#//Hhhh I guess playing destiny has seeped into my dreams???
pawnshopsouls · 2 years
Ooc: Destiny Dreams
//Ok, so I had a dream that I was in a small city fair ground where I ran a novelty motel and art festival. But everything was in danger because this corrupting, destroying force was trying to use the paintings from the festival to come into our world to corrupt and destroy it.
//Kind of like a “Mordor takes the Shire” thing but with Scorn instead of Orcs
//So then Osiris, Caiatl, and Ikora come and summon rings of magic rocks around the corrupted paintings, closing their portals and blocking the Darkness. Something happens that I don’t remember and we’re forced to open one of the sealed paintings to let the Dark out so we can fight and destroy it at the source
d//And who should come out but Savathun? So I join in as Young Wolf to help fight Savathun, when Savathun’s Grabs Caiatl and starts talking to her in that mockingly superior way she does when seeing someone’s reaction to what she did.
//I went to go help Caiatl but as I jumped to attack Savathun’s hand to make her drop Caiatl, suddenly everything shifted like I was being teleported, and my perspective changed from being YW to being Caiatl. So not only am I Caiatl, I’m unarmed being held be a hand bigger than my body, (because Somehow being grabbed by an eldtrich hive god makes you drop a few things).
//But as Savathun holds me up like she’s talking to a doll, memories begin to flood in as she talks. The youngest of Caiatl’s 3 daughters (Bc apparently she had 3 daughters in this dream) had been found and corrupted by Savathun, leading her to become a leader of Scorn forces, spearheading their efforts, and leaving flames and devastation in her wake. It broke Caiatl’s heart to see her daughter turned like that and so she had been fighting to get to the source of the evil influence on her daughter and eliminate it so she could bring her back home.
//As this was happening, Savathun made an interesting comment, one that struck both me and Caiatl. (bc apparently I could tell my thoughts feelings apart from hers). I can’t remember what exactly she said, but it was about how different phrases affect different species differently. How interesting it was that a simple phrase could elicit such a deep and poignant response in the Cabal. Then she looked Caiatl straight in the eye and asked, “Do you hear me?” in the same level of depth as Ghaul asking the Traveler, “Do you see me?”
//The phrase hit Caiatl like a gong of dread because this was one of those Cabal questions that you had to answer. You had to answer and either acknowledge or ignore. But you had to answer. And in that moment, I didn’t have an answer for her, and now that I’m awake, I realize Caiatl didn’t either.
//If I said “yes”, then I, as Caiatl, would be acknowledging Savathun’s influence, giving it power that Caiatl would be able to hear and feel forever after that moment. But I couldn’t say “no” because that would make Caiatl into a liar— She can hear Savathun, she can hear her influence working like mist around her. It was one of those “It’s there if you acknowledge it” kind of things, so I gave my answer.
//“NO,” I said in Caiatl’s voice, and continued with added resolution, “I do not listen to the souls of Monsters.”
//At that, the visage of Savathun was dispelled like a that of a green Nightmare and Caiatl was released, landing on her feet as the energy of Savathun dissipated. (Apparently it was only a magic facade, an extension of Savathun’s will). Once the evil essence of darkness was cleared, I was me again I brought everyone into my hotel to recover from the battle. While they were recovering (Especially Osiris bc apparently the battle really took it out of him), I went back to my business, welcoming clients, parking their cars, and escorting them through the “Festival grounds”—though it was more like an art exhibit in an old Victorian style park. Many of the paintings were still ringed with Ikora’s and Osiris’s sealing stones (which actually looked like river rocks or fairy rings), with the one we opened having a broken ring and inert black sludge beneath it.
//I then went back to my desk and met a couple who had lost their keys somewhere on the grounds. Hearing their problem, I actually turned to a crow who was living on the grounds/in the house (and who was apparently Baribus from @leerofthevinegaroons as a crow???) and told the folks that he would find it. They were dubious, so I drew out parts of a $20 bill and showed it to Baribus and said, “Ok, go and find it. Go and find it boy.”
//He looked at it, croaked, and looked at it again, with me trying to encourage him (as anyone might try and encourage a bird :T), and flew off. 
//He came back with bits that looked like the money (torn corners and such) along with a set of keys. As a reward, I gave him some trail mix and bits of cheese (bc apparently he loved cheese???)
//But as he flew up to his little corner with his prize, the couple looked at the keys and then back at me and said, “Ah, these are keys to a Cadillac. Ours is a Chevy.”
//And I looked up at Baribus who was preoccupied with his reward and just looked at me in a ‘well you’re just out of luck then’ kind of way and returned to his goodies. Knowing he wouldn’t help until he wanted to, I sighed, turned to the customers, and the dream ended.
//I can tell you this: 1, I totally know it was Theo as a crow influencing Bari as a crow, and 2. it is very wild being a lucid dreamer
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