netherworldpost · 2 years
This blog contains mature content (but not financial advice, you must do your own research + make your own decisions)
Let’s talk about 401K Contributions. They are frequently great! Your employer may say “We will match up to 3% of your 401K contributions.”
That means if you invest 1%, they will invest 1%. A total of 2% is invested.
If you invest 2%, they invest 2%. A total of 4% is invested.
If you invest 3%, they will invest 3%. A total of 6% is invested.
If you invest 4%, they will invest 3%. A total of 7% is invested.
They may offer higher or lower than 3%.
401Ks are sometimes given a bad rap because the fees are high and/or your investment options are limited -- maybe the companies being invested in are not in line with your politics, maybe they are in company stock, maybe they are in line with your employer’s politics... you get the picture.
It should be noted that 401K rollovers are possible -- i.e. you take the money from this account and put it into another 401K, which has better options for you and/or lower fees.
401Ks are a bit tricky in a few ways.
Firstly, they are taken pre-tax. If you make $100, and invest 3%, and your company matches this, you have $6 invested -- and the resulting $97 paycheck is taxed ($100 - your $3 contribution). So your immediate tax bill is lowered a bit, and there is more money invested.
For easy math, let’s say your tax bill is 25% and you make $100/check
$100 check - 25% = $75 take home with $0.00 invested.
$100 check - 3% ($3) invested, matched = $97 taxable - 25% = $72.75 take home and $6 invested. 
So, yes, you are functionally taking home less ($75 vs $72.75 = $2.75 less take home)
But your $3 invested has the potential to grow
And your immediate return is 100% (your company matched your $3, a total of $6 now exists in an account under your name).
So now your fund has $6 to grow. 
Which means a combination of 401K fund fees + market downturn has to drop +50% before your contribution is affected.
...which is a significantly bigger drop than the October 28-29, 1929 crash that kicked off the Great Depression which was 13% then a secondary 12%. If that happened to you, your $6 would look like:
Day 1: $6 - 13% = $5.22
Day 2: $5.22 - 12% = $4.59
Which is still $1.59 more than half of what you invested btw.
Let’s be very ungenerous and truncate +0.8% of the S&P 500 growth since it began, and calculate an 11% average return over 10 years. You invested $3 ONCE, you were matched $3 ONCE, your fund is now worth about $15.35. It doubled between years 7 and 8. If you hold it another 10 years (total 20), it is now worth about $43.58.
I want to stress I did easy math and rounded down to 11%, nearly a full percentage point
And that this was a single investment of $3 and a single match of $3.
This is an averaged figure because “hey sometimes the market crashes” (I remember vividly the aftermath of coping mechanisms I took to get through 2008)
This means you have to be careful and patient. It also means that company match? It helps protect your cheddar. If it helps, think of it as “the company match lost money before my invested cash kicked in.” See above 1929 market crash example.
The tax is taken when you withdraw the cash from the fund, typically in retirement as there are typically pre-retirement penalties. The entire scheme is designed to encourage you to save for retirement (cough and propel the economy at the same time cough)
And when you’re in retirement, you take out bits and pieces at a time, so there is still cash kicking around and growing.
Secondly, as I say above, 401Ks roll over.
If you find yourself in a fund that has a high fee (”high” defined by “you have googled other 401K plans and see better deals”) and/or you leave this job and/or your 401K plan is limited, you can shove it somewhere else.
Consult your plan to see if there are penalties (probably not) or fees (probably not) and/or how to do this. You may have to wait a certain amount of time to be “vested” -- a fancy way of saying “your account must be THIS OLD to move and/or be considered fully yours.”
If you had an old job that you left ages ago and forgot to roll over the 401K, it is still out there somewhere, google “find old 401Ks” and pursue the research. You’ll get it back.
"So my employer match is additional money?”
“I want the money before I can retire to buy a house and/or cover medical bills!”
This is possible through various paths, but is tricky, and frequently expensive. Consult your money folks (the people who handle your 401K, this will be separate from your employer) on risks and rewards.
However, and I want to stress this, even with the penalties, because your employer matched something, there is a bigger potential pool of cash there.
“...my 401K is down like -X%... why am I pumping money into something losing money...”
It’s tricky and requires a lot of discipline, but unless you’re preparing for retirement in the next 5-10 years, being down means buying stock is cheaper.
Shares in your 401K that cost $100 before are now priced at $75. If you’re 20+ years from retirement, if they are worth more, you’ll get more money out.
Thems the hard knocks of the stock market.
It’s easy to panic when things are low but unless you are selling the stock soon, it’s not affecting you directly.
Fund set ups vary greatly, but a massively common feature is your fund is not buying stock directly. It is buying any number of stock bundles.
Your 401K is dipping your stock group(s) are dropping, as the individual stocks in the group are dipping, and someone on the other end of the chain is in charge of fixing that as best as possible.
Sometimes that means “wait” because this is a predictable period (a company spending a ton of money to upgrade, etc). Sometimes that means “rebalance” (”these companies aren’t going to recover, we gotta ditch them and figure something out.”
The suits in charge of the 401k fund(s) are in charge of figuring this out.
“So... you’re saying... I should just trust these suits?”
Oh, moonbeams, no.
This is a litany of information that is very entry level and is frequently not taught anywhere. Use as information to begin Step 1 of Many. The number, shape, and direction of your steps will vary based on your individual circumstances and mindset and resources. None of this is financial advice!
“I can’t afford to contribute that much and/or at all.”
I hope your circumstances improve soon.
“This is a weird thing for a ghost post office to talk about.”
Besides having a chuckle at a blog that was labeled “mature content” and had just random stuff posted (the inspiration for this post), there is actually a long history of the post office offering basic banking services and some are being piloted again / another article.
Given the USPS’s legal obligation to every citizen in this country, I am a huge fan of any reasonable service that it can similarly offer that both boosts viability to the office and accessibility to people.
Plus the whole “atty is a agent of lunar chaos thing” and i am the atty in this equation, so, y’know, on brand.
“I would like to learn more about the stock market etc.”
I subscribe to and frequently enjoy ColdFusion’s financial videos and most everything The Plain Bagel produce on YouTube.
“It is too late, I am X years old.”
Cash-need circumstances should fuel your decision to stop or delay investing. Age should not. If you are 50 and starting, you’re setting yourself up for when you are 60, 70, etc.
“Okay last thing, my job doesn’t have a 401K matching and/or a 401K at all and/or I am self-employed”
Look into IRAs and Roth IRAs. They may be right for you, but more importantly, this will put you on the path of research. If they aren’t, you’ll find something that is.
“Seriously though last thing. I like to keep my cash liquid.”
At the very least you should keep your cash in something called a “high yield interest savings account.”
Your checking branch down the street is going to offer you 0.01 - 0.03% or so. 
A high yield, fee free savings account is going to offer you something significantly higher for quick math sake, let’s say 3%.
Now let’s do the math on $100, untouched for 1 year, compounded monthly:
$100 * 0.03% annual yield compounded monthly = $100.30 after a year
$100 * 3.00% annual yield compounded monthly = $103.04 after a year
A difference of $2.74 without effort on your part
I don’t understand why / I hate that / basic savings accounts exist when high yield versions exist. But that bitterness at the financial industry at large is a secondary reason why this post is made.
The tertiary reason is I tremendously enjoy being your wacky, excessively colorfully dressed, gothy neighbor who you don’t quite know what they do for a living, but you do know they are living their best life. It’s a sitcom staple.
And now!
Time for coffee.
Go protect and grow your funds!
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neverquiteeden · 2 years
A Set of Notations surrounding Letters from Watson
Any/all notes around the context of these stories shall be added as I discover them during the course of LfW. As always these are for my own understanding and I will not be including actual analysis or 'meta' here, only further context (including that about the author) that I personally found interesting.
List of content warnings for LfW is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MxfryiP0jmrOkTt_TKHKKJX_ZKYj1EN4h1YznM9Ey54/edit#heading=h.q43fjlx73u8l
Study In Scarlet Extract 1.
Battle of Maiwand: 27th July 1880. British defeat by the Afghan forces.
Enteric fever: Typhoid or paratyphoid
11 shillings and sixpence: £38.06 today (43.58 euros or 46.24 dollars)
Jezail - refers to a type of gun, typically personal and well-made
Criterion Bar: According to a few sources, the Criterion bar was generally known as a meeting place for gay men. Specific loitering laws were enacted against soldiers and ex-soldiers after the second afghan war due to them supplementing their pensions by means disapproved by the government. Arthur Conan Doyle was not yet friends with Oscar Wilde at the time of writing this section, however, so it is possible that he did not know the significance of such places. They met between the publication of Stud. and Sign of Four, and Doyle began to use the epithet of Bohemian to describe Holmes after that encounter.
A placard in the Criterion Bar today claims that Stamford and Watson met there on 1st January 1881. This generally makes sense as to the timeframe of Watson returning from Afghanistan, though the date isn't agreed upon in all circles (this is probably why Letters was meant to start on the 1st).
How far bruises may be produced after death - it is generally accepted that classical bruising does not occur after death: bruises do form if the flesh is traumatised and vessels burst, but there is no inflammatory reaction such as seen in living, classical bruises. Blood also pools in the lower half of the body during livor mortis, which produces the appearance of bruises.
Guiacum test - One of the first tests for blood developed. It relied on guiacum/guaiacum, a tree resin, and hydrogen peroxide to produce a blue stain in the presence of blood.
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jaguarmen99 · 1 year
11 それでも動く名無し 2023/08/18(金) 13:12:43.58 ID:A0afDop0aボルトって骨格がズレてるんちゃうかったっけ?だからめちゃくちゃ足早いけど体の負担もでかい33 それでも動く名無し 2023/08/18(金) 13:19:00.16 ID:A0afDop0ahttps://number.bunshun.jp/articles/-/237148?page=1ほらこれや背骨が捻じ曲がってる障害が逆に短距離走での強みになってるって話や28 それでも動く名無し 2023/08/18(金) 13:18:25.46 ID:sM0G3j3O0現実的な2m前後の人間がベストな体型でベストの走り方したらという理論値が9.27らしいな
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thealphareporter · 28 days
Military Robots Market to Exceed Valuation of USD 43.58 Billion by 2031, Growing Integration of Improved Technologies to Impact Growth
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columbianewsupdates · 28 days
Military Robots Market to Exceed Valuation of USD 43.58 Billion by 2031, Growing Integration of Improved Technologies to Impact Growth
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plotcryptocharts · 1 month
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$BTC: 59142.03 (1.32%) $BCH: 343.33 (1.18%) $XRP: 0.5628 (-1.04%) $ETH: 2596.96 (-0.71%) $LTC: 66.65 (1.75%) $ETC: 18.6649 (-0.49%) $EOS: 0.5019 (2.89%) $DASH: 25.25 (-2.47%) $ZEC: 43.58 (2.88%) $XMR: 146.49 (-0.52%) $XLM: 0.0952 (-0.46%) (2024/08/17 19:35:14)
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fashionshopping · 2 months
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Women's Fashion Summer INS Gol ... Price 43.58$ CLICK TO BUY
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kintsuru · 4 months
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chosunajp · 5 months
1: ばーど ★ 2024/04/24(水) 16:07:43.58 ID:jRap4PBb 日本や米国のアニメ制作に北朝鮮のアニメーターが関与した疑いがあるとする報道を受け、7月に放送開始のアニメ「魔導具師ダリヤはうつむかない」制作元は「調査中」とするコメントを発表しました。 米シンクタンク
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srinuvasaraju · 8 months
Transformative Achievements In West Godavari District Under N Chandrababu Naidu Governance
West Godavari District in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh has witnessed significant achievements under the governance of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP). Notably, the completion of the Pattiseema Lift Irrigation Scheme in 2016 was a monumental feat. This project successfully diverted 262.543 thousand million cubic feet (TMCs) of water to the River Krishna, ultimately stabilising the Krishna Delta Ayacut and ensuring relief for standing crops.  Another remarkable milestone occurred when TDP leaders and top TDP MLAs contributed to the Polavaram Multipurpose Irrigation Project. Their efforts led to a Guinness World Record for pouring an astounding 32,315.50 cubic metres of concrete in just 24 hours. As of December 2019, the project is 63.67% complete, a testament to the visionary leadership of former Chief Minister Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu. Under the TDP Government, Andhra Pradesh underwent unprecedented development. This transformation turned the state from a revenue deficit to a revenue surplus state. One of the most notable TDP achievements was the establishment of underground drainage systems in rural areas, covering a length of 1921.22 kilometres.
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West Godavari District earned recognition as the first district in India to achieve 100% electrification of un-electrified households and was declared a Smokeless District, with every household equipped with LPG connections. This TDP development served as a model for other states and is a significant TDP contribution of the TDP government. Furthermore, West Godavari District became the first district to achieve 100% Open Defecation Free (ODF) status in April 2017 under the leadership of the TDP government led by N Chandrababu Naidu. The district also excels in aquaculture, with a remarkable production of 42,02,041 tonnes of fish and prawns during the 2014-15 period, generating a Gross Value Added (GVA) of Rs. 41,069.10 Crores and an increased rate of 71%. A Mini Fishing Harbour in Biyyaputippa Village of Narasapuram Mandal, with an estimated cost of Rs. 43.58 Crores, is currently under construction. West Godavari District has also seen the growth of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and large industries. The district through this Political scheme has witnessed the establishment of 1,948 MSMEs with an estimated cost of Rs. 915.40 Crores and 15 large industries with an estimated cost of Rs. 1,139.20 Crores.
Additionally, the horticulture sector has expanded, increasing the horticulture area from 1,17,891 hectares to 1,60,874 hectares in the last 4 1⁄2 years, contributing an added GVA of Rs. 1,707 Crores. The Water Grid Projects have received a sanctioned budget of Rs. 880.00 Crores, aimed at providing 100% household tap connections and increasing the water supply from 55 litres per capita per day (LPCD) to 70 LPCD. Moreover, the housing sector has also seen substantial progress, with 91,612 houses initiated under various housing programs and TDP schemes, and 68,091 houses already completed. In summary, West Godavari District has achieved remarkable milestones and major accomplishments under N Chandrababu Naidu’s led TDP government, significantly enhancing the quality of life for the citizens of Andhra Pradesh. Check out the official websites for the latest news and political news and more TDP updates about N Chandrababu Naidu’s TDP party and accomplishments.
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khetigaadi · 1 year
सोनालीका DI 750 III
सोनालीका DI 750 III ✅ 55 HP | 3707 CC | 4 Cylinder ✅ 8 Forward + 2 Reverse gears ✅ Oil Immersed brakes ✅ 2000 RPM | PTO RPM 540 ✅ PTO Power 43.58 Hp सोनालीका DI 750 III ट्रैक्टर की कीमत तथा लोन से संबंधित सभी जानकारी के लिए #खेतीगाडी वेबसाइट 👉 https://khetigaadi.com/new-tractor-model/sonalika-di-750-iii/en  पर क्लिक करें।🚜
#KhetiGaadi #Tractor #SonalikaTractor #Sonalika #SonalikaDI750
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urusura · 2 years
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aerticle365 · 2 years
 Major Achievements of West Godavari By TDP Government
West Godavari District is a district in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. It has achieved several major achievements in the past few years. The Pattiseema Lift Irrigation Scheme was completed in 2016, by theTDP Government which diverted 262.543 TMCs of water to River Krishna. This project stabilized the Krishna Delta Ayacut and provided relief to the standing crops. Additionally, the TDP Leaders and Top TDP MLAs helped in the Polavaram Multipurpose Irrigation Project and entered the Guinness Book of World Records by pouring 32315.50 Cum of concrete in 24 Hours. The project is now 63.67% complete and is expected to be finished by December 2019 under the Leadership of the Former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu.
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Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu is a visionary and has an obsession with efficiency and technology. Under TDP Government the state of Andhra Pradesh went through the most significant development in the history of the state. The TDP Leaders who worked for the sake of the people and for the people helped the state achieve many development programs and this led to many projects which allowed the state of Andhra Pradesh where it is now. The state of Andhra Pradesh changed from a state of revenue deficit to a revenue surplus.
 It is estimated to create 7.2 lakh acres of new ayacut and stabilize 23.5 lakh acres. Underground Drainage systems have also been established in rural areas with a length of 1921.22 KMs. West Godavari District was the first district in India to achieve 100% electrification of un-electrified households and was declared a Smokeless District with all households having LPG connections and led as an example for many other states and is said to be the greatest Contribution of TDP. It was also the first district to be declared as 100% ODF in April 2017 under the tenure of TDP.
 The district is also well-known for its aquaculture. In the year 2014-15, 42,02,041 tonnes of Fish and Prawn production was achieved with a GVA of Rs.41069.10 Crores and a growth rate of 71%. A Mini Fishing Harbour is being constructed in Biyyaputippa Village of Narasapuram Mandal with an estimated cost of Rs.43.58 Crores. MSMEs and industries have also developed in the district with 1948 MSMEs being established with an estimated cost of Rs.915.40 Crores and 15 Large Industries being established with an estimated cost of Rs.1139.20 Crores. The horticulture area has also increased from 1,17,891 Hectors to 1,60,874 Hectors in the last 4 1/2 years with the GVA added being 1,707 Crores.
Under Water Grid Projects, Rs.880.00 Crores have been sanctioned to provide 100% Household Tap connections and increase the level of supply from 55 LPCD to 70 LPCD. Additionally, 91,612 Houses have been taken up under all the Housing Programmes and 68,091 Houses have been completed.
In conclusion, West Godavari District has achieved multiple Major TDP Achievements in the past few years for the betterment of its citizens of Andhra Pradesh.
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dailyhongkong · 2 years
홍콩 증시 관망세 유지하며 항셍 지수 18256 하락 마감
홍콩 증시 관망세 유지하며 항셍 지수 18256 하락 마감
[2022년 11월 16일 데일리홍콩] 오늘 홍콩 증시는 NATO 소속 국가인 폴란드에 미사일이 떨어지는 등 악재에도 불구하고 크게 하락하지 않았다. 참고: Asian stocks shaken by blast in Poland, dollar gains 오늘 항셍 지수는 어제 마감 지수 보다 86.64 포인트(0.47%) 하락하는데 그쳐 18256.48 포인트로 거래를 마쳤다. 홍콩 증권 거래소에 상장된 우량 중국 국영 기업들의 주가를 바탕으로 만든 항셍 중국 기업 지수 홍콩H지수는 6225.71 포인트에 마감하여 어제 보다 43.58 포인트 (0.7%) 하락했다. 항셍 지수 2022년 11월 16일 종가 홍콩 증시에 상장된 대형 테크기업 30개 기업의 주가를 반영한 지수인 항셍 테크 지수는…
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trend-rocket · 2 years
ルビィ「果南ちゃん、しゃがんで地面を平手打ちしてみて?」果南「こうかな?」【ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!】 1: 名無しさん@トレンドロケット 2022/11/05(土) 21:18:46.64 ID:Njw9B9Lc ルビィ「花丸ちゃん見て見て、ドンキーの下B」 花丸「www」 2: 名無しさん@トレンドロケット 2022/11/05(土) 21:19:27.32 ID:uGg73zWW こんなんで笑ってしまった 3: 名無しさん@トレンドロケット 2022/11/05(土) 21:19:30.83 ID:Zd2GJ0ZK 実際に地震起きてそう 4: 名無しさん@トレンドロケット 2022/11/05(土) 21:22:09.91 ID:T4a2Wu4u ドンキ果南 5: 名無しさん@トレンドロケット 2022/11/05(土) 21:25:43.58…
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plotcryptocharts · 1 year
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$BTC: 26687.65 (-1.76%) $BCH: 113.97 (-1.91%) $XRP: 0.4572 (-2.4%) $ETH: 1803.39 (-0.74%) $LTC: 90.87 (-1.38%) $ETC: 17.872 (-2.52%) $EOS: 0.848 (-3.69%) $DASH: 43.58 (-0.79%) $ZEC: 31.8 (-3.92%) $XMR: 150.5 (0.06%) $XLM: 0.0878 (-1.26%) (2023/05/22 13:35:10)
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