#+ also *gives u a random bee fact* u can eat the rocks on bees planet. crunchy snacks they are
vrisrezis · 3 years
[Based on the series "Valentine's Day"] The reader\crush spent the whole day trying to give one of the Matsu chocolate, which he\she personally prepared for him, but something prevented him\her from doing it, and only in the evening, when the brothers are completely disappointed, the reader runs up to them, approaches the determined Matsu, talks about what he had to go through to catch up with him, and gives the chocolate
The Matsuno brothers ' reaction to this?
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You were not being dramatic! You were literally going through hell and back for this man!
To tripping over people’s feet, to having to deal with random snakes being thrown at you, tripping on rocks, sticks, a giant spider being aimed towards your face! Bees chasing you! You name it! Nature wanted you dead today.
But that didn’t stop you from seeing your matsu.
Maybe it was a sign from god, totoko said. But you didn’t care! Sign from god or not, that matsu was as good as yours! You were not giving up.
When you finally approached Osomatsu, he seemed down. Truth is, the male was hoping you’d approach him with something. He was starting to feel.. so stupid. He’s left all these signs he liked you, all the flirting, even wrapping an arm around your shoulder and hugging you! You even flirted back sometimes. He felt so stupid.. thinking you could ever like him. He likes to think he’s the confident type but maybe he was in over his head..
As he sees you though, his sadness and disappointment flickers away like a light, and he immediately smiles, smiling even more when you give him the chocolate. As you tell him the crazy story, he laughs, fully believing you, enjoying the story as he eats the chocolate you made him.
After that, he asks if you wanna spend the rest of that day together, and of course you say yes.
Karamatsu knew he was being clear about his feelings. His flirting, along with his claims of loving you more than the galaxy, he knew you knew. Which is why it bothered him that you two weren’t dating. Even moreso, when he didn’t get the chance to give you his chocolate. He’s been through it. Life hated him today, he’s been hitting his head with various things, to acorns to literal tree branches. This poor man can’t catch a break.
But as you finally catch up to him, he can tell you’ve been through a ordeal of your own.
As you explain your story to him, he’s quick to explain his own, as the two of you complain and laugh together.
He ends up blushing as you give him the chocolate. “How kind of you to give this to a sinful man like me.. but!! I have one for you too my flower!”
Choromatsu knows he shouldn’t expect anything from you, after all.. he never really did anything to show he liked you other than act like a virgin so… but that didn’t stop his disappointment. Of course he’d be disappointed that his crush didn’t give him anything. That was a feeling he would feel regardless, it’s not like he made u a chocolate or planned on confessing or anything, but the feeling was there despite that.
However, he was surprised to hear you call him, and he turned around with a blush as you told him your story, giving him the chocolate. He couldn’t even focus on the story, just the fact you were actually giving him this, the fact you actually liked him too.
His entire face was red, as he stared at you mouth agape. He didn’t even know what to say at that moment. “I- uhm… do you wanna… g-go out..? Eat… uhm..” he was losing his words, but you understood what he was asking, “yes”
Ichimatsu also never planned on getting you anything, he didn’t plan to confess, none of it. A part of him felt so disappointed though. He wishes he could just grow some balls and confess he has a dumb crush like an adult but he can’t, it’s too damn hard. If he could confess then he would have already. He got too nervous, this was more than a stupid crush to him, he was enamored with you.
When you called for him, he was a bit surprised to see you. Honestly, he figured you’d be with that guy you said you liked.
It’s then that you admitted your feelings, admitted your story and why you haven’t been able to see him till now. The story was peculiar to say the least. He couldn’t help but smile. He feels bold for once, kissing you on the cheek, but he feels shy once again after doing so, his entire face goes red.
“W-wanna date.. or something..?” He asks rather awkwardly. Berating himself for not coming up with a better way to ask.
He’s so thankful you agree though, with that laugh of yours.
Jyushimatsu feels like he’s made it pretty clear he likes you? Since he literally told you? And literally asked you out and you said yeah.. so ? He was confused why he didn’t see you the whole day. He was a bit bummed out, since he got you a sunflower and a chocolate.
He felt so happy when he saw you though despite your appearance. He was quick to hug you and give you the chocolate and sunflower, his usual smile widening when you gave him the chocolate.
He laughed at your story, telling you it was fine. Then asking if you wanted to play baseball with him, or if you wanted to do something special instead for today.
Todomatsu knew he was being straight forward! He flirted with you all the time..? There was no mistaking it, you knew he liked you. Maybe this was your way of telling him you didn’t like him..? Was there somebody else? Was it atsushi? He wondered, jealousy clogging his brain until he heard your yell for him. He couldn’t help but feel happy to hear your voice and it annoyed him. He should be angry right now!
But the moment he turns to look at you, he feels his cheeks get hot all of a sudden.
He feels any anger he had dissipate as you explain your story to him, and it’s then he notices the chocolate in your hand as you give it to him. He smiles, grabbing your hand. “Cmon cutie! This was sweet and all, but take me on a real date!”
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messedupessy · 6 years
aaah hewwo blessy
Heya french fry bb ❤❤ aww you so sweet bless u bb jkergnrkjegniu45 here is the pirate boi for ya UwU ❤
😍: How does your muse act different once they start to like someone?
He doesn’t act much different at all, except that he is much more interested in getting his crush to join him in his crazy hijinks than anyone else, he is more interested in hearing what they think about something he wants to do, like if it is a good idea or not, as usually he doesn’t give all details for his experiments and ideas but with his crush he wants to hear their opinion on them all, he really wants to know what they think about it and he also really wants them to join him in his hobbies.
And even more he wants to know about their hobbies, he wants to know everything about their hobbies, tell him how to do said hobby, teach him how, tell him everything you know about them he wants to know it all! He really wants to get to know his crush in every single way. 
He just really want to spend much more time with his crush and get to know them more and take them out for adventures.
But other than that he doesn’t really act differently at all, and even this isn’t that much different than his usual self except for the getting his crush’s opinion, as usually he knows and is confident in what he does all the time but with his crush he wants to know what they think no matter what it is. 
🌹: What are weird things they start to do once they’ve developed a crush?
Well he will be confessing immediately, he isn’t one to hide how he feels so his crush will know exactly how he feels immediately, and before he fully developed his crush he probably will have asked them if they want to take a tumble with him below deck if you know what I mean pfft, unless he knows his crush would be uncomfy with such an offer.
He will be giving his crush random things he finds pretty, or have made himself, like a fancy rock that reminds him of them or something he has made himself out of glass etc.
Appear in his crush’s room or house at random times, unless they do not like it or tell him to stop with it as then he will stop immediately.
Can get a bit fiddly with his explosives and other things as he will be giddier than usual, which will cause more accidents and fires to happen, which he finds very funny, people around him not so much.
He will sit still for hours just hanging out with his crush if they let him, watching them do whatever it is they do, ask them things or just sit or lay down just watching or doing something which he doesn’t have to get up and move to do, which is very rare and unnatural for him to do as he is rarely ever still for more than 10 minutes.    
Invite his crush on weird and crazy adventures, like going out swimming and pick a fight with some sharks, climb a random mountain or tree etc.
He constantly does weird things so things that are like more “normal” for people are weird for him to do. But other than these that I can think of he don’t do much weird stuff, at least not him weird pfft. 
Ask thingie here, not taking anymore tho
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