sydneyandersen · 3 years
You’d think that accidentally running a dishwasher full of clean dishes would only happen to people who don’t communicate with their roommates, but nope. Turns out my brain doesn’t communicate with itself and I forgot that I already washed everything yesterday. Think the environment will forgive me for wasting all that water? Should I write an apology directly to all the mermaids of the kingdom? Somebody help, I feel way too bad about something way too minor right now and I don’t know how to make the guilt stop.
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sydneyandersen · 3 years
text 📲 sydverly
Haverly: Hey you 💕 hope things are going better for you now than the last time we talked! And if not, then I'm always here to talk if you need to - especially if things involve a certain stupid cousin of mine who's stupid.
Sydney: [read]
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sydneyandersen · 3 years
text 💬 andersens
Kendall: I was just thinking the other day that I might end up staying in college for TOO long so it's good to know I'll have your support if that happens! Thanks in advance for helping me explain it to Mom and Dad lol
Kendall: Are you okay? Is it just that you're tired?
Sydney: [read]
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sydneyandersen · 3 years
text 💬 quidney
Quincy: Oh my gosh, Syd! I was about to cry! 😂
Quincy: I totes get what you mean though, and yes, sometimes! The first and best example I have is when I, like, knew for SURE what I wanted to do with my life. But also, like, too much unearned confidence makes most if not all incredible ideas are that amazing. Remember when I dressed up as a bride for Halloween? 🤦‍♀️ At the time, I thought that was a totes brills idea all the way down to my bones, and looking back it's such cringe, ugh.
Quincy: Why? What's going on in your sups smart head?
Sydney: [read]
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sydneyandersen · 3 years
text 💬sydkey
Turkey: Same. It's gotten to the point where when we don't get to spend the night together, you're still in like all of my dreams. Literally all of them. It's pretty rad.
Turkey: Not that it's as good as the real thing but next to us moving in together or something, it's the second best alterative.
Sydney: [read]
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sydneyandersen · 3 years
text 👔 sydfou
Le Fou: I'm thinking of testing the waters with a new tailor. does anyone know of any good suit places? and they must be excellent otherwise there will be no point in this conversation.
Sydney: I actually do all of my own alterations! If you can't find anyone up to your standards, I'd be willing to try and see if I could help you out.
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sydneyandersen · 3 years
text 💬 sarley
Marley: party!
Sydney: [read]
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sydneyandersen · 3 years
text 📲 havney
Haverly: Okay, so I was hesitant going in because I'd never seen the original so I thought I was going to be super lost, but like, I'm lowkey hooked on the Gossip Girl reboot and a little bummed that I won't even get new episodes until NOVEMBER!
Haverly: Why does tv do this to me?
Sydney: Okay same though??? I actually might like it a little bit more than the old one, the characters feel way more... kind? Like, I got to the end of the original and literally no one but Nate was a truly likeable human being! And he got such weird random plotlines that you barely cared about what a great guy he was anymore.
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sydneyandersen · 3 years
text 💬 chadney
chad: this is a drunk text message. i am so glad that we are friends. tomorrow we will eat sandwiches in miniature. we both love dogs. flower. 🌸🌷🌭🍷🍾
Sydney: [read]
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sydneyandersen · 3 years
text 💬 audney
Sydney: "You made out with both twins? Ten points to you!"
Sydney: Someone said that to me earlier and I KNOW TURKEY AND HIS COUSIN AREN'T ACTUALLY TWINS but now I'm so worried that they swapped clothes one day and I accidentally kissed his cousin or something and AHHH.
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sydneyandersen · 3 years
text 💬 andersens
Sydney: I’m still laying in bed cuz I don’t feel like adulting yet
Sydney: I vote stay in college as long as you can, Ken!!! You'll thank me later!
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sydneyandersen · 3 years
text 💬sydkey
Sydney: You’re so easy to be with and so hard to be without.
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sydneyandersen · 3 years
text 💬 quidney
Sydney: Have you ever had a good idea in your life?
Sydney: Oh, gosh, that sounded so rude, I'm sorry! I mean like... an idea that just HIT you and you knew it was the right idea and you just felt it in your bones. Like an extra incredible idea, not just a good one. I guess I should have described it like that to begin with.
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sydneyandersen · 3 years
Marley: It definitely seems surreal to think that that's what was going on the whole time. I'm guessing there wasn't really any conclusion or anything that came from the conversation? Or really what could happen I mean Turkey has treated you amazing and you've been together for so long.
Marley: This feels so strange to have to ask but do you still want to be friends with him?
Sydney: [read]
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sydneyandersen · 3 years
Quincy: Oh, well, if there were no practical problems then yeah, the snowed in option is totes better but I was v much imagining freezing or running out of food. Finding somebody in a few months would be highkey stressful but also, like, I wonder if it would almost be a more efficient process? The odds of long term success probs wouldn't be high but it sounds like a sups interesting case study!
Quincy: Life is better for me going through it with you too, by the way, because you're my bestie 🥰 and since you're my bestie, I feel like I should share a thing with you that happened sort of recently. Soooooooo I kind of did a thing with Turtle over New Years and I've been trying to figure out how I feel about it but it's hard to therapize yourself!
Sydney: [read]
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sydneyandersen · 3 years
Gigi: She soes?? Oh HELLNO! What the guck is that bitch sayubf to YOUR man?? And why diesnt he block thar twatt?
Gigi: Sweeet isnt everuyvibf though, like cine on, we all want someibe kind of succeful one way or another, right?
Gigi: Noooooo I like that tiio! Itsjust hard to find guys whi are veeative when you give them the Green light. Like sime dudes are good enugh for repeat lays but uughghhh.
Sydney: [read]
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sydneyandersen · 3 years
Basket Number 46
A traditional basket with a hand-made Valentine’s blanket as a souvenir for the buyer. The basket also includes chocolate chip, lemon poppy, orange, and coffee crumble mini muffins, as well as orange juice and champagne for mimosas. There’s an assortment of other brunch-type foods, and lastly there’s a brand new Uno deck, along with colorful Sharpies to write new rules on the blank cards.
Basket Number 46, made by @sydneyandersen​, was won by @deeturkey​ !!
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