”
“Is this what sadness does to people?”
“You mean to say that you’ve never been touched?”
“Please don’t touch me.”
“It feels gross.”
“It burns.”
“Stop! Turn it off!”
“Why are you doing this?!”
“Why can’t I make you happy?”
“I don’t need you anymore.”
“You were never useful to me.”
“Why are you still here?”
“You have a lot of nerve showing up here.”
“Please don’t shoot!”
“When they died, I feel as if I died with them.”
“Life isn’t worth living without you.”
“I need you. Why do you always leave me?”
“I thought I told you to leave.”
“Why is the window open?”
“This was the worst mistake I’ve ever made.”
“I had a dream where I killed you.”
“I had a dream where I killed myself.”
“Why won’t this nightmare end?”
“God must hate me.”
“I think the medicine is starting to kick in.”
“That wasn’t there before.”
“Who are all of these people?”
“I don’t remember who I used to be.”
“I deserve to rot.”
“We all know you hate me. Just admit it.”
“You promised me nothing would happen.”
“The creature is staring at me again.”
“We found you in the snow. What the hell happened?”
“Can you hear me?”
“Why am I always late?”
“This is all my fault.”
“They hate me, don’t they?”
“I just want to look at you.”
“I don’t want to fall asleep. I’m scared.”
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supersmartfrog · 4 years
Some idioms and phrases you should know about part I :
Salt of the earth: a very good or worthy person.
Gut-wrenching: making you feel very upset or worried.
Make a spectacle of yourself: to do something that makes you look stupid and attracts people's attention.
Pass muster: be accepted as adequate or satisfactory.
Putty in someone's hands: easily influenced by someone else, excessively willing to do what someone else wishes.
Look before you leap: carefully consider the possible consequences before taking action.
Set the wheels in motion : to do something that will cause a series of actions to start.
Off the books: without being included on official records.
A long Haul: something that takes a lot of time and energy.
An end in itself: a goal that is pursued in it's own right to the exclusion of others.
Night owl: a person who prefers to be awake late at night.
Kick the Bucket: to die.
Alter Ego: a person's secondary or alternative personality immediately or extremely quickly; at once.
Freak of Nature: something or someone that is unusual, rare, or abnormal in some way / To avoid attracting attention to yourself.
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supersmartfrog · 4 years
Words to describe someone’s voice :
adenoidal (adj) :  some of the sound seems to come through their nose.
appealing (adj): voice shows that you want help, approval, or agreement.
breathy (adj): with loud breathing noises.
booming (adj): very loud and attention-getting.
brittle (adj): if you speak in a brittle voice, you sound as if you are about to cry.
croaky (adj): they speak in a low, rough voice that sounds as if they have a sore throat.
grating (adj): a grating voice, laugh, or sound is unpleasant and annoying.
gravelly (adj): a gravelly voice sounds low and rough.
high-pitched (adj): true to its name, a high-pitched voice or sound is very high.
honeyed (adj): honeyed words or a honeyed voice sound very nice, but you cannot trust the person who is speaking.
matter-of-fact (adj): usually used if the person speaking knows what they are talking about (or absolutely think they know what they are talking about).
penetrating (adj): a penetrating voice is so high or loud that it makes you slightly uncomfortable.
raucous (adj): a raucous voice or noise is loud and sounds rough.
rough (adj): a rough voice is not soft and is unpleasant to listen to.
shrill (adj): a shrill voice is very loud, high, and unpleasant.
silvery (adj): this voice is clear, light, and pleasant.
stentorian (adj): a stentorian voice sounds very loud and severe.
strangled (adj): a strangled sound is one that someone stops before they finish making it.
strident (adj): this voice is loud and unpleasant.
thick (adj): if your voice is thick with an emotion, it sounds less clear than usual because of the emotion.
tight (adj): shows that you are nervous or annoyed.
toneless (adj): does not express any emotion.
wheezy (adj): a wheezy noise sounds as if it is made by someone who has difficulty breathing.
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supersmartfrog · 4 years
Hello! I’m writing a buddy movie type script where I want two main characters (aged within two years of each other) to develop a close bond with each other, but I also want to make it very clear that they are more like sisters than lovers. How do I write a deep, close platonic relationship like that without it sounding romantic?
How to Write a Close Platonic Relationship 
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Writing romantic relationships are tough, but do you know what’s even tougher? Writing close friendships. 
Friendships can run deeper than any romance ever could, and vary widely from person to person; this variation can sometimes make it difficult to pin down how exactly to write a close friendship, but hopefully this post will clear things up a bit. 
1. Accept that there are going to be people who ship them no matter what
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It’s just the way things are. People who are fans of your work are going to ship whichever characters they feel have a connection, and close friendship does count as a connection.
If fans can ship two characters who’ve never even met or exchanged more than three words to each other, then they most definitely can ship people who’ve forged strong bonds like your characters have. 
Putting in too much effort into emphasizing how much they platonically love each other in an attempt to make sure NO ONE ships them is just going to be a waste of your time. 
The sooner you accept that with close friendships comes readers/watchers who will interpret such a friendship in a romantic way, the better.
2. Give them history
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A majority of today’s extremely close platonic relationships were either forged under stressful extenuating circumstances (i.e. comrades in arms, apocalypse survivors, etc.) or have taken a lot of time to build. 
You don’t just meet someone and automatically become best friends with them. There’s a slow progression from strangers to acquaintances to friends to best friends that may take weeks, months, or years. 
How did they meet? Why did they first make a connection? Have they had their ups and downs throughout their friendship or were they always pretty good at sorting out their differences?
One way to tell your audience how close your characters are references to past events that they’ve gone through/struggles they’ve faced together, and you can’t do that without showing that they have a deep intertwined history with one another.
3. Show their bond instead of talking about their bond
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Instead of reiterating over and over about how they spend every moment of every day together and would trust each other with their lives, show it! 
If you have them hanging out in every scene and doing everything together, then you don’t really have to tell everyone how close they are because they’ll be able to figure it out for themselves. 
Things that close friends can do together:
Spa days
Netflix binges
Fast food/coffee runs
Long drives to nowhere
Hanging out at the park/taking walks around town
Celebrating holidays together (Friendsgiving, secret santa, etc.)
Deep, philosophical conversations at 3am
FaceTiming/Texting each other any time something remotely interesting happens
Going to the mall
Video games
Sticking together at parties
Board games
Bike rides/skateboarding
Going to the beach
Talking about their shared interests (TV shows that they got each other into, books they’ve both read, movies they’ve watched, etc.)
But it’s not just hanging out that can show their bond, it’s also the little things, too:
Sending each other memes/things online that pertain to their interests
Knowing the password to their phone/garage/computer/etc.
Being close with each others’ families
Knowing exactly what they’d order at a fast food/coffee place
Comforting them when they’re upset
Sending answers to homework/always finding a way to be paired up on group projects
Having funny names for each other on their phones and a plethora of ugly photos of the both of them
There’s a whole lot more to this, but I think I covered most of it!
Hope this helped, and happy writing!
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supersmartfrog · 4 years
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The Evolution of the Alphabet
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supersmartfrog · 4 years
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If we get to 666 likes I'll draw the sad part of the scene so we can all sob again
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supersmartfrog · 4 years
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i’m just gonna be reposting some older art on here for now. anyway here are my boys!! i love all of them so much and they all own a piece of my heart
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supersmartfrog · 5 years
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supersmartfrog · 5 years
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please support this interracial french gay couple and their 20 kids
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supersmartfrog · 5 years
tumblr ac community: omg look at how cute the museum & shops are, look at all of these customization options for everything, I can’t wait to play with my friends and make more amazing memories🥺
twitter ac community:
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supersmartfrog · 5 years
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‪you vote for biden. he wins the candidacy. he goes up against trump. he responds to smear tactics gracelessly and embarrasses himself multiple times. the race is agonizingly close. trump does something wildly unconstitutional. the dmc shrug their shoulders. trump is president.
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supersmartfrog · 5 years
Send me a ‘hi’ and I will put my playlist on shuffle, write down the first line of five songs and give it to you as a poem.
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supersmartfrog · 5 years
Frog’s Five Reviews
Sorry for posting this late, I apparently don’t know how to use a queue 
To explain Frog’s Five Reviews, I’m starting this new thing to encourage myself to post more/discuss books more. Basically, I’ll pick five books that I’ve read and apply them to a monthly theme, and then I review them!  This month’s theme is YA Romance, because it’s my birth month and YA Romance is my guilty pleasure
Reviews under the cut.
1. Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon
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I’m starting this off with one of my all time favorites, Everything, Everything. I think I can honestly say that there is nothing about this book that I dislike. The romance is sweet, and their relationship is more realistic than some. And the movie adaptation was absolutely perfect, which seems rare nowadays.
Final Result- 5/5 Frogs! It holds a special place in my heart, and I will always gush about it.
2. Be More Chill by Ned Vizzini
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Now, anyone who has read Be More Chill is probably wondering, ‘Frog, why are you including this in the YA Romance edition?’, and the answer is simple, my little tadpoles. Because it is. Jeremy, the main character, describes how much he desires to be in a relationship with Christine, his long-time crush. It’s why the book was made. Now, on how romantic the book actually is, it’s pretty out there. I mean, the book is intended to be a satirical look on high school, peer pressure, and the idea of ‘fitting in’ with your peers. So, the romance is often played up or ditched completely. But it’s a pretty real look at high school romance and desire, which is pretty great. And everyone loves the musical. 
Final Result- 3/5 Frogs! It was funny and had a good message, but the descriptions of teens in sexual situations, no matter how realistic, is a little off-putting. If you censored them on your own, you wouldn’t have much of a book, so you’re kind of forced to deal with it.
3. The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli
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Becky Albertalli never lets me down with her romance, and The Upside of Unrequited is just another in a long line of successes for her. The diversity within the relationships was incredible, because it wasn’t just in race. It was in body type, personality, and much, much more. The platonic relationships were also incredible, and really highlighted how necessary it is to have people around you to support you when you’re figuring yourself out.
Final Result- 5/5 Frogs! I liked it a lot, and I’m said to say that I can’t praise it too much without giving something away.
4. Five Feet Apart by Rachel Lippincott with Mikki Daughtry and Tobias Laconis
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Five Feet Apart was a book I forced myself to read at first. As someone who works in a bookstore, I saw that it was incredibly popular and bought it despite not being incredibly interested. So, going in to it the excitement wasn’t exactly there, and I can admit that it was unfair to the book for me to go into the whole thing with such a negative attitude. However, the further I got into the novel, the more interested I became. I admit that some of the tropes in it were frustrating to me and I couldn’t let it go. But the story really was beautiful. The ending was expected, but it still hit me incredibly hard.
Final Result- 2/5 Frogs. If I am looking at the novel as a whole, I just really couldn’t force myself to move past some of the tropes in the novel, unfortunately. The idea was original and refreshing, the romance was beautiful, but the novel just felt like rinse and repeat of the things I’ve read before. But, I did grow to love it a little.
5. Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi
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Emergency Contact was something I picked up on a whim. I thought the cover art was beautiful (I still do), and I bought it without even glancing at the sleeve. And I am so glad that I did. The romance was cheesy but in a good way. The main characters mesh well together, and I like that it closely mirrors the author’s own experience with love. The only thing that keeps me from singing praises to the heavens over it is the age gap. It’s rather large, and I think the same story could be accomplished if they were closer in age. However, it is addressed in the novel by the characters, so I’m a little conflicted on whether or not I should just ignore it.
Final Result- 4/5 Frogs! Without the age difference, it would have been a perfect score!
Thanks for reading this super long review post! I’m going to try and do this once a month, between the 20th and 30th/31st (Or 28th, in February’s case). I was originally going to try for the 25th, but I can’t stick to a schedule like that.
If you have something you think I should read or an idea that you want to point out to change my mind about the review, then send me an ask!
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supersmartfrog · 5 years
I want to show some train-related vocab, today.
電車 でんしゃ train, specifically electric trains
~本 ほん counter for trains - 1本
列車 れっしゃ more general than 電車, can refer to normal trains. arguably more formal sounding
乗る のる to ride
降りる おりる to get off
乗り換える のりかえる to change trains
乗り遅れる のりおくれる to miss a train
駅 えき train station
駅前 えきまえ in front of the station
駅員 えきいん station attendant
改札口 かいさつぐち ticket gate
切符 きっぷ ticket
乗車券 じょうしゃけん passenger ticket, for anything from trains to buses
時間表 じかんひょう time table (for train times at the station, or otherwise)
新幹線 しんかんせん bullet train, speedy train
夜行列車 やこうれっしゃ night train
普通列車 ふつれっしゃ normal train, stops at each station
特急列車 とっきゅうれっしゃ high speed, long distance train
女性専用車両 じょせいせんようしゃりょう train car only women can ride (sometimes written as 女性専用車 じょせいせんようしょ) Unfortunately, Japan has a big problem with men groping women on trains so this is one of their ways to work towards fixing that problem. Groping on trains is called 置換 ちかん, which is the same thing you can yell if you find yourself in this situation.
Thanks for reading! さようなら
Edit: Thanks to @tokidokitokyo for the corrections and added information! 
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