#/ anyway persephone is adopting all the demeter kids so it must be a day that ends in y
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"Tell me, little one — you feel that? Change in the air... Used t' dread this time of year." A hand reaches out to catch a deep red leaf on its descent to the ground, turning it about in her hands thoughtfully. "Always wondered if Mama's children felt it the same way..."
@anthcs for KATIE GARDNER || sc
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lilyjanejohnson · 4 years
Sooo, I had been looking for a good challenge for the sims, but didn't find one about greek goddesses. So I decided to make one, Enjoy!😊
The greek goddess challenge is a 10 generation challenge. Every gen represents a different acient greek goddess. I stuck to the mythology with some, and with some I just thought some stuff up. I would like to say that this challenge is with goddesses, so treat your sims with a little respect and don't forget that they're goddesses so they can get pregnant by anyone (man/woman/nonbinary) if you want them to. I do recommend using mccc to control the gender and amount of babies :) have fun!
Gen 1: Gaia/Rhea
Mother nature. You're a very goodnatured woman who wants best for your children. Unfortunately, you don't have such a good taste in love. You constantly fall in love with the wrong people. You love nature in all it's glory and you are very zen. You love doing yoga and teaching your kids everything you know.
• Traits: Loves the outdoors, good, musiclover
• Aspiration: big happy family
• Kids: Aphrodite, Zeus, Hestia (goddess of fire), Eos (godess of dawn), Hemera (godess of the day), Apollo (god sun and music) (you can skip some if you like)
• Must marry very young (before adult) to a man/woman with hates children.
• All children must be from the same man/woman (^wife/husband) but one (affair or finally breaking things off)
• Must complete aspiration
• Must max parenting and piano skill
• Must divorce once and not remarry
Gen 2: Aphrodite
Goddess of love and beauty. You grew up with all the love you needed. But you crave a different kind of love, a love that sets your whole body on fire. You like to party and are not ashamed of your body, you love yourself and are all about positivity. You are also a super passionate woman, which causes you to fall in love quickly. But sadly also out, as you get bored with a lot of people. Until you meet that one person. You would do anything to be with that person. The only problem is that you're already in an relationship... Well at least you have inspiration for your next romance novel.
• Traits: Romantic, Self assured, Art lover
• Aspiration: Soulmate
• Kids: at least one (Hera)
• Must have an affair with someone who will be parent to Hera.
• Must complete aspiration
• Must max charisma and writing skill
• Can marry soulmate as an elder
Gen 3: Hera
Goddess of mariages, goddesses and women. Despite what your mother always said about marriage being about love, you know better: marriage is an economic preposition. It will help you make or it will destroy you. And you will make it. No matter what. When you marry that is what you expect. But your husband does not seem to have the same view on the world. He has all these affairs and illigemate children all over the world, and altough you try and tell yourself that it doesn't matter, you get jealous and hurt. The only person you can rely on is yourself and that becomes painfully clear.
• Traits: Hotheaded, Jealous, Ambitious
• Aspiration: World famous (or mansion baroness)
• Kids: Demeter, Hermes
• Must max all toddler skills
• Must max actress career.
• Must divorce once an elder
• Must max acting skill and aspiration
Gen 4: Demeter
Goddess of agriculture, fertility, law and harvest. Growing up you hated the way your mother was so strict. You wanted to be free and dance in the rain. You've always loved farms and nature, so when you are grown up you want to plant. Sadly, your mother does not agree with your view on the world. Well, you were never like your strict brother Hermes anyways. You will live your life. A happy and free life.
• Traits: Loves outdoors, Bro, Vegetarian
• Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
• Kids: Antheia (Flowers and swamps), Persephone, Iris (Rainbow)
• Must leave home immediately when turning young adult and start at a 0 simoleons budget, building your way up.
• Cannot have a fulltime job
• Must have at least 2 kids before adulthood
• Must marry for love (finally hahaha)
• Must have a cat
• Must complete aspiration
• Be wholesome
Gen 5: Persephone
Goddess of spring and queen of the underworld. You grew up in a very happy environment. You loved playing with your sisters and running trough your garden. You have a great relationship with your family. You see the world a little different from other people. You see light even in the darkest places. So when you meet your soulmate, you can see through their darkness to the light inside, even though others might not see that. Especially your mom, who you know wants the best for you, but is wrong when talking about your soulmate. You know you two can be happy.
• Traits: Cheerful, Dancemachine, Outgoing
• Aspiration: Musical Genius
• Kids: Nyx, Elpis (hope)
• Must elope with someone with a dark or lonely personality (Evil, loner, kleptomanic) or vampire when quite young
• Must max photography and violin skill
• Must complete aspiration
• Must move far from family with partner
• Cannot see family in winter
Gen 6: Nyx
Goddess of the night. Growing up you were always a little different from your mother and sister, who are both sunny people. You're more like your other parent, like the night. You constantly feel overshadowed by the almost over the top energy of your sister. It's not that you don't love her, she's just a little... much. You are not as interested in nature as the rest of your family. You are more of a technical sim. You like things that you have a little more control over.
• Traits: Genius, Gloomy, Materialistic
• Aspiration: Computer Whiz
• Kids: Mania,
• Must max Rocket Science and Robotics skill
• Must go to university
• Must have a bad relationship with sister, but can make up as elder
• Must have a bad relationship with daughter due to focus on career
Gen 7: Mania
Goddess of insanity, madness, crzed frenzy and the dead. With your mother away so much you got lost in your mind as a child. Now you're a teen you're.. well... a little different. While your mother was always so into her science, you can't help but wonder for other things. More magical perhaps? Something a little more exciting. Something to conquer the world. You have the power. You can change the world. Some say you're a little crazy. But what is wrong with a little fun?
• Traits: Erratic, Creative, Slob
• Aspiration: Spellcraft and Sorcery
• Kids: Thetis
• Must become a spellcaster
• Must master all mischief spells
• Must complete aspiration
• Can only have a good relationship with 2 sims
• Hates at least 7 sims
• But despite her flaws a genius at potions and spells and must get spellcaster rank 5
• Must raise someone from death
Gen 8: Thetis
Sea Nymph. You never had so much with magic. You saw what it did to your mother and you're not that interested. That's why you never really use it. Not even to repair stuff. With all the chaos in your youth you long for a calm life. So you move to sulani when you're a late-teen. You've heard it is a beautiful place and you want to do some good for the world because your mother caused so much harm. And it doesn't disappoint. You seem to have gotten the attention of the islanders. You have many flings, but most people don't seem to want to take it any further with you.
• Traits: Neat, Child of the Islands, Outgoing
• Aspiration: Beach life
• Kids: Athena, Harmonia (harmony)
• Must complete aspiration
• Must max the conservationist carreer
• Must max handiness skill
• Must have at least 5 partners pefore meeting soulmate
• Must marry a mermaid
Gen 9: Athena
Goddess of war, logic and same-sex love. Even though you love Sulani, you want to move to the city. You want to make this a better place like your mother, but then better. You want to become the president of the simworld. Then you will make a real difference. Then you can really make up for the chaos your grandmother, who you've never met, made. You shall fight evil with your words. And if you must, fists. But only if you must.
• Traits: Active, Genius, Ambitious
• Aspiration: Renaissance sim
• Kids: Artemis and Nike (Speed, victory)
• Must complete aspiration
• Must max research & debate and Logic skill.
• Must max the politics or millitary career
• Must go to uni
• Must fall in love with a female presenting sim
• Can only have 1 romantic relationship in whole life
Gen 10: Artemis
Goddess of women, the hunt, childbirth and virginity. You love everything about life. Especially nature and people. You fight for what you think is right and have a big friendgroup. You make sure to check up on your family and friends. You are very passionate about womens rights. You love to watch the stars and think life is the greatest gift. That's why you became a doctor. You want to help people, and especially people giving birth.
• Traits: Doglover, Active, Dance machine
• Aspiration: Bodybuilder/Outdoor entusiast
• Kids: Semele (Moon), Astraea (Star)
• Cannot try for baby or woohoo
• Can adopt kid(s)
• Must max fishing and dancing skill
• Must have a dog
• Must complete aspiration
• Must go camping at least twice
• Have a big friendgroup
• Must become a doctor
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
Hades Headcanons
So I did the mythological headcanons, right? And since I’m currently trying to befriend Photoshop (we do NOT get along, never did. But I figured I’d try to fix our relationship?), I thought I’d try it with some mythological headcanons centered around my favorite god - Hades!
1. Before Hades, Erebus/Nyx ruled the underworld and when Hades moved down there, they taught him how things worked
It just makes a lot of sense to me that Erebyx ruled the underworld before Hadephone did. And, I mean, while Zeus got their sisters upstairs to help him figure out how things worked, who exactly did that for Hades? (For Poseidon, I headcanon that he learned from Hydrus and Thalassa)
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Hades braced himself as he entered the depth of the underworld. Why had he even agreed to make it all a gamble? He had never been good at those. Hera and Demeter used to beat him all the time at all their games.
And he was still sure that Zeus had cheated. Oh, what a coincident, the new kid came in as the dashing hero and ended up becoming the king of Olympus. Like that was in any way or shape legit.
Gritting his teeth and balling his fists at the sides of his body, he took a farther step into the scary, endless depth of the underworld.
It just wasn’t fair. Zeus got to hang out in the fancy, pretty palace upstairs - with all their sisters! - while Hades was basically sent into the next dark stomach. He had a little sympathy with Poseidon, because his baby brother was also sent away to rule on his own.
“Hey, there, kiddo. What brings you down here?”
Hades was proud to say he did not squeak like a little girl. Only Poseidon did that. Frowning, Hades turned to look at the man who had just spoken. His hair was dark and his skin pale as though he had never seen the light of day before. Lanky and tall, but something about him was kind of creepy. He had one arm wrapped around a beautiful woman with dark skin and even darker eyes. She offered Hades a gentle smile as she tilted her head.
“I am Nyx, the Lady Night, and this is my husband Erebus, the Lord of Darkness”, introduced the woman softly. “Now, who are you?”
“I’m... Hades”, replied the boy, shifting a little nervously. “I’m... I guess I’m the Lord of Death now? My siblings and I drew straws and you could say I got the short end of the deal...”
“Ah”, grunted Erebus, a calculating frown on his face. “I heard about that. Kronos didn’t last that long, did he?”
“Sorry, but who are you exactly? I’m a little... out of touch. Spent my life kind of inside my father’s stomach”, grunted Hades, not too excited about sharing his new realm with those total strangers.
“We’re the king and queen of the underworld”, chuckled Nyx. “When this world was created, Mother put us in charge of the underworld and our siblings Aether and Hemera in charge of Olympus. Our siblings were replaced by their children Uranus and Gaia, who then were replaced by their children Kronos and Rhea and now by... well, your siblings, I assume.”
“Ri--ight. So, this just got awkward”, grunted Hades, arms crossed in front of his chest in a defensive way. “Basically, I’m here to take over your job, huh?”
“Oh, you can have that!”, laughed Nyx and shook her head. “We’re overdue for retirement anyway. Got a nice, cozy castle in the depth of Tartarus.”
“...Ah”, nodded Hades, carefully looking around.
He shifted from one leg to the other. He was nervous. He had never been on his own before. All his life, he had spent with Demeter, Hestia, Hera and Poseidon. There wasn’t much to do in their father’s stomach, but at least they had each other. Always. At least until Zeus came in to save the day, forcing them all to join in on a revolution. They were just kids.
And Hades really didn’t want to be alone. He wanted to go home, to his siblings. Only... that this was now his home, apparently. An entire, dark, creepy kingdom all to himself.
“You know”, drawled Erebus thoughtfully, eyeing Hades. “We’re not much in a hurry. You want us to stick around for a bit? Show you how everything works down here? Where everything is?”
“Uh, sure. I don’t care”, shrugged Hades indifferently, even though on the inside he felt immensely relieved.
He hoped ‘a bit’ would last a while.
2. Erebus/Nyx basically adopted Hades and they gave their boy a puppy
I headcanon Hades as a real family person and a god who actually has a lot of love to give. Both, inside Kronos’ stomach with Poseidon and their sisters, as well as afterward. So when Erebyx took him in to show him how things worked down there, they basically adopted him. Hades grew up with Hecate, Eris, Thanatos, Morpheus, Hypnos, Nemesis, Eros and the other kids of Erebyx. Which makes sense considering most of Erebyx’s kids are marked as underworldly gods (and which makes me headcanon them as the underworld council of Hades to counter the Olympian council).
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Hades was just taking a stroll through the underworld. He did that, sometimes. After all, there was still much to explore that he hadn’t seen yet. He was very grateful to Erebus and Nyx for the guidance they have been providing so far, but at times he still felt very lost.
Coming to terms with his powers and trying to be the king of his own realm were... not exactly easy tasks. And that Zeus was flaunting around how good he was doing was so not helping. Honestly, Hades really didn’t like the guy.
Hades was suddenly ripped out of his thoughts as he was tackled to the ground by a black mass. The black mass growled and yelped. When things around him slowly came into focus again, he knew he must have hit his head, because he was seeing not just drouble but triple. One dog, but three heads.
Blinking a couple of times, he waited for his vision to go back to normal again. Only then, the three heads started sniffing him and licking his face. Separately. Huh. Okay. Three-headed dog, it is. He watched the creature for a long moment, but when the puppy wagged his tail excitedly and tried to get Hades into playing with him, Hades found it oddly impossible to deny the creature.
After a few rounds of fetch with the thigh-bone of a close-by skeleton, the three-headed puppy tackled Hades again. He yelped and squeaked happily as he licked Hades’ face and neck, tail wagging in excitement.
The poor thing acted as attention-starved as Hades sometimes felt. Frowning, Hades looked around, trying to find the puppy’s mother. But judging by the state the puppy was in, Hades doubted he’d find anyone.
His frown morphed into utter determination as he gathered the creature up in his arms and returned to the palace. Gathering the puppy up some closer, he leaned in to whisper.
“Okay, boys, listen up. You gotta put on the most convincing puppy-pout ever, you hear me? Mom and dad are not gonna be amused, I think”, whispered Hades.
Squaring his shoulders, Hades continued on to the throne-room where he found Nyx and Erebus. Both primordeal gods looked at him curiously.
“I found a puppy”, declared Hades. “Can... I keep him? Please?”
Erebus and Nyx exchanged an amused look as they were confronted by four matching puppy-pouts. “Of course you can. You’re the king, my boy.”
“What do you want to call him? Them?”, asked Nyx curiously.
“Mh... I thought maybe... Zerberus?”, mused Hades thoughtfully.
The three heads all yelped in agreement, trying to lick Hades’ face. He was so going to take good care of them and not abandon them, because that was just not what family did.
3. Hades/Persephone are happy and in love
Yes, he kidnapped her. But so did the Beast with Belle and that’s a great love-story repeatedly retold. Who’s to say she didn’t also fall in love with him? I just think that Hades is... Very Bad at expressing his feelings. That was the only problem there, really.
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When Hades first saw her, he ran into a solid marble-wall.
He had been on one of the semi-regular meeting him and his brothers had, on Olympus. And as always, Zeus had been a smug pain. So nursing a headache the size of Tartarus, Hades just wanted to get back home. But that was when he saw her. She was easily the most beautiful creature Hades had ever laid eyes on, as young and lovely as a delicate blossom. He had been so awed that he craned his neck and tried to watch her for as long as possible, losing focus and kind of accidentally missing a wall.
The Muses were going to make fun of him for that for the next five centuries, because they were his only witnesses.
When he got home, with an even bigger headache than before, he decided to do what he did best: Mope. He had no idea what to do. Feelings weren’t exactly his thing.
All his siblings aside from Hestia were married. Some very happily, like Demeter with Karmanor - nice fella, bit dull and way too in love with his garden, but quite the perfect match for Demeter, really - or moderately happy as Poseidon with Amphitrite - a bit cold, but that came probably with the whole half-fish-deal - or, well, the unhappy ones; Zeus and Hera. The point was, they all had a love-life going on. Had gotten married. Hades had never even looked at a woman like that before. He had always simply rationalized that he had no interest in those sort of things.
Only. Only now he kind of really had? But what did one do when they felt this way? Frowning, he decided to ask the one man Hades definitely knew was absolutely happy with his wife.
“Erebus, how... did you make Nyx fall in love with you?”, asked Hades uncomfortably as he approached the God of Darkness.
“Oh, don’t ask me, boy”, laughed Erebus and shook his head. “Mother sent us both down here into the cave and then it just... happened. Why do you ask?”
“No... reason”, replied Hades and left.
So Erebus and Nyx were just down here and then it happened? That sounded doable, right?
“EREBUS! Did you tell Hades to abduct a girl?!”
Erebus fell off his throne as his wife stormed in, furious and wild. He normally liked that look on her, but not so much when it was aimed at him. Shifting nervously, he tried to figure out what he had done wrong.
“No? Why do you think that, love of my life?”, asked Erebus cautiously.
“Oh no, do not sweet-talk me, mister”, huffed Nyx, glaring at him. “There’s a girl in our palace who has no idea what she’s doing here and Hades is having a mental melt-down about it! Apparently, you gave him ‘great advise with women’. That resulted in him abducting Zeus’ daughter.”
“...Oh. Oh no. I didn’t... I mean...”, grunted Erebus, unsure how to even respond to that.
“Well-”, started Nyx displeased.
“Nyx? What... What do you give a woman to say’ I’m sorry I abducted you, I just don’t know how to talk to women?’“, interrupted Hades as he entered their chambers. “Because she looks really pissed.”
“Flowers”, suggested Nyx after a long moment, massaging her temples. “Try with a lot of flowers. And words. Like, actually articulated words that express your feelings and thoughts. No more caveman behavior, young man, you’re not a mortal! And if the flowers fail, try to woo her with exotic food.”
“Flowers and food. Got it”, nodded Hades, determination written all over his face.
He went to the upper world to pick all the flowers he could find. Gathering all his courage, he went to the chambers where he had left Persephone and he prayed she didn’t have her mother’s temper.
“H--Hello”, started Hades awkwardly, shuffling around as he tried to hide all the flowers behind his back.
Persephone looked not the least bit impressed as she stood before him with her hip cocked and her arms crossed over her chest. “You know, I thought you looked like a bad boy, but I didn’t think you’d be... that bad at everything you do.”
Hades sputtered a little, his cheeks flushing. “I... I brought you flowers. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to abduct you. I mean, I meant to abduct you, I didn’t accidentally abduct you, but what I mean is... I don’t know what I mean...”
“You’re a mess”, sighed Persephone and shook her head as she looked at the blushing boy. “But you’re lucky you’re a cute mess.”
Hades’ blush significantly lit up even brighter.
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