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—   ✕ 『 ★ HEADCANON - The Entity The Goddess  ★ 』 ✕ 
—   LORE.
          The following headcanon contains triggers including blood, death, maternal death during childbirth, child abuse, human ( child ) experimentation, religion, drugs ( in the human experimentation sense ), and cults. The premise of the following headcanon involves the cult and the Goddess it worshipped, Izanami no Mikoto or Izanami for short. The headcanon also discusses the entity possessing the Dogra Magra doll.
          There were two deities, Izanami no Mikoto and her husband, Izanagi no Kami, charged with the creation of the world. The two deities performed their RIGHTFUL duties, forging plentiful land and beautiful seas through their own two hands. And as the two deities were united through marriage, they created several more islands across the ocean’s waves. However, as Izanami gave birth to one more child, she passed in childbirth. Blinded by rage, Izanagi KILLED that child and began a quest to the underworld in the hopes of cheating death and returning his beloved to the living.
          However, it was already too late for Izanami as she had consumed food of the dead and with those actions, lost both her ETHEREAL BEAUTY and any chance of being able to RETURN to the living. 
          Humiliated by her grotesque appearance, Izanagi decided to flee … but embarrassed by HIS arrival and his betrayal of their love, Izanami attempted to chase him down. And for the last time, she promised him 
          ‘ I will strangle and kill one thousand men of your land in one day ! ‘
          But that was not enough.
          The circles of life and death still spun and in time, while Izanami could not return to the living as the Goddess she once was, she was reborn and reincarnated for centuries. And in every life, her goal was the same; to take away the lives of others purely out of spite and hatred borne from the betrayal at the world’s creation. 
          And in one life, she was truly a GODDESS. 
          Izanami was born as a woman with a truly HORRIFIC ability; a curse based ability she herself dubbed ‘ Dogra Magra ‘. The ability itself was a FRIGHTENING ONE; able to induce madness and death unto those that drew her blood and sparked her fury
          The goddess arose in a Japanese shrine; full of listless, sullen people who had lost their faith in other Gods. These people had long since lost hope; having placed their praise in other Gods; only to have suffered many tragedies; including the untimely deaths of their Miko and Kannushi and the slaughter of members from other, more corrupt cults and power struggles within the cult. And thus, they cried out in sorrow; speaking out things like ‘ Why are we met with cruelty when we have devoted our lives to God ? ‘. As she heard these cries, she CURSED her past husband that forced them into lives they never once asked for and took charge of the shrine. 
          She formed a new religion; one based off BLOODSHED and MURDER. Her followers; driven by despair and agony, began to KILL all those that dared to enter; even make eye contact with one of their own.  Those she even deemed ‘ worthy ‘ willingly subject themselves to a HORRIFIC ritual that allowed her to share her cursed ability with others. Many people SUFFERED … but it was all in the name of the new Miko and how she allowed, even ENCOURAGED people to lash out at the atrocious world she and her former husband created.
But another tragedy struck.
          Despite the mistakes of her past life, she eventually falls in love with one of her most devoted followers and promotes him to Kannushi. For years, their marriage flourished … until one day, the Kannushi proposed to have a CHILD. There’s hesitation at the very idea; the PAIN her body endured before her body soon succumbed to the blood loss. And all of that agony was for NOTHING as her past husband murdered her own flesh and blood. But she agrees.
          Soon, a child was conceived and for months, the pregnancy seemed fine. Until the day came when she was to give birth.
          What should have been a smooth delivery was HELL for the woman. In the end, her husband had to sever her stomach and pull the child out as she passed.
          So traumatic was the event, Izanami’s spirit refused to move on or wait until her next reincarnation. She feared what her husband would do to the child as her past lover DESTROYED her flesh and blood. Rather than move on, she manages to merge herself with the child; granting them her cursed ability without the bloody ritual.
          That child would eventually be known as the Port Mafia’s greatest weapon, Yumeno Kyusaku.
          Many of the cult members had mixed opinions about the newborn child. There were certain members that detested the child; having believed the child would bring RUINATION unto the cult as their birth had robbed them of their beloved Miko that taught them the truth of the world. Other members sensed something DIVINE of the child and believed that they would lead the cult down a bloody path into salvation. Their father was of the latter.
          Believing that their child should be the one to replace the lost Miko, their father showed them no love, only teaching them of the darkness of the world and how everything ended in chaos and pain. And when the child was barely two, their father would put them through those same DARK, BLOODY RITUALS that the chosen ones had to go through to proclaim the Miko’s ability … even when those should have stopped with her death.
          And for little reason did the child suffer, for they already HAD her powers. They already HAD her ability. The only problem was that they were a young child that couldn’t control the powers of a vengeful deity when the ADULTS could.
          That act alone ENRAGED Izanami … but for once, she held back. Surely, the cult was only doing this for the sake of the beliefs SHE had instilled in them ! Surely, this was all out of undying devotion to her, even after her demise. And surely, their child would make a good replacement for her in her passing
          With her death, the child was the only person left in their cult with this horrific ability, the child was subjected to the GRUESOME task of killing and torturing anyone the cult deemed fit. The child suffered relentless abuse and the only thing the child had left was a DOLL their mother left behind.
Normally, these bloodied acts would have pleased the Goddess … but seeing her child suffer in agony when they were forced to kill or seeing them be violently tortured for even hesitating or failing to kill only sparked her anger MORE.
          And her anger influenced the child’s thoughts. The child still had their OWN firm beliefs; despair over what had befallen them and a constant questioning of WHY they were always met with cruelty. And yet with those thoughts came more VIOLENT thoughts. What if everyone just DIED ? Wouldn’t that be better ? DIDN’T THEY ALL DESERVE TO BE CURSED ?
          Izanami realized she was right all along. She was a fool to create this cycle. Cult or not, all life that was created on this hellscape she herself made deserved nothing less than a BLOODY, PAINFUL DEATH.
          Eventually, the child completely loses control and their own curse takes over; ravaging the ENTIRE CULT and destroying the damned religion that their mother created.
          But that was only the beginning.
          Eventually, the government finds the lost child wandering through the woods and KIDNAPS them, placing them in a government assigned orphanage to be researched on. Through records left behind from the cult, the government was able to get a good idea of just WHAT the child was.
          The government tried to use the child for their own gain, employing a certain researcher to experiment on the child to find a way to manipulate the ability WITHOUT having the child around. That fails (more on this will be written in a separate HC) and the researcher only manages to partially separate the deity from the child and place it into the doll they carried; resulting in a less stable control over the ability and dooming them to never have full control; even if they grow up. Eventually, the government gives up and dumps them at the Port Mafia grounds. But of course, not without telling Mori what they DO know about them.
          Due to the meddling of the government, the child struggles to keep their ability under control. Even if they had not had morals, they still struggle to CURSE people on command sometimes. Yet on the other end of the spectrum, there are also times they just lose control altogether and black out; letting the curse take COMPLETE control of them and their actions to cause bloodshed; such as the incident in which they cursed Mori along with some of his other men or the incident in which they cursed the entirety of Yokohama. 
          Izanami herself, although partially bound to the doll, can still greatly influence their emotions and spike them to dangerous extremes. She cannot be a constant voice in their head; although sometimes, she can get through intrusive thoughts or nightmares.
          Their more surreal, horrific nightmares that they CANNOT explain although somewhat a product of the sheer amount of drugs that are often used on them in the mafia and their own mental illness creating awful things, are also visions of Izanami’s first life and death. Often times, they see a strange woman dwelling in the world of the Dead. However, if asked, they’d have NO IDEA what they’re looking at.
          Izanami herself has devolved into an entity of PURE CHAOS and BLOODSHED; any sense of creation and life she once had in her initial life lost. The only being upon the earth she actually holds in any regard is her own child, Yumeno. However, her own sense and trauma are so twisted and so far beyond repair; she’s hellbent on destroying indiscriminately the one thing stopping her the lack of control the child actually has over the ability. 
          Yumeno is only vaguely aware of just WHO the entity is. Save for the mentions of something called ‘ Izanami ‘ around them by researchers and by Mori, they only know that there is something bad in them and their doll. Around other ability users that they already know but aren’t comfortable with, they call their doll ‘ Dogra Magra ‘ or ‘ Dogra ‘ for short. However, due to these names plus a strange … feeling they have, they call their doll ‘ Nami ‘ when alone or around random people asking about their ugly doll.
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