tablosstuff · 5 months
I’ve always felt like a bird in its cage that never wants to escape or it couldn’t escape?
“The bird doesn’t want to escape…”
That’s what they said, but how could it escape when its wings were cut?
My writing 💗
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tablosstuff · 6 months
Thank you dear!!! I love youuu😭💗
Look at you
A scared little girl
Who searches for love, in broken hearts
A wounded little girl
Who sees the inner child in everyone
Look at you
A stupid teenager
Who doesn’t understand how cruel the world is
A miserable kid
Who thinks she can heal herself by helping others, but doesn’t need help for herself
Look at you
Comforting people with the words you wish you could hear.
This is one of my writings I never showed to anyone before, I really want to keep going so please give me your feedback and thoughts on it, it means a lot to me💗
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tablosstuff · 6 months
“What first love feels like?”, they said
And I remained silent for a while,
I said “first love is like a warm hug you never thought you needed, first love is like a soft pain, an interesting pain, the one that kills you slowly, it’s a pure love with pure intentions, it’s when you do the things you thought you’d never do, it’s when you say things you thought you’d never say, but oh darling, oh if you’re not their first love..”
This is one of my writings it’s my first time sharing it online, please tell me your thoughts and opinions on it, it means so much to me💗
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tablosstuff · 6 months
Look at you
A scared little girl
Who searches for love, in broken hearts
A wounded little girl
Who sees the inner child in everyone
Look at you
A stupid teenager
Who doesn’t understand how cruel the world is
A miserable kid
Who thinks she can heal herself by helping others, but doesn’t need help for herself
Look at you
Comforting people with the words you wish you could hear.
This is one of my writings I never showed to anyone before, I really want to keep going so please give me your feedback and thoughts on it, it means a lot to me💗
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tablosstuff · 6 months
The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.
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tablosstuff · 6 months
The way I kissed your scars
The way I fixed your heart, oh Don't you miss me, babe?
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tablosstuff · 6 months
And all the nights you thought about takin' your life
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tablosstuff · 6 months
Happiness exists, when you don't know a thing
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tablosstuff · 6 months
I did love you, once. You had my admiration, my care, my understanding...
I cherished you, actually.
But every time I think back on the things you did that hurt me, made me hate you, and caused my heart to splinter into pieces-certainly knowing that you weren't afraid to make me feel those emotions rather than love...
I regret every reason why I did.
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tablosstuff · 6 months
Don’t you ever forget how they gave you distance, when you needed love.
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tablosstuff · 8 months
The way damaged people love…
Damaged people love you like you are a crime scene before a crime has even been committed.
They keep their running shoes besides their souls every night, one eye open in case things change whilst they sleep Their backs are always tense as though waiting to fight a sudden storm that might engulf them.
Because damaged people have already seen hell.
And damaged people understand every evil demon that exists down there, was once a kind angel before it fell.
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tablosstuff · 8 months
And mental illness is such a tragedy because you lose your loved ones long before they are gone.
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tablosstuff · 8 months
My depression was a weed-smoking fiend.
A party-animal.
A sex-machine.
Third shift Netflix binger.
Sleep avoidant.
A rebel to responsibilities.
A habitual job quitter.
My depression was fun,
Under the influence Of my own delusion..
Living a reality
Diluted by lies
I didn't realize
My joy was a façade
Depression isn't always
Deep sleep, unkempt rooms,
And grief eating
Depression loves to party too
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tablosstuff · 8 months
You are not what you look like. You're the music you listen to, the shows you watch, the art you make, the flowers in your hair, and your favorite blanket. You're not the pimple on your nose or the pudge on your tummy.
You're not your thighs or your teeth. You are the color of your hair. You're the mismatched socks you wear and your favorite sweater.
You're not what you look like or the body you are in. You are what you love.
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tablosstuff · 9 months
She was happy.
She lived for herself and enjoyed her
own company.
They called it loneliness,
She knew it was freedom.
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tablosstuff · 9 months
To The One Who Gave Me Trust Issues Once fractured,
my trust can't be restored to what it used to be
No amount of apologies will repair the emotional damage you inflicted onto me
It takes a lot of pain to break a heart this big
how could I ever trust you again? after so many chances and me ignoring the red flags
you still found a way to fuck it up
Like you wanted to sabotage us
Thanks to you,
when I hear I Love You
I wonder if it's real.
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tablosstuff · 9 months
My bones are aching with my sadness.
It feels impossible to leave my bed.
My eyes are swollen shut from all the tears I have shed.
I keep replaying our memories, over and over in my head.
My hands can no longer write,
From all the paragraphs I wrote.
My heart has sunk so deep, due to what you put me through.
I wonder if you feel this type of agony.
At times I wish you did so that you could understand me. but deep down I know it is not true, for you have already replaced me with somebody new.
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