symbiote-siblings · 1 month
More of our kind... incredible... you two must be the hosts...mmm... your rather small humans...we wonder how you were chosen...
@rage-the-symbiote (can't send asks on alts without doing this soooo)
Karma: We heard they can get taller as they age… but sometimes they don’t. The males seem to get taller faster than the females do.
Tara: that’s besides the point-
Karma: indeed. There wasn’t really much time to be picky. When we escape our little plastic tubes, we had to be up and out. These two humans were the ones we ran into and ever since have proven their use to us
Tara: Please, you begged me to let you stay!
Karma: …. Yes. But not as bad as Ravage did.
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symbiote-siblings · 1 month
Tara: why don’t you hang out in my dreams, they’re very fun 😔
Karma: we start fires
bored. gonna wander around in everyones dreams now.
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symbiote-siblings · 2 months
Ravage: 😔
Athena: Oh yeah I totally forgot, today’s the day of that space launch.
Hopefully this time no more symbiotes hitch a ride back down to Earth.
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symbiote-siblings · 2 months
Ravage: SPACE??? I’ve always wanted to go to space!
Teddy: …. Y- you came from there.
Athena: Oh yeah I totally forgot, today’s the day of that space launch.
Hopefully this time no more symbiotes hitch a ride back down to Earth.
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symbiote-siblings · 2 months
Tara: I think it’s because we never had parental figures in our life at an early age that it’s hard for us to really emphasize or understand your way of thinking, but I will respect your decision either way
Karma: I think that’s just trauma, Tara
Tara: oh hush, what do you know- actually you know quite a bit we’ve been together for like how long now-
my mom figured out where we live and has started visiting at random dear god. chat what do I do
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symbiote-siblings · 2 months
Tara: You can’t kill her… but me and Karma… ya know *insert eyes emoji instead of placing it here and using actual emojis*
Who needs parents anyway? Me and Ted barely had any and we came out just fine!
my mom figured out where we live and has started visiting at random dear god. chat what do I do
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symbiote-siblings · 2 months
is Furby an alien meehaps.
Teddy: I mean, that might be a bit of a stretch. I mean, look at her. The only thing really not normal is her behavior and maybe her creepy eyes but other than that, she has the anatomy of a dog, she can be treated like a dog, she acts (sometimes) like a dog.
Maybe I’m going crazy..
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symbiote-siblings · 2 months
Teddy: everytime I try to bring it up Tara seems to just make an excuse or just say “that’s just her little quirk!” In a high pitched voice while snuggling that weirdo
I dunno anymore. Furby hasn’t done anything but like… still… what if she does
Teddy: Tara won’t listen to me when I say that something is very wrong with Furby
Not sick wise… quite the opposite. She’s been kicking around for years now. When we take her to the vet, even they are surprised by how… little cognition she has but at the same time some sort of intelligence that rarely registers every few weeks in her life
I dunno I just think it’s… freaky. She’s staring at me right now!
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symbiote-siblings · 2 months
Teddy: Tara won’t listen to me when I say that something is very wrong with Furby
Not sick wise… quite the opposite. She’s been kicking around for years now. When we take her to the vet, even they are surprised by how… little cognition she has but at the same time some sort of intelligence that rarely registers every few weeks in her life
I dunno I just think it’s… freaky. She’s staring at me right now!
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symbiote-siblings · 2 months
Tara held her face in her hands, her knees bunched up to her chest and she shut her eyes tightly. Her jaw clenched and every part of her body strained.
Everything felt wrong.
Everything was wrong.
Tara felt like sometimes she and Teddy were growing up too fast. She had to grow up fast. Ever since Teddy came into the family, they grew up together. Parents weren’t there… well… barely. Maybe some babysitters when they were to young but once highschool started… she knew there was no attempt at getting them back. Her parents, she meant.
For Teddy, it was easier, which she wish wasn’t true but it was. They neglected Teddy to much for him to care at this point.
So why did it still hurt when she was told that their… her… mom and dad were dead.
She would like to think, maybe long ago and she forgot, that her parent held her in their arms and cuddled and praised her simply just for being happy. Or at least be seen. Be noticed. She barely even recognized the people in the photo when it popped up on her phone for the funeral- distant relatives like aunts and uncles were hosting it across state. She didn’t want to go. She doesn’t think that the rest of the family knows she and Teddy exist.
Has it been that long? Has it been that long that she barely even recognized her own parents? Yes, yes it was. And it was infuriating. She was pissed.
In the darkness I will meet my creators
Tara raised her head up and let her hand drag down her face, rubbing her eyes and then holding it over her mouth. She didn’t cry about it, she just hated it. Like your favorite show ending but the writers complete screwed you over and wrote the worst ending to mankind.
But when you have no one, you instinctively reach out desperate to find something, anything, to keep you upright.
And that first came in the form of Teddy.
And when it was to much for both of them.
There was Karma… and there was Ravage.
Karma was the other half of her, Tara and Karma like to think.
And they will all agree that I’m a suffocator
For Teddy and Ravage, no doubt the same.
So she and Karma empathized with Gabe and Carnage.
And looking back at it. The mere thought of somehow being separated from Karma like her brother and Gabe were from their symbiotes? … she doesn’t like the word symbiotes, she just calls Karma her ‘half.’ So thinking about Gabe and Teddy being away from their half seemed bleak.
She wasn’t alone, ever. Which strangely gave her comfort. Tara and Karma didn’t need to speak to understand each other and what each other needed. There’s no word to describe the bond you have with your half, it’s just… there. If you truly understand each other and work as a team, you can be one.
And for a long time, Tara thought she’d never find that half of herself.
And thinking about someone trying to take that away from her… from them.
Karma didn’t like that.
Tara didn’t either.
Karma gripped at the edge of the building under her claws, her right hand raised as she gripped it into a fist and then flexed her claws, her eyes narrowed and her forever smile seemed more grim in a wish it could frown.
The symbiote turned her head when she felt a heavy body hit the surface behind her.
Oh, love
Carnage approached from behind before hopping and perching next to her.
I’m sorry if I smothered you
“This cannot continue.”
“It won’t.”
Carnage turned his head, “It won’t be easy,”
“Or legal.”
I’m sorry if I smothered you
Karma turned and looked back at Carnage, hissing through her teeth as she bared them and sized up the other next to her,
“But we will not be threatened because of our existence, we are happy now,” she snarled, “they won’t take that from us- from our brothers,”
I sometimes with I stayed inside
“They won’t.”
My mother
. . .
“You willing to pay the price?”
Carnage stood his ground, his eyes narrowing. Gabe had no doubt. Neither did Carnage.
And Karma felt Tara’s determination.
“We already have.”
Never to come out.
Metal mirrors concludes…
Eye For An Eye… begins
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symbiote-siblings · 2 months
Tara: Alright. Planning over. Time to kill some bitches.
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symbiote-siblings · 6 months
Me and Ravage met someone a few days back. His name was Harry? He was kinda nice.
No! No we do not!
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symbiote-siblings · 7 months
“Now is not the time Ravage, we gotta get in than out,”
“What’s he saying?”
Teddy sighed, “He’s not saying anything, and keep your hood up!” He reached over and shoved the hood over the mutant with a grunt.
“Ack! Ok ok! Sorry! Got excited. We never just casually walk down the streets in almost sort of daylight-“
Teddy shook his head with a soft smile and gestured for them to continue walking. “It’s New York, everyone has their hood up. No one gives you a second glance… you can always go back if you want, I can get the groceries myself,”
Mikey shook his head, “That’s no fun! It’s the least I can do to help you. Besides, I’m tired of being cramped in there. I mean- not like nothing is wrong with the company but… you know,”
Teddy nodded as the two walked side by side. They had to shove on a large hoodie over the turtle mutant and some baggy clothing to hide most of his… turtle features. Doubled with a scarf just in case. It was a little windy out anyways, everyone was cold. No one would question as long as they don’t look to closely at them. Surely.
“I get it. We’ll figure this out… whatever Oscorp is doing is gonna end.”
Teddy groaned and Mikey tilted his head, “Ou my god- what Ravage?!”
“Teddy can we get chocolate?”
Teddy pinched the bridge of his nose and resisted the urge to groan again before exhaling slowly, “Fine. We’ll get you chocolate.”
“We’re getting chocolate?!”
“Yep… seems so.”
“You sure you can buy all that?”
Teddy scoffed with a smile, “Oh, absolutely.”
Teddy kept a hand on Mikey’s shoulder, the mutant was giddy and looking around. The shop was mostly empty besides the cashier. Teddy kept an eye on where the cameras were and let Mikey by the arm,
“Don’t wander too far, stay near me. Again, in and out.”
“The purple one said their labs are scattered around the outer city. But some are inside.”
Gabe was silent for a long moment.
“I heard you.”
The symbiote let out a low growl, “Then we must not dwell. We cannot wallow in our sorrows forever. They will continue to harm and hunt all of us unless something is done.”
“Shit! I’m so sorry!”
Teddy blinked a few times before lifting his knee and kneeling, keeping his head down and grabbing the grocery bags with haste, “It’s fine-“
“Hold on- let me help,”
Mikey was standing behind him, holding a few other full bags in his arms, peaking a bit to look at the ground. “Hey, no worries! Things happen- oof, heavy-“
“Suspicious man, Teddy! We must EAT HIM!”
When Teddy looked back up and stood, he looked up and met eyes with the person he bumped into. Taller than he was, dark brown hair, slightly wavy, not exactly curls.
“You’re… in my English class, aren’t you?”
The person raised his brow, then his expression got a bit softer and his lips bent upwards in a smirk, “… hey yeah, I know your sister- well… I don’t know know her-“
“Everyone knows her, it’s hard not to,” Teddy responded with a shrug.
“Ever since the huge rampage in the streets, school has been closed until the criminals were caught. Been weird not seeing her fighting some random guy in the hallways. I almost expect it every now and then,” he chuckled nervously.
Teddy hummed with a smile, “Yeah- she’s… a character,”
“Would that be the best course of action?”
“If they stay alive, they have a higher chance of breaking out and continuing their work. It needs to end. And that’s the only way how.”
“It was always advised we be against killing unless necessary. Do you feel it is necessary now?”
“Yes. I do.”
“Very well. It will be shut down. All of it. Right to the root and to the man who founded it.”
“Nice meeting you two… I’ll see you around?”
Teddy nodded, “Sure- I’m Teddy Williams,” he offered a hand.
“He seems familiar…”
The other person smiled and shook his hand in return,
“Harry Osborne. Nice to meet you.”
. . .
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symbiote-siblings · 8 months
Loud ass beeping in his ears.
Being stuck restrained in some sort of metal tube isn’t a fun experience. And certainly not one Gabe wants to experience again.
His whole body under his neck was numb for the first few days. There were needles in his arms and some sort of mask over his face. After awhile, he started to gain more feeling in his body. But something wasn’t right. It wasn’t all him.
Everything else felt like flesh. But one side was off balance. He could feel it, but it wasn’t the same. It was hard to explain, but it just felt…. Different.
Carnage wasn’t far away from him. Stuck in a different clear tube. Even when separated, he could have sworn he felt how Carnage felt. Both of them were trapped and didn’t know how long it had been. He started to forget as days passed what exactly happened.
It was a muffled alarm that tore him from his thoughts. Shouts and a roar. He flinched as something cracked just outside his holding. Like something shattering. Then, he felt a familiar sensation, tendrils gripping at his legs and sneaking through his confinements. He didn’t need to look to know who it was. He couldn’t even move his head anyways. His fingers stretched downwards at his sides, and he felt Carnage grip at his hand.
. . .
Karma swallowed the scientist whole, her tongue licking her teeth as their screams muffled and the room was clear. Red lights flashing and a promise of backup.
The symbiote flinched and whipped her head around as a side of the room shattered. Emerging a red symbiote with bared teeth.
Karma growled, “Go get the others,” and she gestured over her shoulder to the opening of debris that led to another room, “we are finding Teddy and Ravage,”
“Our memories are jumbled- but your brother is not far. They are separate but in the same room. Just beyond here.”
. . .
Ravage bonded to a weak body that disoriented him. But slowly, he was able to repair what he could not after all this time. Slowly, he stepped outward from the glass cell Teddy was in. Across the room, he saw the box he used to be stuck in, now torn. Glass littered the ground.
The other symbiote shook her head, “No time, we are leaving. You both can move?”
“We are dizzy, but we will be fine,”
. . .
His head hurt like shit… he went from being restrained upright to almost face planting the cold ground. Anthony gritted his teeth, slowly lifting himself up with his arms. A large claw gently but firmly lifted him to his feet.
“Gareth is feeding. Backup is coming. We need to leave, now.”
He blinked rapidly, his gaze falling across the room. Several dead and drained bodies of scientists and Gareth still hunched over one. When the vampire lifted his head, his mouth was bloodied, but he no longer looked so crazed. His eyes dilated and his eyes shut tightly before opening again.
“What- where the fuck-“
“No time. We have to go!”
A loud crash and Anthony whipped his head over his shoulder. Heavy footsteps and shouts were getting louder.
He looked back ahead and he saw a large opening in the wall to the outside of the building. The rooms trashed and broken, research destroyed and littered with bodies.
Anthony ran on autopilot. He wasn’t sure who gave him a zip up jacket, but it was most likely Gabe. He didn’t remember when Ravage and Karma came around the corner and they all reassembled. And he didn’t remember forcing his body to sprint and jump through his opening to freedom.
. . .
Jen stood in front of the TV, her body frozen and eyes wide. An Oscorp lab destroyed and escaping it, three symbiotes and two humanoid beings. One shooting a web and swinging across to hide in an alleyway. Their faces unable to be recognized.
But she knew.
And she was relieved and horrified.
. . .
Castle was already searching the city, top to bottom, and tearing it apart.
Nick Fury and the Avengers have been failing to find the lost teen.
And Carnage led them, for the time being, the only place he knew they would be safe until the coast was clear. And safe to say, the turtle mutants had lots of questions.
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symbiote-siblings · 10 months
We miss Ted.
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symbiote-siblings · 11 months
Tara was uncharacteristically quiet. The only thing keeping her sane was Furby who, immediately upon seeing her, started to violently shake and spasm out of sheer excitement.
Karma didn’t speak either. The pair just had mutual understanding. No speaking, just… well… nothing.
The only thing breaking the silence was the occasional chatter she heard from the others and Furby randomly sneezing. Poor Furby had to wear the cone of shame. And had to continue to wear it since she can’t stop scratching at her little face scars.
None of this was fair.
Teddy felt drowsy. He blinked but immediately shut his eyes again, his eyelids felt to heavy to open. He heard distant chatter and something akin to a scream. What the actual hell…
It was hard to remember anything or try to backtrack on what was happening or where he even was- or even how he got here. There were punctures all over his skin from needles, having no idea what he was injected with. He had no idea where his sister was, nor Karma, not even Ravage. Why wasn’t Ravage with him? They were separated- but how? Everything was jumbled.
Against his better judgement, he started to drone off once more.
He was tired.
This wasn’t fair.
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symbiote-siblings · 1 year
Æuea Ack eick ib libs
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