#// rp interactions real??? probably not but danke for the idea purple anon! (( ^ -^ /)(\ ))
the-elevator-twins · 5 months
*drops in a new TV from the heavens*
Now, you can talk with others from the outside world! Enjoy!~
~ ???
(i) > After the events of your cursed nightmare. Both you and your "twin" were trying to watch the television. Neither of you wanted to speak on the matter of what transpired, but you both wanted to discuss it deep down.
> "Give me the remote, I wanna change the channel." > "What? I just changed it to this, can you at least give it a try-" > "No, give it to me--"
(i) > Your "twin" stole the remote, clicking on the news channel. Same old news caster... Honestly, when was--
(i) > Good God, you nearly jumped out of your skins, seeing the old television smashed to bits on the floor. A brand new television that almost seemed indestructible took it's predecessor's place.
(i) > Of course, a remote was dropped onto your lap, making your "twin" scoff and mutter favoritism. If recalled correctly, you're both the same person. . .
(i) > Their way, you switch on the TV, perking up at the improved quality and seeing an all too familiar dark and blonde patch of hair.
> "H-Hey. . . That's us! W-Well. . . Me and you. . ." > "I thought elevators didn't have cameras. . ." > "It's a side view, doesn't look like it's in the back or front. . ." > "We'll the no smoking sign is there. . . Maybe this is the left side?"
(i) > There's no way this is your own timeline. . . Maybe this was another one? Before the fall. . ? Regardless, you crank up the volume to hear better. Maybe someone else can hear your signal for help.
> "H-Hello!? Can you hear me!? Please tell me you can hear us! We're trapped. . !" > "Hey! Don't ignore us! Hello?! God dammit help us!"
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