swtcw-writing · 1 year
Straight Shot: The Bonds That Save
Summary: Crosshair has been alone with the empire for years, he’s old and in pain. He’d lonely… he’s done. His chip has been upped too many times to count, taken out and put back in… he’s given up on ever getting home. That is… until he met her. This is the story of how Crosshair finally made it home.
A/N: This is an au I came up with and I hope everyone enjoys it! My amazing friend @wrecker-and-lula helped me with the creation and naming of our little oc who brings Crosshair home, and my other amazing friend Liz @ct-7386 is doing a little bit of beta reading for me!
Chapter 1
Crosshair woke up with a start, eyes wide as he stares up at the ceiling. He just lays their for a moment, breathing heavily. His old bones ache when he finally decides to sit up, huffing out a breath.
Crosshair stands and his back creaks slightly, before he goes about his morning routine. It’s the same everyday, has been for the past 13 years since that mission with May- that clone. That clone who died, even though the empire tried to save him.
First he brushes his teeth, and scoffs at the old man in the mirror. Hair as white as snow, a fluffy beard on his face and covered in wrinkles. He’s thin and gaunt, even worse than his younger years.
Next he gets dressed in his blacks and armor, before heading down to the mess hall. The stares from the civies are all felt on him, but he can’t bring himself to care. He stopped caring about anything years ago.
Once he gets to the mess hall, he eats only some of his breakfast. Enough to keep him alive and moving, not enough to stop the pain of hunger. The pain he deserves.
After breakfast he gets down to the meeting room for his assignment, sometimes a mission, sometimes training civies. It really depends. Sometimes he even gets janitorial duty. If only his Papa could see him now.
After that it’s dinner, which he eats little of. Usually alone, the civies making jokes under their breaths about him. The old clone. The pathetic old man, the fool. They mock him, but he doesn’t care. And then it’s to bed with him and the day repeats. Over and over. Every day the same, day in and day out.
And then it changes.
It started out as any day, brush teeth, get dressed, get breakfast and then a mission. But… the mission went differently. They won, as usual when Crosshait went but… then the snickers changed when they were on their way back to the ship.
“Seems the old man has a follower.” A trooper whispers to his partner, Crosshair never bothered to learn names. Why would he? It’s not like he’ll ever get to know them, he’s just the old, elderly clone to them.
Crosshair blinks slowly, looking behind him to see a tiny, force oh so tiny Tooka kitten following him. He frowns softly. “No.” He whispers, voice hoarse from lack of use. He starts walking faster ahead, the laughter dying behind him as he gets on the ship. He doesn’t need this today, a change in routine always throws him off.
He thought he’d lost the darn thing, it was hours later when he found it again. Growling softly under his breath when he instantly spots the little thing on his bed.
The Tooka looks up at him, blinking and letting out a soft mew as it almost seems to smile at him. He’s instantly scowling.
“I said no.” Crosshair huffs, as if that will deter the kitten from continuing to cling to him… a silly idea, as he knows how attached Tooka’s can get. And how determined they are. “Next mission you’re out, be thankful I’m not cruel enough to space you.” He scrunches up his nose as he picks the little thing up and gently drops it on the floor. “Stay away.” He hisses, before laying down on the bed. Crosshair proceeds to close his eyes, and tries to force himself to sleep. He doesn’t care that his armor is digging into his bony body, and that his stomach grumbles loudly. He doesn’t even notice the pain of hunger anymore, hasn’t in years. He just wants today to be over and for his routine to be back to normal.
Crosshair frowns as he feels something pulling at his blanket. He peeks his eyes open and looks over the side, seeing the tiny kitten trying to climb up the bed, looking grumpy as all hell to not be able to get up to him. It hisses, huffing up at him.
Crosshair snorts. “Serves it right.” He grumbles and turns over in his bed. He once again tries to get some sleep.
“Mew!” “Meewwww!” The long drawn out mews start, making Crosshair growl and pull a pillow over his head.
“Meeerooowww!” The kitten keeps going, for ten long minutes there’s continuous meows. Crosshair gets more and more annoyed, before he snarls and sits up. “Fine!” He picks the kitten up and stares at her, nose scrunched and flares angrily. “But if you are going to sleep in my bed, I should at least know yo call you she or he.” He quickly checks. “Alright girly, now bed!” He sets her on the bed beside him, and finally strips his own armor off to lay down.
The Tooka purrs softly and snuggles up to Crosshair’s back once he lays down, nuzzling it before yawning and curling up to sleep. She’s very tired.
Crosshair frowns as he feels the warmth against his back, and… tears? Prick at his eyes. It’s been… so long since he’s felt the warmth of another being, 14 long years really, and he’s missed it. Force, how he’s missed it. His head pounds as he shivers and curls up under his thin blanket. What… why is he tearing up? Why is he feeling this way? And why is it making his head pound so much?
Crosshair lays for hours, trying to figure it out. But sleep overtakes him, the exhausting to much. No questions get answered that night.
Crosshair wakes up to a face full of fur and groans softly, knowing exactly what it is. “You couldn’t stay against my back.” He croaks, opening his eyes to see the little kitten looking down at him, his face is pressed to her stomach.
Crosshair moves his head back, staring at the kitten with a scowl on his face and tired eyes. “You’re a real menace, you know that.” He huffs and sits up.
“Mew!” The kitten grins and sits up too, stretching with a little yawn before hopping into Crosshair‘s lap and purring.
Crosshair immediately picks her up and sets her to the side. “No.” He says and stands up slowly, back freaking and groaning in protest. He gives her one glance, before turning away and starting his routine.
As usual Crosshair brushes his teeth, scowling at his reflection. Then he starts getting his armor on, feeling the kittens eyes on him the whole time. “Do you have to stare?”
The Tooka meows softly, hopping up on his thigh and looking up at him happily. She purrs softly, licking his stomach armor.
Crosshair sighs. “You… are attached to me, aren’t you?”
The kitten nods and licks his armor some more,
Crosshair looks away. “You shouldn’t, people who get attached to me either get hurt or… worse.” He grumbles. “Choose someone else.” He sets her on the floor and stands up. “Be gone by the time I get back.” And he pulls his helmet on before leaving, making sure the door is open just enough to let her out.
This is for the best.
Crosshair comes back hours later, and he is… a sight. He has bandages wrapped around his torso, and scratches all over his face and arms. He’s limping into the room, holding onto the walls only to fall on the floor in the middle of the room.
Crosshair groans and hoists himself up onto the bed, curling up tight in a ball. He trembled with pain, holding back whimpers.
“Mew?” The kitten pokes her head up from Crosshair’s blanket on the floor, and her little eats immediately press back when she sees her human looking so worse for wear. She immediately pads over and climbs into to the bed, it takes her some time but she finally manages to get up. She goes and licks his cheek.
Crosshair cracks his eyes open. “I… thought I told you too…” he starts coughing hard, and whimpers as tears of pain prick at his eyes. He immediately pulls her close. “Please. Please don’t leave.” He needs someone, anyone to be here. He can’t do this again. Go through so much pain alone, feeling unloved.
The kitten curls up in his hand and nuzzles close, and she makes a decision that will change both of their lives.
She moves just enough so that the soft spot on his hand, between gis thumb and trigger finger, is exposed to her jaws. Then she bites him, and a bond slots into place.
Crosshair blinks, looking down at her. “What… did you do?” He murmurs, and he feels love comf across, making his eyes water.
The kitten mews and curls close to her human, licking the bite gently and purring to help calm her human.
They will never be alone again.
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swtcw-writing · 4 years
I think everyone will understand it! I’m very happy it’s still here and you are doing an amazing job with it🧡
Hi! I have a quick question for anyone in the Kalluzeb fandom. I can’t find the fic why would we be friends? I don’t remember who the author was but I know that I loved it so much and I’m worried when I didn’t saw it anymore under the Kalluzeb tag on Ao3 and when I tried to find it through other ways it said it was deleted. If anyone has more info about it please let me know!
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swtcw-writing · 4 years
No worries! I just real like the story and wanted to reread the last chapter you had posted as I was half asleep when I read it the first time. Its really good and I understand why you took it down! Thank you though for your reaction I really appreciate it🧡🧡
Hi! I have a quick question for anyone in the Kalluzeb fandom. I can’t find the fic why would we be friends? I don’t remember who the author was but I know that I loved it so much and I’m worried when I didn’t saw it anymore under the Kalluzeb tag on Ao3 and when I tried to find it through other ways it said it was deleted. If anyone has more info about it please let me know!
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swtcw-writing · 4 years
Hi! I have a quick question for anyone in the Kalluzeb fandom. I can’t find the fic why would we be friends? I don’t remember who the author was but I know that I loved it so much and I’m worried when I didn’t saw it anymore under the Kalluzeb tag on Ao3 and when I tried to find it through other ways it said it was deleted. If anyone has more info about it please let me know!
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swtcw-writing · 4 years
Hi lovely people!!
Part 2 of Verde’ikae or the little soldiers, is now on Ao3!
In this part you will find out where Bly was!!
Hope you all like it!!
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swtcw-writing · 4 years
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swtcw-writing · 4 years
Codywan week 2020, day 5, fluff.
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swtcw-writing · 4 years
Hi lovely people!!
Chapter 7 of truth to be told is out!
Fair warning this one is angsty and emotional. Be mindful of the note at the beginning of the chapter!
Hope you like it!🧡
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swtcw-writing · 4 years
This is so good!!!!!! I you have the change you should really read it🧡🧡🧡🧡
“(Based on a Tumblr AU sent by a anon to @johnnyclash87…..)
Commander Fox was dead. Killed on a mission, leaving his brothers alone and grieving.
So who is the clone who looks exactly like him? And why was he reconditioned?“
Chapter Two Summary:
Rex and Cody cuddle in their sleep.
I hope you guys like it!
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swtcw-writing · 4 years
Meet Stevi Krevi
He is an Oc of me. He works for the Empire, but he really is a spy for the Rebellion. He makes armor for the commanders and for the forces on Cadezia. He is sly and smart. He is ‘friends’ with commander officers and he makes armor for the higher ups in Cadezia.
If you are interest in Stevi and want to learn more let me know! I have currently 1 one shot for him and I have worked out his planet Cadezia.
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swtcw-writing · 4 years
Hi everyone I have posted a new story! Its called the little soldiers!!
Warnings: Yelling at kids, Cody and Rex are cadets! Use of the words freak and useless.
Cody and Rex are young cadets during the war. Their ori’vode Fox, Bly, Wolffe, Ponds and Alpha-17 try to visit as much as they can during the war, but now they have the change to see their little brothers more. Cody and Rex come to Coruscant to learn more about the republic and the Jedi. They learn that not everybody likes the clones.
Fluff with some angst!
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swtcw-writing · 4 years
Lees verder
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swtcw-writing · 4 years
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narrator’s voice: he didn’t
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swtcw-writing · 4 years
rebels but Anakin is good and there and him and Rex are married
would have LOVED to seen it 🤧 imagine Ahsoka and the ghost crew going to Tatooine/Naboo?, either planet, and the ghost crew are confused as to why they’re there saying ‘I thought we were meeting some Generals?’ and Ahsoka just smiles and says that they are and then walks up to a normal looking house and knocks on the door and Rex answers while still smiling and replying to someone in the background and then goes still when he sees Ahsoka at the door and before he can answer Anakin walks up to put an arm around Rex’s waist and says “who’s at the door?” and then is shocked to see Ahsoka which means that Ahsoka is desparate for help and Anakin just smirks and says “alright lets go take down the empire” or something smug like that and Ahsoka laughs while the ghost crew just have their jaws dropped open cause THE LEGENDARY FAMOUS Jedi and Captain of the 501st are here living together and married and Ezra is being a little fanboy while Kanan is struggling to even say anything 
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swtcw-writing · 4 years
what if like ... Rex proposed to Anakin in a middle of a battle to get him to not do something stupid. Like Rex has been waiting for the perfect time to propose for a while now and they get thrown into battle and Anakin comes up with this idea that will definitely get himself killed and to stop him Rex is like ' how about we don't do this and instead do this so that maybe.... we can get married ' and he like pulls out the ring and Anakin is like ' oh shit. Guess we can go with your plan 😳 '
stop that’s so cute 😭 or imagine like they’re in a really instense battle with the 501st and Rex and Anakin are back to back fighting droids and Rex yells out “sir, if we get out of this alive I’m gonna marry you!” and that just pushes Anakin to fight harder and faster until the last droid goes down and everyone is cheering and Rex turns to hug Anakin only Anakin is already on one knee with a ring, that he has been carrying around for months, and now Rex is staring in shock and the clones around them go silent just watching waiting to see what happens, and Anakin smiles all shyly and either says a full speech about proposing or being a smug little shit and saying something like “so it’s after the battle and we’re alive...what will it be?” and of course Rex says yes and everyone around them is cheering and crying
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swtcw-writing · 4 years
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swtcw-writing · 4 years
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COMPLETE LIST OF NAMED CLONE TROOPERS Organized by Unit *updated 4/17/20*
Ever needed to know who served under Jedi Master Luminara Unduli? Trying to name an OC and don’t want to repeat a name? Use this handy guide! I went through the list on Clone Trooper Wiki and organized everyone. Many of these names do not have verifiable links, but if it was a name and it was on the list, I included it.
Some notes: An *asterisk in front of a name denotes a group leader of some sort.
(Sorry about the pictures. There’s no way I could have formatted this on tumblr. And be sure and click through to the original permalink! Because things may have been updated since this has been in circulation.)
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