tacobellandanxiety · 4 years
I just want to go back to 3013 when all I cared about were my One Direction accounts on Facebook 
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tacobellandanxiety · 4 years
I don't know what to do
So this is my first post on here. I don't expect anyone else to comment or share or really care for what I have to say. My only hope is that maybe if someone else is going through the same thing, they know they aren't alone. 
Recently as none of you know, I had to move in with my boyfriend and his parents. Long story short, it hasn't been the best. It started out just fine, then things just really started to go downhill. For starters they have never accepted me. Its been over a year since me and my boyfriend started dating and they still prefer his ex over me. Their son is so much happier with me and for them not to see that makes me upset. Not to mention they constantly nag him over little things when he works all week with a full-time job making great money. He's gone all week so I am here by myself while he's at work, so I get all the passive aggressive comments made towards me. I just at this point don't know what to do. My boyfriend is one of the most hardworking men I have ever met and it makes me sick the way his parents treat him. I leave to move in to my college apartment this week and I planned on buying his parents something for allowing me to stay here, but now I don't think I can do that with the way I was treated. I am heartbroken because at this point I don't know how to handle this and I also don't have anyone to vent to. 
Tonight his mom made a comment that really just hit me the wrong way and really set me off. I packed up everything and I am hoping I can move in early. My boyfriend fell asleep before it all happened and I texted him what happened. I am not sure how he’ll respond. I am just over it. I just want to be respected and I will not be disrespected just because someone is insecure. Anyways, I guess the main point is how the hell am I supposed to figure out how to handle this? This is the guy I plan on spending the rest of my life with. We have talked about marriage. what is happening after I graduate from school, all that. How do I deal with a soon to be mother in law, who can't stand me let alone her own son. Would it be too drastic to tell my boyfriend I don't want anything to do with his mom? He isn't the biggest fan of her either, when I say she constantly talks shit she does, and OF COURSE I am going to tell him.. 
But seriously, I don't know what to do if me and my boyfriend don't see eye to eye on this. 
Okay well, my muscle relaxer is kicking in and I am slowing fading. I’ll update tomorrow.
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