#// so......i won the fight with my laptop/ps :3
mundanemiseries · 3 months
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𝐬𝐨 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐮𝐩 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧; 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬. 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬.
    private . selective . 21+ | loved by kellin
19 notes · View notes
Day 19 : Jealousy - Draco Malfoy
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“I...Suppose the worst thing I could suggest was to play board games. Honestly...If only technology was allowed at Hogwarts, I’d have ditched you and played on my laptop or PS Vita all day.” I sighed, facepalming at how ridiculous my favourite blond(e)s were being over some silly game.
But of course, both Draco, my boyfriend, and Lea, my best friend, were much too into the game to hear my words.
“I’ll have you know, that was PERFECTLY calculated. Come the end of the game, I’ll be only too happy to talk you through my method.” my Gryffindor best friend attacked my boyfriend, making me hum in amusement. “Pass, thanks.” Draco replied, cooly, for once. “ ‘How To Lose A Board Game’ isn’t a lesson I’m particularly interested in learning.” he continued, proudly. “No, from what we’ve observed today, you’re and the EXPERT.” she shot back icily.
Of course, neither of the players were taking into account their own miserable records when it came to Monopoly, which, I’d like to think, I’m a true master of. This whole situation made me realise how both amusing and horrible our Game Night was, and I came to realise that this game became an outright bloodthirsty and aggressive declaration of war that would last longer than the 100 year war.
Draco’s eyes narrowed smugly as Lea’s flashed with indigence and my purple-coloured lips twitched in ill-disguised amusement, preparing for the bloodbath.
“That was a dumb move.” Draco sneered, leaning forward slightly over the table so as to emphasise his self-presumed acquired control over the game board. “If you want to stop playing, you only had to say. You don’t have to let me win.” he continued, crossing his arms and looking at her mockingly. “Guys...? You DO know it’s not life or de-” I tried to mediate the waters, but to no avail, nobody was listening to me. “Perhaps because, if you recall, that followed 3 CONSECUTIVE winds in Cluedo!” Lea’s elbow jammed down onto the board, making the counters tremble slightly. “And after SOMEONE bet 5 chocolate frogs on Colonel Mustard!” she continued like the angry ram that she is. “Oh, you see, now you’re trying my patience!” hissed the blond Slytherin.  “There’s no WAY you won those games honestly. Those who can’t win, cheat. And those who can’t cheat, lose. Much like you’re doing RIGHT now with those DUMB moves!” Lea emphasised how she’s the better player. “You want to watch your filthy mudblood life making claims like that!” Draco’s hands slammed down onto the table as he snapped at my best friend. “I’m sure we ALL remember your miserable Snakes and Ladders attempt!” his voice became even rougher. “That game has NO element of method to it! It’s pure luck!” Lea refuted aggressively. “Oh, THAT’s rich coming from someone who bragged like a 6 year old winning after a game of SNAP!” Draco glared at her, matching her tone. “FINE!” Lea’s eyes widened, incredulous at his affirmation, then narrowed to blue slits glaring poisoned daggers at him. “Fucking FINE!” she snapped, rising to her feet abruptly, flinging her hands upside the table, making the table come crashing down, the board clattering to the floor, the Counters flying. “How’s THAT for a dumb move?!” she finished, turning to her heel and storming from the room, slamming the door behind her. The only sound in the room was Draco’s ragged breath, as I sighed in aggravation. getting up, not wanting to look at anyone anymore.
“This day is the day I vow to NEVER play ‘Sorry’ with you again. Or, better said, any godamn Board Game. This is supposed to be fun, not...Not this!” I huff in annoyance, leaving the room, but instead of slamming it, I left it wide open. “What, are you going after HER?!” he sneered, but I turned around glaring at him. “Neither of you deserves my company anymore.” I flip my long fire-red hair, going out in the courtyard that was thankfully empty, so I could cool down.
“What a bunch of idiots...” I mutter, holding my crup puppy in my lap as I started randomly playing with some spells, not even caring that I was shivering from the cold of the winter night. “You agree with me, Fifi, don’t you, sweety?” I smile softly at my little baby, hugging her. “We can’t even enjoy our time together...Not even on Christmas...There must always...ALWAYS...Be something that makes them fight. Their stupid egos always get the best of them. But even over some stupid games...Really...” I sighed, hanging down my head, letting her lick my face.
“Do you...Hate me?” a sudden voice, seemingly cold, and yet, full of emotions, called out from a close proximity. “Why do you care?” I huff, looking away. “Because I’m your boyfriend, that’s why.” Draco answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “That didn’t seem to matter much when you started accusing me just a little earlier. Or when you became aggressive over nothing, despite promising you wouldn’t.” I shrugged, not sparing him any glance. “You can’t blame only me, Katrina! You saw how she behaved too! She was obviously enjoying it!” he got annoyed, making me get up and sigh, turning to get inside. “Of course...Just blame each other...That’s all you ever know. Spare me. When you’re on decent terms, come find me. Until then, don’t bother saying a word to me. Come on, Fifi, we’re going inside.” my command earned an energetic bark from my little furry baby, and I started walking, but I got stopped by a hand on my shoulder. “Why do you like her more than me? Why am I always on the 2nd place?” he asked, a bit sad, but covered it with anger. “If you want to know, you’re both on the 1st place for me. Neither is above the other. But of course, your easily offended egos just make you think that way. Are you done now? Can I go back? I’ve had enough of this already. I understood how much you both wanted me around for Christmas, so tomorrow I will be going home with the first train.” I tried to shrug his hand off my shoulder, but he tsked and went in front of me, putting both his hands on my shoulders, making me look at him. “No! You...You can’t go!” he said, but it came rather stuttery. “And who’s stopping me? You? What a joke.” I huffed in annoyance, glaring at him. “You...You promised you’d stay with you. You’d come home with me and we’ll be together for Christmas!” he argued back, but I merely rolled my eyes. “Yeah, and you promised this wouldn’t happen again. And guess what? It did! Now spare me, I have to do my luggage.” I let a sardonic smirk creep on my face, making him grow visibly more upset. “No...Don’t do this to me...Not you too...If even you do this to me...Then...Then...” his head hung down, as he trembled slightly. “Are we done yet?” I tilt my head to the side, having no merciful emotion on my face. “Please don’t leave me!” he shouted, putting his arms around me, his trembling more obvious. “Don’t leave me, Katrina, please!” his voice cracked, making my eyes widen in shock. “Draco...?” I step back, raising his face to make him look at me, only to notice his eyes were watery. “Hey, Draco, talk to me!” I put my icy cold hands on his face, making his beautiful eyes look into my dark ones. “Your fingers...Are so cold...Why did you go out without your coat?...It’s my fault, I’m sorry.” he muttered, holding my hands and kissing them to warm them up. “I’m not the only one at fault, but I’ll be the better man. I have to grow up, for you. I know you hate immature people. So please don’t hate me, Kat.” he begged me once again, making my heart melt at his sorrowful face. “I could never hate you, Draco. Ever. You know very well that I love you, so don’t worry about that. Yes, I am mad at both of you for not caring about my feelings, but I could never hate either of you. So, look at me and smile, okay, Draco? Come on. Show me your beautiful smile.” I raised up his face, kissing him passionately, letting my lips linger on his own for a bit, making him hum in glee. “You know I love you, right, Kat? Right? You’re the only person that I’ve ever lover in my life.” his warm hands on my face brought me into another kiss, just as deep and full of love as before. “Of course I know, Draco. And I love you as well. I don’t get why you both overreacted, I just wanted a genuine apology. It’s not like I can live without either of you. You guys are my fuel, and without you, I’d fade. So let’s go back inside and warm up by the fireplace. I’m sure that’s a much better idea than freezing to death here.” I chuckled slightly, putting my arm around his waist and walking with him back inside, to our Common Room. “Can we cuddle tonight?” he asked in a voice barely above a whisper, which made me grin lovingly, nodding at him. “Of course. I love cuddling with you.” I hummed in happiness, going back to the Slytherin Common Room and taking a fluffy blanket, we cuddle on the couch, in front of the fireplace.
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jefferoni-quotes · 5 years
Love, Thomas - Hamilton Oneshot
Ship: Jeffmads 
Based off Love, Simon
High School AU (obviously)
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Dearest, Grey
July 18th, 2019, 00:03 am
The emails we share never fail to make me smile. I don’t know what it is, but there’s an air of mystery around our conversations. I crave something, more, a deeper connection than Wifi. But, I can settle for now. I speculate a lot, probably to much. I wonder day and night about who you are. Do you attend the very same school as me? Perhaps we happen to share a class, but I just don’t know it...
Sorry, I’m rambling. 
What I’m trying to say, Grey, is I think I want to know who you are. I’m intrigued by this other gay kid in my school. Or maybe you’re not even in the same state as me. I don’t know, you never specified. You’re a lot more closed in these emails than me. Maybe I share to much, I do tend to go off in tangents. But I have lots to speak about! With endless possibilities, why stop talking?
Anyways, I eagerly await your reply,
Yours, Magenta 
- - -
July 19th, 2019, 6:55 am
I can see where you’re coming from, but I don’t feel particularly comfortable disclosing my identity just yet. Maybe in the foreseeable future, we will be able to meet for real. Who knows?
However, I can say, that I’m in the grand state of West Virginia. Which just so happens to be the exact state that you live in. You told me that information, I promise, I’m not internet stalking you. I just have a good memory. I shall not say more than that at this point in time.
I apologise, I keep going back to the same point. haha...
How was your day? Have you “”came out”” yet?
I hate the term coming out. I don’t think I should have to come out. I should be able to go home and say to my dad, “I got a date.” And he be fine with me going off with a guy. Not that i’ll ever get a date of course.
What’s your opinion on this?
- Grey x
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For Grey,
July 19th, 2019, 7:41 am
Oooooh, and x at the end! I do feel special!
I’m glad you remembered I told you, because I forgot I did. I probably would’ve told you 10,000 times before I finally noticed I’ve told you before.
Coming out? Yeah, haven’t done that. My parents are super conservative and would most likely not be overjoyed to have their son come out as a “gay”. I don’t know if I eve will “come out.” I like your point, but society is heteronormative. Everyone just assumes who we are, and it’s not fair.
You know what we should do? We should come out together! Both of us, come out to our parents. Rip the bandaid off, ya know?
Sincerely, Magenta x
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My Dear, Magenta,
July 19th, 2019, 4:06 pm
Maybe... how and when do you propose we do this?
- Grey x
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Dearest, Grey-Senpai,
July 19th, 2019, 5:28 pm
Tomorrow, as soon as we get home. Walk in the door, turn around, shout up the stairs, “IM GAY AND NOW IVE CAME OUT IM GOING OUT!” Then go hang with some buds or whatever.
Yours, Magenta xx
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Darling, Magenta,
July 20th, 2019, 4:21 am
1, kindly never refer to me as “Grey-Senpai” ever again.
2, that’s a very... forward way of coming out... but I like it! It’s a deal!
3, today marks seven months of emails! Happy seven months haha :)
Forever, Grey x
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To, Grey-pai
July 20th, 2019, 4:29 am
1, suggestion noted and changed.
2, today is an important day then... scared? Cause I sure am... I’m fucking terrified... I can feel my heart in my throat.
3, Happy seven months is a very “coupley” thing to say, don’t you think? But despite that! Happy 7 months!
4, why are you up at 4 am?
Sincerely, Magenta xx
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For my dear, Magenta,
July 20th, 2019, 5:09 am
1. That’s not really any better, but I shall deal with it.
2. It really is, I’ll keep you updated.
3. I’m sorry, I apologise if I made you feel uncomfortable. I’m very sorry, just don’t be mad ha ha... 
4. You were up too, little hypocritical. But if you must know, I was doing Biology homework. My teacher is very strict and she expects homework to be done in a day. I had sport practice so I had to do it at 3 am.
Are you ready? You said you had conservative parents, do you think they’ll be mad? I know my father is rather accepting, but I don’t really know...
Much love, Grey-pai x
- - -
July 20th, 2019, 12:47 pm
I’m glad you’ve decided to accept the nicknames. Don’t try to fight it, as you really won’t win. 
My parents are kinda shitty, but I don’t think they’ll be mad. Most likely shocked into silence, to which I will storm upstairs, lay face down on my bed until my sister comes upstairs and says my mom wants to talk to me. They’ll be unsure, but accepting. 
You play sports? What ones? I play too, but I’m intrigued by what you do. Sorry that I’m prying.
Homework at 3 am has been proven bad for the mind. And if your biology teacher is like mine, I can relate. She’s, quite frankly, and excuse my French, a bitch.
Good luck today!
Yours, Magenta x
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My dearest, Magenta,
July 20th, 2019, 1:39 pm
At least your family will respect you! I’m 99.99% sure that you’ll be perfectly fine!
I’m on the athletics team, but I’m honestly terrible at it. It’s not prying. I’ve realised that I don’t share much about myself. I don’t know why I was hiding so much, I want it to feel like you know my personality. Maybe not my face. I don’t want our relationship to change drastically. Over time... I don’t know... I’m horrifyingly bad at making decisions.
What do you play? I’m curious how sporty “Magenta” is. I don’t believe I’ve ever mentioned how much I like that both our names just so happen to be our favourite colours. Well, I assume magenta is your favourite colour. I know grey is the colour I love. 
I realise its a horrible idea to try and learn in the middle of the night, but I don’t have any other choice. I don’t want to ruin my perfect score by receiving a detention.
Good luck to you too, Magenta!
Love, Grey xx
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Darling, Grey-pai,
July 20th, 2019, 4:34 pm
I’m currently standing outside my house, and typing this email to distract myself from the bile rising in my stomach. I don’t know why I’m terrified. I’m not so sure why. I know they’ll be fine with it. Perhaps it’s the terror of sharing such a long kept secret. I don’t really know.
Looking in through the window, they’re all watching TV. This feels too... normal. I’ve been taught by society that this should be a big thing! A huge announcement. But no. It’s too... boring. I don’t know.
I’m going inside. Wish me luck, 
- Magenta xx
- - -
July 20th, 2019, 4:41 pm
Good luck.
I’ve told my dad. He’s cool with it! And I’m so happy!
PS: What sports do you play?
Love, Grey xx
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Dearest, Grey,
July 21st, 2019, 1:34 am
I needed it. My exact prediction came true. They were silent then my ma hugged me and pops patted my back. He said he was proud. They’re accepting! 
Congrats to you too!
Love, Magenta x
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Lovely, Magenta,
July 21st, 2019, 1:54 am
I’m so happy they’ve accepted you!
Much love, Grey xx
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Darling, Grey-pai,
July 21st, 2019, 8:33 pm
I’m so happy too!
Love, Magenta xx
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My Dearest, Magenta,
July 22nd, 2019, 00:33 am
I’m so proud of you! I’m so impressed that both our families accepted us. I really wasn’t expecting it from the South to be perfectly honest. 
All my love, Grey x
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July 22nd, 2019, 00:34 am
Also, would it be weird if I said I think I know who you are?
- Grey xx
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July 22nd, 2019, 00:41 am
Yours, Magenta x
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Dearest, Magenta,
July 22nd, 2019, 00:47 am
You’re on the running team and the volleyball, right? You won gold in the last sports event for both. Friends with that John Adams guy?
Love, Grey x
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For, Grey,
July 22nd, 2019, 00:52 am
what if you’re wrong? what if you’re right? then i’d want to know who you are. but you’re not wanting me to know. that’s not fair, grey. it’s not fair.
- Magenta
- - -
Dear, Magenta,
July 22nd, 2019, 00:58 am
I’m sorry. If I’m right, we can set up a time and place to meet. If I’m wrong, I apologise. 
Lots of love, Grey xx
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July 22nd, 2019, 1:01 am
When and where?
Love, Thomas x
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Thomas slammed his laptop shut and pushed it down to the edge of his bed. He ran a hand through his matted, mop of curly hair and exhaled slowly. He thought about if he’d made a horrible decision, but tried to shake it off. The light from his screen peaked through the cracks. He slowly dragged it up to him, the covers crumpling as he did. He pulled the top open.
- - -
Dearest, Thomas/Magenta,
July 22nd, 2019, 1:12 am
Carnival, 9 pm. Tonight. See you there.
- Grey x
- - -
July 22nd, 2019, 1:14 am
See you there.
Love, Magenta xx
- - -
He wiped the sleep from his eyes and turned his computer off. He placed it on his bedside table and flicked the bed sheets up to his chin. Thomas laid down, letting his hair fall over his face. He sunk into it, treating it like an ocean of emotion that he could drown in. A place where, once he reached the sea bed, he could lie in peace, without worries or feelings. And eventually, he lulled off to sleep.
Thomas woke up before his alarm and shut it off. It was a Saturday, and he still had 15 hours until he met his long term... lover? Crush? Love? What were they? Hell, he didn’t even know Grey’s name. What if he was some crazy, 50 year old stalker? Then again, he was fast and could either run away or fight. 
No matter. He had 15 hours. 15 hours.
14 hours.
Sitting inside.
13 hours.
Going outside.
12 hours.
Running practise.
11 hours.
Still running.
10 hours.
9 hours.
Panic starts.
8 hours.
Panic intensifies.
7 hours.
Panic calms.
6 hours.
5 hours.
And a phone call with John Adams.
4 hours. 
Phone call ends.
3 hours.
Argument with Alexander through Twitter.
2 hours.
Quick toast dinner. And then start changing.
1 hour.
More panic.
0 hours.
And he made it. Thomas looked down at his phone discreetly, sticking his hands in his pockets. The browned up grass pressed beneath his feet as he stepped. Someone tapped his shoulder.
“Hey, Thomas! What’s up!” John Adams grinned and leaned on his shoulder.
“Nothing. Just... waiting for someone.” Thomas smiled at his feet.
“Ooooh! Is it that Grey guy you told us about?” John nudged him with a cheeky wink, wriggling his eyebrows like caterpillars.
Thomas shoved him playfully. “Shut up. But yes, you’re right...” He sighed lovingly. “I’m scared.”
“That’s normal, dude.” John assured him, looking over. “When’s he supposed to be here?”
Thomas looked down at his phone again. “Ten minutes ago.”
“Huh.” John clicked his tongue with uncertainty, stepping forward so three girls could scatter past him. “Well, he doesn’t know where you are, for a start. Just give it a bit. He’ll turn up.”
And so they waited.
And they waited.
And then they waited some more.
In fact, it was around 10 pm when Thomas ushered into the big wheel. He hesitantly took a seat, weary of the fact that they were simple wooden benches with a metal bar to clutch onto.
He looked over at the two people that made him do this. Shortly after John had arrived, Maria had too. And she knew something. “Why are you making me do this?”
“Trust me, babe!” Maria yelled, rubbing her hands together with excitement.
“I swear to god...” Thomas mumbled. He was at his wits end, and very close to just giving up and going home.
“Ticket for one, please.” A voice called out of the silence, and the sound of change clanging against the ticket booth echoed.
A weight slid in next to him, and Thomas looked over as the bar was secured. “Grey?” Thomas questioned softly.
“Hi, Magenta.” He smiled graciously, looking straight on as the wheel started turning.
Thomas looked down, then at the boy. “James, isn’t it?”
“That’s right, Thomas.” James smiled, gingerly letting his arms hang by his sides. Thomas’ gaze fell to them, and he reached out, taking James’ hand in his own.
“So, it’s really you?”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“No, but it’s a good thing I always thought you were cute.” Thomas confessed as the ride got higher, eventually stopping at the top, letting them see the view. The moon was rising in the dark sky, which was glowing with street laps and stars. Fireflies buzzed below them and James turned to glance at Thomas.
“I’m glad.” He said happily.
Thomas shifted in his seat to face James properly. “Hey, can I...” Thomas moved a little closer, giving James a chance to say no, or pull away.
James’ face broke out into a grin. “You may.”
He closed the gap, and let his hand cup one of Thomas’ cheeks, the other curving around his waist. Jefferson moved his hands to the same comfortable position, keeping his eyes fluttered closed.
And after ten seconds or so, they pulled back, the distant whooping of Maria, John, Peggy and Aaron rising up to meet them. It became clear that James had dragged his friends along for emotional support too.
“So, how does a movie sound, Grey?” Thomas asked with a beaming grin.
“That sounds wonderful, Magenta.”
- - -
Whoops I got carried away.
Oneshot requests are open too, drabbles are short and dumb, Oneshot take longer. Please please please, when requesting, specify if you want a drabble or oneshot! Thank you and I hope y’all enjoyed!
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benbarnesescape · 7 years
Hey, if you're taking requests I'd love to read one about the reader being the girl back home in England that he can't wait to see every time he comes back! I can't believe I've only just discovered your blog, it's my new favourite thing on tumblr because Ben *insert heart eyes emote here*
A/N: @ravenclaw-dirt  I LOVED writing this. Might honestly be one of my favorite pieces that I’ve written. Hope you enjoy and its what you are looking for and thank you for the kind words - I equally love that talented man
PS I’m not a programmer so apologies if I’m incorrect, I tried to fake it as best as I could lol
Warnings: So much fluff my heart might have broken into feathery pieces
You sighed, inserting the key into the lock of your flat as you kicked off your gold sandals and hung your keys on the key ring by your door. Missing the other pair of sneakers that you had thrown your sandals on top of. Not catching the other ringlet of keys that silently hung beside your own. 
Too tired to notice any of these things because it had been one of those days.
Even though it was Sunday, you had been called in early that morning because  the servers at the company you worked for had crashed. Which would have been okay if you weren’t the person responsible to repair the bloody things. Then, after showing up and reviewing the damage, a simple 2 hour task had become an all day nightmare. someone hadn’t updated the software for your cyber security so now you had to do a scan of all the company’s assets to ensure that nothing had been breached. And you still had work you’d end up doing tonight bleeding into the morning.
If that hadn’t been enough, the power went out in the building halfway through your analysis with your colleagues. You had spent half the day drenched in sweat, typing furiously on your laptop trying to find the source of the problem, your short jeans and tank top doing nothing to alleviate the discomfort of the hot and humid building.
You were exhausted and all you wanted to do was take a cold shower and sleep away the bad day.
You walked into your living room, stripping your sweat drenched tank top and falling face first on your couch. You could also pass out here. You were not opposed to this option either.
You had been so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t notice the small luggage bag by your bedroom door, or the smell of food cooking in the stove, dismissing the smell from wafting in from a neighbors apartment. It was only when you heard,
“Babe are you ok?” that you popped your head up in fear, your eyes skimming over the couch. You were greeted with ‘Ben’s smile as he peeled off the oven mittens he was wearing.
“Ben!?” you ask surprised and before he can say anything, your body was lifting you up, hastily bringing you closer to him before you jumped into his arms.
He chuckled as you wrapped your legs around him, not caring that you were sticky and probably didn’t smell the best.
He was home.
“What are you doing here?” you ask confused, pulling away from him and placing his face in your hands.
“Well, I thought they’d need me in America for a couple more days but turns out I have a couple more weeks until my next gig. So I thought I’d come and visit my best girl.” he leans up and kisses you, his soft lips skimming over yours before there pressed into you and you moan, your hands getting lost in his hair. Its only when you try to deepen the kiss that he pulls away, his eyes closed as he rests his forehead against yours.
“....I’m making lasagna and it has at least 30 more minutes. Don’t get me started.”
You groan, hiding your head in in his neck before mumbling,
“But its been sooooo long babe. I’ve missed you,” you start placing soft kisses on his neck and he gives a soft groan as his grip around your waist tightens. “Ask your mom. I’ve missed you sooooooo much.”
He pulls far back enough to look at you and shakes his head,
“I don’t want to think about my mom while you’re trying to seduce me.”
You giggle as his right hand slowly skims over your cleavage, trailing up your bra strap before stopping at your collar bone. His index finger wraps under the tight strap, pulling it far enough for it snap back on your skin, causing you to give an involuntary gasp.  
“What’s with the get up? I know its a mite hot in here from the oven but i didn’t think it was that bad.”
You throw your head back dramatically, the weight shift catching him off guard as you fall back further than expected. He catches you easily, placing you on the counter and stepping between your legs as you breath out,
“Servers went down at work. Then the bloody AC went out at work and I was stuck trying to figure which bloody idiot caused the problem in the first place.”
You leaned back against the counter, your hot skin resting against your cool cabinets and you lean far enough to grab his grey T-shirt, pulling him closer to you.
“See why I need you? I had a really bad day. And its my day off.”
“My poor baby.” he mumbles, placing soft kisses on your neck before nipping at the sensitive skin and he pulls back, looking at you and biting down on his lip.
“What?” you ask and he leans on the counter across from you, his eyes never leaving yours.
“I have a question. About us.”
You leaned your head to the right, raising your brows in curiosity. 
He’s watching you carefully before he asks,
“How would you feel about going public?”
You were silent, weariness falling once more on your body. This was how you and Ben had gotten into a fight last time you spoke. He kept pushing about going public about your five year relationship and every time you shut it down. You didn’t want to be dragged into a media circus. You had both done a successful job of convincing media outlets you were just good, platonic friends. Coming out meant that your life would change. You’d have to take extra precautions in everything that you did because you would no longer just represent yourself. You’d be representing him too.
That idea didn’t exactly thrill you.
When you had bought this up with his mother a week ago, she had helped you organize your relationship in a pro and con list. If the pro’s outweighed the cons, perhaps it was a risk worth taking. Despite the consequences.
You had spent 45 goddamn minutes on that list.
The pro’s had won.
Ben was still watching you carefully, his dark eyes neutral as not to betray your feelings. He understood the weight of what he was asking you but he also knew he loved you. To him that was enough.
“Even though I wouldn’t be thrilled to tell the world that I was dating the hottest man on the planet,” he rolls his eyes though the smirk on his face doesn't go unnoticed. “If it made you happy -  I’d be open to making it happen. Besides, it’ll get you to shut up about it.”
He smiles at you, walking toward you and pressing his lips down in a kiss. Its only seconds before his hands are roaming over your exposed skin, easily finding the clasps to your bra and tugging them off. His mouth makes a hot trail down your neck, eagerly searching for your breast and your hands run through his hair, tugging you closer to him. Its when his mouth bites down on the sensitive skin above your breast that you moan out, 
“Thought you didn’t want to burn the lasagna?”
“Fuck the lasagna.” he mumbles, pulling away from you only to lift you up and carry you to your shared bedroom.
You end up ordering a pizza that night, both of you wrapped in sheets as you go through another analysis on your computer while he began the first episode of Game of Thrones. His phone buzzes and you think nothing of it as he checks the message, noticing that its from his manager.
Did you ask her yet? When should I tell Jeanine to release a statement?
He smiles, typing a quick message before setting his phone aside and kissing your exposed shoulder.
“I love you.” he whispers against your soft skin and you smile, despite the scowl on your face.
“I love you too babe.”
Its not until the next evening that the text makes sense.
Tell her to release the announcement of our engagement Tuesday morning.
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