supersmashrumble · 5 months
Link in bio. What will he learn?
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supersmashrumble · 6 months
Are Pikachu's family and the Mishimas related in this AU? There's a Pikachu in Pokken with Heihachi's movement
Petra's mom works at Mishima Zaibatsu and learning Mishima Karate is just part of the employee orientation
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supersmashrumble · 10 months
How would the story campaigns (World of Light, Subspace Emissary) turn out here? If you don't want to give a detailed summary because of spoilers then you can just give a short overview.
To be honest, Principal Hans was such an obvious idea that I just latched onto that and never really thought past it... The next tier would probably be some simple power-scaling with Superintendent Tabuu - he's cherry-picking students to create a utopic vision of his district so he can secure federal funding. Master Core would be some program they're forced to use on their shitty school chromebooks or something? And then World of Light would have to push things beyond the borders of the school so maybe it's the mayoral race or something lol. Incumbent Colleen Gleason vs. mysterious newcomer Garth Darkhoan.
Although, I'm not sure how I would even present a detailed plot, short of just writing fanfics (which I'm not that interested in doing :T). I did try those two fight scene panels, but I feel like they turned out kinda lame. Maybe if I wrote some better dialogue, I could tell more of a story?
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supersmashrumble · 11 months
Since Rare was still with Nintendo around the time of Melee's release, are Banjo, Kazooie, and Conker students here? Or did they do something so horrible that they got transferred to that Microsoft school?
I might be on Melee now, but I was planning to go through all the Smash games in order, so they would have been in but somewhere at the end. Lots of people were asking about the other playable characters tho, so if I came back, I'd probably start by knocking out the rest of the roster.
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supersmashrumble · 11 months
Well, that's it for my leftover drawings... I just haven't had the time, space, or energy to draw lately. I'm sure I'll come back to it at some point. I'm not done with this idea yet!!!
I'd like to thank @redtutel, @milkandraspberry, and @lola4563747 for liking every post! It's nice to have dedicated fans <3
Finally, if any of you want to follow my personal blog, it's @wizard-bizness. Hopefully I'll be back here sooner rather than later...
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supersmashrumble · 11 months
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Toto Dyell
Best Subject: English
Extracurriculars: Quiz Bowl
This energetic little dude loves to gobble up any book he can get his hands on. His head is full of random trivia, but what he loves even more than gathering this useless knowledge is shouting it out at Quiz Bowl matches. His teammates have to keep a close eye on him – if they’re not fast enough, Toto will gladly smash the buzzer and chime in – even if he’s way out of his depth in the subject!
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supersmashrumble · 11 months
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Syd DeQuill
Best Subject: Algebra 2
Extracurriculars: Quiz Bowl
Syd may be a burgeoning math genius, but he only just discovered his crippling stage fright during his first competition with the Quiz Bowl team. Cracking under the pressure of the timer, he curled up into a ball under the table for the rest of the match! Still, he’s invaluable during practice, keeping his teammates on their toes with challenging math questions of his own. Rumor has it, he’s being courted by the juvenile delinquents from Mid-City High – do they really care about the Quiz Bowl, or do they just want to see the reigning champions fail?
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supersmashrumble · 11 months
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Rita Chicory
Best Subject: Life Science
Extracurriculars: Quiz Bowl, Gardening Club
This amateur botanist is the newest addition to the Quiz Bowl team! She knows a great deal about the ins and outs of cultivating flowers, but she didn’t learn it from sitting in a stuffy old library – she learned everything from hands-on experience, out in the mud and sunshine of her flower garden. She hopes that soon, she’ll be able to turn her growing collection of flowers into her own brand of homemade perfume.
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supersmashrumble · 11 months
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Medea DuSalle
Best Subject: World Literature
Extracurriculars: Smoking Cigarettes Behind the Mall
Raised by the strict fundamentalist Youth Minister, Medea has rejected all religion and become a faithless, nihilistic Goth, much to her mother’s extreme displeasure. Many nights of screaming matches have evolved into a stony silence – Medea spends as little time as she can at home, and when she does, she’s hiding in the shadows of her room. The only thing she hates more than life itself is Paula Tanner. She seems to be the only thing her mother talks about, although she can’t seem to make up her mind. One day, she’s a good Christian who Medea should look up to, and the next day, she’s destroying traditional values and leading good children astray. Medea’s starting to think she should destroy Paula so her mom can finally shut up about her. That goody-two shoes could use a good ass-kicking anyway.
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supersmashrumble · 11 months
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Mrs. DuSalle
Position: Youth Ministry Director
Paula and Pete attend Sunday services at God’s Blue Sky Church, where the leader of Youth Ministry services has taken a great disliking to the two of them. Coming from a strict Holy Roller upbringing, Mrs. DuSalle believes that God is a wrathful being who punishes those who stray from His path and must be feared in order to be respected. Naturally, she’s come to resent Paula over her new-age messages of love and compassion. Kids these days need to learn about the fire-and-brimstone eternity of suffering begat by their sinful ways – all this hippy-dippy hand-holding bull honky is making everyone too soft! She’s not sure how, exactly, but she knows it’s all Paula’s fault that her own daughter was led astray... One of these days, she’s going to teach that sinful Jezebel a lesson, even if she has to beat it into her.
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supersmashrumble · 11 months
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Paula Tanner
Best Subject: World History
Extracurriculars: Bible Study
Paula is well aware of Christianity’s sordid history, as well as the insularity it creates in evangelical circles, but she still believes it can and should be a force for good. She started the Bible Study Club at school as a chance to lure in the fundamentalist kids and inject them with some morality for the modern world. She can always be found at the latest peace rally or human rights protest, with a new situational proverb stapled to her big cross stick. Unfortunately, this has made her quite a target for conservatives and other authoritarians who fear an educated populace, but her best friend Pete is always ready to stick up for her and have her back when the haters start to get to her.
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supersmashrumble · 11 months
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Peter Pittman
Best Subject: Phy Ed
Extracurriculars: Archery Team, Bible Study
Pete is a good boy who always tries to do what he’s told, even if he has a hard time paying attention or following directions. He’s eternally faithful to his best friend, Paula, sticking up for her no matter what. While he does his best to follow her lessons on morality and spirituality, making tough, ethical decisions hurts his brain and makes him feel weird, so he usually just defers to whatever she thinks is best. She’s just happy he didn’t fall under the wing of some power-hungry religious propagandist, because Pete would have been led astray in an instant. What he lacks in brainpower, he makes up for in athleticism. He’s a top-tier cross-country runner, an eagle-eye on the archery range, and not half bad at gymnastics, either. These skills come in handy when he’s protecting Paula from all the people she somehow manages to piss off with her message of kindness.
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supersmashrumble · 11 months
Is this blog dead?
Shame, I liked the concept behind it a lot
Ah dang... I guess you could consider it dead for now... Unfortunately, I just haven't had any time in my life to draw. I'm busy at work, busy with my family, busy with a long and hopeless house hunt. The free time I do have for creative projects is currently being used to write a serial comedy podcast, which I might post about here when I have something to show for it.
I do have like 6 or 7 drawings done that I haven't posted. Been slacking on writing their bios, but I guess I'll post them soon as a temporary sign-off.
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supersmashrumble · 2 years
Will you be doing alternate designs for some of the characters eventually (BOTW Link, ALBW Zelda, Zero Suit Samus, etc)?
Well, you know what? This is the second time I'm getting requests for some of the more recent fighters, so I think as soon as I get my arm back, I'm going to start on them. I'm just a bit worried that once I blow through them, they'll get buried at the bottom and lose relevance or something lol.
What other sorts of things would you guys like to see? Personality profiles? Q&A with characters (I know most AU blogs do this)? Character interaction comics? Written fanfics? I did a couple of those Vs. scenes, but it seemed like a lot more work that nobody was particularly interested in. Shoot me some ideas in the Ask Box!
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supersmashrumble · 2 years
This AU is so cute! It gives me lots of cozy early 2000s cartoon vibes and I love it a lot. I've read through all of the bios a few times now. I can't wait until you get to the rest of the cast. I'm really looking forward to Sonic, the Inklings, and the rest of the Pokemon fighters in particular.
Also I'm really sorry to hear about your arm, I hope you get well soon ;;
Wow thanks! I'm glad to hear you enjoy it and that you're getting some replay value out of it! ^_^
I'm a 90s kid so I grew up on that good shit from Cartoon Network and that's definitely the style I absorbed the most when practicing my own. A friend of mine also compared my style to Scott Pilgrim, which is definitely where a lot of the vibe of this AU came from.
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supersmashrumble · 2 years
I know my updates are really sporadic anyway, but I'm on a bit of a hiatus rn cuz I broke my arm lol
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supersmashrumble · 2 years
some of us were put on this earth to draw characters standing against a blank background 5000 times
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