Hey guys, it’s me again. I just figured I’d post something to let yall know what’s going on and stuff. Read more because it’s kinda sad lmao.
Over the last several weeks, I’ve had a lot of things happen. I’ve gotten a new roommate, two new pets, and transferred jobs at work. But, things aren’t so great. I’ve been fighting off chronic depression for a while now, and it’s finally gotten the best of me. Anxiety and depression make for a nasty duo, and it took a turn for the worst a week ago. I’ve never wanted to stop existing more than I have in years, and I knew I needed to do something.
It’s been years almost, more than I can really fathom at this point. But I’m just so sad and miserable all the time. Nothing I do seems to help, even the joys I found in writing with all of you just...vanished. I can’t find these muses anywhere, and when I would try to focus my efforts, I just found myself frustrated that the words never seemed to fit right or come at all.
So I’m taking a formal break for a while, to try and find myself amidst this chaos of the home I call my own mind. I’m taking the steps to find help, and get medicated for this. When I’m finally stable again, I know I’ll be back. I don’t want to keep you all waiting on my pokey ass to finish things. But rest assured, I’ll be back. The tide will come and go, but the ocean is eternal, and will always wash it’s way back to shore.
In the meantime, I’ll be lurking on discord more likely than not, so feel free to reach me there. I love you all, and will miss you a great deal. Take care.
Much Love,
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@sweetsmellingplayboy || IzuKao fluff nonsense for you!
*Kickflips into the sun* AJ my friend! I hope you are having fun in these holidays just as much as I hope the best comes for you on the new year!
It hasn’t been long since we met each other, but you have become a really important friend of mine if these few months. From the moment i first saw you coming with Kaoru and Keito I was so excited to talk and plan stuff. I’m super grateful that you are such an amazing and fun person, it has been amazing to plot out things with you and just talk about random enstars stuff I’m also most happy that I got you to ship Izukao mwahaha
Even if sometimes we don’t manage to talk for being busy or whatever, i really treasure every single time we do manage to talk! We have some plans for the future and I’m super excited about seeing them play out! I’ll be sending you cheers and good energies so work won’t end your life before we get to do everything.
Thanks for being such a good friend! I hope we continue to get along next year!
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Koga has managed to hunt him down, easily smelling him from a mile away. Today however, he isn't here to force the older to go anywhere. He simply holds out a grey gift bag. Inside is a slightly less strong male cologne that Koga admits won't irritate his nose. Also included is a signed picture of Koga winking, made out to Kaoru's first name rather than his last. Huh. Wonder why that's in there...
Kaoru had been casually lounging as he did after presenting Koga with the jacket. He wasn’t even expecting to get tracked down again. And at first he thought that he was going to get dragged off to do some more work, but to his surprise...it’s not one of those meetings.
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Taking the bag from Koga’s hands, he raised a curious eyebrow before opening it slowly. Taking out the cologne, he sprayed it on his wrist to test it, and he had to admit it smelled rather nice. He’d start wearing this more often. And there was more? Taking out the picture, Kaoru’s cheeks tinted a soft red, staring up at his unitmate. “This is certainly and interesting gift~. I really like it thank you! Merry Christmas Koga~.”
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Mhaa~! Return Christmas gifts!
“Oooooooiii, Kaoru! Open up, dude! OOOOOOOooiiiiiiii!”
Mizumachi was still knocking on the door, calling out for his blond friend he’d met for the first time at the beach. Of course, you could bet on the fact that he most DEFINITELY was wearing the goggles on his head right now.
How else can he show that he for sure received the gift (not like Kaoru had any doubts, since he put the box down himself most likely) and that he liked it? Of course, he had to wear it to show off his appreciation for the gift!
Another way to showcase it off— was… there it is! The door was opening!
It’s time!
Strike a pose! Another one, aaaaaand another one for good measure!
Honestly, it was a wonder what went on in his head sometimes. He was a force of nature. He was just full of energy like the waves cascading against the edge of the beach, that’s for sure. It was hard for a lot of people to keep up with his energy at times.
“Look! I got the goggles you got me! They look nice, right? They fit great!” Just the widest of grins on his face right now.
Reaching into his pants pocket, he pulled something out. It looked like a small plush of some kind. A small plush of a human, from the looks of it? On it’s back was little wings.
Don’t you worry your little playboy head, all will make sense soon enough. Or not. It is Mizumachi we’re talking about.
“Here! It’s a lil dude with wings! Ya can name him whatever ya want. Do ya geddit? Geddit? Do ya?”
He’s a lil dude and he’s got wings!
“In case you don’t have anyone, this lil dude can be your wingman. I’m sure he’ll do a great job the next time you try to pick up some girls.” The biggest and cheesiest of grins was on his face right now.
You are more than free to just shut the door on him for that lame joke. 
With not one, but two surprising visits to his door, Kaoru was still munching on the cake he had gotten earlier that day, and went to see who exactly wanted his attention. It wasn’t often he had visitors, just because of his sleep schedule, since he worked nights at the bar.
Answering the door, he came face to face with Mizumachi, who he had left a gift for earlier that morning striking a few poses. And it looked like he was wearing it, and loving it. Perfect! He was never any good at this sort of thing, but liked doing it. The surfer was so glad that it turned out well, because if not he would have felt rather awkward.
“Wha? Oh hey~, I don’t usually get visitors. I’m glad you got the gift I sent you. It looks great on you.” Kaoru smiled, and looked down at the small plushie that was being handed to him. Oh? And what was this? The blond turned it over in his hands a few times, and then the biggest smile crossed his face as the significance was finally explained to him. That was so thoughtful...it made him so happy.
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“Ah~, this is great! I’ll admit I didn’t understand it at first...but I’m sure this little guy can be the perfect wingman for me in the future~. Thanks Mizumachi~. I love it!”
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Return Christmas gift-desu~
It was a bit later in the day, but it couldn’t be helped. She wasn’t expecting a gift, and so she had to speedily try to prepare something. There was only so much that she could do on such short notice! She thought it would be cute to return the favor with something similar to the gift that she was given so that of course meant it was time to bring out the apron!
She did like to bake every now and again so that she could make good desserts for those times that she couldn’t go out herself to actually purchase sweets. She was a sweets conosuier, so she didn’t want to settle for sweets that were subpar. Her monthly binge of sweets required some good stuff! She ate ALL THE SWEETS on one day, don’t you know?
Anyways, she baked him a small strawberry shortcake (classics are great and she won’t let anyone tell her otherwise) and with colored icing, she drew a small chibi version of Kaoru riding the waves on the cake. It certainly looked odd on a shortcake, but she didn’t think that Kaoru would mind that very much. It was cute, and cuteness is JUSTICE.
Carefully, she put the cake in a box, and she added a small card on top of the box which read:
“Thank you for the thoughtful gift! Haru will be sure to eat many good sweets! To return the favor, she made you a cake!
-ps Haru doubts it, but if this was an indirect way of confessing to Haru, she politely declines.
-pss if this is just a friendly gesture, then Haru wholeheartedly accepts and appreciates the thought.
-psss You still need to work on your pick up lines. Haru really hopes you didn’t get them from popsicle sticks. They are not good mentors.
Haru Miura
Setting the box with the cake down at the doorstep, she rang the doorbell and zoomed out of there. Somehow it was embarrassing to be there when he received the gift. She didn’t want to risk the first words out of his mouth being: Here to accept my feelings?
No, she wanted to avoid that. She was 90% sure that wasn’t his intention, but if it was, now he had a cake to balance out the bitter sweetness of rejection.
Kaoru honestly wasn’t expecting to be getting anything in return. He just really loved giving gifts to people without sticking around for whatever aftermath came from it. Most of the time, it worked. Key words were most of the time. But when he left to check to see who rang his doorbell, he saw a box on his doorstep. Looking at it rather curiously, he picked it up and started inspecting it.
The surfer decided to save checking the mail for a little later, and figure out what exactly was in this box. Setting it down on his kitchen table, he read the note attached to it. With a bright smile on his face, he happily opened the box to reveal probably the most delicious looking shortcake he had ever seen. There was no way this was going to survive the night. 
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He snapped a photo of the drawing on the top of it, still smiling like an idiot. It was so nice of her to do that for him, since she didn’t have to. He decided to take a bit, and it was absolutely amazing. Still laughing about all the PS’s she left him, he hummed. “Ah, Merry Christmas Haru~. Don’t worry, I’m working on my pick up lines, and they’re not from Popsicle sticks. Consider it a peace offering I suppose? For all those times I bothered you.”
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I LIVED BITCHEDS. Hey yall it’s AJ back from the faking dead. I have now officially replied to literally everything on my tracker and the starters I hadn’t yet posted replies to. All of my old threads have been caught up and updated. If for some reason, I missed yours. Please feel free to kick me in the face. Thanks for being so patient with me. Between my full time job sucking my soul, taking in somebody, aaaand trying to deal with family stuff…it’s been really stressful. But I’m back now! So I should be a little faster with replying. But please don’t rush me I’m still a very busy meme. I love and appreciate all of you <3
With love, 
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Make Me
(starter for @caricaturcs)
Kaoru Hakaze was never one for showing up to practice on time...if at all. Of course, he was a busy man going on dates. But today was not his lucky day. After trying to avoid old man Sakuma and Otogari all afternoon, he was fairly successful...until somebody else got in his way.
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The blond playboy sighed, waving his hand. He really wasn’t in the mood to do much today, so he casually tried to dodge the only member of UNDEAD who had managed to track him down. “How’d you find me anyway? I’m busy today~. Can we do this another time?”
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[水] - Mizumachi only laughed at Kaoru’s words. The beach was great and it had a lot of pretty girls to look at, that was true. He didn’t know about flirting so much as trying to build his friendship circle when he approached people on the beach. He was just too friendly of a guy for people to not give him a chance most of the time. 
Kaoru had gotten a lot of the sand off of him and he started to try moving. Finding his limbs moving as he wanted them too, he was preparing to just explosively release himself. Gathering his limbs together, he effectively POPPED out of the sand. 
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       “Nhaa~! I’m finally free!               Thanks dude, I owe ya one!” 
Mizumachi laughed loudly, now standing tall with all of his glory. He was ridiculously tall for a Japanese person and he was used to getting stares all the time for his tall stature. He knew that he wasn’t all too common. 
       “Hahaha! Sure, I don’t mind tagging along.                 You can always learn something new every day!” 
Like for instance, children were evil things when you were on the beach.
Kaoru nearly jumped back in surprise, finally seeing how tall this guy actually was. Holy…this dude was a giant. How tall even was that? He couldn’t even begin to guess. Blinking for a moment, the blond quickly focused on different things. Mizumachi looked like a genuine and friendly guy, somebody that Kaoru could see himself hanging around more. Hopefully the next time he wouldn’t be digging him out of the sand.
“Don’t mention it~. Getting stuck in the sand isn’t exactly an ideal to spend the day at the beach you know.” He laughed too, taking another glance around the nearby area. There were plenty of people around, since the weather was fair and the sun was shining brightly. It was honestly perfect beach weather.
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“I like the way you think. There are tons of people to talk to. And while I’m not the greatest at getting anywhere with my flirting, it’s always fun. Besides, some girls just need somebody to tell them that they’re pretty to make their day. But that’s just my personal opinion~.” Nevermind the fact that every single time Kaoru tired…he was immediately shut down. But that never stopped him from trying anyway. “I’ll let you take it away~. Who or where first?”
Beach Bums | | Kaoru & Kengo
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Kuro took the cup happily, sipping on it as he started to look around some more. He nodded in thanks. “Ah, yeah, hopefully. Give me the level-headedness to handle these drunk idiots.”
He looked back at Kaoru at the question. Kuro let out a laugh at the mention of his roommate, and he shook his head. “Nah, he doesn’t mind too much. Our schedules are good enough that we get a good amount of time together before having to go off to work, and then Kanzaki meshes well with us.”
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Ah, just thinking about it had him sighing a little. He missed that glasses nerd sometimes. “I like working here though,” He remembered the original question. “It’s nice, even though I complain sometimes.
Kaoru was really happy to have someone like Kuro around. Not only was he strong and scary enough to keep most people in line who got too rowdy, he was just pleasant company. While they were classmates in the same year, they didn’t really talk a whole lot while they were in school. Moving here was a new start for a lot of them. And it was refreshing.
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The blond couldn’t help but chuckle, remembering that both the elder members of the former unit Akatsuki used to call Kanzaki their kid. He wondered if that was still a thing, since now apparently they were all living together. That had to be an interesting household. “Ah~, I forgot that Kanzaki was hanging around still! You all must live interesting home lives.” He smiled, looking back out at the floor. “You complain, but it’s not annoying or anything. I complain too, but it’s because I care and I know you do too~.”
Night Shift
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Tori blinked, and he frowned a bit. What was his name? He thought for a bit, and he blinked.
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“Ah~ That’s reserved for really good boys~ For now, you can call me Princess!” Tori smiled sweetly, hugging his arm. “Ahh~ Chocolate cake is the best, isn’t it?”
Kaoru was becoming more and more skeptical about this whole thing the longer it went on. What sort of answer was that? “I guess?”
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The blond furrowed his brows for a moment. “I like funfetti better, but that’s beside the point. Chocolate’s pretty good too. You look…really familiar. Have I met you before?”
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When he wasn’t working or sleeping, it was pretty likely to find Kaoru roaming the beachside. He would love to live here, to see the ocean every day and be so close to it. But visiting it would have to do for now. He had just finished riding a few pretty decent waves out on the open water, and now he was headed back for a bit of a rest.
One of his passtimes was hitting on the pretty girls that happened to be chilling around by the waves. While he was never any good at it, or at least that’s what he assumed since he never really got anywhere. But he kept trying anyway. Besides, some people just needed to be told they looked nice every now and then.
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The blond held the board under his arm, waving to people he passed, and eventually saw a girl sitting alone. Well, she looked like she needed some company, so he decided to wander closer. Keep it casual, it’ll be fine. “Hey~, great day out today, isn’t it? How’s it going?”
“Stay back, you Playboy”
Closed starter for @sweetsmellingplayboy
Haru was on one of the sister beaches and was enjoying the warm sun and the feeling of the waves disturbing the sand underneath her feet. The sand was pretty scorching hot if you had sensitive skin (like she did) and if you didn’t have sandals on (like she didn’t), but if you were playing in the sand near the ebbing waters, it was fine. 
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“Hm…~ It’s so nice out today! Haru feels like she is the Queen of the… mmn… the big rock over there.” She giggled as she was speaking to herself. Sometimes even she didn’t know what she was saying. A lot of people were surfing on the waves from the looks of things. This part of the beach seemed to be the ideal spot for surfing. 
She was here at the beach alone today, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her from having her fun. As long as she didn’t get too bothered by guys at the beach, she could call this a good day, but considering she was alone, the chances of her getting back home without having a headache induced by some playboy was not high. She really should have tried to come with a group.
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((After what feels like a century, I’m back from vacation. I was going to be back Tuesday but I came back with a freaking sinus infection lmao. So I got knocked on my ass for an extra four days while I waiting to recover. My head no longer feels like it’s ready to explode so I’m actually writing now. Thanks for being patient with me. You’ll be seeing me very soon.))
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Hiatus Notice
Hey! It’s me! So I’m going to be leaving to go back home for a vacation so I’m going to be super MIA for the next week and a half to two weeks. I have starters and replies drafted. Thank you all for being so patient! I’ll see yall real soon~!
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☏♡ (for aika♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡)
☏: you need me 
Hey, it’s me! I really never thought you’d open this one. It’s usually the other way around, isn’t it? Maybe?! I don’t know! But I wanted to leave you some happy things in this letter because it looks like you need a pick me up!
This is probably going to sound weird, but I left you something. I...I didn’t want to just leave without leaving you anything, so I picked the only thing that was closest to me. Um...you’re going to find this letter attached to my cat plushie, Neo-chan.  He’s been with me for a really long time, but I want you to have him. You can squeeze him and cuddle him and dress him up if you want! I think he would look cool in those Rider glasses~! A little something to remember me by until I come back I guess!
The sun will always smile at you, and your voice echoes in my head as I write this. I wish I could be there to be one of your allies of justice, I mean I still am...just not there. You’re burning heart and passion reaches every person you touch, and hold onto that. It makes you who you are. I’ve really been rambling about things for too long and I don’t know if this is helping.
I keep all your phrases and words in my heart, and I hope you do the same! Remember my laughs, and my signs to you when I couldn’t even talk to you like a normal person. Remember how much fun our lunch dates were, and how many times we stalled in front of my house before we said goodbye. I’ll be running back into your arms before you know it, a Queen’s Honor.
Deepest love,
♡: you wonder how much i love you
Surprise, it’s me again! I stared at this for a really long time trying to figure out what I wanted to say, and I probably wrote this at least four times by now. But I want you to know so much and I don’t know how to say it all. But I’ll try my best!
You were always the sun, radiating positive energy wherever you went. Even when I wasn’t feeling the greatest or had a bad day, you were always there to give me one of those hugs that made everything else just...not matter. You’re the sunlight on a warm summer’s day that’s perfect for laying in the grass and watching the clouds go by.
Your smile lights up a room wherever you go, and I’ll never get over how much your eyes shine when you get excited about something. It’s contagious, and I always find myself excited too, even if I have no idea what’s going on. All our Saturday morning marathons of your favorite shows still make me smile. I love how much you can put your all into anything and everything! You’re always giving 110% of yourself, but remember to take some breaks okay?!
Ryusei Red, the man with the burning heart, and my heart will always burn with you. Even if I’m not there right now, I want you to know that I’ll never stop thinking about you. I’ll always love the sun, just like I’ll always love you, Sunlight’s Superhero. You warm my heart in ways no one else can. I miss you so much, and I hope to see you again soon. 
All my love,
~Sunlight’s Queen
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Update: I have 29 asks in my inbox and I’ll get to them all I promise lmao. But I am a sleepy meme and have to work at 8 am. THANK YOU ALL FOR THE LOVELY ASKS I’M VERY EXCITED TO ANSWER THEM ALL!!!
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☘ (more airitsus pls)
☘: you're angry at the world
My Beloved Vampire:
I don’t know who made you angry, this angry to be mad at the world, but that might be...partially my fault. I guess she finally got her wish at separating us. I promise...I promise I’m on my way back to you. Please don’t be angry, it’s the easier thing to do...but please don’t. It’ll only hurt you more.
It’s easy to hate and to cover it up with sharp words...but I want you to try and use kindness instead. I know it’s the last thing you want, but spread happiness in my absence. Take my crown and my heart and hold it close to you, and never stop fighting.
Even when I can’t be there to hold you back from lashing out, remember the sweetest smile from me and hopefully that will ease your anger for a while. You’ll always be my King, the true King. Take care of my heart while I’m away.
Your Queen,
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♡: you wonder how much i love you
To the Knight who saved the Queen,
I want you to know that I’m sorry for disappearing. I was either taken...or something else I don’t know. But if you’re reading this, I need to remind you how much I love you.
Ever since we met, I had always wondered why you would stay with someone like me. I didn’t speak, I was nothing but a statue to most. But you never left. And pretty soon...we were holding hands under the table at Tea Club and I was staying with you while you napped. I knew then...that I really did love you.
When the days were getting to be too long for me and when the torment never seemed to end, you were always there for me. You held me and kissed away my tears, and I would do the same for you without a second to lose. You’re the moon that illuminates the black sky of space on cloudy nights, still shining through the haze. I’ll always hold your words close to me, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss your teasing.
You’re gentle words and reassuring hugs were everything that I needed, and I want to give you everything. You’re the only one I want to return to whenever it is I get back. I love you, Ritsu, more than anything. I love you more than the sun and the sky. Please wait for me, and keep me close to your heart.
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