#// also casually moves this over to this blog... >:3c
internals1ut · 2 days
Could we get Leo power bottom content 👉👈
(Any pairing would do, maybe male mc..? :3c)
I am so happy for a request for Dom!Male/MC so I can also introduce this -
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When I say Male MC this is who I am thinking of. I drew him, his name is Cosmos. That's gonna be our Male MC for this blog -
But you can also view as Male MC however you want, this is just how I view him and I love him so much because I just started to watch New Wish and I did love Cosmos as a kid so now this boy needs a Wanda... Maybe Leo can be Wanda 👀💘
I hope you guys like him as much as I do,
Onto the blog -
18+/nsfw/minors gtfo
Leo is the type to talk a whole big game before anything starts. Mostly because it comes to a surprise to him that it had led to this ---- Are you kidding me?! He knows EXACTLY what he was doing from the moment he opened his big mouth of his!
His hands will often graze softly over MC's crotch as a way to tease him and to tell him that he is ready to have sex. And if he doesn't get what he wants soon he is going to have a fit about it before or afterwards depending on how late his advances ended up being.
Once they are finally in the room together, Leo will take MC and kind of lead them to the bed. It will start off as casual make out before it gets more heated and their bodies start to rub up against each other.
Leo's back will press against the pillows as he unbutton his pants saying that is all he will do and for MC that he'll need to do the rest. At least he unbuttoned his pants what a gentleman...
MC will be the one who takes it off and watches as Leo gets hard. He took off his own pants and tried to slide inside, but Leo placed his foot in his face with a snarky laugh. "Please! You think you can just casually stick it in?! Bitch please! Suck my dick like you are going to worship it"!
MC rolled his eyes as he moved away from Leo's foot and opened his mouth and took in Leo's dick in his mouth before spoiling the grey hair guy get whiney in need.
Leo moans softly as he weakly watches from his eyes half open and he rocked his hips into MC's mouth almost like he wanted to choke MC a little.
MC gave a soft glare at Leo when Leo was pretty much throat fucking him. He pulled away when he assumed he was done, Leo was so kind enough to let him slip inside, finally. Isn't Leo so kind!
Leo wrapped his legs around MC and smirked softly. "Come once make my legs numb ~ And don't stop until my legs are trembling, if you fail to do this, I'll be sure to let everyone know that your dick was so small you weren't able to make me feel good"~
That kind of pissed off MC. Leo would do that... Wouldn't he? MC pushed inside which earned a small hiss from Leo. "Asshole! Don't shove in so rough"!
"But I thought you like it rough"~
Leo blushed softly as he could feel himself squeezing on MC who was already inches inside him . "F-Fuck okay! Move faster then"!
"Sure if you ask me nicely"~
"F-Fuck that! "
"Oh then I guess we will move nice and slow"~ MC chuckles as he moves slowly inside even though it was torture for him too he loved seeing Leo's smartass slowly turn into a needy mess.
"F-Fuck fine... Hurry and move faster"..!
"No I don't think so, you don't seem like you meant it".
Leo whines out. "Fuck... Please... Move faster, I need it.. Come on.. "
"Well I guess I can be a little nice to you"~ MC held Leo's hips as he moved faster and a little rougher inside Leo. Leo moaned as his back arched slightly with his hips glued to the bed from MC's hands.
Their time continued for five rounds until Leo couldn't anymore, he was a sobbing mess, his body was sticky from his sweat and cum fluids that dripped on him.
The sixth and last round, Leo cum on his own and then MC pulled out before rubbing it out and came on Leo's face.
Leo licked the corner of his lip where it landed before smirking a little. "G-Good boy~ you did good you know ~ he pulled MC down to lay with him before he showered him with kisses.
Thank you for reading sorry for he seems more bratty than a powerbottom I tried I swear 🥺
Don't forget to come and join the discord on @internalscream1ng carrd
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sireneia · 4 years
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@hamartio​ sent:   ✿ from the main blog for sigurd, of course :eyes:  ( randomized kisses )
    lord sigurd has been very good to her. he had sworn to her that she had nothing to fear. a lifetime full of feeling terror every time she stepped outside the spirit forest, but when he calls her name with such ardor, looks at her with such love, deirdre cannot help but wish to believe in his words. they are a magic like no other, a salve for the curse in her blood.
the fairy tales have often spoken of how lovers can leave their traits upon one another, and if their claims are true, then it must be lord sigurd's bravery that he has imparted upon deirdre. by his side, she feels as if she is willing to fight the world, and she shall stand tall to do it even if the fingers around her tome may quiver.
without him, she would still be all alone in the spirit forest. the people revere her, but they do not know her — not like how her late caretaker had, not like how sigurd's friends have, not like how sigurd as her lover has. they see her as truly human, neither a holy maiden nor a walking affliction.
though being in this army's company has put her at ease time and time again, her wedding date approaches swiftly. she feels guilty, allowing the others to plan it more than herself, having little idea what constitutes a proper grannvalian ceremony, but they all seem happy to do it, even if some of them might heckle her future lord husband for how quick he is to organize things. he's eager to have his lady wife, they tease, and the sight of their cheer puts a smile on the priestess' face, though it does make her heartbeat quicken.
there shall come that night when they truly will be together... deirdre frowns in thought. before sigurd, she has abided by the mandate that she not be with a man. yet, even with the courage he has given her to flee from her fate, she still has been content to let him constantly be the one to initiate kisses with her. has she truly become more like him, as lovers are wont to become, if she continues to let him be the one that saves her?
when next he returns home, deirdre asks him to lean down, and when he obliges, she gently cups his face. her mouth meets his in the softest of ways, fleeting in her touch as she quickly pulls away, but her gaze remains his. she may not yet be as passionate a kisser as him, but she lingers close to him as she conjures up some explanation.
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“ edain told me grannvalian couples kiss on their wedding day, so i wished to practice with you... ”
but that is not the truth, for all she wished to do was take on his boldness more and more, and she cannot deny she has thought of his kisses all day — how each one consumes her and drives every thought from her mind completely. a caress of her cheek or her hand are all well and good, but they do not compare to the bliss that it is to drink from his lips. the desire burns in her eyes, as her lips part to ask their ploy for more:
“ ...is that the right way to do it? ”
34. gentle peck
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whumpqin · 4 years
Quinn - Chapter 1 (This Wasn’t the Plan)
Hello all! It’s been a while since I’ve posted some of my own writing. I’ve decided to make a side story to Elisha, which is what this is! I hope yall are interested in some Quinn whump >:3c
Taglist: (considering this is a similar but also different series, I’m tagging Elisha’s people, but feel free to want to be removed from this taglist! I will make sure to make the difference.) @faewhump​ @galaxywhump​ @castielamigos-whump-side-blog​ @insanitywishes​ @burtlederp​ @whumpasaurus101​ @simplygrimly​ (ask if you want tagged!)
CW: nonhuman whumpee, creepy whumper, muzzles, forced muzzling, fantasy racism, kidnapping, smoking, guns, briefly mentioned assassination attempt, manhandled, getting patted down, gut punching, drugging, needles
Word Count: 2,799
It’s a dull ringing that rouses him from his sleep - an annoying tone that he’d sworn to fix and still hasn’t gotten around to.
Quinn groans at the rude awakening, and rolls his head over to see why it was going off by planting his hand on his phone and dragging it closer. It reads unknown against a background of black. Despite the annoyance that makes his tail curl lazily in his bed, he still swipes his finger across the bottom to answer it, bringing it up to his ear.
The other side of the line is quiet for a moment, before a gruff voice, a little lower than Quinn expects, speaks. “This number was provided in relation to contacting a ‘Quinn Devereux’. Is this who I’m speaking to?”
“This is he,” Quinn says, sliding his blankets off of him, confusion lighting his voice.
“I am calling on behalf of my employer, Mr. Delaney, who has arrived at the meeting place. Except, it does not appear that you are there. I do hope you plan to be on schedule, yes?”
Ah, hell.
Quinn sits up in the bed quickly as alarm saps all the weight from his body. “Uh, of course not! ‘Pologies, I was plannin’ on makin’ it a uh…” he pauses to bring his phone down and note the time, which is about ten ‘til nine. Shit, shit shit- “a little earlier than this. Same place, right? That old abandoned house?”
“Yes. Don’t be late, Quinn. We wouldn’t want this deal going south, now would we?”
“‘Course! I mean, I-'' The phone makes a beeping noise to indicate that the other side hung up, stopping Quinn in his tracks. He looks down at it to be sure, before heaving a large sigh. It’s going to be one of those days it seems.
He needs to work fast. Firstly Quinn rifles through his apartment for nice-ish looking clothes, and though he’s never bought a suit and swears that he’s not going to no matter how much his Ma tells him to, he finds one of the newer button-up shirts that he bought recently. He scans its surface in case it magically had gathered stains on it while sitting in his dresser drawer in exile, but considering he only wore it once for a job interview he figures it’ll do the trick. He slips it on and finds some day old jeans that don’t smell too awful before he takes a look at himself in the mirror.
He’s a little worse for wear, but at a quick glance it’s only those faint dark circles underneath his eyes that catches his attention the most. Quinn combs through his black hair with his fingers, flattening it to look more presentable while also unhooking strands that wrap around his antlers and the bright orange tag against his ear. He pauses there, looking himself up and down.
Bedraggled and half awake, in clothes that are only somewhat clean. Going to a shady place to make a shady deal on behalf of people he barely knows.
“You can do this,” he quietly tells his reflection as he leans against the sink. “Get in, get out, get paid. Get in, get out, get paid.”
He repeats the phrase a few more times, committing it to memory on his way out. He picks up the handwritten letter he’d left on the small table at the front door and stuffs it into his front pocket. Then Quinn grabs onto his muzzle, slipping the buckles around his antlers to fasten it loosely against his face.
As he walks out of his apartment and onto the street, he makes the mistake of checking his phone one he’s properly in the morning light. It reads five minutes before his meeting, and he still has a ways to walk yet. Quinn lets out an exasperated sigh, eyes falling upwards to the adjacent apartment complex. It’s there he notes some curtains quickly shutter closed. His eyes narrow.
There’s someone watching you. Real strange fellow, he remembers the considerate old lady from down the hall telling him.
Tell me something I don’t know, he had responded. Quinn wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out it was just his employer keeping a good and proper eye on information.
To make up for time, he runs. Quinn dips into the alleyways to escape the busy streets of the morning, taking a few turns that he’s become familiar with while walking through the streets. A couple turns here and there, and he exits out onto another main street very close to his destination. He counts himself lucky he remembers the address at all. It would have been embarrassing as hell to have to ask the guy on the phone where he was supposed to have this meeting in the first place.
Quinn jogs up to the specific house, noting the old “for sale” sign that doesn’t even have a number on it anymore. It’s a huge place, once a mansion that was abandoned a long time ago because of bad press or something. He’s never looked at it before; even looking as ruined as it is by time, the place is still out of his price range.
He knocks on the door politely, taking the small pause to smooth out his clothes in a last ditch effort to not look like he had just gotten up a little bit ago, and waits patiently. The door creaks open with several years’ old whine that makes him wince, squinting one eye while he notices a human, dressed in dark clothing with short brown hair and amber eyes, staring back at him. Due to the muzzle making him unable to speak, Quinn offers a small wave before hovering his pinkie over his mouth and thumb over his ear, then pointing to the man. The human offers no reaction, but merely steps to the side. He takes the cue and steps inside the house.
It’s not as majestic as he once thought it might be. It hasn’t been taken care of in ages; the wallpaper is peeling off of the walls and there are holes in the floor, and the more Quinn steps through the house and hears it creak in response to him the more he wonders if the whole thing is going to cave in on him. It’s practically a deathtrap at this point.
He tries to make his reservations known to the human with a pause, knitting his brows in an uncomfortable position as he shoots a glance back at him, but he doesn't get the message.
The human opens up an old door for him that Quinn peeks around. There’s another human sitting in a chair in the middle of the living room, his legs crossed as he reclines into his seat. There’s a cigarette in one hand trailing smoke into the air, filling the room with its scent. His dirty blonde hair was perfectly styled like his fancy suit, and the only thing that didn’t look put together was the rough stubble against his chin.
The man who greeted Quinn closes the door behind both of them and steps around, joining another man with different hair behind the reclining human’s chair. The human in the chair - the boss he’s supposed to speak to, he supposes, flicks out his left wrist to check his watch almost casually. Then, he looks to Quinn with that icy blue stare of his.
“Right on time, it seems,” he says. Quinn tries not to let the dual feelings of discomfort and relief wash over his face too plainly. The man motions to a table he hadn’t seen yet. “Please, take off that muzzle. We can’t talk business if, well, you can’t talk, now can we?”
At his behest, Quinn slides his fingers up to the buckles against his head to loosen them and pull the muzzle off of his face. As it’s drawn away he takes a moment to work his jaws, careful not to bare his teeth too much in the presence of other humans, just in case. Then he places the muzzle on the table.
“Thanks for that. Are you uh, Mr. Delaney?” Quinn asks.
“Yes. I believe you have a message for me?” Delaney sits up in his chair and takes a long drag of his cigarette.
“Uh, yes, I do, I-” As Quinn reaches into his pocket to pull out the letter he’d been given, both of the humans to Delaney’s left and right immediately pull out guns and aim them directly at him. His chest goes cold. “Whoa, whoa, I’m just pullin’ out a letter!”
Delaney brays out a chuckle, puffing out smoke like some sort of dragon. “You’ll have to forgive these two. A bit jumpy after the last attempt, especially with lone messengers like you. Can never be too careful. You understand, right?” His eyes are squinted from his friendly smile, but there’s an emptiness in them that makes Quinn uncomfortable. Moreso when he waves his free hand towards Quinn and tells the guards to, “search him.”
The two bodyguards step forward without putting their guns away. Quinn swallows and stays perfectly still just like his Pa always told him to, allowing the two to move his arms about and go through his pockets. It’s a bit awkwardly invasive with two sets of hands patting him down like they are, but he’d rather have his personal space invaded than, well, the other outcome. The guards dig into all of his pockets, pulling up his wallet and the letter that had come from Quinn’s employer.
The human who found the letter gives Quinn a side eye that makes him draw a blank in terms of words, before opening the letter himself. He draws out the paper that was carefully handwritten and placed, unfolding it like it was a bomb of some sort.
Quinn was watching him like a hawk, so much so that he didn’t notice the other human had stepped away and given his wallet to Delaney.
“So, Quinn, it seems. You’ll have to forgive me for not remembering, it’s hard to remember everyone’s name nowadays. What brings you to this type of work, huh?” Delaney went on, rifling through Quinn’s wallet with curiosity.
“Um, I-I needed the money,” he mutters, watching the bodyguards hand the letter off to Delaney. “For the record, my employer thought it’d look wrong to bring more people besides, well, me. Wants to be cordial an’ all.” It’s not really his message, but he can’t help but feel a bubbling nervous feeling in his stomach as Delaney reads the letter.
“You mean he doesn’t want to lose any more men, so he figured I’d take mercy on just the messenger,” Delaney cooly corrects.
“Well I’m not sure what my employer’d think, but I’d for sure want the messenger t’ be spared,” Quinn says in the attempt at a joke.
When no one in the room laughs, he curls his tail around his ankle.
Delaney huffs a small bit of laughter as he reaches the end of the letter, beginning to slowly rip it up into little pieces and shoving it into his nice suit. “Quinn, do you know what happens when you give someone an inch?”
“They take a mile?” He swallows as the human stands up from his chair and adjusts his cufflinks.
“Yes, good, at least you’re not totally brain dead like some I’ve seen. I’m not about to relent and give that man a fraction of space like he’s requesting. You of all people should know that this is my territory, right? Where I do my business?”
“Right, but-” His breath hitches when the guard next to him grabs onto his shoulders and holds him before he can step forward. “This agreement is so they won’t encroach, is all. Wouldn’t it’d be better to not have any more territory disputes?”
Delaney regards him for a moment, having to tilt his head upwards just slightly due to Quinn’s height. Then he smiles a bit more widely. “I don’t think we’ll be making a deal today. But… I think we’ll take care of it from here. When are you meeting with your employer again?”
“As, as soon as I can.” Quinn’s eyes frantically look around for an exit as the other bodyguard closes in. He needs to get out of here. Now. “I’ll uh, leave you to it then, I guess. Sorry we couldn’t come to some sorta agreement-”
“Let me at least escort you out. My treat,” Delaney offers with an extended hand towards the door.
“Um, I ‘preciate the offer, but, I actually have a uh, a few things to tend to after this, so-”
The bodyguard holding him delivers a solid blow to his middle, knocking the air out of him in one fell swoop. Quinn doubles over, held up only by the strong hands gripping onto his shirt now, gasping to fill his lungs quickly.
“Perhaps I wasn’t very clear. I wasn’t asking, Quinn.” Delaney tilts his head to the side to catch his eye. “I’m not about to let you blab about everything you saw here just yet. Need a few things in order, you know? I just need to know if you’re coming with me willingly, or if my men need to get involved.”
“Hold… hold on a minute now,” he says quickly and yet still breathless as the panic wells in his chest instead of the oxygen he desperately needed. “I’m, I’m just a messenger, I’m not- what-what are you doing?”
Delaney had sighed and looked to his other body guard while Quinn was talking. He points over to the muzzle lying on the table and flicks his hand. “Muzzle him. I don’t have time to deal with his blabbering.”
Quinn’s arms are wrestled behind him before he can realize. The bodyguard is stronger than he thought, and he holds him still long enough for the other one to draw close enough, muzzle in hand. He struggles, lifting his head out of their reach and kicking his legs out to delay the inevitable. One of them grabs his antlers, jerking his head downwards for long enough that they can wrap the buckles around his face. They’re affixed tightly against his face, muffling most of the panicked cries erupting from his throat beyond whines.
“Enough of that whining,” he hears from Delaney as a firm command. He glances over with terrified eyes to see him pull a phone out of his pocket. “I have to make a call. Oh, you two, make sure to get him comfortable in the trunk, will you?”
The two humans nod, and drag him out of the room. Quinn screams as best he can through his nose, kicking his legs and struggling to get away from them as best he can. One of them spits out a curse, unhooking the gun from their side.
“Shut the fuck up,” he hisses. “I’m not dealing with a spitfire devil today. I’ll just shoot you and get it over with. You want that?” Quinn breathes hard and shakes his head frantically. “Then fucking act like it.”
They pull him out of the house with little issue after that. Quinn’s tail coils, tightening painfully against his ankle as it worries at the fabric and skin, as they approach a dark car with tinted windows. One of the bodyguards walks to the other side and pulls out a few items from the front seat, and Quinn can hear the clinking of chain along with it.
He’s suddenly thrust forward, and his face impacts against the side of the car. His bright eyes go wide, searching frantically for what’s happening, and then he feels metal tightly wrap around both of his wrists. Then he is taken from the side of the car to its back, as one of the bodyguards opens up the trunk. Quinn jerks against the cuffs holding his hands together, frustrated and scared tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.
This can’t be happening, he thinks, looking at the interior of the trunk. His antlers are roughly grabbed again, dragging his head to the side. He can’t help but roll the thought around in his head, how this wasn’t supposed to be how it went, as something sharp sticks into the side of his neck. Quinn squirms, a muted whine slipping from his nose as a wave of dizziness hits him and his legs nearly buckle. The guards take the opportunity and throw him into the back of the trunk, and as Quinn lands with a harsh thud his vision blurs from the force of the impact.
“Get comfortable,” the one who cursed at him before remarks. “You’re gonna be with us for a while, I think.”
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dekiruherodeku · 6 years
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Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
i’m pretty sure i’m torn between BakuDeku, TodoDeku, and DekuRaka for my OTDekuP. generally speaking, though, i’m open to any ships ‘cause I’m such a ship slut (so long as it passes the criteria, of course).
again, since i’m pret-ty open when it comes to ships, i’m also pretty open with just about any ship content. angst will always 100% come around one way or another when it comes to me, but i’m also capable of cavity-inducing fluff, and am even willing to touch on sensitive/dark/even some questionable subjects (the latter being so long as both of us are aware, mindful, responsible and respectful about it, seeing how some people have conditioned themselves to associate any subject you touch on in your writing with your moral compass). as far as TW goes, i’ve yet to encounter anything that’s set me off outside of pedophilia making me uncomfortable.
age gaps are an extremely fine topic to touch on here on tumblr. you’re either a minor or an adult and there’s just no in-between gotta get that cOMPLETE FOOLPROOF SEGREGATION GOIN’ ON because cLEARLY young teens have never eVER thought about lewd things towards other minors or adults. because remember kids! if you wanna have sex before you get married, well, i guess you just have to be prepared to die! ᕕ(ᐛ )ᕗ 
on a more serious note, in terms of the muses’ ages, if either or both are no more than 20 years old, the gap is no more than two. 21 years old can’t go any younger than 19 years old, and 21+ just have to steer clear of <19 year olds. MUNS, however, CANNOT be a minor if you’re looking to touch on sexual content, explicit AND suggestive. i am currently 23. you will get me in trouble, my dude, and i don’t need that kind of mess in my life.
aged up muses are also understandably allowed, but only if they’re teenagers. it’s one thing wanting to age up a 15-16 yr old (aka high schooler age) to explore what their sex life might be like---’cause let’s face it, media’s already making you young’uns try and look like an adult with your 13 yr old baby self with adult actors playing teens and teens being less restricted over mature content and so on---but aging up, like, a 7 or 10 yr old????? for ship content????????? that’s most definitely uncomfortable in more ways than one.
in a sense. i guess in a way i do need chemistry/history to feel the mood for the ship, but the number one thing i absolutely do need is just to first get a feel/understanding of what your muse is like.
suggestive content in general can be difficult to differentiate, in my opinion.
on one hand, you could have your muse comically go “DAAYUUUM BABE YO ASS B FIIINE *slaps dat booty* mMMMFFMMFHHfFHFhFHH 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit” and it’d still technically pass off as SFW as there’s no explicit content going on.
on the other hand, you could be writing content explicitly stating the suggestive or sexual thoughts/intent running through your muse’s head just from staring longingly at their significant other from across the room because they’re horny off their goddamn mind, and just that alone will express enough suggestive content to flag it as NSFW.
the easiest i can make this is just: the moment you consider making your muse’s sexual desires go from thought to action outside of some clinginess and an intensive make-out session, then that’s when you should start asking yourself (and me) if it’d be crossing into NSFW/SRP territory.
just puttin’ it out there, i’m a multi-shipper, i will ship deku with aNYBODY so long as criteria prior are met and there’s enough chemistry for me to go off on.  👀 but uh so far in terms of active ships, there’s @wildxplosion’s Kacchan, @silver-strings-of-fate’s OC Yayoi, @zerogravitygirl​’s Uraraka, @nitrosweet’s Proto!Kacchan (or well at least i’m most definitely open to the ship at this point 👀 👀 ahemahem), and @cndyjar​’s Iida & Camie (though both iida and camie have yet to reach the dating flag). the rest/inactive ships can be found on Deku’s Relationship Page!
if you’re looking to interact for the sole purpose of shipping, then i guess i’d really appreciate the heads up so that it can be discussed. just a forewarning, though: as i said earlier, i first need to get a feel/understanding of your muse, canon or not. so before you start making the moves, at least let us have a thread or two of our muses interacting regularly with each other first.
[ h e a v y  b r e a t h i n g ]
not quite sure which end of the spectrum i fall under, but it’s probably the latter. i’ll share stuff that’d make me go look it’s our babies along with ship-content ideas and even experience feels with you when we have them put up with our ideas, but i guess unless i’m actually requested to find or create content regarding said ship, i’m pretty tame about ships in general.
[ H E A V Y  B R E A T H I N G  I N T E N S I F I E S . ]
oh boy ( ◉◞౪◟◉) here we go.
BakuDeku, TodoDeku, DekuRaka, IiDeku, TodoBaku, IidaRaka, TodoMomo, KamiShin, KiriDeku, TodoKami, BakuKami, TodoBakuDeku, IiDekuRaka, BakuDekuRaka, AsuiRaka, MomoRaka, and apparently BakuRaka is slowly getting there.
interactions! IM is also a thing, but usually was really gets me hooked without me even realizing before it’s too late is just when our muses interact both on a legitimate RP thread level and casual, random bull crap, both funny and emotional.
TAGGED BY: NICKED FROM: @nitrosweet​ :3c TAGGING: you!! GOT ‘EEM.
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