#$kull (briefly mentioned)
a oneshot submitted by the Shy Goggles Anon!!!
beware regular folks, there be vore here
Here's your request! Again sorry how long it took since it took me a while to think of what to write hopefully im on anon as well
Aloha had no clue what to do, knowing fully well of his circumstances. 
He somehow had turned tiny, something he never would have imagined. The question was how? Not to mention how cold he was starting to get. Even though he didn't mind the cold weather, he was much colder now that he's this small!
Deciding his decisions, Aloha decided to sneak around the base he shared with the other S4 leaders. He was hoping no one would find him like this, he would be embarrassed if anyone saw him like this. Who knew what could happen too if someone found him!
Speaking of someone.
Aloha started to hear footsteps, not knowing whose footsteps they belong to. Aloha didn't want to take any chances of being seen right now, so using his strength, he quickly climbed the small shelf they had at the base to try to hide in there.
Well, it was small before he shrunk!
Finally climbing up, he hid behind one of the books that were lying there. He was hoping no one would find him as he peek out of his hiding spot, seeing a familiar cyan inkling looking back at him.
Mask had no idea how Aloha shrunk, seeing the tiny inkling looking right at him, that was until he heard footsteps behind him “Have you found him yet?” Mask had heard Skull say, before grabbing Aloha from his hiding spot.
Mask hid Aloha in his hands, before he answered Skull. “I don't know where he's at. He hasn't answered his phone either.” He could feel Aloha squirming in his hand, pretty sure he was trying to break free from his grasp. He decided to head to his room, before closing the door.
Now he could think what he can do, as he opened his fist to pick up Aloha with his other hand. “Hey! Let me go Mask or else” he heard Aloha say, rolling his eyes a bit. “Or else what Aloha? It seems you're in a little predicament right now” Mask said, lifting up his mask 
“I do wonder, hmm” Mask said, before a small idea came to mind. Without warning, he soon lifts Aloha above his face, getting a rather concerned look from the tiny inkling. “Mask? What are you going to do?” Aloha asked, getting stared at for a bit, until he realized what he was going to do as soon as Mask had opened his mouth, Aloha starting down towards his gaping mouth. “Don't you dare!” Aloha yelled, but was ignored by Mask as he was lowered towards his gaping maw, getting enclosed in Mask’s mouth. He felt himself getting licked by Mask, pushing, or at least tried to, Mask’s tongue away from him. “Ugh, that's gross!”
Mask thought that was enough teasing before he tilted his head back, swallowing Aloha, following the small bulge until it disappeared. With a satisfied sigh, he put his hand on his stomach to make sure he didn't actually hurt Aloha.
Aloha felt himself sliding back towards Mask’s throat, with him trying so hard not to, only for his legs to slip in, getting squished and pulled into Mask’s throat. He started to struggle a bit before sliding into Mask’s stomach, soft gurgles were heard all around him. How dare Mask eat him! Without any warning at all, Aloha got up, harshly started to kick Mask’s stomach.
Mask was a bit concerned not hearing anything from Aloha, that was before feeling a sharp pain out of nowhere. He couldn't help but to hunch over a bit, feeling pain in his stomach.
Mask should have known Aloha would start fighting back. But man how much it hurts feeling Aloha kicking and fighting. He knows Aloha has a lot of energy, so Mask has to find a way to calm him down somehow before he’ll feel a lot more pain. He wasn't sure how to calm Aloha down, before he decided to use his hand to push down his belly, hoping it'll stop Aloha for now.
Aloha kept on kicking, hoping to make Mask sick enough to cough him out. “Let me out Mask!” Aloha yelled out, continuing to kick and punch before he was suddenly squished between the walls of Mask’s stomach, struggling to move. “Calm down Aloha, you're not going to get hurt” Mask has said, lifting his hand up before getting one last kick, causing him to let out a small hiccup. 
Aloha huffed, sitting back down with his arms crossed as he leaned against Mask’s stomach. “Why on the great zapfish did you eat me Mask?” Aloha had asked, Mask sitting down on his bed. “Didn't have any other idea” was Mask’s answer, “who knows what would happen anyways.” That was kinda true, but that didn't mean for Mask to eat him! “Then can you left me out at least?”
“I'll let you out later..” Mask sleepily said, laying down as he started to get comfortable on his bed, putting his hand on his stomach as he started to slowly drift off.
Aloha didn't mind it that much, with the warmth of Mask’s stomach, the soft gurgles beneath him and the slowed heartbeat from above was kinda soothing. Plus it was pretty comfortable too, which had surprised Aloha. Hearing the soft snores told him Mask had already fallen asleep. Curious, Aloha lifted up his hand stroking gently on the walls of Mask’s stomach hearing quiet purrs rumbling around him. Interesting, which was Aloha’s thought as he started to feel sleepy. With the warmth of Mask’s stomach and lulled heartbeat, Aloha couldn't help but to slowly drift off the sleep as well, the two inklings drifting off to dreamland.
oh my god these idiots /pos
mask just seeing aloha and going "hm yes. snack time" and aloha basically being like "ayo what the fU-" was funny as shit to me and it had no right to be that funny
aloha being highkey kinda freaked out but eventually adjusting to it and being like "ykw this isn't too bad" sounds pretty accurate, mask bullying him like the little feral shit he is makes a lot of sense too hehe
overall 9/10, only takeaway is the minor grammar issues but those can be fixed really easily!!! i LOVED reading this and will probably reread it at some point, thank you so much for writing it!!!!
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It's me again. If you don't mind at all, maybe some T!4loha and G!G0ggles? Comfort/Fearplay maybe? After a encounter with a mean squid. -shy goggles anon
i wasnt kidding when i said you'd be getting it tonight!!!!
again im so sorry it took me- checks ask date- holy shit almost 7 months to finish this D: i feel bad about that :sob:
regardless, here! way less fearplay way more fluff hehehe
technically a continuation of victory treats' "alternate" (saying it in air quotes bc its the canon ending DSBDJHS) ending
Word Count: 1033
I hope you enjoy!!!~
Aloha took a sharp breath as he found himself backed against a wall, glaring up at Emperor with fear shimmering in his eyes as the king knelt down. 
“Aww, what’s wrong, Aloha?~ Nobody around to save you this time?~” The tiny pink inkling pressed himself further against the wall, jamming his eyes shut as Emperor reached for him, tensing up as a hand wrapped around him.
“Hand him over, Emperor.” Aloha opened his eyes into slits as he heard another voice, relaxing a little at the sight of Goggles standing at the other end of the alleyway.
“And what can you do if I don’t, hm?~”  “I’ll tell Rider.” “Ah… I see.”
Aloha froze up a bit as he was lifted towards Emperor’s face, squirming as he remembered what happened last time he was in this situation, shouting at the giant holding him. 
“Let go!” The pink inkling yelped in fear before he was tossed into the air, closing his eyes tightly and bracing himself to land in Emperor’s maw. He felt a rush of air beneath him, hearing an annoyed sound from Emperor before the light seeping into his eyes vanished, landing somewhere wet and squishy. Definitely a mouth.
Aloha opened his eyes a bit, slightly relieved to see he was, in fact, not in Emperor’s mouth, instead finding himself in Goggles’ mouth. It wasn’t much better of a situation, but at least he felt safer, squirming slightly as he was licked at. 
Goggles’ eyes widened as Emperor tossed Aloha into the air, thinking fast and running over, shoving the yellow inkling out of the way and catching the tiny in his mouth, gently licking at him as he stepped away from Emperor, who was trying to stand.
“Oh you little-” The blue inkling turned, narrowing his eyes as he quickly swallowed Aloha, ducking down and rolling out of the way as Emperor attempted to pin him to the wall. Goggles mumbled a quick apology to Aloha before standing, his eyes narrowing as Emperor turned to glare at him.
“Later, loser!” The blue inkling grinned, before grabbing onto a slightly loose brick on the wall, taking a second to position himself properly before throwing himself upwards, jumping between the walls until he was on the roof of one of the nearby buildings. 
“...You alright in there, Aloha?” Goggles murmured once he caught his breath, letting out a relieved sigh as he heard a quiet ‘Yeah’ from the pink inkling, before starting to run along the rooftops.
Aloha winced as he was swallowed, grimacing at the constricting walls of the throat squishing and squelching around him and becoming a bit nervous as he felt the world shift. He heard Goggles mumble an apology, sighing softly as he slipped into the blue inkling’s stomach. 
He felt the walls around him churn a bit as he entered the organ, muttering something under his breath as Goggles shouted something at Emperor, before apparently jumping between walls. Aloha steadied himself a bit as the movement came to a stop, looking up as he heard Goggles’ voice.
“...You alright in there, Aloha?” The pink inkling sighed in relief at Goggles’ concerned tone, moving to pat the wall next to him as he responded, “Yeah.”
Aloha let out another sigh as he relaxed into the wall behind him, the ebbing adrenaline starting to make way for drowsiness, slowly closing his eyes as he began to drift off, his breathing slowing as he settled into a comfortable sleep.
Goggles relaxed a bit as he finally walked down the stairs from the roof of another apartment, keeping an eye out for Emperor as he walked towards his and Rider’s house, letting out a relieved sigh as he opened the door, greeted by the sight of Army pacing back and forth on the coffee table. 
“You’re back! Where’s Aloha, is he alright?” The blue inkling couldn’t help but laugh softly at Army’s worry, closing and locking the door behind him as he walked over and sat down in front of the coffee table. 
“He’s with me. Someone else found him before I did, but I got him away from ‘em. They were being… Less than kind.” Goggles mumbled the last part, deciding on the spot not to mention Emperor by name. It’d get relayed to Rider somehow. He hadn’t quite noticed Army moving backward, flinching when the shrunken orange inkling jumped onto his hand.
“Hey!- Don’t do that…” He sighed, wrapping his hand around Army in an attempt to stop him from doing anything else stupid. “Go on, then. Either let him out or let me in.”
Goggles rolled his eyes at the orange squid’s words, before slipping Army into his mouth, almost laughing at a seemingly shocked movement from the tiny. He carefully coated the orange inkling in saliva, ignoring the squirms as he swallowed Army into his throat with a smirk.
The blue inkling traced the small lump in his esophagus until it reached his stomach, moving to get into a comfortable position on the couch as he felt drowsiness begin to take hold. “Hehe… That’s why you don’t challenge me~”
Army rolled his eyes at Goggles’ teasing words, grimacing as he was squeezed into his stomach. He thought about complaining before shaking his head, sighing with a soft smile as he moved to rest beside Aloha, who was fast asleep. He leaned against his fellow S4 member, closing his eyes as he allowed himself to relax. It wasn’t long before both he and Goggles joined Aloha in sleeping.
Rider unlocked the door to his home, closing and, once again locking the door behind him. He glanced over at the couch, laughing quietly as he saw Goggles sleeping with a hand resting over his stomach, clearly able to tell what’d happened.
He sighed softly as he walked over, carefully wrapping his arms around the blue inkling and moving to carry him to their room, getting him to bed before going to look for Skull and Mask. Rider smirked as he saw the two trying to sneak over to Goggles, just nodding softly when they realized they’d been spotted. 
It’d been a long, eventful day. They all deserved some rest.
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