tabletoprpg · 6 years
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who keeps giving her these things
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tabletoprpg · 6 years
Having a negative modifier in your Craft skill
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tabletoprpg · 6 years
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Reblog if you think the girl on the left is just as beautiful as the girl on the right.
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tabletoprpg · 6 years
hot take: 
Gloin is the sexiest dwarf by dwarf standards.
Kili is the sexiest dwarf by elf standards.
Thorin is the sexiest dwarf by human standards
& Bombur is the sexiest dwarf by hobbit standards
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tabletoprpg · 6 years
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tabletoprpg · 6 years
More favourite tabletop RPG tropes:
People cultivating an immunity through exposure to things it should absolutely not be possible to develop an immunity to
Conversely, people dying of things that really shouldn’t be able to kill you because someone rolled very well – or perhaps very poorly!
Extremely valuable loot in an incredibly inconvenient form
Elaborate bullshit explanations for why your character knows something they couldn’t possibly know because you don’t want to cop to using OOC knowledge
The coincidental arrival of that one NPC who just happens to have the exact skill-set and resources that are required to get the plot moving
Things that look like other things for no sensible reason
Big gnarly monsters with sophisticated vocabularies and incongruously comprehensive knowledge of current events, especially if it’s something you wouldn’t ordinarily expect to be able to have a chat with
Stabbing, stealing, and/or seducing abstract concepts (not necessarily in that order)
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tabletoprpg · 6 years
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We have not started the campaign yet but I am 100% certain how things are going to go.
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tabletoprpg · 6 years
I keep forgetting to post here...
But on Fridays, Saturdays, and some Sundays I stream tabletop games on my twitch. We play on the Roll20 website. Twitch: DavisCD
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tabletoprpg · 6 years
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As someone who’s reported alt-right harassment and rhetoric on various social media sites and been told “there’s nothing here that violates our TOS,” seeing what RPGnet is doing is a welcome breath of fresh air.
Please, more social media sites need to do this.
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tabletoprpg · 6 years
“It’s a spider. A big fucking spider. Size category: fuck.”
— Our DM describing the approximate size of a spider
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tabletoprpg · 6 years
Universal experiences that prove why D&D is both the best and worst game ever:
“Make a stealth check.” “45.” “Your character just stops existing.”
“Now he’s gonna attack you, and—aw, fuck!” “Did you roll a nat—“ “I rolled a nat 1.”
“That’s 34 points of damage.” “I’m dead.” “You’re not dead—“
“I’m gonna cast [every AoE spell ever] on that guy.” “Hey! I’m standing right next to him!” “You’ve got a lot of HP, you’ll be fine.”
“I’m not sure you can do tha—“ “Nat 20.” “…you do that, I guess.”
“Wait, can I go ask [enemy NPC] for info?” “No, you killed him. He’s super-dead! His blood is everywhere, he’s not talking.”
“Make a persuasion check.” “Well I rolled a 2, but with my modifier it’s a 25.” “Nobody is allowed to play a bard next campaign.”
“You’re not proficient in that.” “Can I still try?” “…sure.”
“Come on guys, you almost had it.” “It’s been 45 minutes. Can you just tell us the answer?” “No. I believe in you. Now solve my puzzle.”
And, of course, the greatest one of all:
“…[heavy sigh]. Roll for seduction.”
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tabletoprpg · 6 years
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Too far, dude. Too far.  From B. Faulkner Also, I have a Patreon now. 
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tabletoprpg · 6 years
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I rolled 4d20 and got 69
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tabletoprpg · 6 years
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Two thematically related illustrations I just connected in my mind, by David Mattingly and Tristan Elwell respectively.
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tabletoprpg · 6 years
(After defeating a monster living In the sewers at the request of the town’s guard) Barbarian: We should make it look like that it wasn’t too easy… Ranger: Ok. Punch me in the face!
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tabletoprpg · 6 years
A faerie introduces himself. Then, holding out a hand, asks, “And your name, please?”
And, like a fool, you give it to him.
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tabletoprpg · 6 years
the Big Bad of our campaign is an evil snake lady so our rogue was brainstorming ideas to kill her and came up with:
Cutting off her arms so she would revert to a harmless garden snake
Having our Druid morph into a mongoose and fight her, like nature intended
Dropping food in her path so that her tail grows too long and she runs into it and gets a game over
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