supportingme · 3 years
Ah, yes, it’s that funny feeling again. That funny feeling. The best feeling. The feeling of...
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supportingme · 3 years
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supportingme · 3 years
First day on the job went well. I’m still nervous but a little more excited than before.
Keep your eyes out for a new shadow blog I’ll be working on for the next few weeks. I’ve been meaning to actually finish his blog but I haven’t had the motivation. I think having a job is motivating me more to work on things.
Im really excited about him and I hope you guys like him. Im not necessarily leaving ares. I’ll still do things with people on her and ares will always be my baby boy, but I’ll be on my other blog a little more. Ares has more or less become a discord muse and a comfort muse despite the amount of pain I put him through. (Just as how kiares has become a comfort ship hdksjshsgzxjxj). He’ll still be here.
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supportingme · 3 years
What is something you want to see happen to my muse?
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supportingme · 3 years
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I’m very sorry for suddenly disappearing this week. I had an interview last week and got hired that same day and I’ve been going though orientation and taking care of things on my end before I start this job. I want to make sure I’m prepared. I start on monday. And with fathers day things this weekend I don’t know how much time or energy I’m going to have to write. I’ll see how I feel. Again I’m really sorry, I’ll get back to it soon.
You’re all awesome and I hope you have a great day/weekend. 
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supportingme · 3 years
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          “It’s always like this..” He just.. stares at his fingers. “Do you have a blanket?”
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That’s worrying. “I can get you one.” In a flash he’s gone. A minuet passes before he pops back in again. A thick, warm blanket in his hands. “Prepare to become a burrito.”
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supportingme · 3 years
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          ╳ ┊ u l t i m a t e  »  “I’m tired, cold and I can’t feel my fingertips.”
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“You should probably get that checked.” Sarcasm. “Do you need a blanket?”
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supportingme · 3 years
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@supportingme​ said:  “ you must think you’re gaia’s gift to the world. ”
There’s a lot of heat Shadow takes on a daily basis – from his fellow agents, from his superiors, from random Mobians who have heard of his past – the list goes on and on. But hearing it from yourself ( and not the you who looks back at you in the mirror ) is another thing entirely. Perhaps because he’s hearing it from an alternate, Shadow snaps, unable to maintain his cool.
“I’m not the one who has lost everything.”   he has gained so much and lost so much / but not everything / which is always his biggest fear. He knows that a lonely future awaits him but that’s later and maybe he can outrun it if he tries hard enough.   “I would expect you of all people to understand the burden on my shoulders. The heavy weight of Maria’s promise.”   There’s no sense NOT TALKING ABOUT IT or pretending it doesn’t exist. It’s not like Ares doesn’t know EXACTLY what he’s feeling.
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“I am not Gaia’s gift to the world. I am Doctor Gerald Robotnik’s gift to the world. I do NOT intend on letting him down. You should spare yourself the trouble of looking down on me.” 
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Was he really here to pick a fight with another alternate? Maybe. It sure seemed like it at least. He enjoyed doing this kind of thing. He liked seeing their reactions. It was always different, but almost always rooted in the same cause. It all led back to them. Maria and Gerald. Of course it did, why wouldn’t it? One of them was their creator, the other was their best friend. 
Then again, was the stock they put in Gerald really founded? To them, yes, absolutely. He was the man that created them, that instilled their values for human life. To nurture, to protect. The rest of humanity would never know him like they did. And yet, he was the one that put the whole “revenge” plan into motion. By the end of his life Gerald was ready to destroy humanity, just like they were. 
The difference being they had moved past that desire to destroy. Gerald never did. Had Gerald been given the chance to continue living, would he have continued down the path of revenge and destruction. Would he turn into what his grandson is? Or would he have reformed? Is it even worth entertaining that thought in the first place? Probably not. Gerald was gone, and any more thought on it would simply be theory crafting.
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A smile tugged at his lips. He appreciated his alternate’s drive. “Don’t ever forget that.” Arms folded and he closed his eyes. “Don’t ever forget the reason you’re here, and the promises you’ve made along the way. The world won’t be kind to you. But keep that fire nice and hot.” Gaia knew his fire was slowly going out, along with the memories his alternate was talking about.
Don’t end up like me.
“I’m not looking down on you, I’m just giving you trouble.”
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supportingme · 3 years
Gets motivated to do things on RP blog
Makes a starter call
Sees responses to starter call
Logs off for 3 weeks
just rp things
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supportingme · 3 years
Send one of the following to ask the mun:
🍐 - How many ships have you considered but rejected for your muse? 🍊 - What are your favourite genres of threads? Fluff? Angst? Etc 🍎 - If you had to chose a new faceclaim for your muse, who would you pick? 🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what? 🍌 - What drew you into the fandom in the first place? 🍉 - If you considered a time travel thread, when would your muse go? 🍓 - What’s your sweetest rp experience so far? 🍇 - Have you even encountered any partners that threw a tantrum at you? 🍒 - How many friends do you have on here? 🍍 - How many drafts are you stalling with this meme? 🥝 - If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? 🍅 - Have you ever had a case of mistaken identity for your muse or another? 🍆 - How much sin appears on your dash every day? 🥒 - Are you thinking about reviving old muses? Who? 🥕 - What do you think about the current theme trends? 🌽 - Is there a fandom you’re too intimidated to join? 🌶 - Do you find your muse attractive? 🥔 - What’s the dumbest mistake you’ve made in rp? 🥜 - What’s the nuttiest thread you’ve ever had?
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supportingme · 3 years
It’s an...awkward concept for you to deal with. 
Touch can be gentle, soothing. Like when she would sit with you and stroke your quills when you were having a particularly bad day. Or how she would hold your hand while guiding you through hallways, talking about life, the planet, and everything it has to offer. Or maybe like how you hold a chao, so tender while holding such a small, seemingly fragile creature.
Touch can also be...terrifying. Cold, like the hands of the scientists when they held you down during their experiments. Aggressive, like the fist of your rival colliding with your jaw, sending you reeling backwards in pain. Manipulative, like the pulsating hands of your blood father taking you by the throat in an attempt to break your spirit. 
Touch can be...highly unpredictable. Which is why you’ve always shied away from it. You don’t like people touching you. It can bring back too many memories. Evoke too many emotions. 
And yet, here you are. Staring at your own hand, wishing someone would reach out and take it. Waiting to feel the warmth of another entity. The graze of something alive, something with a pulse you can feel, against your own fingertips. Someone, somewhere, anywhere to pull you in. To remind you you’re alive, you’re still breathing, you can still feel something, anything.
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But that touch never comes. And it will never come. Who would want to hold the hand of a monster? A hand that has brought so much death and destruction. A hand that should have never been created. A hand only meant for pain. 
And so you stay here. Locked away aboard the long since abandoned ARK. Who’s walls hold so many memories, of which you torment yourself with, day in and day out. Never allowing yourself to forget who you are and where you came from. Staring longingly down at the planet. Yearning for a touch you will never receive.
It’s an...awkward concept for you to deal with.
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supportingme · 3 years
oh hey look at that it’s an erp-
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“Excuse me for being so forward but...may I hold your hand?”
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supportingme · 3 years
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Please god stop me from making a multimuse
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supportingme · 3 years
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       “ What does.. OwO mean ? ”
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“It’s an emotion used when texting people. I take it as a feeling when you see something you like or something stimulates your brain in a good, pleasant way and you just...”
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supportingme · 3 years
I’m redoing my tags. Like this post if you want a relationship tag for your character 
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supportingme · 3 years
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I’ll be loosing you before long.
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supportingme · 3 years
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know this mocha, YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED.
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