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yizaicons · 8 months
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taerae-verse · 27 days
siamo solo io e te
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solo te e me dall'inizio soli contro il mondo
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e non me ne frega se parlano di te
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solo io ti conosco in fondo
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shykpop · 2 months
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ECLIPSE LUNAR icons, + like or reblog If you use
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sailorjisunq · 4 months
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renjwoo · 1 year
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⩩𝟎𝟔. ✦ — ❝ drowning fantasy ❞
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pinterestwannabe · 6 months
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hanniluvi · 5 months
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[ DAY THIRTEEN ] of the advent calendar !
( 🚋 ) SYNOPSIS . . . after a heated argument with K, little did you expect that the last time you’d see him would be at his departure, after leaving you in silence for days.
( — ) PAIRING . . . best-friend!k x gn!reader FT. EJ &TEAM
( 🚋 ) GENRE . . . angst lolz, misunderstandings, friends 2 …?
( — ) WARNINGS . . . INSPIRED BY THE MOVIE “20TH CENTURY GIRL” (sorry guys), k and reader kinda frustrating ..
( 🚋 ) NOTE . . . Hi!! Super late Sorry!! but originally this wasn’t even gonna be angst if i be honest … but train station … 20th century girl … so yes!!! also pretend the pics above give christmassy vibes LMAO it js seemed right to keep it like this and yes i can hear u quivering miles away Ms Sonata 😊
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Once again, and unsurprisingly, K had missed yet another hangout. You really tried waiting and being considerate, but not even him in sight. Seated alone in the cafe with two drinks you bought with your own money, frustration grew. The plans had been made two weeks prior, and despite K's assurances, he was nowhere to be found.
Unable to bear it any longer, you navigated to your contact list and pressed on his icon, hoping for an explanation. Anxiously biting your nails, you waited through two beeps until he answered with a casual, "Hello?" Your scoff was loud enough for him to hear, a response to his nonchalant greeting after ditching another hangout without any warning.
"Huh?" Did he genuinely believe he had the right to question you after what just happened?
"Are you serious right now? You just missed another hangout, K." His mumbled apology reached your ears, sounding like he was cursing himself for even forgetting. "Damn it—I'm so sorry, YN. Can I make it up to you tomorrow?"
"You've got to be kidding me." You couldn’t help the anger slowly rising in you. “I’m here, waiting in the cold for you just to not show up again?” The hot air escaped your mouth as you scoffed. “You know, you shouldn’t suggest ideas for a winter hangout if you’re just going to not appear.”
"It—it just slipped my mind! I'm sorry," K explained, but you weren't buying it. You've let him slide too many times.
“It just ‘slipped out of your mind’? We planned his hangout 2 weeks prior—you even promised to show up today! Do you think I’m really going to buy that bullshit?”
“I know, I shouldn’t have done that but—”
“You say this all the time. What the hell have you been doing?”
“Listen—I just…” You could hear him trail off, as if restraining himself from saying more. What could he be hiding that's so important? “I’ve been busy.”
“And so have I? But I've always spared time to hang out with you and show up to everything you schedule. And suddenly you can't show up to something we both agreed on? K, you're slowly becoming distant with me.”
“It's not like I'm trying to!” He lowered his tone, recognizing his anger taking hold. “I just couldn’t do it today. It’s just—it’s not something I can tell you that easily.”
“I'm your best friend, what the hell do you mean?”
“I���I can't say. Not right now.”
“You really have to be an idiot if you think I'm gonna believe that. This friendship can’t work if you’re like this.” You pushed your hair back in frustration. "I get it, you're busy. But this is a pattern, K. A pattern I can't keep ignoring," you stated firmly.
"I know, YN. I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you," K continued apologizing.
"I've heard enough apologies, K. You're not the only one with a busy life," you replied, frustration evident in your voice.
"Please, just give me another chance."
But the more he apologized, the more irritated you became. "I need some space, K. Figure out what's going on with you. We'll talk later."
“But YN—”
“Just leave me alone, will you?” You angrily said, clearly sick of his pleading. “You clearly have no problem doing so, it seems like, anyways.” Without another word, you hung up, leaving K with the dial tone and a realization that he screwed up real bad.
And you’ve made it your goal to make him feel how you felt every time he ditches you.
DAY ONE. K attempted to act as if everything was okay, anticipating that you'd eventually give in and talk to him as you always did. Little did he know, you were determined to make him feel the weight of his actions—even if it felt harsh.
“Hey YN,” he greeted, met with your silent response.
“You need help?” you simply shook your head.
“Wanna go together?” He tried once more, but you walked away without a word.
Undoubtedly, a sense of guilt crept in, but the memory of that night kept replaying in your mind, fueling the anger you harbored toward him. K seemed to notice the shift, creating awkward moments and growing distant—much like that regrettable day.
You didn't care; in your eyes, it was deserved.
DAY THREE. You're enduring the silence longer than you initially thought. Ignoring him, refusing to even cross paths, felt strange considering how inseparable you used to be. School had become a bit dull without him, but you were determined to hold out for a week…right?
“Are you seriously not going to talk to him?” EJ asked, straw twirling between his fingers. “You're really creeping me out.” He says, as if you aren’t supposed to be the one creeped out by him instead for drinking an Iced Americano during the first days of winter.
“What do you mean?” you blew onto your cup, closing the lid back to take a sip of your coffee.
“You never hold grudges like this—what's up with you?”
“Okay...but he messed up.”
“Did you hear him out?” EJ maintained eye contact, sipping his drink. “Not blaming you or anything, just wondering.”
“Well—if he wanted to, he would’ve reached out by now!” you tried defending yourself, but he was already sighing.
“You’re both too stubborn, aren’t you guys?” EJ shook his head, smiling a little. “Give him another chance—oh look, he’s right there,” he pointed, making you whip your head around, only to turn back to EJ when your eyes accidentally met.
“I have to go,” you hurriedly grabbed your bag, saying a quick goodbye. “Thanks, EJ!”
“YN, your drink—” But you were already running off, footsteps following closely behind. You wanted him to reach out, yet here you were, fleeing and feeling like a loser. But facing him seemed unbearable in your current state of embarrassment.
“YN,” a familiar voice called out, a hand on your arm, pulling you toward him. His warmth had such a contrast from the chilling weather today. You turned around, finding K with a serious expression. “Can we please talk?”
You wanted to be petty. For some reason, having K reach out first, you weren't going to make it easy for him. “I don't think there's anything we need to talk about.”
“Can you stop being like that and just talk to me?”
“Like what? Just some lame excuse about why you're missing time with me?”
“It's not useless—” K scoffed, running his free hand through his hair, locking eyes with you. “Do you really think I'm just here to tell you the same stuff I've been saying all the time?”
“So you've been lying?”
“That's not what I'm trying to say—”
“I've heard enough.” You tried to pull away from his grasp, but he held on, disappointment evident in his eyes. “YN, what is so hard about sparing a minute of your day? Why is it so hard for you to fucking listen?”
You took a deep breath. “Me? How about you, huh? Have you ever listened to me? Do you think you have the right to say that to me with all this shit you’re doing to me?”
“Here’s your answer then. Because I've spent so much time waiting for you to explain, and you only choose to do it now.” You give him a stern look. “I’m tired of hearing your bullshit—your constant, useless reassurances when you clearly don’t keep your word!”
“I'm tired of waiting for you.”
“YN! Please–”
You turned on your heel, determined to walk away and put an end to the conversation. As you took your first steps, a part of you hoped he would chase after you, while another part was tired of hoping for something that seemed uncertain.
K stood there, conflicted. He debated in his mind whether to let you go or chase after you once again. He longed to. He longed to reveal everything to you. Yet, was it the right moment? Were you even in the proper state of mind to even grasp onto his words? Letting out a substantial sigh, K pivoted, reluctant as he was, and proceeded to walk away from you, leaving you both to walk on two different pathways.
DAY FIVE. K hasn't been showing up to class for the past two days. You felt guilty – you didn't know why, but you had this nagging feeling that it was somehow your fault. EJ quickly picked up on your changed demeanor, his face reflecting concern. As you walked home together, he blurted out, "Did you say goodbye to him?"
You turned to him, confusion etched on your face. You had no idea what EJ was getting at, and he wasn't sure if you even understood the gravity of his words. "Say goodbye to who?"
"To K...?" he hesitated, confirming his suspicions when your expression shifted to one of shock; you were completely unaware. EJ wished he could vanish on the spot.
"EJ, that's not funny." You looked at him, not seeing his joking face he’d usually have. “You’re joking…right?”
"Well, I'm being serious. I'm not the type to joke about that."
“Why did I have to say goodbye?”
“He’s leaving today, YN. Did he not tell you?”
“Can we please talk?” You didn’t hear him out.
“YN, what is so hard about sparing a minute of your day? Why is it so hard for you to fucking listen?” He wanted to tell you something important. It was your fault.
“YN! Please–” It was your fault. All yours. No one to blame this time.
“You mean like…right now?” You looked at EJ, hoping you still had time to make things right with K. With glossy eyes, you could see his hurt expression, knowing what you had put yourself through. “Yeah. About to leave at the train station nearby.”
“I have to go.”
“YN! Be careful; you might get hurt–” You didn’t care. You didn’t care if you were going to get scrapes on your legs, you didn’t care if EJ was yelling your name—nothing could hurt more than losing a best friend that you didn’t leave off on good terms.
You ran as fast as you could, disregarding the chill in the air and the sting in your lungs. The train station came into view, and there he was—K, standing with a suitcase, staring into the distance. Your heart raced as you approached him, a mix of relief and fear coursing through your veins.
"K!" you called out, breathless.
He turned to you, surprise and uncertainty flickering in his eyes. "YN? What are you doing here?"
"I... I heard you were leaving," you panted, trying to catch your breath. "I had to see you before you go."
He sighed, his gaze dropping to the ground. "I messed up, YN. I messed up big time, and I'm sorry."
"Let's talk about it," you urged, reaching out to touch his arm.
"I thought it was too late for a conversation," your heart shattered upon hearing those words. "But it was my fault anyway. I should've been truthful with you."
"Quit blaming yourself. It wasn't your fault—it was mine. I should've been more empathetic." Tears threatened to spill over as you maintained intense eye contact with him, your insides twisting with emotion.
“I didn’t mean to avoid you,” K began, his eyes searching yours for understanding.
“I know I messed up too,” you admitted. “I should have listened instead of shutting you out. I should’ve not said those things to you either.”
He nodded, a sad smile playing on his lips. “We both made mistakes, didn't we? But, let’s not worry too much about it—we’ll get over it like we always do. I’m leaving for a while, but I don’t want us to end like this. I care about you—damn, I even like you, YN," he said, causing you to gasp a little. "I’m sorry if this is too sudden—I just don’t know if I’d be able to tell you this any other day."
As you stood there, absorbing his unexpected confession, the reality of the situation sank in. "K, why didn't you tell me earlier?" you questioned, a mix of emotions clouding your mind.
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I was scared, afraid it would ruin our friendship. But now, facing the distance, I couldn't hold it back any longer."
“K—” The train's arrival interrupted your conversation, and K looked at you with hopeful eyes. "I'll be back, YN. Let's talk when I return, okay?" he pleaded.
You nodded, and he pulled you into a hug, and for a moment, it felt like everything might be okay. “You should go,” K whispered, releasing you from the embrace.
“Take care, okay?” you said, holding back tears.
“You too, YN. I hope we can figure things out when I come back,” he said, a mixture of hope and uncertainty in his eyes.
"You promise to come back?"
"You know me. Who am I to fail to keep my promises—well, besides about the hangouts," he joked, attempting to lighten the mood. You smiled, finding comfort in his smile. "Then can you promise me on this one, and try not to break it?"
"I promise," he extended his pinky finger, waiting for you to interlock with him. Once you did, the warmth of his hand—similar from last time—transferred to yours, making it such a bittersweet moment. He brought his hand closer, kissing the side of your hand. "Hope that wasn't too sudden."
He smiled at your blushing face, releasing your hand. He had noticed how little layers you were wearing—did you really run like this just to see him? Taking the scarf of his neck, he wrapped it around yours, looking at you lovingly. "I'll do something sweeter next time. See you later, yeah?" You nodded, and he finally carried his bags to the train.
As K stepped onto the train, you stood there, gazing into his tear-filled eyes. How badly he didn’t want to cry in front of you. Waving, you declared, "I like you too, K!"
His heart warmed slightly. "I can't hear you," he teased, as he would've done by your side. Smiling, you shouted, "I like you so much!"
The doors closed, and you glimpsed K crying. Witnessing his tears always tugged at your heartstrings, and your own tears flowed uncontrollably. The train started moving, and as K disappeared from view, you stood there with tears streaming down your face. The reality of his departure hit you hard. "Come back soon," you whispered to the wind, as if it could carry your message to him.
Your heart felt heavy, and you couldn't shake off the overwhelming sense of loss. As you wiped away your tears, you realized how much K meant to you and how the abrupt end to your argument had turned into a farewell.
Walking away from the train station, you carried the weight of mixed emotions. The confession, the unspoken feelings, and the promise of a future conversation lingered in the air. Most importantly, the emptiness lingered, but the promise of a reunion kept you going. Determined to make things right when he returned, you whispered to yourself,
“I’ll wait for you, K.”
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ADVENT CALENDAR MLIST — @en-dream @i-yeseo @yizhoutv @yuma-is-mine @wtfhyuck @sansfransisco
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Da-iCE FACTS & TRIVIA: Da-iCE ABC 2018 (from A-M) | CGM
These cute and funny boys deserve an “ABC”. 26 letters. 26 things and words about our boys. Enjoy and have a very very nice day!
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Considered as the sixth side of the die, the fans - A stands for a-i. Da-iCE cannot be completed without the fans. We love them. They love us back.
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It was once a dream. B is for Nippon Budokan. They worked hard to perform here and it came true! It was a shining moment for both the boys and the fans.
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White and lovable, C is for Ciel. A lucky cat for our lucky Hayate.
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D is for Dance Practice. They give us dance practices that are so good and amazing! a-is are blessed because Da-iCE and the staff are so kind.
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E for English. This group is so talented, they do English versions of their songs, as well as English covers such as “Into You”. Yudai and Sota’s English are understandable, yes (indeed). What we need is... SUBTITLES! I beg for a FanSub Team. Don’t you want as well?
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Yudai’s peace time and hobby (aside from cooking) is Fishing. He loves catching FUGU (puffer fish) which is a food delicacy in Japan - poisonous/deadly but delicious.
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Toru is a gentle human being. His words are moving and so he’s called Gentoruman, a superhero in the making.
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H is for Da-iCE’s Hair History. A very entertaining topic. Their hair may be changing but their characters are not. Still, it’s nice (and funny) to remember the good ol’ days.
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Face value 75. Extremely good-looking men. Da-iCE are certified Ikemen. What more can I say?
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It’s always phenomenal when they do this. Heart-skipping and magnificent indeed. We always love them doing the Jump!
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K is for Kawaii. Although cool, they are cute... They may be short men but they are terrific! They are just so adorable!
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L stands for LOL. Laughing out loud ‘til kingdom come. Their laughters are loud and iconic. If they laugh, you’d laugh as well. They are just walking sunshine, spreading good vibes everywhere they go.
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M is for Marvel. Sota is a proud Marvel fan. What else? He loves Iron Man and so am I. Aren’t we meant to be? *don’t be mad at me*
To be continued...
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trilotechcorp · 7 years
New Post has been published on PBA-Live
New Post has been published on http://pba-live.com/gilas-faces-a-mix-of-japanese-vets-aces/
Gilas faces a mix of Japanese vets, aces
MANILA, Philippines — In Team Japan, Gilas Pilipinas faces an old rival boosted by the presence of a naturalized player, a US-trained Japanese playmaker, a comebacking ace center in a team working in a system brought in by iconic Argentine coach Julio Lamas.
Naturalized player Ira Brown, NBA D-League veteran Yuki Togashi and tall Takeuchi twins Joji and Kosuke (back from an injury) are among the aces in the Japanese cast trimmed down to 14 by Lamas in the homestretch of their preparation for their game against the Filipinos at the Komazawa Gymnasium in Tokyo on Friday.
Like Gilas coach Chot Reyes, Lamas will decide on his Final 12 on the eve of the match – among eight games in the opening window of the FIBA Asia World Cup qualifying series.
Explosive wingmen Yudai Baba, Makoto Hiejima and Daiki Tanaka, sweet-shooting Naoto Tsuji and veteran frontcourt player Atsuya Ota are the other top candidates for Team Japan with high expectation of a good finish under Lamas, a seven-time Argentine League Coach of the Year who called the shots for Argentina in the 1998 and the 2014 editions of the World Cup and in the 2012 Olympics.
The other Japanese hopefuls are Naoki Uto, Naoya Kumagae, Takatoshi Furukawa, Tenketsu Harimoto and Ryusei Shinoyama.
Ten are holdovers from the team that placed ninth in the recent FIBA Asia Cup in Beirut, Lebanon. Hiejima, Ota, Tanaka, Furukawa and Joji Takeuchi, meanwhile, are holdovers from the 2015 Asian meet in Changsha where they were beaten twice by Andray Blatche and his Gilas teammates.
Author: Nelson Beltran, Philippine Star Source: http://www.philstar.com/sports/2017/11/22/1761260/gilas-faces-mix-japanese-vets-aces
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yizaicons · 8 months
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shykpop · 11 months
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pieroulette · 11 months
📢 request hours for &team !! spill them all lol~!!
btw admin of founder of luné community here speaking lmao 📢📢 !! lunés feel free to give me more &team requests: reactions, headcanons, especially oneshots !! i don't know if this will help me w my perfectionism but I'll try, guess we can help each other then -> write alot of &team fics for u all to read everyday lol, and lessen my perfectionism :3
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shykpop · 5 months
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shykpop · 7 months
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