tacky-tums · 4 months
Thinking about someone who’s trying to stay composed while talking about something important, but they’re extremely hungry and their rumbling stomach feels so good that their legs start quivering and they can’t help but whimper throughout
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tacky-tums · 4 months
thinking about two characters getting snowed in during a blizzard, running low on food, and their power cutting out. huddling together for warmth, rumbling tummy pressed against rumbling tummy.
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tacky-tums · 4 months
Thinking about person A cuddling person B from behind, their hands placed on their stomach affectionally
Person A starts giggling and says “You hungry?”
Person B is confused and says “Yeah… Why?”
and Person A presses their hands against person B’s stomach a bit more and says “I can feel your tummy rumbling” making person B blush a lot and get very embarrassed
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tacky-tums · 4 months
i think more boys should have grumbly tummies n be embarrassed about it
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tacky-tums · 4 months
Cute/hot things to say in response to someone's/your own stomach growls ♡
"Your tummy's rumbling"
"Your tummy's talking"
"Did your tummy just rumble?"
"Someone hungry?
"My tummy's rumbling"
"Did you just hear my stomach growl?"
"Oof, so rumbly..."
"I'm sooo hungry, can you hear my stomach growling?"
"Sound like you enjoyed that"
"Gosh, your stomach is so gurgly!"
"I bet that feels as good as it sounds"
"Your tummy is so loud"
"My tummy is so gurgly..."
"My belly is so full..."
"It's so loud..."
"Oof...I feel so full..."
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tacky-tums · 4 months
“stomach growling” is good
“belly grumbling” is okay
“tummy rumbling”
yeah. thats the one
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tacky-tums · 4 months
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ear + tummy = bliss
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tacky-tums · 4 months
While I’m on the topic of tummy noises, I’ve very recently discovered something that I’m into that I never thought about before: hungry people, instead of saying their stomach is rumbling, describing themselves as rumbling. Something like this:
“Man, I’m starving…I’m rumbling so much…”
“Ooh, is that your stomach? Are you rumbling?”
“I need to eat something now, I can’t stop rumbling…”
“Aw man, I’m all rumbly…”
“I-I wanna rumble…I wanna rumble so bad…”
“Fuck, I love rumbling so much…”
Imo it definitely works better in a sexual context but no matter what it makes my heart go !!!
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tacky-tums · 4 months
Stomach Growl Prompt: Rhythmic
đź’™He/Him Version:đź’™
“Oohh, I’m soo hungry….” he whined as he sat back in his chair. The medley of enticing smells in the restaurant were only bringing his hunger to it’s highest peak, making the wait all that harder to bear.
He watched longingly as a nearby couple received their food and instinctively placed his hands on his belly, as the sight caused it to tighten and contract with emptiness.
As he lay his hands on his famished stomach, it let out a deep, rumbling groan that caused his very hands to shake and rattle. The sound slowly trailed off into a crescendo of burbles; his belly’s quaking gently settling down in unison.
He hoped the waiter would be there soon…
đź’–She/Her Version:đź’–
“Oohh, I’m soo hungry….” she whined as she sat back in her chair. The medley of enticing smells in the restaurant were only bringing her hunger to it’s highest peak, making the wait all that harder to bear.
She watched longingly as a nearby couple received their food and instinctively placed her hands on her belly, as the sight caused it to tighten and contract with emptiness.
As she lay her hands on her famished stomach, it let out a deep, rumbling groan that caused her very hands to shake and rattle. The sound slowly trailed off into a crescendo of burbles; her belly’s quaking gently settling down in unison.
She hoped the waiter would be there soon…
đź’śThey/Them Version:đź’ś
“Oohh, I’m soo hungry….” They whined as They sat back in their chair. The medley of enticing smells in the restaurant were only bringing their hunger to it’s highest peak, making the wait all that harder to bear.
They watched longingly as a nearby couple received their food and instinctively placed their hands on their belly, as the sight caused it to tighten and contract with emptiness.
As they lay their hands on their famished stomach, it let out a deep, rumbling groan that caused their very hands to shake and rattle. The sound slowly trailed off into a crescendo of burbles; their belly’s quaking gently settling down in unison.
đź’›I/Me Version:đź’›
“Oohh, I’m soo hungry…."I whined as I sat back in my chair. The medley of enticing smells in the restaurant were only bringing my hunger to it’s highest peak, making the wait all that harder to bear.
I watched longingly as a nearby couple received their food and instinctively placed my hands on my belly, as the sight caused it to tighten and contract with emptiness.
As I lay my hands on my famished stomach, it let out a deep, rumbling groan that caused my very hands to shake and rattle. The sound slowly trailed off into a crescendo of burbles; my belly’s quaking gently settling down in unison.
đź’šYou/Your Version:đź’š
"Oohh, I’m soo hungry….” you whined as you sat back in your chair. The medley of enticing smells in the restaurant were only bringing your hunger to it’s highest peak, making the wait all that harder to bear.
You watched longingly as a nearby couple received their food and instinctively placed your hands on your belly, as the sight caused it to tighten and contract with emptiness.
As you lay your hands on your famished stomach, it let out a deep, rumbling groan that caused your very hands to shake and rattle. The sound slowly trailed off into a crescendo of burbles; your belly’s quaking gently settling down in unison.
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tacky-tums · 4 months
Characters groaning and rubbing their empty, rumbling tummies👌✨
đź’™Feeling the rumbling gurgles vibrate against their hands
đź’™Whimpering about how empty and rumbly their tummy feels
đź’™Whining about how loud their bellies are
🗨️"My belly's so loud..."
🗨️"S-sorry...that was really loud...I'm just so hungry..."
🗨️"God, my stomach just won't stop growling..."
🗨️"I'm so huungryyyy..." *Whiiimmper* *Rubs tummy* *~GrrrrooOOOOoowwl~*
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tacky-tums · 4 months
Pudgy bellies roaring for food are good, but there's just something about a character having their hand on their belly, rubbing it at the exact moment that it growls....
đź’™Like okay, maybe they're rubbing their belly and feeling it twist and tighten with hunger, but let's say it's not growling as they rub it...it's not quite the same...
đź’™(Don't get me wrong, Its still soo fucking good because it shows just how strong and uncomfortable the hunger pangs are, since they feel the need to rub, but still...)
Instead, picture the exact same thing, but their belly lets out empty, deep, low-pitched, LONG grumbles as their hand rubs the surface...it's sooo good
GOD I don't know what it is, but it just hits different.
I think, for one, it feels almost like they're trying to comfort the poor thing. Something akin to 🗨️"Shh, I know, I know. It's okay." 🗨️
A sort of, soothing, if you will.
Also the fact that said character will definitely feel the rumbling against their hand...God, just knowing that their empty stomach is so viciously rumbly that it can actually be felt on the surface...It's sooo goood
And when it's two hands, God it's even better. Double the comfort and double the rumbly hands...
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tacky-tums · 4 months
Someone cooking breakfast for them and their partner. Their partner comes in, wrapping their arms around the first person’s stomach lovingly, giving them a hug from behind. Then, they give said stomach a nice big squeeze directly below the ribs, drawing out a long, deep, empty rumble that makes the first person groan happily and close their eyes.
“Ooh, that sounded like that was deep in there…did it feel good?”
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tacky-tums · 4 months
Woken up by my empty stomach growling this morning (no mic)
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tacky-tums · 4 months
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Ardene’s Premium Stomach Growls - 3
Commission done for Sherwoodboy of my ever so ravenous Starfinder Pahtra Ardene~ It’s been a rough week of pinching credits and saving up earnings for some time, and Ardene’s been slacking on getting herself some decent meat to eat… What with being a STRICT carnivore, getting good quality meat out in the fringes of deep space is a hassle without the right incentive. Lucky for her, someone’s taken a KEEN interest to the ravenous grumbles and growls of her empty stomach, and offered to pay a generous sum of Credits just for a private showing! Ardene couldn’t possibly say no… Just show off her tummy for a little while right?
Posted using PostyBirb
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tacky-tums · 4 months
Don’t follow if you are a minor, this is a fetish blog ‼️
I mostly post about my hunger kink but if anything else related catches my eye, I may post about that occassionally too
I keep a lot about myself private since I’m quite embarrassed about this kink, I’m slowly learning to be less ashamed about it
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