sweetblasphemy0612 · 8 years
A letter by a European Third Party supporter to American Third Party Supporters
Dear American Third Party Supporters,
I appreciate your enthusiasm, your passion and your willingness to stand up for what you believe in. America needs more political diversity and America (and the world!) needs more young people involved in politics. The Green Party and the Libertarian Party are a good place to start.
However, the Presidential election is not a good place to start. Before you scroll down now, please hear me out, I just want to give you some food for thought.
There are no Green Party members in the House of Representatives. There are no Libertarian Party members in the House of Representatives.
There are no Green Party members in the Senate. There are no Libertarian Party members in the Senate.
There is nobody who would pass the bills a President Stein or a President Johnson draws up. Maybe the Democrats would work with Jill Stein and maybe the Republicans would work with Gary Johnson, but the most important word here is: maybe.
It will be Obama´s second term all over again. However, this time it´s not just a few votes which you need from a rival party, but all of them. Neither the Green party nor the Libertarian party will have a majority in congress.This means a President Stein or a President Johnson will have to compromise. A lot.
In the end, after all of these compromises, there will hardly be anything left of the Green/Libertarian platform and people will be disappointed by these Presidents and the parties they represent.
And what happens to a party that has disappointed people? People will resent it and will definitely not vote for it again in the future.
Just look at all the things Obama tried to do, all the things that were thrown out by the Republican Congress. Zika aid, for example. People blame Obama for these failures, not Congress.
Just look how other third parties all over the world have fared when they got into power and had to compromise.
The Liberal Democrats in the UK formed a coalition with the Conservatives and, in order to keep that position of power, they had to compromise. They were the ones who catastrophically failed in the next election, because so many of their voters were disappointed by them. Then there´s the FDP in Germany. Same story as the Liberal Democrats. The FDP is practically non-existent now, because their former voters hate them for compromising.
I know this seems contradictory at first, but having a Third Party President before having a significant number of Third Party representatives in Congress will destroy your party.
Don´t let this happen. A two-party system doesn´t change overnight, you have to be patient. And if the Democrats defeat the Republicans this election, the Republican Party is finished. This will create a nice power vacuum for Third Parties to fill. And this is where you can start.
If you´ve read all of this, thank you for listening and being so open-minded!
a European Third Party supporter
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sweetblasphemy0612 · 8 years
Clone Poe Dameron
Spoilers for Star Wars The Force Awakens.
So. Idea. What if when Poe was cloned when he was originally captured. Original Poe does escape with finn, but he dies in the crash. Then the First Order or whatever is like hey, we can just put clone Poe near the wreckage and watch him get saved. Clone Poe knows that finn is a janitor, so when finn tells everyone where to attack he assumes it won’t work. Then when it does he’s like omg oops better pretend I’m proud of this… That's why he asked finn if that was his jacket! Original poe would have known, clone poe wasn't sure. But ultimately, he develops feels for finn and turns against the first order.
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sweetblasphemy0612 · 8 years
Dear creepy heterosexual men guarding our bathrooms, My entire life, I’ve been told to fear you in one way or another. I’ve been told to cover my body as to not distract you in school, to cover my body to help avoid unwanted advances or comments, to cover my body as to not tempt you to sexually assault me, to reject your unwanted advances politely as to not anger you. I’ve been taught to never walk alone at night, to hold my keys in my fist while walking in parking lots, to check the backseat of my car, to not drink too much because you might take advantage of me. I’ve been told what I should and shouldn’t do with my body as to not jeopardize my relationships with you. I’ve been warned not to emasculate you, to let “boys be boys”, to protect your fragile ego and to not tread on your even more fragile masculinity. I’ve been taught to keep my emotions in check, to let you be the unit of measure for how much emotion is appropriate and to adjust my emotions accordingly. I’ve been taught that you’re allowed to categorize women into mothers/sisters/girlfriends/wives/daughters but any woman outside of your protected categories is fair game. So to those of you who think you’re being helpful by “protecting” me and my fellow women, you’re like a shark sitting in the Lifeguard chair. I wasn’t uncomfortable until you showed up at the pool and the only potential predator I see is you. Your mothers, sisters, girlfriends, wives and daughters don’t need you to walk them to the bathroom for safety. Your fathers, brothers, friends and sons need to walk themselves away from their own double standards. Women are sexually harassed and sexually assaulted on school campuses, on the street, at their jobs, on the Internet, in their own homes, in ANY public place. And it has been excused or ignored for so long because of what you and I are taught from the first years of our interactions with each other: You, as a male, are not accountable for your own actions. It’s MY responsibility, as a female, to not “provoke” you. But then you get to Knight-In-Shining-Armor your way through life for those in your protected categories and I am expected to applaud you. Why the outrage now over bathrooms? Why aren’t you outraged every single day? If you’re telling me that there are high volumes of boys and men out there, in schools or in general, who are just waiting for a “loop hole” to sexually assault girls and women, we have bigger problems on our hands than bathrooms. The first problem would be your apparent lack of knowledge of how often it happens OUTSIDE of bathrooms, with no “loop holes” needed. This isn’t about Transgender bathroom access. This is about you not trusting the boys and men in your communities and/or fearing that they’re all secretly predators. Why do you have this fear? How many fathers have panicked when their daughters started dating because they “know how teenaged boys can be because they used to be one”? How many times have girls been warned “boys are only after one thing”? A mother can bring her young son into the women’s restroom and that’s fine but a father bringing his young daughter into the men’s restroom is disturbing because men are assumed to be predators and “little girls” shouldn’t be exposed to that. So instead of picking up your sword and heading to Target or the girls’ locker room to defend our “rights”, why don’t you start somewhere that could actually make a difference? Challenge your children’s schools to end sexist dress codes and dress codes that sexualize girls as young as age 5. Advocate for proper (or any) sex education classes in all public schools by a certain grade level. Focus more on teaching your sons not to rape vs teaching your daughters how to avoid being raped. Stop asking “How would you feel if that was your mother or sister?” It shouldn’t take the comparison to clue you in to what’s right or wrong. Question why you’re more worried about your daughter being around men than your son being around women in bathrooms and dressing rooms. Stop walking by Victoria’s Secret with no problem but covering your son’s eyes if a woman is breastfeeding in public. Stop treating your daughter’s body as some fortress you’re sworn to protect as if that’s all she’s got to offer the world.
Katherine Graville (via imawitchywitch)
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sweetblasphemy0612 · 8 years
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Good drinks, good times! #RGB
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sweetblasphemy0612 · 8 years
Oh Moses, what have you done? You scolded that poor shepherd and failed to realize how dear he was to Me. He might not be saying the right things in the right way, but he was sincere. His heart was pure and his intentions good. I was pleased with him. His words might have been blasphemy to your ears, but to Me they were sweet blasphemy. … so you see, don’t judge the way other people connect to God.
The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak
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sweetblasphemy0612 · 8 years
A year ago I sat in a back pew of a local church, desperately trying not to have a panicked breakdown in public. After growing up in the church I had a sort of spiritual falling out when I had finally had enough of being bullied for never quite being good enough. I hadn't willingly been to a church in at least half a decade. But here I was, sitting next to my love in the pew, trying to support a child in her own spiritual journey. I closed my eyes and called in my heart to anyone in the universe who might help me, begging for peace and grace to be kind and loving to those around me so I could help this child have a good experience. My call was answered when swirling lights of green, red, orange, and blue filled my mind to form the face of a woman. In that instant I felt a calm go through me. It would be several weeks later when I found the imagery I had seen in the real world. And that is where my journey began. )O (
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sweetblasphemy0612 · 8 years
Witches battling Depression/Anxiety
Reblog if your blog is a safe place for witches who battle Depression and Anxiety in their lives.   Reblog if you are a witch who battles Depression or Anxiety Reblog if you use witchcraft/magic to help you overcome your Depression or Anxiety. 
Reblog if you recognize Depression and Anxiety as real conditions, and not just being “sad” or “dramatic”.  Reblog support and love! 
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sweetblasphemy0612 · 8 years
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Never forget the Battle of Hogwarts (May 2nd, 1998)
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sweetblasphemy0612 · 8 years
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sweetblasphemy0612 · 10 years
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I really like these, Sam I am, I really like my green eggs and ham! No food dye needed :D #KitchenStadium #GreenEggsAndHam
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sweetblasphemy0612 · 10 years
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Watching the fog disappear in the sunrise from the office.
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sweetblasphemy0612 · 10 years
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Morning fog in Bellevue.. Love the view from (close to) the top! (at Lincoln Square)
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sweetblasphemy0612 · 10 years
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#Oysters on the half shell :) yummy! (at Taylor Shellfish Farms)
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sweetblasphemy0612 · 10 years
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A night of live music calls for some classy #OldFashioned beverages :)
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sweetblasphemy0612 · 10 years
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Bus station #Seattle
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sweetblasphemy0612 · 10 years
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Hot chocolate 5k complete! #WillRunForChocolate #Seattle
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sweetblasphemy0612 · 10 years
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Been a long day of travel. One flight left... #NeedADrink (at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX))
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