taeminiettaemiri · 4 years
05 July 2020 after one word mistake from me,
i don't want to say anything or gambling wheter your feeling would be more or less for me, i just want to prove that i love you more than you do, and your trust is what i guard and value more than anything about you, because iam not lying, my dear. Time and universe would tell you that you worth your trust on me, because i don't even have any space left even on my mind nor my heart to broke that. Iam not good with words to say, and its even too early to say, but i always wanna say i Miss you and i love you, every single time.
Let's be together as long as we can, as faith blessing our unexpected meet, as much as we don't know how this interest growing and blooming without proper greeting at our beginning.
I love you, my man RIH
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taeminiettaemiri · 5 years
Find the Fox
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taeminiettaemiri · 5 years
This situation in Sudan makes me so so so so so mad and angry because they CUT OFF the Internet so people can’t say what’s happening there and they rely on US to be SAVED because they’re currently living a NIGHTMARE they can’t even go to the streets NORMALLY and they can’t do ANYTHING ABOUT IT BECAUSE THERE IS NO INTERNET. THE SUDANESE PEOPLE RELY ON US. DO SOMETHING.
Here’s how you can help:
Donate to the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees: https://donate.unhcr.org/int/south-sudan/~my-donation
Donate to the Sudan Relief Fund: https://sdnrlf.com/campaign-cat/featured/ 
Donate to the International Medical Corps for Sudanese Medical Aid: https://www.gofundme.com/f/sudanese-medical-aid
Share share share share!!!!!
They count on us!! If you know any other way we can help, please tell me!!
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taeminiettaemiri · 5 years
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Why are we silent???
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taeminiettaemiri · 5 years
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Ia berjalan santai, tidak seperti sebelum sebelumnya yang lebih sering cemas jika ketinggalan kereta pukul dua pagi. Menyaksikan kereta mendekat secara perlahan dari sisi jalan menjadi hal yang khusyuk ia nikmati, bahkan melebihi ibadahnya kepada Tuhan. Langit gelap dan suasana stasiun yang sunyi, bertumpuk-tumpuk gerbong yang sudah tak terpakai dan mulai memperlihatkan karatnya justru menjadi hal yang unik untuk disaksikan, bahkan belakangan menjadi objek berfoto dan dipajang di tiap akun media sosial. Dini hari itu, sama seperti dini hari kemarin dan yang sudah sudah, tak ada yang diekspektasi, tak ada pikiran lain selain dapat barang sejam atau dua jam memejamkan mata yang mulai berat, hingga ia duduk berhadapan dengan romantismenya.
Duduk diapit oleh dua penumpang bak zombie dengan mulut yang menganga ketika tertidur membuatnya meminimalisir ruang untuk dirinya, sebisa mungkin tidak kena tomprok kalau-kalau kedua orang di kanan kirinya ini sebenarnya bukan tidur tapi pingsan. Di hadapannya, juga seorang yang baru naik dari stasiun ini, ia melihat jaket maroon itu sebelumnya dua meter lebih depan dengan hoodie yang sudah menutupi hampir setengah wajahnya bagian atas. Tidak ada yang spesial, mereka sama-sama mencari posisi yang nyaman di tengah orang yang sudah tewas dalam dengkurnya, memasang earphone dan mulai mencari playlist untuk dimainkan sembari mengiringi tidur singkat mereka sampai di stasiun akhir. Tas ditaruh di depan dan di peluk, lebih erat dan mesra daripada memeluk pacar, kadang merebahkan kepala di atasnya. Ruang yang terlalu sempit untuk mendapatkan privacy itu akhirnya membuat mereka saling menatap, tidak melalui mata berkantung hitam yang menjuntai dengan lancangnya, namun dengkul yang saling menarik diri ketika tak sengaja bergesekkan.
Kereta lintas kota bukan shinkansen yang bisa membuat koin tetap berdiri pada pinggirannya sangkin stabilnya, gerbong pun berbelok mengikuti lihai sang masinis mengendalikan roda untuk tetap berada pada rel-nya. Kedua dengkul pun mau tak mau saling menyentuh, cukup kasar untuk permulaan. Keduanya berusaha menghindar, saling menarik ketika dirasa akan bersentuhan lagi. Mata masih saling tertutup, tak mau menyia-nyiakan waktu meski posisi sama sekali tak bisa membuat terlelap. Belokan tajam tak dapat dihindari, membuat salah satu dengkul mau tak mau menjadi penahan dengkul yang lain yang lebih kecil, yang lebih terombang-ambing, hingga saat jalur kembali lurus dengan kerikil-kerikil kecil di pinggirnya.
Kali ini tak ada yang saling menarik, seakan membiarkan diri untuk saling menyamankan diri. Lama-lama, sepasang dengkul saling menempel, seperti tak dipisahkan oleh lapisan celana yang dikenakan, entah merasa tidak enak akan mengganggu, atau malah kelewat nyaman. Beberapa gerakan kadang tercipta, namun bukan rasa gelisah ingin berpisah. Seperti menemukan pembicaraan seru di tengah ketidaktauan satu sama lain. Benar juga, mereka bahkan tidak tau satu sama lain, hanya penumpang kereta yang naik dari stasiun yang sama dan kemungkinan turun di stasiun yang sama pula. Kedua mata masih terpejam, atau mungkin salah satu sempat mencuri pandang, tapi tak pernah benar-benar bertemu. Sepasang dengkul yang terus menyatu saling menghangatkan tanpa bertatap mata, tanpa berkata sepatah kata, tanpa tau nama, sampai salah satu tak bisa berpura-pura tertidur pulas lagi, sampai gerbong berhenti dan kembali pada pagi yang dibeli.
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taeminiettaemiri · 5 years
*BLITZ* Oh! What was that? It’s FlashFictionFriday!!
Good day birds, wolfs, and wonderful woodland spirits! It’s Flash Fic Friday and that means we gotta flash those fictions!!
What is Flash Fiction Friday, you say? Well, it’s an open WRITEBLR prompt event that takes place every Friday, right here, on my blog!
Come, join!
Here are the official FFF GUIDELINES:
Write between 100-1000 words. It can be a scene as well as a stand-alone story and 18+ is okay!
Use this Friday’s theme in your text. Anyway, you see fit!
Post on your tumblr blog and tag me @cawolters so I’ll see it!
Deadline is when it’s no longer Friday in your part of the world!
And then next Friday I’ll mention your work in a showcase post!
Okay, we’re almost ready. But before we flash our hearts out, let’s take a moment to see all the COOL, and just soooo well-written, stories from last week!
Last Friday's prompt was :  STRANGE DOOR
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@alien-from-pluto-writer .tumblr.com
Thanks for joining guys! Awesome reads! I made sure to read, like and reblog all of your works, but if I missed ya, then shoot me a message! This was very cool<3<3
AND now, this Friday’s Prompt: BURN BABY, BURN
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Pyromaniac? Magic flames? A sizzle of the heart??
You decide!
Go where the story takes you! And good luck!
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taeminiettaemiri · 5 years
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taeminiettaemiri · 5 years
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Pagi ini ibukota ramai, bukan oleh para pencari nafkah melainkan segerombol manusia yang senang integrasi pecah. Suara teriakan bahkan lebih kencang dari klakson kendaraan yang tak sabaran, lebih nyaring dari suara mesin besar pengolah semen yang bergeming. Beberapa bunyi ledakan mulai terdengar, selongsong peluru telah lepas dari cangkangnya. Ia tercengang, bunyi ini, berita utama hari ini, seperti memori yang pernah terekam dalam ingatannya.
Jalan siang saat itu sunyi dan sepi. Tangan mungilnya tiba-tiba ditarik dengan kuat oleh sang ayah, melayang sampai ia berada di gendongan. Ayahnya mempercepat langkah sambil sesekali menengok ke belakang, entah bersembunyi atau sedang dikejar. Keringat dingin mulai mengucur di kedua pelipis, bola matanya mengecil seiring langkah yang berganti menjadi lari. Akhirnya mereka masuk ke rumah besar dan luas, rumah yang selalu khas aroma parfum yang menyengat. Gerbang digembok rantai besar berkarat dengan bola besi hitam diujungnya begitu pun pintu garasi yang ditutup rapat, menyisakan beberapa garis sinar yang menerobos masuk melalui celah jendela.
Suara letusan tiba-tiba muncul entah darimana, begitu kencang hingga membuat ia terkejut tapi terjingkrak sangking senangnya, teringat pesta pembagian hadiah 17 agustusan yang dimeriahkan oleh berbagai petasan dan kembang api yang meledakkan berbagai warna-warni di langit tak berbintang. Ibunya memegangi badannya yang tak bisa diam ketika banyak pasang mata melihat tajam ke arah mereka, tatapan orang tua yang menyuruh anaknya untuk diam. Ibunya berbisik, ia boleh kemana saja mengitari rumah yang luasnya pernah membuat ia tersesat asal jangan keluar atau bersuara.
Kaki kecilnya melangkah menjauhi wajah-wajah ketakutan penuh teror dengan perhiasan emas menghiasi pergelangan, dengan sebuah bilah panjang yang mengkilap sampai ujung dalam genggaman, dan sebongkah benda berat dengan pelatuk yang berkeliaran bebas dan moncong yang menembus bahan celana yang dikenakan. Ia berjalan menuju pojok ruang dengan meja kayu yang sudah lapuk, dengan surat kabar dan majalah yang bertumpuk. Surat kabar yang teratas artinya yang terbaru, maka ia ambil koran tersebut, berlagak menirukan cara baca orang dewasa dengan duduk dan berongkang-ongkang. Tangannya yang masih pendek tak dapat membentangkan dua halaman sekaligus hingga beberapa jatuh ke lantai, menyisakan satu halaman paling depan dan belakang.
Ia baru mengenal beberapa alfabet dan belum pandai membaca dalam satu kata, namun ia sudah hafal angka. Surat kabar terbaru dengan angka 13 dan 1998 pada ujung atas kiri, lalu angka 1 pada pojok bawah kanan. Pada halaman terakhir, ia menemukan sebuah lambang familier yang selalu menyambutnya di depan lorong rumah, di ruang tengah tempat berkumpul keluarga yang tak ia kenal, dan tepat di atas kepalanya ketika ia mendongak, sebuah lambang pohon beringin yang berkibar-kibar dipuput sang bayu dan diiringi suara ledakan lainnya yang kali ini saling menyaut, tak tau kapan surut.
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taeminiettaemiri · 5 years
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Sejak dini hari matanya tak terlelap, terjaga karena tak ingin terlewat sampai siang. Nafasnya bunyi, seperti ada binatang kecil terperangkap di kerongkongan. Bantal yang ditumpuk sembarang seperti tak berguna ketika tak bisa meredam suaranya yang terengap-engap. Ketika pikiran tak bisa membuat terlelap dalam gelap, matanya terbuka lebih cepat dari alarm yang akan berbunyi nyaring satu menit kemudian.
Kota ini sepertinya dikutuk. Pagi hari tak ada embun, tak ada hawa dingin, tak ada keinginan untuk membuka jendela dan menghirup udara pagi ketika pemandangan yang disajikan hanyalah gedung beton segi empat yang saling berjejer dan saling berlomba siapa yang paling menjulang hingga menyentuh awan, saling tak mau kalah siapa yang lebih mengotori udara dan membuat bising ketika bor menembus dinding.
Sepeda motor berserakan seperti tak bertuan, aspal mengebulkan debu tebal bahkan sebelum sesuatu melintas pada permukaan. Kendaraan berjejal memadati jalan yang sering kali mengambil hak para pejalan, takut dipotong upah jika terlambat datang ke tempat penguasa korporat. Rambu lalu lintas hanya sebagai penghias yang tak diindahkan ketika ego buas yang diandalkan untuk saling salip dan melanggar tata tertib.
Di kota yang dikutuk itu, bulan tak langsung pergi dari langit sehabis gelap. Ia menunggu matahari muncul untuk bercerita keluh kesah terhadap tingkah laku manusia dengan hiruk piruknya yang tak lagi elok. Bulan dan matahari saling berhadapan di satu langit yang sama, terbentang sejajar berjarak putaran bumi dalam tata surya. Mereka geram, tak sudi melihat ke bawah ketika mereka pun tak memberi sejenak apresiasi pada mereka yang menerangi, namun matanya yang tak benar-benar tertidur itu tak hentinya menatap Sang Rembulan dan Sang Surya yang dipersembahkan oleh ibu Pertiwi.
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taeminiettaemiri · 5 years
Strange Door
The ringing makes her eyes opened immedietly. Her fingers gently push the button off before stretching her body. Its 7 o’clock in the morning, time to brush her teeth with stinging antibiotic smells hanging on her toothbrush. She standing in front of an oval mirror, staring at the pair of her own soft grey color’s orbs, asking herself if she had a great sleep while recalling the dream that seems to fade away along with her conscious. A peep sounds could be heard from the bathroom, signalling her breakfast is ready on the table. Nutritious breakfast is well serving on the silver plate, scramble egg with tomatoes and beans with oat, a tall glass of strawberry protein shake, and Greek yogurt with blueberry and granola. The almost same think that fill her stomach in the morning, but it’s a lot better than to have your belly empty without anything coming for a days. She remembered clearly when  she has to sleep on the street with her mother and little brother on her embrace since they didn’t have any shelter anymore. At dawn, she would digging up the trash to find any edible food in front of 24 hours fast food restaurant. She didn’t know if its count as lucky, but that night she was being captured by a stranger and live in this room for almost two months already.
The sound of the door being open makes her comeback to reality, and three peoples with long white coats entering the cold room. The light steps is echoing all over the room as the three approaching her, pretend to be friendly.
“How’s your sleep?” asked one of them, the lady with two toned colors hair on the right side. She glance up at the hanging name tag on her chest. The first two word is something she’s not understand as the three of them also have the same first two words as well. She only recognize A, I, E, O, U alphabet but not sure how to sounds it correctly. She also get confuse a lot with M and W and N and Z.
A small electric running over her skin makes her jolting, the other man with black jet short hair give her a warm smile while sticking the same device she has no idea over this two months. She already knew that he ready to shot a flash on her eyes after that as she prepare herself for not really welcoming the it. He move the flash to right and left pretty slow and her eyes would avoiding the path.
“The temperature is 37.7⁰C for a strike week and eyesight showing its normal reaction over the light. 4.8 feet, 99.2 pound, a great recovery from the very first time she arrived her.” Said the neat man on the left.
“Wow, do you hear that? You  seems much better! Do you enjoy the food in here??” asked the man in the middle with gentle smile, the oldest one judging by his white hair, almost bald head.
“Yes.” Answered the girl shortly, keeping her stare to the man in front of her.
“Glad to hear. I think you would be ready for transferred to another room, are you exited?” The girl just nodding her head slowly, doesn’t really know how to react on those statement. The three man excuse themselves after changing a ruber violet bracelet to an iron armlet on her wrist with MCCXIV written on it. She frowning at the combination, she’s not even able to read a word in the first place. She changes her dress to another white long dress with streps on its back without wearing any undergarment. The pale four walls filling up her sight the very first time she open her eyes until the last time she fall into slumber. The only chance she could get to out from her room is when she has to do routine measuring, thrice a week on another large white large space, and it’s about time the guard will come and lead her way to the said room.
The room located in the end of a long corridor covered with a thick glass walls until the only sound you could hear is your own step and breath, but the view is available to watch. She would glance on her left side to find a strange door standing firmly like it could never be destroyed. She happened to watched several people coming out from the room with strange behaviour, the peoples whose dress was white and long like her own.  Some looked gloomy while carried by the bodyguard, some laughed happily while jumping around like a rabbit on the wide field, there were also those who banged on the glass wall with all the fear showing on their faces before being anesthetized to unconsciousness, the face that scared to death, the last one she ever watched until she got this anxiety when she has a chance to glance. She has this odd feeling like she would entering those iron door soon when the guard lead her to different direction, straight to the way the door is waiting, the door she’s been wondering what had happened inside. She start to sweating, the cold materials against her bare foots makes her freeze on the spot, realizing there is no way to escape from that door.
“Code number MCCXIV is ready.”
“Bring her in.”
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taeminiettaemiri · 5 years
Into the Wild
She continue her way with a heavy step, literally. Her antibody is decreasing and she start to have headache attack every five minutes. The dizziness will led her to vomiting and become languid. The bitterness of the herb Rune gave her seems tasteless as her tongue already death with it. When she wants to take the herb, her hand stop moving, feeling a sudden pain striking her muscle. The pain causing her to screaming until she can't see nothing but blank.
The girl lying there helpless on the weed grass, let the pain taking over  because she can't beat it for now. Maybe she needs a good sleep for a minutes to get rid of the pain as she close her eyes slowly. The sun is ready to set, leaving the half part of the world to give the moon its time to shine, then again, how many days and nights has been passed lost in here? Would she die this easy when she finally have a goal for her journey?
The wind blowing mildly, following the rhythm of her heavy breath. The poison seems to attack her mind this time as she feel her body hovering in the empty air, flying without knowing how or where to go. She could feel the grass pointing on her back, makes her tickled as her body keep walking against gravity until she sensing something hard would crash her. The bare skin of her back finally hit a scaly thing, dry and quite sharp as her skin make a reaction in itchy, but soft. When she able to moving again, she peek a little to the side and find a haystack supporting her. The invisble wind coming crossing her like dancing along, it summon the hay to pill up behind and help her to sit up with twilight view as the scenery.
"No matter how many times you witnessing this phenomenome, how could you still stuned by its beauty."
She turn her head to the opposite side, finding a woman with black long hair until it touch the ground. No, its more like a root growing from her scalp.
Her eyes were like glancing at the girl's eyes. Her gaze is calm, like she was playing in the middle of a pine forest that had just been rained. Her face was smooth like a thin fabric she is wearing right now.
"Feeling better, child?"
The sound of a caring mother makes her eyes watering for missed the figure she adored so much. She must be the Mother.
"Yes." said the girl, smiling sweetly. She tried to change her sit position to watch the blue sky better which is about to darken.
"Did your wind bring me here?" asked the girl.
"The wind is nobody's, dear, so does another elements. Nature is the most beautiful gift to humans, but it cannot be owned.”
"But, you control the wind just then. I was unconscious and it brought me here.” Said the girl. The mother tilts her head up while thinking, seeing a round cloud passing slowly over their heads.
"Do you want me to make it rain?"
The girl nodded eagerly as no matter if they would get wet. The mother turned her hand into the air, making white clouds change the color to gray as if the drop would soon appear. But the rain does not come, so did the clouds that passed them, makes the girl confuse with the Mother waving at the cloud that flying away.
"I can't make rain fall when clouds don't have enough water volume, or simply, rain won't drop if it really doesn't want to happen."
The girl let her mouth open, another term she finally understand about her power towards nature.
“We are not controllers, we are bound more than that. It's like the other side of us who can calm down like the ocean, cheerful like the sun, or energetic like a volcano ready to explode. But when we are disturbed, we will work together to protect each other, because we are wild enough to expressing ourseleves.”
The sunlight getting brighter with a calming orange color, asking for their attention at the gods of light as if its want to say goodbye for today. A wide expanse of sky emits three colors scattering to each other which makes it more beautiful to enjoy, orange, white, and baby blue, like a giant prism.
"How do you feel?"
"It's never been this great after taking a poison." they both laughed. Not long after, a dot of light appeared flying near the girl. One dot brought three other dots, then eight, then dozens, then tens. Fireflies appears in the dark, run and run after each other. A strong night wind makes the weeds like waving, dancing along. The girl had never seen such a bright night sky with a sprinkling of stars, twinkling with each other, making an endless trail in space, so does the sands on pentagon glasses, shining brightly. The scenery she never expected to experiencing with the tears finally escape from that tired eyes.
"Iam home, right? Iam about to death with very blessing scenery in front of my very eyes, I don't mind dying then."
The mother stroking her hair gently, "Not yet. The story of the earth is still very long, we will meet again for sharing.”
She take something from his bag, an object that makes the Mother wondering.
"Is that fireworks?"
"Yes." She clenched her hands with unlit fireworks standing upright on the wire, her lips start to moving without a sounds, chanting the spell.
"What are you praying for?"
"For this moment to not stolen away if i managed to survive." Said the girl, smiling ear to ear on those purple lips.
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taeminiettaemiri · 5 years
tik tok tik tok
"She will take it back some day." -Pink Floyd
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taeminiettaemiri · 5 years
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taeminiettaemiri · 5 years
Famous authors, their writings and their rejection letters.
Sylvia Plath: There certainly isn’t enough genuine talent for us to take notice.
Rudyard Kipling: I’m sorry Mr. Kipling, but you just don’t know how to use the English language.
Emily Dickinson: [Your poems] are quite as remarkable for defects as for beauties and are generally devoid of true poetical qualities.
Ernest Hemingway (on The Torrents of Spring): It would be extremely rotten taste, to say nothing of being horribly cruel, should we want to publish it.
Dr. Seuss: Too different from other juveniles on the market to warrant its selling.
The Diary of Anne Frank: The girl doesn’t, it seems to me, have a special perception or feeling which would lift that book above the ‘curiosity’ level.
Richard Bach (on Jonathan Livingston Seagull): will never make it as a paperback. (Over 7.25 million copies sold)
H.G. Wells (on The War of the Worlds): An endless nightmare. I do not believe it would “take”…I think the verdict would be ‘Oh don’t read that horrid book’. And (on The Time Machine): It is not interesting enough for the general reader and not thorough enough for the scientific reader.
Edgar Allan Poe: Readers in this country have a decided and strong preference for works in which a single and connected story occupies the entire volume.
Herman Melville (on Moby Dick): We regret to say that our united opinion is entirely against the book as we do not think it would be at all suitable for the Juvenile Market in [England]. It is very long, rather old-fashioned…
Jack London: [Your book is] forbidding and depressing.
William Faulkner: If the book had a plot and structure, we might suggest shortening and revisions, but it is so diffuse that I don’t think this would be of any use. My chief objection is that you don’t have any story to tell. And two years later: Good God, I can’t publish this!
Stephen King (on Carrie): We are not interested in science fiction which deals with negative utopias. They do not sell.
Joseph Heller (on Catch–22): I haven’t really the foggiest idea about what the man is trying to say… Apparently the author intends it to be funny – possibly even satire – but it is really not funny on any intellectual level … From your long publishing experience you will know that it is less disastrous to turn down a work of genius than to turn down talented mediocrities.
George Orwell (on Animal Farm): It is impossible to sell animal stories in the USA.
Oscar Wilde (on Lady Windermere’s Fan): My dear sir, I have read your manuscript. Oh, my dear sir.
Vladimir Nabokov (on Lolita): … overwhelmingly nauseating, even to an enlightened Freudian … the whole thing is an unsure cross between hideous reality and improbable fantasy. It often becomes a wild neurotic daydream … I recommend that it be buried under a stone for a thousand years.
The Tale of Peter Rabbit was turned down so many times, Beatrix Potter initially self-published it.
Lust for Life by Irving Stone was rejected 16 times, but found a publisher and went on to sell about 25 million copies.
John Grisham’s first novel was rejected 25 times.
Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul) received 134 rejections.
Robert Pirsig (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance) received 121 rejections.
Gertrude Stein spent 22 years submitting before getting a single poem accepted.
Judy Blume, beloved by children everywhere, received rejections for two straight years.
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle received 26 rejections.
Frank Herbert’s Dune was rejected 20 times.
Carrie by Stephen King received 30 rejections.
The Diary of Anne Frank received 16 rejections.
Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rolling was rejected 12 times.
Dr. Seuss received 27 rejection letters
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taeminiettaemiri · 5 years
dark make it brighter 
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Different Stories Resonate with Different People
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taeminiettaemiri · 5 years
'Omdat wij mooi waren' - Indonesische troostmeisjes
uSecara tersurat, saya lahir sebagai seorang perempuan, suatu takdir Tuhan yang tidak bisa dinegosiasikan oleh siapapun bakal calon manusia. Saya terlahir dengan tugas pertama yaitu menangis dan meminta belai kasih, juga setetes dua tetes ASI. Saya mulai tumbuh dalam bentuk yang mulai terlihat perbedaannya antara saya dan teman bermain saya ketika sama-sama masih merangkak, pun berkembang dalam situasi yang tak terlalu membedakan perempuan dan bukan perempuan kecuali ke sekolah memakai rok dan dua buah benjolan yang mulai tumbuh, sebelum tau apa itu perempuan atau apa peran perempuan dalam kehidupan.
Semakin dewasa, masih dengan kerancuan mengapa perempuan harus memasak sedangkan bukan perempuan harus keluar mencari materi, karena tidak seperti itu realita yang saya proses sejak awal tentang konsep gender perempuan dan bukan perempuan. Dalam perjalannya, saya semakin menolak raga perempuan yang saya huni, mengetahui bagaimana sosok ini pernah menjadi nomor kesekian dan tertindas dalam sejarah tatanan kemanusiaan yang dibuat oleh manusia sendiri. Saya tidak suka mempunyai dua mulut yang harus dijaga, membuat kita terkesan harus selalu bertahan dan sukar untuk menyerang. Saya marah dan kesal atas perlakuan yang tak sepantasnya dilakukan makhluk bernama manusia yang seenaknya mendominasi dan menstratakan mana yang lebih tinggi maupun rendah statusnya.
Namun pada akhirnya, saya tak pantas marah. Bahkan menyandang status sebagai perempuan pun saya ternyata belum mampu ketika saya hanya bisa berempati terhadap apa yang terjadi pada kaum perempuan lain, di belahan dunia lain, di zona waktu yang telah lewat, sedang, atau akan terjadi. Mohon maaf, untuk sebuah tragedi yang selalu ingin dihapus dan dilupakan, untuk keterlambatan yang sudah tidak ada artinya lagi untuk ditangisi, untuk berjuta maaf yang tak akan menyembuhkan luka yang sudah terlalu telat diobati.
Terima kasih sedalam-dalamnya, untuk menjadi makhluk paling kuat dengan segala tragedi yang sudah lewat. Terima kasih, untuk segala aksi dan tindakan yang menentang segala bentuk penindasan karena perempuan, dan semua manusia berhak atas hal yang sama. Terima kasih, untuk membuat saya pada akhirnya bangga dan memilih, bukan  hanya terlahir, untuk menjadi perempuan dengan segala kekuatan dan kelemahannya.
Saya masih pemula, baru seperempat abad mengarungi hidup sebagai perempuan yang sedikit sekali tersakiti dan banyak petualangan mengasyikkan yang telah, sedang, dan akan menanti.
'Omdat wij mooi waren' - Indonesische troostmeisjes(Indonesian comfort women) adalah dokumenter yang dibuat khusus oleh astorlog asal Belanda tentang salah satu dari sekian banyak kejahatan akan perempuan yang terjadi saat perang dunia kedua. Salah satu dokumenter yang menggampar saya untuk lebih bersyukur menjadi perempuan di masa yang penuh dengan kesadaran dan emansipasi. 
Dan selalu menjadi quote kesukaan saya :
“One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman,” - Simone de Beauvoir
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taeminiettaemiri · 5 years
my co-worker found him/her in front of a big house, alone, and wet because of the rain, so she took it to our office. I don't know why but i really want to keep this baby the moment i saw it. Iam not really into cat actually because i have astma and allergic with all kind of flur although i've been raised with a lot of cats since my grandmother have so much affection for this animal, and she also had astma too. I ever had a pet like hamster and dog, and it took a week for me to get used with the smell and all allergic reaction i received.  The first consideration for me is always same, i don't really want to deal with the sick especially from the cat that have faster and longer reaction toward my antibody. Wow its getting longer.
So at Friday 5th april, i finally bought it home with me. Iam not really sure about keeping an animal especially cat but lately i've been attached by cat, probably because my late grandmother just love it so much and it seems like she wants me to keep them and i just missed her so much.
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This is the first time i really took a cat to home
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I did not plan to let it sleep on my room because it will risky for me, the cat was just found in the dirt and it probably bring many unedintified virus and as for me, the fur alone is enough to make me sick to death. But surprisingly, Iam fine. 
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I really am fine so far and it is odd.
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