Mabel was ever so slowly coming down from her high. She didn’t know if it was from the time or from being around her downer of a brother, but her happiness was depleting. She knew her brother wouldn’t approve of her taking another dose of jingle jangle, but she wished he’d understand. When they arrived home, she almost got out of the car and walked away but he started to speak again. “Now this is the kind of cool shit I’ve been wanting from you. What is it?”
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He looked in the back of the truck, checking to see if his backpack was there. No. Okay. “It’s in my backpack which... Is in my room.” Dipper looked at her for a moment before sliding out of the vehicle with the keys in his hand. His heart beat wildly as he tried to figure out how exactly to tell his sister about the journal. He’d been keeping it a secret since he’d found it, and he wondered if she’d be upset. Hopefully not. “C’mon.” The young man beckoned for her to follow him into the Mystery Shack.
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“I went to see the burned down wing of the college and saw something, someone up on the second floor,” he began, rubbing his eyes. “There was some weird fucking noise in the woods so I hopped the fence and hid in the building, which is where I ran into ice queen from Greendale. We go up to the second floor and there’s foot prints that aren’t ours in the ashes and this wall with all these weird fucking symbols on it and these hanging voodoo looking dolls,” he sighed and shook his head, “anyway, Ice queen started getting all suspicious and wouldn’t even tell me her real name, which I later found out was Elsa Arendelle from Adam. They never found Tadashi’s body after the fire, or that professor’s either, they haven’t fixed the damn thing yet but when Riverdale High’s gym catches fire the things back and better than ever in a month…and now Ariel finds a body but the paper, the sheriff’s office, the whole damn establishment says that she lied? This is gonna sound fucked but I think there’s some sort of cult going on and the big wigs are involved and covering it up…” he sighed and ran his hands down his face, leaning back in his chair, “do I sound crazy? Does all this sound insane?”
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Dipper listened intently, quickly pulling out his notebook and a writing utensil so he could jot everything down. The more he remembered, the easier the pieces would be to put together. This.. Ice Queen? Elsa... sounded like a suspicious character at the very least, and Dipper made sure to circle her name several times over. Everything sounded suspicious, but maybe she knew something... more. Still, the whole situation smelled fishy, and he was glad there was someone out there that... at least sort of believed that things were fucked.
“No, no. You don’t sound crazy. I... I don’t know anything about cults in the area, but I can probably skip class tomorrow to do some research or... something.” He furrowed his brow momentarily, glancing down at his backpack. Should he bring out the journal? Would it help? Maybe.. “I have something that might help us out, but you have to swear to me that no one will know about it okay?”
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Ariel brought her sweater up to her face screaming into it sitting on the library floor in one of the study rooms. They didn’t believe her. A liar they were calling her? How could they?? It wasn’t a lie about attending some party or texting someone.. it was a dead body. Tadashis dead body, angry tears poured down her face all she could look at was the Empry bottle her hands shook but she grabbed it tightly and bore into it. All he’d anger willing it to crush in her hold but a scream emmited and the bottle was thrown towards the wall, bringing her legs up she pressed her back into the wall chest tight forcing herself to stand she was about to lock the door when she met someone’s eyes.
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Originally posted by chertonis
The newspaper had mentioned Ariel Atlantica as the person who witnessed Tadashi’s body; the news called her a liar. Although Jim had mentioned that he didn’t really take her for the type, even if he didn’t know her that well. And, while he had a feeling that the information Jim gave him was accurate, he wanted to hear directly from the source. Like a good detective, he told himself. At least, that was what was pulling him through the awkward scenario.
Someone had mentioned they had seen her heading into the library -- gossip was pretty heavy in the town, especially about her. Deciding it was the best chance he had to talk to her, he went inside and searched for the redhead. Although, he didn’t really have to do much looking. As he heard a scream and a crash, he hurried towards the source, awkwardly standing nearby. Seeing people cry always made him feel.. strange... but, in the moment, he was able to identify it as... pity?
“Are... You’re Ariel, right? Ariel Atlantica?” Way to go, genius. Make yourself sound smart.
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Mabel sat in the passenger seat and played with her hair. She didn’t have much to say, and if Dipper wasn’t going to say anything neither was she. She wished the her brother would just let loose and have fun every once in a while. They were going to school across the country from where they grew up. Once they went back home their friends would want stories, interesting stories. He didn’t want to have those? 
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As they pulled up to the Mystery Shack, Dipper stared at it for a long while. His hand lingered on the keys before twisting them and shutting off the old truck. He glanced to his sister, breathing out through his nose. A large part of him wanted to share all of the weird things that he had found with his sister, wanted to share the excitement he felt for them with her. But, what if she laughed? He doubted she would want to help him solve whatever was going on -- from what he could tell, she was happy getting involved in gang activity. He looked back at the steering wheel, tugging the keys out the ignition. “Mabes, I... have something that I want to show you. You just... Have to promise that you won’t tell anyone, alright? None of your friends.. No one in the gang... Not even Grunkle Stan. Just between you and me, okay?” Dipper knew it sounded cryptic as all hell, but.. the situation.. sort of was.
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Jim glanced behind the younger boy, “close the door,” he said, he turned in his seat, facing the young man. He took a seep breath and sighed, “this place has always been fucked, I mean, just three or so years ago six women died of ruptured aneurysms all at the same time and they just waved it off like it was some fucking coincidence. I don’t think Ariel would lie about this, I don’t know her all that well but…I don’t know, it doesn’t make sense, and the Atlanticas are one of the founding families, they’re really fucking important and have a ton of money and power so why would her dad let an article like that get published?” The minute the door closed it all came flooding out, all of it. “You’ve lived other places right, or one other place, whatever. You know that the things that happen here, don’t happen everywhere else…before we get any further into it, I need to know, how badly do you want to know the truth? Any lengths or strictly within reason?”
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Dipper quickly shut the door as he was asked, setting his backpack down by his feet as he listened intently to the other. Finally, someone who recognized the weird things that happened in this town. From minor to major, people just seemed to... let things slide. It was absolutely bizarre, as well as concerning. Despite the situation, he couldn’t help the small smile that crept to his lips as he felt like someone might finally... believe the theories and possible discoveries he had made. “Nothing... Strange at all happens back at home. Except for a lot of health kicks that people like.” He would never understand some of the things back home.
“I... would love to hear any details you have, anything you can share.” He stared at the other. If he shared the information with him, he’d happily pull out the journal. Maybe it had the answers to the strange happenings.
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“I didn’t think going on a date was an issue. I told Stan not to wait up.” Mabel rolled her eyes, but she didn’t actually tell Stan anything. At least, she didn’t think she did. “Don’t worry. He was a perfect gentleman.” She moved to get into the car. “I would love a ride home. Thanks, bro.”
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He looked at her for a long time before shaking his head and heading back to Stan’s car. “Yeah.. Anytime, Mabes.” When the hell did they really start to drift apart? He knew moving here was the cause, but when did the rift form? What pried them apart? The gang had something to do with it, but.. he didn’t want to believe that was the sole cause. Up until Southside, they’d... been inseparable. And.. Now they barely talked, barely told each other anything. Dipper wanted so badly to share the weird secrets of this town with her, or at least his theories. That was something he could have done months earlier. Now, it just felt like he couldn’t. Like she’d laugh in his face or something. She had every right to live her life, he just never pictured a chasm.
The ride home, on his end, was pretty silent. He didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t like he could scold her for going on a date, couldn’t scold her for having fun. He just wished she was more careful.
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Within the Black & Red HQ, there were some smaller rooms along the side, much, much smaller rooms. When the school was built, Jim assumed that they were meant for editors and such but mostly they were used for storage, even the one Jim had jokingly appropriated for himself by labeling with a sticker he’d made using their long since broken printer. Technically he had no real claim to the space but he’d never been challenged for it, so the door opening was even more unexpected than it would have been had he been in the shared space. 
“If it isn’t my favourite Pines twin,” he said dryly, rolling his eyes. He knew Dipper from the Black& Red sort of and he knew his sister from that one time she screwed him over and got the inn trashed. “This is about the body isn’t it?” 
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Dipper blushed awkwardly as the other seemed less than enthused to see him. He couldn’t really blame the other, they weren’t... close by any means. And.. Mabel had done him dirty. “I.. Yes. I know it’s.. obvious. But, I want to know more. If.. If there’s anything!” He brought the journal with him, just in case things went well. He was hesitant about showing it to anyone, really. But, part of him had started to think that he really couldn’t uncover this mystery alone, as much as he wanted to. “This town is... weird as hell... And I don’t believe for a second that... any of this is coincidental.”
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Whenever Mabel heard her brother’s voice, she wanted to curse, but stopped herself. She slung her bag over her shoulder and walked up to her brother. “I had a date, Dip Dap.” She laughed. “But we stopped…. to uh… kiss and stuff… and he fell asleep before he could take me home.” She turned to the man in the car, praying he wouldn’t wake up for that moment. “You coulda just texted me, Brosef.”
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He stared at her. “You also could have texted me or.. Stan for that matter... where you were so we didn’t worry. So I didn’t worry.” He knew Stan probably wouldn’t worry about Mabel, not for being gone for a few hours. Dipper frowned, glancing into the car to see the sleeping man. He shook his head. “I mean.. Yeah. I could have. I..” He blushed, embarrassed about where he had found his sister, the reality suddenly hitting him. Had they done anything? Did he need to try and square up? The idea was laughable. “Do you... Need a ride home then?”
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Jim sat at a desk in the Red & Black headquarters as the winter storm raged on outside. He didn’t know Ariel very well but he had a feeling she wasn’t a liar yet that was what the paper was making her out to be, a liar. The same town that could replace a school gymnasium in a month but couldn’t manage to start renovations on a wing at the College in half a year? The police, the school, the mayor’s office…they were all in on something, something big, the question was, what? He thought about maybe trying to find Elsa, she seemed to know or think she knew something but he thought better of it, he didn’t want to spook her just yet. He thought about trying to see Ariel to ask her about that night but doubted he would get anywhere close without help. He thought about maybe, just maybe, asking the Serpents to see what they knew but he knew the price of those questions. The door to the office opened up and he turned towards the slow creak, “what are you doing here?” he asked. 
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As soon as word got out about Tadashi’s body being ‘found’, Dipper’s ‘weird’ senses went on full blast. He had to talk to someone, had to find out more information if he could, even if it made him seem crazy. He had to talk to Ariel or... Fuck, anyone! Anyone who was willing to look deeper into the goddamn weird shit that was definitely happening. Dipper had a good idea of who he could talk to, at the very least maybe... So he made his way to the Red & Black.
As he arrived, he knocked slowly on the office door labeled with Jim’s name and pushed it open, hoping and praying that he was going to be in there. His heart raced anxiously. “Ah.. Hi.. I wanted to talk to you?”
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Mabel had gone on a Tinder date. It was nothing remarkable, and she would never, ever, ever have sex on the first date. That was a definite no-no. She hadn’t even done that. Ever. She wasn’t about to do that on a random date. The two of them had sat on the side of the road, not too far from the Mystery Shack, but not too close as to get in trouble by Dipper or Grunkle Stan. It had been a couple of hours and a dose or two of jingle jangle later when she realized her date had fallen asleep. She climbed out, ready to walk the couple of miles back home. She got a few feet away from the car before realizing she forgot her stash. She ran back, leaned in the window, and took her bag before pulling away. She saw a car had stopped, and she pursed her lips hoping that it wasn’t a cop.
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Since Mabel hadn’t been back in a few hours, Dipper had become increasingly worried. With her gang involvement and the weird shit that was going on in town, and a damn murderer on the loose, he was panicking. Without much hesitation, he took Grunkle’s keys and went on a quick look for her in town. However, he didn’t have to get far when he found a car stopped on the side of the road. And someone standing beside it. He flashed the headlights, caught a glimpse of his sister, and scowled. He quickly got out of the car. “Mabel! I’ve been freaking out! Where have you been! I thought something had happened to you!”
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He didn’t know which one of them it had been, which one of his father friends or if it was his father himself. It sent a disturbed chill through him. They were watching him. Biting his lip he wondered if he should spend another night in the woods.. whatever his parents were trying to prove.. he grabbed little daisy who was curled up and slipped away easily enough he didn’t want to be in his parents home for another second. They had began taking his things, stealing his cat. Hurrying back daisy right against his chest he stopped turning towards the other figure in the dark.
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Originally posted by dylanobrien-daily
Dipper had been immersing himself in classes as well as uncovering the mysteries of the strange journal he had acquired months ago. He hadn’t come across too many answers, only possible evidence. Despite this, he had crafted well over a hundred theories and maps of the woods of possible places to investigate. It was at one of these spots that he spotted another figure and crouched down behind a tree. He prayed he hadn’t been spotted, but knew damn well he probably was. Shit. The young man peered out, slowly standing, unsure if he should make a run for it or try to break the silence. Heaven knew, however, that silence wasn’t something he was good at breaking.
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“Grunkle encouraged me, Dip. There’s only one way to survive the southside.” Mabel really hadn’t thought about what her parents would think, but when they finally went home, she would be out of dodge. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.”
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“Yeah, by not getting into the middle of a gang war, Mabel.” He frowned and shook his head. He loved his sister, but her reckless lust for any sort of adventure was somewhat irritating at times. “You say that now. But what about when we go home and you’ve got to explain the jacket or a scar or something?”
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She waiting for him to go in and come back, “it’s no trouble,” she said when he thanked her. “I’m Belle by the way, I go to Riverdale High…I’ve never seen you around town, are you new?”
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“Belle? I uh... I’m Dipper.” He put his hands in his jacket pockets in the hopes that she wouldn’t see him fidgeting. “I uh.. Go to Southside.” The young man blushed a bit in embarrassment; he’d rather go elsewhere.
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Send 👻 to tell ghost stories with my muse.
“Look it happened okay? People talk about it all the time in Greendale.” Adam tried to state as he went on about some lame hoax story that had been going around Baxter high. It was really just one of those things that people told kids to scare them but when he was asked to give his best ghost story it was the only thing that came to Adam’s mind was the story of Bell witch. “If you can think of anything better then, please. Step the hell up.”
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Dipper was sufficiently interested in what the older boy had to say, and practically looked like a child in a candy store (or, rather, Mabel whenever she saw something she deemed cute). Honestly, the young man was giddy, as the journal he had found had detailed something about the Bell Witch. "Okay, okay. So, do you know the story about the old burned down church in the Fox Forest?" God, he was so happy someone would at least humor him with this topic.
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She had been in the police station to drop off a wallet she’d found when she saw the stressed out looking young man approaching. She’d never seen him before and that immediately made the young writer curious, she saw the phone in his hand, “I take it that’s not yours?” she said with a friendly smile, crossing her arms, “I swear, this whole town would loose their heads if they weren’t attached,” she laughed. “There’s a lost and found drop box inside,” she gestured at the door behind her, light streaming through the glass and the windows. 
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“Oh... Yeah. It’s... It’s not mine. I.. Found it.” He frowned a bit, nodding as she directed him to the lost and found box. “One second..” Dipper said as he rushed in, depositing the phone where it needed to be, and headed out. “Thank you for the help,” he said with a small, sheepish smile.
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“That’s the perfect disguise.” Mabel knew he was right, but those were the kinds of jobs she wanted. “Around here, it’s normal teenager things, dear brother.”
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He rolled his eyes as she spoke, wondering if she was trying to justify it or if she actually believed it was something cool. “Mabel, you know how much trouble you can get into doing this stuff right? I know Grunkle Stan is... Weirdly okay with you doing this, but what about Mom and Dad?”
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“How do you know it isn’t a spy mission? Maybe this is a ghoulie shop.” Mabel would have crossed her arms over her chest if she could. “It’s not like I’m buying it for myself.” She knew that Dipper wasn’t going to stop arguing with her. “I’m just buying groceries. Normal teenager things.”
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“Because I hardly believe you are considered quiet enough for the job.” He rolled his eyes. If it was a ghoulie shop, he was certain serpents wouldn’t be allowed in. It wasn’t really like she was quiet about her involvement either. “No, this isn’t ‘normal teenager things’, Mays. This is a gang involved teenager thing.” He frowned.
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