#// my poor son
mydairpercabeth · 8 months
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take all his suffering and give it to athena PLEASE
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cosmic-espero · 10 months
I can't stop thinking about how Ryuji literally suffered a life altering injury (that clearly causes him chronic pains) and complete social isolation because of Kamoshida and yet he still:
Feels unsettled by the idea of potentially murdering someone, no matter how much they deserve it, and
Puts literally everyone's trauma with Kamoshida before his, including the track team that did not hesitate to dump him the moment he became (in their eyes) dead weight.
And this isn't even the only time this happens- Ryuji constantly treats his traumas, no matter their nature, as less important than others'.
His father's abuse and consequent abandonement are mentioned like once, and through the game Ryuji repeatedly puts himself in physical danger and dismisses his safety as lesser for the sake of others, to the point it's literally a pattern.
Examples of this behaviour include:
Trying to distract Kamoshida's guards to allow Ren to run away (and we're not getting into how this mirrors Ren getting into trouble to save a woman he doesn't know, nor how he will do this again by awakening Kidd specifically to save Ren and Morgana)
Willingly going back to the metaverse to try and save the volleyball team, and then putting himself under the spotlight in the real world by openly asking them to testify against Kamoshida
Dismissing his pain when his leg gives out under him while they're running away from the collapsing castle
Offering to stay still as the track team beats him up, willingly accepting the scapegoating and believing himself to be actually responsible
Jumping in front of a taxi to run to the rescue of a girl who had threatened to get him into legal trouble unless he helped take a mafia boss down
Choosing to put himself in danger by running to unlock the safeboats on Shido's sinking ship, only to make fun of the team for crying for him (does he not get why they were crying, or does he think his death isn't worth crying over? A question that makes the out of character and entirely unfunny scene where the girls beat the shit out of him even more heartbreaking)
Saving Ren and Akechi (a guy he openly hates) by refusing Maruki's reality and shielding them by taking a hit in their stead
And I might be missing something because I just. Listed these points off the top of my head. His entire character (despite the way the game semi-regularly tries to slander and mistreat him for the funnies) is centered around self sacrifice and he isn't even an adult yet.
I don't even know where I'm going with this. It's just... Ryuji, man.
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seirindono · 2 months
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The Missing Scarf VIII - part 71
Still awake... Somehow ( ´ ▽ ` ,)
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bugeyedfreaks · 2 months
hearing Japanese Mitch Mitchelson for the first time made me scream out loud
this is an imposter, this is a grown man in a child’s body, he's haunted
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kkm2hufanatic · 5 months
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Tfw your not-bf needs to save your ass for the umpteenth time.
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nanathott · 22 days
someone just pointed out that megumi has scars not only on his face but on his stomach where sukuna’s mouth was and on his sides where his arms were. sukuna when i catch u sukuna.
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bapydemonprincess · 2 months
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bylrlve · 2 months
Do you ever just think about Will dressed up really nice to meet Mike at the airport? Nice shirt, proper trousers, well-done hair… very clear he dressed himself carefully. I guarantee he wore cologne or something, too.
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as-i-watch · 5 months
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I cant believe he did this to our boy and on Autism Acceptance Month, his month!
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lilcetis · 4 months
The tragedy of Jim Lake is something so close to my heart. This poor boy is shoved down a path he didn't ask for, a path he can't escape, and he goes down it willingly! He smiles and tells everyone that its his duty, his purpose, an honor to fight for people who scorn him every time he makes a mistake. He never celebrates when he defeats a foe, just washes his hands, takes a deep breath, and gets ready for the next fight. Over the course of the series you see him lose more and more of himself, of Jim, and is eventually left as The Trollhunter. He's just a legacy by the end of it, the bright eyed boy we started the show with nothing but a fond memory.
His own name isn't even his, he's a Junior.
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damnitrainie · 1 year
I will never emotionally recover from the symbolism of Crowley's glasses through the whole show, but particularly THAT SCENE
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elfroottales · 27 days
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esperfruit · 1 month
Bertie's sad face just makes me want to help him so bad and reassure everything is alright. Poor baby :'(
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bylergiftanon · 1 year
I'm a mike was hoping the painting was for him at the airport truther....look at his face goes from hopeful to disappointed 😭
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taonpest · 11 months
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Average Fear & Hunger experience
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sejjiplinth · 29 days
everytime i think about marcus absolutely hurling two kids across the zoo because they were being annoying over a bale of hay i start giggling to myself
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