#+.  /   zap loved ( muse: tine. )
mautlie · 4 years
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i said last night i would maybe write my reasonings for my placements on this chart over what i hc as each of my muses’ primary love languages, and so here i go! these will be in separate posts, each group categorized by their love language, because i decided trying to put thirty-seven paragraphs under a readmore still sounded like way too much. forgive me for a lack of showing in-game text evidence like i normally do, but i still reference specific conversations in most of these. it should be noted that i also believe love languages can be applied to platonic bonds in the same way they are to romantic ones, so i reference platonic interactions in these posts too.
first off is the quality time gang. i define it as these characters primarily express their affection or believe affection from others is most meaningful when people make time for one another, gives their undivided attention, etc. they cherish the act of simply being with those they are close to. 
LENE - the two most important people to lene's life are her mother and ares. she constantly hunts for her mother, not caring or ever necessarily desiring words or gifts or saying precisely what she wants from her once she meets her (if ever); all that matters to lene is simply the act of being with the people she cares about. we can see this with ares as well. though lene exhibits open communication skills with ares, her reunion scene with ares has her downplaying verbal communication and emphasizing her desire for ares to never leave her. she never says in specific words what ares means to her, but she cares the world for him without putting a label to it.
TINE - tine canonically gets bashful when ced is straight forward with his verbal affection to her, making me less likely to think she cares about words of affirmation. instead, i look to her lovers convo with seliph where she, for the first time, is insistent about something instead of being reserved as a result of her harsh upbringing. what is it she is insistent about? following seliph into battle. she describes her ultimate fear of being separated from the person she loves and fully becoming another deirdre, implying her biggest security comes from being near the people she cares for.
DEIMNE - while i was tempted to say it was receiving gifts because he does appreciate corrine's necklace given to lend him strength, he seemed pretty oblivious in that scene to me? and he's never painted as giving gifts being the way he communicates his care either. so i look to his lovers convo with daisy, where he's pretty bleak, but when daisy suggests merely being with him without putting any explicit words of affection, he accepts it (as can be seen with their ending) but isn't explicit himself either.
RAIGH - raigh is a tsundere. i'm sorry. have you heard his jp voice acting in heroes. regardless, he's not open with showing his affection with words or touch as a result, and we know he doesn't understand people going out of their way to help ease his burdens or give him gifts as implied in his supports with sophia and hugh. to the end, he's awkward and wants to give the idea that he standoffish, but he puts emphasis on returning to the orphans post-war or we can the feeling how he lingers around sophia after warming up to her without saying as such, giving me the idea that the only way he doesn't feel uncomfortable expressing his affection is by making sure to make time for the people he cherishes.
THEA - in her supports with klein, she doesn't bother expressing her feelings or acting upon them until driven into a corner where she feels like if she doesn't explain herself, then klein will chase her out of his life. her way until then of showing that she loved him, aka her default i would assume, was to stay with him even if being in the same army as him inconvenienced her personally. she wants to stay close to the people she loves, and that's how she communicates her feelings, being unable to do so in other ways. we also see this in her a-support with alen, where if she develops feelings for him, she can't say outright she loves him but proposes she always stay near him; to her, quality time is love.
AMELIA - i would wager to say that the most explicitly romantic support amelia has is with franz ( i'm unsurprised by this given her other supports that aren't with ewan or ross also usually reference her interactions with franz ) and in those, the two use indirect means to confess their love to one another, choosing to hide it behind metaphors of being one another's swords and shields. in the end, the primary thing that is emphasized is that amelia will no longer be alone, which has me leaning towards quality time consequently.
EDWARD - he's one of the trickier ones honestly! i think a close, close second for edward would be words of affirmation because when he gets worried for micaiah, he consoles her through telling her how much he cares for and believes in her, but i ended up going for quality time because of how a big part in his arc is his desire to leave the army altogether. when he says this, he also talks of how he absolutely wants leonardo and micaiah to come with him and how he won't budge on that; combine that with how his a-support with kurthnaga is asking him not to slip away from him and how in edward's ending, he always makes sure to go out of his way to visit micaiah and maintain their friendship even if their life paths are different now, and all three of these things gives me cause to believe he values physically being there with those he is close with and making time for them.
FREYJA - freyja no longer trusts the affections of others courting her due to how they once ridiculed her for her appearance, which makes me believe she puts little to no stock anymore in people expressing their feelings for her via gifts, words, physical gestures, or even going out of their way to help her. even she doesn't quite understand why her two aides, triandra and plumeria, would do anything for her, and she ends book iv feeling mixed about how much acts of service can or cannot sway her. however, the one thing that she seems certain about is quality time. freyr, the one person she definitively cares for, refuses to spend as much time with her, and that's what sets off her despair in the first place. this is what affects her the most, implying quality time is important to her and the clearest way for one to express affection for her in her eyes.
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sireneia · 4 years
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tine for having the most changes design-wise from me over the course of three years i s2g
this time i wanted to get away from the deirdre angle since it’s something that she ties herself to in terms of fearing being like deirdre, so it felt more right to give her something unique. in general, she ties her identity to other women (namely deirdre, tailtiu, and ishtar) and so her gaining independence from them and moving on as her own spirit seems like the most natural progression for her character. that’s why i focused hardcore this time to keep as many elements as tine as possible, ranging from her hairstyle (that while changed is still not connected to anyone else) to how her dress is supposed to take design cues from tine’s various canon outfits but most notably her promoted one!
marriage obviously takes two to tango, but her comfort in such a union is still indicative of her growth. she’s not here to hide/cower behind her partner or be confused like she once was; she wishes to fight alongside them and her convictions are much clearer. her ability to create new bonds so she’s growing out of her role as the timid, uncertain girl she once was, and romantic love is one of the strongest bonds you can make.
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sireneia · 4 years
 “ e-even you? ”  tine gasps aloud at his confession. when people spoke of the rebel army's leader, they called him a liberator — elevated him to be like a second-coming of a grand crusader, a man who could save them all and was untouchable as the cost of being able to bear the burden of easing a whole continent's pain. they were claims that tine could scarcely believe, but back then, she had wondered whether this man was truly a liberator or a killer under a different name.
now, though, he was neither. he was not the hero everyone has been clamoring sleepless nights for nor was he the monster who severed her family.
he is a man who trembles before forces just as she did. he was a boy who knew fear just like her, and that made him far more human than any description of him had ever painted him to be.
with his hand at her shoulder, she works up the courage to look him in the eye and attempt to see him truly.  “ um. when you forgave me for fighting on the wrong side at first, i thought you were some kind of angel. no one forgives people that easily, so i thought... maybe my mom in heaven had sent you. but you're no angel, are you? nice people like you... they're just real. ”
it was difficult to believe, but for what reason would an angel have to be afraid of anything? a savior just saved, for that is what they are born to do.
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“ why are you so nice? you can throw me into a dungeon, and people would think it's right. i'm the niece of someone terrible. i can't be trusted. i'll do horrible things. i'll jeopardize everything. ”  her voice aches with each accusation she lobs against herself, but still she gazes back at seliph, equal parts scared and curious to hear the words that would come from him if any at all.  “ why...? ”
( cont. | @nessblessed​ )
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sireneia · 4 years
@nessblessed​ sent:   “Wanna, like– I mean, if you’re not busy - We could get lunch? Or-" {From Seliph to Tine!}   //  fluffy/blushy sentence starters. 
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 “ well, i — um, i'm not... ”  seliph's own awkwardness turns out to be highly contagious, cursing tine to a similar tongue-tied fate. they had just been talking about the results of her reconnaissance mission, and she had thought that that would be it; after all, she had said everything that was requested of her.
to her surprise, someone wanted more from her. even more surprising, it was the very leader of the army — the one everyone has looked to and praised. and the one he looked to was instead her?
her cheeks flush a brilliant red, but she tries to calm herself down with reason. surely he doesn't think of her as anything special. he probably pities her at best and wants her to feel more comfortable after the way she's displayed herself before him as a timid, terrified creature.
the thought dampens her mood, but she finds her heartbeat has not slowed still. she layers her hand over where her heart would be as if to stifle the sound it makes.  “ i would like that very much. i am not as good a cook as julia or lana, but i met a very nice restaurant owner in the town when i went there if you would like that... ”
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sireneia · 4 years
A : AFFECTION. how does your muse show affection? @caspar, lene, and tine?
valentine’s day alphabet 
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caspar is a pretty awkward when it comes to deliberate attempts to show his affection. he’ll be a lot more suave about it if he doesn’t intend to be romantic ( e.g. him showing bernadetta a really pretty view ) BUT when it comes to trying to show affection, he’s a pretty physical guy! quick kisses in public, picking someone up and swinging them around, etc.! the main thing though is that he likes to share each other’s accomplishments asap and perhaps something more specific to him is sharing in his love for travel; if he loves you, he’ll always want to show you and tell you all about new things he’s seen or heard about. being with him is being a big tourist essentially LMAO
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lene is all about being forward with it via words. she always wants to be on the same page with those she cares about, so it means you’re already in her good graces if she’s trying to discuss a miscommunication instead of just grinning and bearing with it. she advocates open communication and she is not shy to say ‘i love you’ or anything else on her mind! in a job where she’s reduced only to what she physically does, words are what hold a special power to her.
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tine is largely someone who’s strongly influenced by whomever she’s with due to how she grew up in constant fear that she was doing things wrong. if the person she’s with encourages using words to express affection, she’ll learn to do that too. if they’re more physical, she’ll become more bold that way! the main thing that’s always a constant though is her showing her affection by spending more quality time with you. she is scared of being separated from those she holds dear whether it be at the hands of other people or by fate itself, so she cares very much about feeling the presence of her beloved.
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sireneia · 4 years
“Don’t stay too long, or you might pass out.” -- Ced @ Tine
sauna starters ( event only ) 
 “ thank you, ”  she replies as she daintily sits herself down, keeping a hand on her towel to make sure it stays in place. the idea of coming in here to bask in the heat was a bit intimidating, but a look over at her sauna companion turned that daunting atmosphere into something that made her perhaps a bit nervous, but she thinks it the good kind of nervous for once.
of course, they wouldn’t do anything in here — but the sight of him on near full display and so close to her… well, if that wasn’t a way to make her cheeks flare up faster than the heat itself.
she knows ced’s warning was given to her for her own sake; he has always been kind and looking out for others before himself. it was that that charmed her in the first place. yet still, emboldened by the fact she’s already taken the dive to try something new, tine confesses quietly:
“ i want to stay here with you as long as i can though. ”
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sireneia · 4 years
tag dump ( 1/3 )
+.  /   seraphtine ( muse: celica. ) +.  /   torteshelle ( muse: faye. ) +.  /   fell spirited ( muse: kliff. ) +.  /   lance gold ( muse: clive. ) +.  /   spurious lived ( muse: berkut. )
+.  /   sand stepped ( muse: lene. ) +.  /   dyadic heir ( muse: leif. ) +.  /   coin pick ( muse: dew. ) +.  /   neir sung ( muse: iuchar. ) +.  /   zap loved ( muse: tine. ) +.  /   yewfallen ( muse: febail. ) +.  /   light shielded ( muse: coirpre. ) +.  /   bereftten ( muse: deimne. ) +.  /   stole born ( muse: lifis. ) +.  /   dandelion king ( muse: perne. )
+.  /   life seeker ( muse: raigh. ) +.  /   gennuflect ( muse: wolt. ) +.  /   dahlia of ilia ( muse: thea. ) +.  /   faith rend ( muse: zephiel. ) +.  /   liege bound ( muse: kent. )
+.  /   war rose ( muse: amelia. )
+.  /   absolute median ( muse: stahl. )
+.  /   windfaire ( muse: hayato. ) +.  /   dark crowned ( muse: siegbert. ) +.  /   predateuria ( muse: velouria. ) +.  /   son of vengeance ( muse: percy. ) +.  /   memorabiliac ( muse: ophelia. )
+.  /   gauntless ( muse: caspar. )
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sireneia · 4 years
“I’ve grown a little leaner, grown a little colder, grown a little sadder, grown a little older." -- Ishtar @ Tine
christmas music starters 
    ishtar says all this and it’s hard to tell where it stops being cold observations and starts being self loathing. still, tine is certain either way it shouldn’t be dwelled on. those are all adjectives that could be used to describe how things went with her mother.
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“ the year may be ending, but there’s always next year, ” tine says, trying to sound as optimistic as she can. “ a year away from hilda, and more after that, i hope! ”
she didn’t know one could say the word ‘hope’ with so much rage, yet she does. in this day and age, how could cults demand marriages? tine puffs out her cheeks, but lets it all out realizing she really can’t do anything about her aunt hoping to reel ishtar back into that business soon.
“ here, ” tine gets up on her knees and wraps her arms around her cousin’s body. it wasn’t much, but she wanted to do what she could. “ so you won’t get cold. i know you didn’t mean it that way probably, but… i like hugs. hugs make me less sad, and i want you to be less sad too. ”
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mautlie · 4 years
tag dump (jugdral)
+.  /   sand stepped ( muse: lene. ) +.  /   dyadic heir ( muse: leif. ) +.  /   solpocket ( muse: dew. ) +.  /   neir sung ( muse: iuchar. ) +.  /   zap loved ( muse: tine. ) +.  /   yewfallen ( muse: febail. ) +.  /   light shielded ( muse: coirpre. ) +.  /   bereftten ( muse: deimne. ) +.  /   stole born ( muse: lifis. ) +.  /   dandelion king ( muse: perne. ) +.  /   naga's love ( muse: deirdre. ) +.  /   there are no heroes today only evil within all of us ( verse: jugdral. )
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