a oneshot submitted by the Shy Goggles Anon!!!
beware regular folks, there be vore here
Here's your request! Again sorry how long it took since it took me a while to think of what to write hopefully im on anon as well
Aloha had no clue what to do, knowing fully well of his circumstances. 
He somehow had turned tiny, something he never would have imagined. The question was how? Not to mention how cold he was starting to get. Even though he didn't mind the cold weather, he was much colder now that he's this small!
Deciding his decisions, Aloha decided to sneak around the base he shared with the other S4 leaders. He was hoping no one would find him like this, he would be embarrassed if anyone saw him like this. Who knew what could happen too if someone found him!
Speaking of someone.
Aloha started to hear footsteps, not knowing whose footsteps they belong to. Aloha didn't want to take any chances of being seen right now, so using his strength, he quickly climbed the small shelf they had at the base to try to hide in there.
Well, it was small before he shrunk!
Finally climbing up, he hid behind one of the books that were lying there. He was hoping no one would find him as he peek out of his hiding spot, seeing a familiar cyan inkling looking back at him.
Mask had no idea how Aloha shrunk, seeing the tiny inkling looking right at him, that was until he heard footsteps behind him “Have you found him yet?” Mask had heard Skull say, before grabbing Aloha from his hiding spot.
Mask hid Aloha in his hands, before he answered Skull. “I don't know where he's at. He hasn't answered his phone either.” He could feel Aloha squirming in his hand, pretty sure he was trying to break free from his grasp. He decided to head to his room, before closing the door.
Now he could think what he can do, as he opened his fist to pick up Aloha with his other hand. “Hey! Let me go Mask or else” he heard Aloha say, rolling his eyes a bit. “Or else what Aloha? It seems you're in a little predicament right now” Mask said, lifting up his mask 
“I do wonder, hmm” Mask said, before a small idea came to mind. Without warning, he soon lifts Aloha above his face, getting a rather concerned look from the tiny inkling. “Mask? What are you going to do?” Aloha asked, getting stared at for a bit, until he realized what he was going to do as soon as Mask had opened his mouth, Aloha starting down towards his gaping mouth. “Don't you dare!” Aloha yelled, but was ignored by Mask as he was lowered towards his gaping maw, getting enclosed in Mask’s mouth. He felt himself getting licked by Mask, pushing, or at least tried to, Mask’s tongue away from him. “Ugh, that's gross!”
Mask thought that was enough teasing before he tilted his head back, swallowing Aloha, following the small bulge until it disappeared. With a satisfied sigh, he put his hand on his stomach to make sure he didn't actually hurt Aloha.
Aloha felt himself sliding back towards Mask’s throat, with him trying so hard not to, only for his legs to slip in, getting squished and pulled into Mask’s throat. He started to struggle a bit before sliding into Mask’s stomach, soft gurgles were heard all around him. How dare Mask eat him! Without any warning at all, Aloha got up, harshly started to kick Mask’s stomach.
Mask was a bit concerned not hearing anything from Aloha, that was before feeling a sharp pain out of nowhere. He couldn't help but to hunch over a bit, feeling pain in his stomach.
Mask should have known Aloha would start fighting back. But man how much it hurts feeling Aloha kicking and fighting. He knows Aloha has a lot of energy, so Mask has to find a way to calm him down somehow before he’ll feel a lot more pain. He wasn't sure how to calm Aloha down, before he decided to use his hand to push down his belly, hoping it'll stop Aloha for now.
Aloha kept on kicking, hoping to make Mask sick enough to cough him out. “Let me out Mask!” Aloha yelled out, continuing to kick and punch before he was suddenly squished between the walls of Mask’s stomach, struggling to move. “Calm down Aloha, you're not going to get hurt” Mask has said, lifting his hand up before getting one last kick, causing him to let out a small hiccup. 
Aloha huffed, sitting back down with his arms crossed as he leaned against Mask’s stomach. “Why on the great zapfish did you eat me Mask?” Aloha had asked, Mask sitting down on his bed. “Didn't have any other idea” was Mask’s answer, “who knows what would happen anyways.” That was kinda true, but that didn't mean for Mask to eat him! “Then can you left me out at least?”
“I'll let you out later..” Mask sleepily said, laying down as he started to get comfortable on his bed, putting his hand on his stomach as he started to slowly drift off.
Aloha didn't mind it that much, with the warmth of Mask’s stomach, the soft gurgles beneath him and the slowed heartbeat from above was kinda soothing. Plus it was pretty comfortable too, which had surprised Aloha. Hearing the soft snores told him Mask had already fallen asleep. Curious, Aloha lifted up his hand stroking gently on the walls of Mask’s stomach hearing quiet purrs rumbling around him. Interesting, which was Aloha’s thought as he started to feel sleepy. With the warmth of Mask’s stomach and lulled heartbeat, Aloha couldn't help but to slowly drift off the sleep as well, the two inklings drifting off to dreamland.
oh my god these idiots /pos
mask just seeing aloha and going "hm yes. snack time" and aloha basically being like "ayo what the fU-" was funny as shit to me and it had no right to be that funny
aloha being highkey kinda freaked out but eventually adjusting to it and being like "ykw this isn't too bad" sounds pretty accurate, mask bullying him like the little feral shit he is makes a lot of sense too hehe
overall 9/10, only takeaway is the minor grammar issues but those can be fixed really easily!!! i LOVED reading this and will probably reread it at some point, thank you so much for writing it!!!!
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It's me again. If you don't mind at all, maybe some T!4loha and G!G0ggles? Comfort/Fearplay maybe? After a encounter with a mean squid. -shy goggles anon
i wasnt kidding when i said you'd be getting it tonight!!!!
again im so sorry it took me- checks ask date- holy shit almost 7 months to finish this D: i feel bad about that :sob:
regardless, here! way less fearplay way more fluff hehehe
technically a continuation of victory treats' "alternate" (saying it in air quotes bc its the canon ending DSBDJHS) ending
Word Count: 1033
I hope you enjoy!!!~
Aloha took a sharp breath as he found himself backed against a wall, glaring up at Emperor with fear shimmering in his eyes as the king knelt down. 
“Aww, what’s wrong, Aloha?~ Nobody around to save you this time?~” The tiny pink inkling pressed himself further against the wall, jamming his eyes shut as Emperor reached for him, tensing up as a hand wrapped around him.
“Hand him over, Emperor.” Aloha opened his eyes into slits as he heard another voice, relaxing a little at the sight of Goggles standing at the other end of the alleyway.
“And what can you do if I don’t, hm?~”  “I’ll tell Rider.” “Ah… I see.”
Aloha froze up a bit as he was lifted towards Emperor’s face, squirming as he remembered what happened last time he was in this situation, shouting at the giant holding him. 
“Let go!” The pink inkling yelped in fear before he was tossed into the air, closing his eyes tightly and bracing himself to land in Emperor’s maw. He felt a rush of air beneath him, hearing an annoyed sound from Emperor before the light seeping into his eyes vanished, landing somewhere wet and squishy. Definitely a mouth.
Aloha opened his eyes a bit, slightly relieved to see he was, in fact, not in Emperor’s mouth, instead finding himself in Goggles’ mouth. It wasn’t much better of a situation, but at least he felt safer, squirming slightly as he was licked at. 
Goggles’ eyes widened as Emperor tossed Aloha into the air, thinking fast and running over, shoving the yellow inkling out of the way and catching the tiny in his mouth, gently licking at him as he stepped away from Emperor, who was trying to stand.
“Oh you little-” The blue inkling turned, narrowing his eyes as he quickly swallowed Aloha, ducking down and rolling out of the way as Emperor attempted to pin him to the wall. Goggles mumbled a quick apology to Aloha before standing, his eyes narrowing as Emperor turned to glare at him.
“Later, loser!” The blue inkling grinned, before grabbing onto a slightly loose brick on the wall, taking a second to position himself properly before throwing himself upwards, jumping between the walls until he was on the roof of one of the nearby buildings. 
“...You alright in there, Aloha?” Goggles murmured once he caught his breath, letting out a relieved sigh as he heard a quiet ‘Yeah’ from the pink inkling, before starting to run along the rooftops.
Aloha winced as he was swallowed, grimacing at the constricting walls of the throat squishing and squelching around him and becoming a bit nervous as he felt the world shift. He heard Goggles mumble an apology, sighing softly as he slipped into the blue inkling’s stomach. 
He felt the walls around him churn a bit as he entered the organ, muttering something under his breath as Goggles shouted something at Emperor, before apparently jumping between walls. Aloha steadied himself a bit as the movement came to a stop, looking up as he heard Goggles’ voice.
“...You alright in there, Aloha?” The pink inkling sighed in relief at Goggles’ concerned tone, moving to pat the wall next to him as he responded, “Yeah.”
Aloha let out another sigh as he relaxed into the wall behind him, the ebbing adrenaline starting to make way for drowsiness, slowly closing his eyes as he began to drift off, his breathing slowing as he settled into a comfortable sleep.
Goggles relaxed a bit as he finally walked down the stairs from the roof of another apartment, keeping an eye out for Emperor as he walked towards his and Rider’s house, letting out a relieved sigh as he opened the door, greeted by the sight of Army pacing back and forth on the coffee table. 
“You’re back! Where’s Aloha, is he alright?” The blue inkling couldn’t help but laugh softly at Army’s worry, closing and locking the door behind him as he walked over and sat down in front of the coffee table. 
“He’s with me. Someone else found him before I did, but I got him away from ‘em. They were being… Less than kind.” Goggles mumbled the last part, deciding on the spot not to mention Emperor by name. It’d get relayed to Rider somehow. He hadn’t quite noticed Army moving backward, flinching when the shrunken orange inkling jumped onto his hand.
“Hey!- Don’t do that…” He sighed, wrapping his hand around Army in an attempt to stop him from doing anything else stupid. “Go on, then. Either let him out or let me in.”
Goggles rolled his eyes at the orange squid’s words, before slipping Army into his mouth, almost laughing at a seemingly shocked movement from the tiny. He carefully coated the orange inkling in saliva, ignoring the squirms as he swallowed Army into his throat with a smirk.
The blue inkling traced the small lump in his esophagus until it reached his stomach, moving to get into a comfortable position on the couch as he felt drowsiness begin to take hold. “Hehe… That’s why you don’t challenge me~”
Army rolled his eyes at Goggles’ teasing words, grimacing as he was squeezed into his stomach. He thought about complaining before shaking his head, sighing with a soft smile as he moved to rest beside Aloha, who was fast asleep. He leaned against his fellow S4 member, closing his eyes as he allowed himself to relax. It wasn’t long before both he and Goggles joined Aloha in sleeping.
Rider unlocked the door to his home, closing and, once again locking the door behind him. He glanced over at the couch, laughing quietly as he saw Goggles sleeping with a hand resting over his stomach, clearly able to tell what’d happened.
He sighed softly as he walked over, carefully wrapping his arms around the blue inkling and moving to carry him to their room, getting him to bed before going to look for Skull and Mask. Rider smirked as he saw the two trying to sneak over to Goggles, just nodding softly when they realized they’d been spotted. 
It’d been a long, eventful day. They all deserved some rest.
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voretober day 3 - hunt
again, prompt list first, art under the cut!
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BAM did two this time!
not only is this for voretober, but it's fanart for this fic by fairy-wind on Ao3! go check it out rn its so good!!!!
also i traced al0ha's shoes from a ref pic i took but shhhh his shoes are hard to draw
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Hello again! There's two things I do wanna ask, the first being if you don't mind me requesting again with T!4loha and G!3mperor? Another is a kinda of a dumb question but what are your AUs? I would love to learn more about them
(This ask is from the Shy Goggles Anon, they forgot to sign this (as they mentioned in another ask)
This goes for everyone, please dont be afraid to request stories from me!! I'll be hella willing to write anything as long as its SFW and Nonsexual, and can actually do the characters justice when writing em :D!!
Answered the second half of this seperately
Characters: G!Emperor, T!Aloha, T!Army, T!Mask, and G!Skull (this… does derivate from the original prompt a bit, but i had this idea and literally HAD to run with it hshchsnf sorry!!)
i actually got. really carried away with this. like, so much so that i wrote a whole ass alternate ending for this fic. lmk if you wanna see it >:D!!
Warnings: Vore (as usual) (implied unsafe but nobody gets hurt i promise!!/soft, as well as unwilling), heavy fearplay, like really it goes hard this time, and a few shitty references >:D
Word Count: 1832! i accidentally wrote this whole thing in one day HDHSFHSNC
Aloha winced as he shook his head, the dizzying feeling fading away pretty quickly, his eyes widening as he felt something wrap around him. He heard an angry shout somewhere nearby, recognizing the voice as Army’s, squirming a bit as he heard another voice from behind him, quickly realizing what was going on as he realized he was in a hand and recognized the voice as Emperor’s. “Hand him over, Emperor. I’m not letting you do anything to hurt him.” Aloha looked up, trying to see what was going on as another hand blocked his view. “And if I don’t?” He tensed at Emperor’s words, slowly realizing where he was being held as he heard a quiet gurgling sound from somewhere below him, kicking against Emperor’s hands as he was held against the larger inkling’s chest. “Let me go you asshole!” Aloha shouted, trying to get out of Emperor’s hands as he heard the muffled argument between him and Army. He grimaced as he felt Emperor get shoved by Army, being roughly tossed against his hands, his eyes widening as he was suddenly thrown into the air, trying to gather his bearings so he wouldn’t die upon hitting the ground. He closed his eyes as he began to fall, hearing Army shout out to him, shocked at the fear in his friend’s voice, followed by being shut into darkness as he landed somewhere warm... and wet. He groaned as he opened his eyes, stiffening as he heard a shocked yell from Army. “You bitch! Spit him out!” And that’s when everything clicked. Aloha jolted up, the instinctual fear of being eaten kicking into gear as he began to struggle with every ounce of strength he had left from the recent battle, doing everything in his power to stay away from Emperor’s throat as the larger inkling began trying to swallow him. Unfortunately for Aloha, when the entire area you’re trapped in is working against you, there's not much you can do but what it wants, and that realization firmly set in as the small pink inkling found his legs caught in Emperor’s throat. He growled under his breath as he tried in vain to pull himself out, his efforts being put to a quick stop as a thick swallow left him being fully dragged down the larger yellow inkling’s esophagus.
Emperor grinned as he felt Aloha’s struggling form slip into his throat, almost laughing at the look of shock and horror on Army’s face as the orange inkling processed what he had just witnessed. He subconsciously rested a hand over his stomach as the tiny squirming inkling entered the organ, waiting on Army’s reaction so he could find his chance to strike. “You... You bastard!” He knew Army wouldn’t find any better words to describe his feelings, his hands balled into fists as he walked towards Emperor, clearly about to punch him, before Emperor took his legs out from under him in a simple motion, moving to hold Army against the ground, using one arm to hold him down, and another to keep himself balanced. “Urgh- Get off!” Emperor rolled his eyes, silently pulling out a small vial, and in a quick motion, popping the cork off and shoving it in Army’s mouth the next time the inkling opened it. Of course, this caught Army off guard, the orange inkling swallowing most of the liquid in a panic, coughing and sputtering as Emperor stood, backing off for a moment.
Army grimaced as he realized what Emperor was doing- most likely trying to take out the S4 so they wouldn’t be in his way- trying to get up before he was hit with a wave of dizziness, barely registering his surroundings appearing to grow in size around him. The second he could get himself to, he rolled out of the way of Emperor’s hand as it tried to grab him, quickly realizing he was in a lot of trouble as he looked up at the now-giant inkling in front of him. Army cursed under his breath as he tried to find a way out of the current situation, rolling out of the way as Emperor tried to get ahold of him again, standing and quickly putting a plan together in his mind. ‘Flee, hide, fall, complete.’ He didn’t have enough time to put something more complicated together, jumping out of the way as Emperor- who was getting pretty frustrated at this point- tried to pick him up once again, before taking off running. ‘Flee.’ That was the first stage of the plan. He didn’t know where he was going, but he could take advantage of his size, jumping up to run along a pipe. It wasn't much higher than he was before, but it got him out of the way of any water that he’d have a high chance of burning himself in at this size. ‘Hide.’ Army turned a corner, scanning the area for a place to hide, before quickly making his way higher up to get to a flowerbox, hiding in the flowers as he watched Emperor pass by from above. ‘Fall, complete.’ He took a quiet, sharp breath as he looked over the edge, making sure Emperor wasn’t coming back yet, before jumping, his eyes widening as Emperor walked out from under an overhang, quickly closing his eyes as he fell straight into the yellow inkling’s jaws, being swallowed down quickly afterward. He struggled the best he could against the relentless muscles around him, desperately trying to get out, before finally giving up as he slipped into Emperor’s stomach, moving to be closer to Aloha. “Army, I-” “Don’t. You don’t need to apologize, it’s okay. We’ll be okay...” He murmured, just gently putting an arm around the pink inkling.
Not much time had passed before another scuffle was heard outside, and eventually, Army and Aloha were joined by Mask. Then Aloha’s phone went off. “Ahaha... I forgot I had that with me.” “You had your phone this whole time?!” Mask huffed as Army and Aloha began to argue, ending up with Aloha’s phone at some point, quickly putting in Skull’s number on the emergency dial, a silence- only disturbed by the sound of the phone ringing and the growls and gurgles of the stomach around the three- slowly falling around them, until Skull picked up.
“Great, now nobody can use the phone... You just had to call the only other member of the S4, didn’t you...” Army growled under his breath, glaring at Mask as Aloha held his now-broken phone.
Emperor leaned against the wall of the alleyway, a hand resting on his stomach as he felt the three inklings squirming around within. Judging by the muffled shouting and occasional harsh movements, he could only assume that the three were arguing about someone having caused this, rolling his eyes as he pressed on his stomach, cutting the argument short. “Cod, you guys need to calm the hell down, I’m not letting you out any time soon...” He huffed, smirking as he heard a few shouts directed towards him, slowly releasing the pressure as he moved to sit against the wall.
Skull looked at his phone as he processed what’d just happened. He’d gotten a call from Mask, through Aloha’s phone, and could only really make out a few things through the static and... other noises, on the other end of the line, those things being something about being eaten and Emperor, not to mention how suddenly the call had cut off, and that was enough to make him worried. The last time he’d seen any of them was when Army went into the alleyway after Aloha hadn’t come back, so he figured that’d be the best place to start, making his way over to said alleyway from where he had been near the Deca Tower. Skull walked into the alleyway, staying on alert just in case, silently noting footprints in the dirt-covered ground of the alley, noticing what appeared to be a set of much, much smaller footprints along the top of a pipe along one of the walls. He kept walking, coming to a stop as he turned a corner and spotted Emperor, who slowly stood as Skull came around the corner. “Well well well... Look who finally showed up.” He growled under his breath as Emperor spoke, stepping forward. “Where are they, Emperor.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Skull.” “I said where are they.” Skull snarled, quickly moving to hold Emperor against the wall. “Careful, you wouldn’t want to hurt your little friends, now would you?” Emperor grinned at the look of doubt and confusion that came across Skull’s face, followed by a look of disgust and horror at the slight movement from the yellow inkling’s stomach. Skull had no words to describe how he was feeling, letting go of Emperor and stepping back. “Pfft... Didn’t expect that, did you?” Skull glared at Emperor, turning and preparing to just up and leave, but... he couldn’t. He knew he couldn’t just leave the others like this, turning to say something and quickly finding himself pinned against the wall by Emperor, about to speak before a vial was shoved in his mouth, doing his best to not swallow any of the liquid as Emperor continued to hold him against the wall by his neck. “Swallow it. Make things easier for yourself, you fool...” This... definitely wasn’t the best situation Skull could’ve been in at the moment, glaring into Emperor’s eyes before kicking him in the chest, spitting the liquid to the side the second he could. He hadn’t swallowed any of it, and he wanted to keep it that way. Emperor coughed at the impact from the sudden attack, his eyes narrowing as Skull spat the potion out. He only had one more shot at this. Skull growled under his breath, managing to get behind Emperor and wrap an arm around his neck. “Spit them out, or I’ll make you do it myself...” He snarled the words, letting go of Emperor, who gasped for air as soon as he was let go. “F-Fine...” Emperor muttered, stiffening as he brought the three smaller inklings up one by one. As soon as all three of them were out, Skull carefully yet quickly took them from the yellow inkling, disgusted by the amount of saliva coating the trio, glaring daggers at Emperor as he spoke, venom in his words. “Now leave. Before I return the favor.” Emperor returned the glare, growling under his breath. “This isn’t over...” He murmured, before walking off. Skull let out a breath of relief he didn’t know he was holding as Emperor left, holding the three closer to his chest. “... You guys can stay at my place until this wears off. It’ll be the safest thing for you guys in case he tries that shit again.” He murmured, relaxing as Army and Mask nodded, Aloha just mumbling a tired ‘Alright.’ “Then let’s get home.”
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Is it okay to ask for some HCs of the party boy(Aloha) and hyuk boy (Mask)? -shy goggles anon
ofc!! i actually havent thought about these two much yet so thanks for getting me to think more about other characters lol also, you, my friend, get a first ask award :D!!
As with most of my posts from now on, the vore related part of this will be under the cut just incase it does manage to get into the main tags lol
Usually a tiny
If he can smuggle his phone in when he gets nommed, he can and will play 'party in my tummy' from yo gabba gabba like the little gremlin child he is
He really doesn't mind being nommed! - Unless he knows he's in danger, then he just basically turns into a ball of energy in the worst possible way and makes the pred feel really sick lmao
He'll taunt the pred or prey for like an hour no matter what happens because that's just how he rolls - He usually settles down after a bit though because he gets tired really fast
He tastes like bubblegum because of course he does.
Almost always a giant
Out of all the S4, he noms the others the most because he and Army are the ones who are giants most often.
He messes with tinies a lot, making him pretty scary to encounter - He never actually hurts anyone, though.
The first time he nommed the other members of the S4 was in a protection situation when they got jumped in a forest - Everyone was mad at him for like a week but he didn't really care
He's more chill after a little bit and doesn't do much to agitate prey lmao - When he's prey he just beats up the pred until he's exhausted because that's just what he does
He tastes like a lemonhead. I don't know why, he just does.
Thank you again for the ask!! Sorry it took so long to reply to, it took me a bit to think of stuff for these two!!! Hope you like these tho :D
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I wouldn't mind the story being answered in an ask -shy goggles anon
Alright then! I hope you and your friend enjoy the story (Feel free to send a followup ask if youd like!), sorry it took a while to get out!
Enveloping Voretex
Characters: t!al0ha, g!$kull (4rmy and m4sk are mentioned towards the end)
Warnings: Vore obviously (Willing, soft/safe for the first part, unwilling soft/fatal(for the pred, also is not a main character) for the second), fearplay (? kind of??)
Word count: 1177
Notes: Bit of vore-ception in this one, if you will. skull noms aloha, then skull gets nommed by something else.
Writing under the cut as usual!~ Hope you guys enjoy!!~
Skull held Aloha close to his chest as he ran through the forest, skidding to a stop at the edge of a slick, muddy slope and cursing under his breath as he turned, seeing the shadowgrasper coming out from the trees. He looked down at the tiny pink inkling in his hands, protective instincts suddenly flooding him as he lifted Aloha, silently asking him a question, relief in his eyes as his tiny friend nodded. He moved Aloha closer to his mouth before, in one well-trained motion, swiftly moving his mask down and slipping Aloha into his mouth before putting his mask back. Skull carefully pinned the smaller inkling to the roof of his mouth as he ran forward, jumping up as he moved through the air, landing on the slick slope and sliding down as if he was skiing. His eyes widened as the rest of the clearing came into view, allowing him to see that the slope he was going down led directly to a hole, and the slope was just part of a funnel-like mudslide towards the hole. He banked to the side, now circling the hole, though slowly geting closer to it, noticing that the shadowgrasper was remaining at the solid edge of the mud. ‘Shit.’ Skull thought as he drew closer to the hole, still a good distance away from it, but he was definitely getting closer. Of course, thats when he had to make the fatal mistake, stumbling a bit in his movements and falling down, accidentally swallowing Aloha in the process, cursing under his breath. “Fuck, man... You’ve got to be kidding me...” He huffed, trying to find his footing, just slipping back down, getting closer to the hole by the second. Skull braced himself as he drew nearer to the edge, unsure of how deep it was or what could be at the bottom, trying to stop himself from getting any closer, his eyes widening as the ground vanished beneath his legs. “Brace yourself, Aloha... I’m going in.” He closed his eyes tightly, gritting his teeth as he tried to hold on to the edge of the hole, before slipping off, freefalling into the darkness. And he kept falling, deeper and deeper, for what felt like ages. He couldn’t see anything, not even able to see where he’d fallen in from anymore. Then he landed, not expecting to have survived the fall, much less have landed on something squishy... and slimy. Why was it slimy? Skull got his answer after a few moments, when he felt... Whatever he was on top of, move beneath him, gasping as he felt himself beginning to sink into it, struggling in an attempt to escape, soon finding himself unable to move other than useless squirms, continuing to be enveloped by the strange entity.
Aloha hissed as he was tossed to the back of Skull’s throat, wincing as he was swallowed. He instinctively squirmed as he was dragged down his friend’s throat, stopping for a moment as he heard the larger purple inkling swear about something, probably about having accidentally swallowed him. He huffed as he slipped into Skull’s stomach, looking up as he heard his friend speak. “Brace yourself, Aloha... I’m going in.” Aloha blinked as he heard that, confusion shimmering in his eyes before he felt himself almost floating, quickly realizing that Skull was falling. “Skull?! Are you okay!?” He shouted, not getting a response as his friend continued to fall. Eventually he fell back down, noting that he could still hear Skull’s heartbeat and feel his friend breathing. Everything was calm for a moment, before he stiffened as he heard Skull’s heartrate pick up, feeling movement around him, concern welling up inside him as his friend’s breathing became quick and shallow, slowly reaching up and putting a hand on the wall of Skull’s stomach. “Skull...? You alright?...”
Skull closed his eyes tightly as the entity worked its way around him, quickly dragging him the rest of the way into itself. He could feel it on every side of his body now, completely enveloped by it, coated in a liquid he could only place as saliva. He realized how bad the situation he was in was, managing to move one of his arms and digging through his pockets until he felt metal, grabbing the canned Booyah Bomb and gripping it, thinking over what he was doing, completely unaware of the small amount of liquid pooling at the bottom of his slimy containment, nodding to himself as he flipped the tab on the can. Skull opened his eyes a bit as a dim purple light filled the small area he was trapped in, having to wait for the bomb to charge on its own as he didnt really want to talk at the moment, flinching as he noticed the slowly rising liquid inside... whatever this place was. He grimaced as he felt the area press in around him, squirming a bit before feeling the charge of the bomb solidify, tossing it upwards. He let out a sigh of relief as the bomb successfully went off, clearing away the liquid that had been rising around him and killing the entity, but... Now he was trapped, not just in the hole, but inside the dead creature. “...I really should’ve thought that through a bit more.” Skull mumbled, squirming as he tried to find a way out, effectively realizing that there wasnt really one. “Skull! I got good news, and I got bad news.” He blinked as he heard Aloha shout his name, kind of having forgotten he’d accidentally eaten the tiny in all the commotion of having been eaten himself. “Just spit it out, Aloha.” “The good news is Army and Mask are on their way, I sent them our coordinates, the bad news is, it’s gonna take them about a day to get here, probably more considering how much shit tried to kill us when we were just casually wandering around.” “You had your phone the whole- whatever, doesn’t matter anymore. Thanks.” Skull shook his head, smiling softly. He looked around, his eyes finally adjusting to the darkness, seeing that, as expected, his ink hadn’t stuck to the walls around him, and that he was, indeed, completely trapped. Something else he noticed, though, was that it was still.... warm, in here. Not suffocatingly warm, but it was just... Nice. He sighed, finally allowing himself to relax. “I’m gonna get some sleep, I’ve got nothing better to do...” He murmured, mostly to let Aloha know that he wouldn’t be responding, a yawn slipping out as he closed his eyes, hearing a response from Aloha, slowly falling asleep.
Aloha sighed as he heard and felt Skull’s breathing settle into a slow, steady rythm, smiling softly. He reached up, gently stroking the walls of his friends stomach and giggling quietly as he heard the quiet purrs from the larger purple inkling. “Sleep well, Skull...” He hummed, closing his eyes and resting his arms on his chest as he drifted off to the sounds around him.
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Can you do a thingy with Aloha swallowing tiny S4? P.S. ILY
Yes i can >:D!!
Take a Break
Characters: t!4rmy, t!m4sk, t!5kull, g!al0ha
Warnings: Vore, obviously. Semi-unwilling but at the same time nobody cared because it was cold outside. Nothing else, this is just a ton of fluff i wrote in the span of two days
Word count: 1030
Writing under the cut as usual! Had a lot of fun writing this, I hope you enjoy!~
Aloha huffed as he lay there, bored out of his mind. “Arrrmmmyyyy why can’t we all just go do somethinggggggg?” He groaned, hearing the smaller orange inkling sigh. “Because one of us has to figure out how to get you back to normal, Aloha. How many times do I have to say it? None of us trust you being a giant. By the way, have you seen Mask?” Aloha let out an offended gasp, turning his head to look at Army, ignoring the last question, though he knew where Mask was. “How dare you!” He joked, sighing as Army rolled his eyes. “C’mon man, lighten up a bit! It could be worse.” He blinked as Army walked over to be in front of his face, not paying attention to what his friend was saying as he had an idea. “Have you even taken a break all day?” Aloha cut Army off mid-sentence with the question, shaking his head slightly as Army hesitated to respond, slowly managing to move his arm to be behind the orange inkling, effectively trapping him in front of his face. Army zoned back in as he noticed Aloha moving a bit, only realizing what the giant pink inkling was doing when he noticed that he was surrounded by his friend’s arm. “...What are you doing.” He looked into Aloha’s eyes, not noticing his friend trying to move him closer to his mouth. “Making you take a break.” “No you’re no- Oh no.” Army gasped in shock as Aloha’s mouth closed around his upper half, squirming and attempting to kick at his friend to get him to let go as Aloha sat upright. “Aloha! Put me down!” He shut his mouth and eyes as Aloha licked at him, grimacing as he was fully pulled into his friend’s mouth.
Aloha laughed quietly as Army yelled at him to cut it out, coating the smaller inkling in saliva, kind of surprised at his citrusy taste. He rolled his eyes as Army shouted at him again, swiping his tongue over the smaller inkling again before tilting his head back, allowing Army’s weight to cause him to slip back into his throat, before sending the tiny down with a glp~. “Dude, why do you taste like oranges? Like seriously-” Aloha cut himself off as his stomach let out a loud and pleased gurgle, silent for a moment before laughing.
Skull walked to where Army had told him Aloha was, blinking as he caught the last part of Aloha’s sentence. “What tastes like oranges?” He looked up at the giant pink inkling, flinching slightly as a hand wrapped around him. “Don’t worry about it man~” Skull rolled his eyes at Aloha’s vague and teasing tone, silently noting a particularly loud gurgling sound from the larger inkling’s stomach. “Did you-” ”Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t.” Skull huffed as he got yet another vague response, a bit of unease creeping in as he noticed a slight movement from Aloha’s stomach, before realizing how close he was to the pink inkling’s mouth. “Aloha, no, don’t you dare-” He cut himself off as he was dropped into his friend’s mouth, crossing his arms as he was licked at. “You suck.” He huffed, not that he cared all that much about being in this situation, it was warmer in here than it was outside considering it was winter. Skull rolled his eyes as he heard the quiet purring from Aloha, patiently waiting for the larger inkling to swallow him, and then, as if Aloha read his mind, he was swallowed, feeling his friend’s fingers tracing his path from the outside, feeling and hearing every breath and purr that came from the pink inkling. He closed his eyes as he slipped into Aloha’s stomach, ignoring its pleased gurgling and adjusting his mask as he moved to be beside Mask and Army. “You too?” Army looked over at him, chuckling softly as Skull nodded. “Better than being out in the cold, isn’t it?” The two of them looked up at Aloha’s voice, feeling pressure in front of them as their friend rested his hand over where they were. “Yeah, I guess you’ve got a point there.” Army grumbled, trying to sound angry, even though he was smiling. Skull snickered at that, reaching up and gently stroking the walls of his friend’s stomach, suppressing his laughter as Aloha froze up and started purring. Army, of course, noticed what the purple inkling was doing, smirking as he reached up and began stroking the walls as well, Aloha’s purring increasing tenfold, laughing softly at the absurdity of the whole situation, glancing over at Mask and smiling softly as he continued to sleep, even with all the purrs and gurgles around them.
Aloha, on the other hand, was just a huge, flustered mess, unable to control the instinctual purrs that resonated from his chest as if he were a cat. He smiled softly at the feeling of his friends rubbing at the inside of his stomach, pretty much melting into the gentle touches. His instincts were going absolutely feral at the moment, just laying on the ground and soaking in the feeling of that comforting weight in his stomach, listening to the gurgles and groans that covered the sounds of his friends talking, and he just stayed there, relaxed to the point of euphoria. Aloha could feel his consciousness slipping away, allowing it to fade as he closed his eyes, quickly falling asleep. Nothing would bother him at his size, anyway.
Army sighed, he hadn’t ever thought he’d end up spending the night in the gut of one of his own teammates, but if he was honest, it wasn’t bad at all. It was... really odd, to say the least, but it was calming. He could hear every beat of Aloha’s heart, and he could feel the slow breathing as his friend slept. He couldn’t stop the yawn that flew from his lips as he relaxed into the wall behind him, smiling softly at the weight of Mask and Skull leaning against him as they both slept, slowly closing his eyes as the sounds around him guided him into a dreamless sleep.
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I'm not sure what pairing they like other than g0ggle and gl4sses and al0ha and m4sk, but maybe comfort t al0ha and g Sku77? I know they like those two as well (Trying real hard to avoid tags) -shy goggles anon
i can defo work with al0ha and 5kull!! ty for letting me know, i already have ideas for this >:D feel free to send another ask for this if you want me to answer an ask for it or if you want me to just post it ^^!!
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Hello, it's me again! If it's okay if you're still taking prompts/requests, would it be okay for a protection+comfort of t al0ha and g m4sk? It's mostly for a friend. -shy goggles anon
while i would absolutely love to write this for your friend, would there be another pairing theyd be okay with? i cant write mask for the life of me (hence why he was asleep for the entirity of the ask i just answered) and id hate to make a story where he just. doesnt talk ssbfjsbfbdsjfbdj
again im very sorry about that! please lmk if theres another pairing i can do for them ^^!!
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