#//Hope this is okay
inhumanhacker · 26 days
Payne was locking up for the night. The Long Claw was his business as well as his home, with Ashley. They were roommates, though, and nothing more. The entrance to the flat was on the staircase to the side of the building, and as he made to go up the stairs, he noticed a light in the abandoned bar next door. Abandoned, he knew as the owner had died not too long ago, and no one had been here since. Curiosity getting the best of him he made his way to the front and carefully tried the door. Locked. Making his way around to the back, he saw no signs of forced entry, but found the back door unlocked.
With his enhanced hearing her could hear only one heartbeat, and it didn't seem to quicken as he entered. Deciding on a safer approach, he called out. "Hey, is anyone in here?"
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phantasmalnightmare · 8 months
Starter for @despairs-memorial
Junko stared down at the board member listlessly. "Heyyyy. Don't give up already. I just took one eye. Don't you wanna like live or something? Pretty L to just give up like this if you ask me." She huffed in annoyance, crossing her arms across her chest. The man had stopped struggling and crying after she'd taken his eye. She grabbed a spoonful of curry and placed his eyeball on top, bringing it to his face, but the spark of hope that had been in his eyes earlier was long gone. "Say Ah~" She trilled, and forced the spoon into his mouth, but the man had no strength to chew, or even to spit, as the curry mix fell out of his mouth, and dribbled onto the front of his shirt. "Ick."
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"BORING. Hey sis!" She called out, knowing that Mukuro was somewhere else in the small house. "Get your fat, smelly, ugly ass in here! I need someone to take out this garbage." The Fashionista kicked the man with her heel for emphasis. She wore very sharp and sturdy stilettos, and the heel sank into the man's leg with a satisfying squelch.
The man was still alive and managed a small whimper, but he was already in the realms of despair. "Where is that ugly cow!? Do I have to do everything myself? I don't wanna kill someone who's already broken. It's like totally no fun." She pouted.
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dontcxckitup · 6 months
@thecockysniper gets a late starter
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"Is everything okay down there?" An eyebrow was cocked up as he looked down at the soldier. What had been going on here, Gareth didn't know, and frankly, he wasn't going to ask, either. Better to stay out of trouble so shortly before his tests.
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hiddencitywaters · 2 months
Taylor had noticed something about this woman beyond her redd hair. It was almost like she had a cold calculation that spoke of kindness. Like she had some sort of connection to the world around her that went bone deep. And maybe the jewel girl had been staring too long because her eyes now widened as they met. "Hi... what do you usually get to eat here?" she said. Her usual confidence coming through embarrassment and help.
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ravarui · 8 months
@deceitfultrickry liked this for a short starter
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"If your arrival means another alien invasion, can we reschedule? Best for a week at least. My wedding anniversary is coming up and I would hate to have that one ruined." Not to mention that no one would be safe from Peppers wrath if their day got ruined again.
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astral-multiverse · 1 year
@multimuse-pawsometoons liked for a starter (Brandon to NiGHTS)
Cooking was something that the cosmic hero, Brandon Astral, always loved to do. Not only did he love trying new meals, but he loved trying out new recipes as well. And he was trying out a new recipe for some Cosmic Dream Tarts that he found in an old family cookbook. And the scent of the baking tarts was even wafting outside of the open window for anyone to experience
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thenobxdies · 2 months
@lovefvcked and i kinda plotted something
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"I thought we were going out tonight." Mj said with a slight purr as she plopped down on the couch next to her wife, raising an eyebrow at the older woman. "Come on, you're not gonna back out at the last minute are you?"
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macchinablue-archive · 6 months
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starter call 2.0
@omegalegacy said: 49. for an awkward starter (starter prompt, gavin)
Well, this was a bit of a shit way to end his day. His search for a quick caffeine fix before he headed out for the day seemed to be met with Liselle spilling extremely hot coffee onto the detective. "Fuck! Fuck!" Yeah, it's hot all right; Finding this out as the liquid spills out when the two collide with one another as they both rounded opposite corners at the same time.
While Liselle seemed to avoid getting burned by the scorching hot liquid herself, Gavin hadn't been as lucky. Shirt wasn't enough to shield him as it quickly soaked through the fabric whilst stray droplets also manage to drip onto exposed arms due to his not having put his jacket on yet. Big mistake, clearly. "Fucking hell that's hot." And as much as he'd love to just cuss her out for bumping into him and causing this to happen - as though it's solely her fault - Gavin is far too busy moving toward the counter in hopes of using napkins to dry himself off in a bit of a hurry.
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celestialpulse · 4 months
@novastrae liked!
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"No one has appreciation for my jokes. Or, is that I need to try harder? Hm." Nothing, Cyno just can't seem to get a laugh out of anyone. Were they really that bad. Raising his head he noticed someone nearby. This was his moment.
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"Hey. What do you call a bear that wanders into the desert?"
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inhumanhacker · 1 month
Soldier and War
Jacob had suffered a lot in his time at war in Iraq, but the worst came as he laid in a hospital bed on the precipice of death. A Doctor wanting to give him a fighting chance an bit him, passing on Lycanthropy. Sure he survived, was stronger, faster able to heal quicker, but he was left feeling disconnected from the world.
Back in his home, in Hope County he began to distance himself from what remained of his family. Found himself more or less living in the woods. A small cabin deep in, that it was extremely rare for even his brothers to come seek him. So when his enhanced hearing picked up the snapping of a twig he was on alert. Stepping out the back and moving between the trees it wasn't long before his eyes fell on the slender figure of a young woman.
He didn't step from his hiding place as he spoke. "I don't know what you're here for lady, but this ain't a place for you. Leave." His voice more gravelly than usual as he had no one to speak to up here.
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thehuntison · 1 year
Celebration|| NYE Group Para
Hunter arrived at the Seb’s building, where the apartment he shared, had shared, with Sebastian on New Years Eve, before the party was set to begin.  Since returning from Caifornia with Jay, Hunter had opted to just take his bag to Jay’s and stay with his boyfriend who was still a little more easily exhausted since the holidays.  Hunter still had wished he’d been able to convince Jay to come with him, but had to respect Jay’s feelings.  Hunter was wearing dark brown dress pants, a pair of leather loafers and had on a thin, fitted cashmere sweater in cream.  
Hunter reached for the doorknob and stopped, raising his hand to knock first.  He waited, and then turned the knob.  “Seb, salut,” he called out, wiping his loafers on the mat in the front hall and hanging up his coat in the closet.  
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psychosupernova-a · 10 months
{ @jadehowlettthewolf with Alaire Dax }
The day was going on like any other - as most days did though today was meant to be an exception. It did end up being an exception and not because his plans that differed over the usual. What was meant to be a relaxing day where he could just work on art until his friend Jade showed up - they'd been meant to spend the day together - turned into something far worse before she even arrived.
His home is in shambles. Not in it's entirety, but the front door of its hinges, various damages to everything around from physical altercation and bullets alike, as well as the bodies that lied on the floor of his home were huge indicators of a struggle. How did they find him? How did they know who he was? Who he'd been? Questions all running through Alaire's head as he sits on the cold tile of the bathroom with back pressed against the tub behind him.
He'd held up his own against the men that infiltrated his house, but not without getting a bit banged up. It's not like he could dodge every bullet; A few wounds scattered about his body. At least he's not bleeding out. One of the benefits of not being human. These wounds aren't enough to kill him. Then again, they didn't seem to have any sort of intent to kill him. It seemed these people wanted him alive. He recalls hearing that over the speakers of one of the now dead men. Perhaps they should have tried to kill him after all? They might even be alive now.
Yet.. despite his being mostly physically okay, part of him is starting to feel.. woozy? Oh. The tranquilizer the shot him with earlier seemed to be finally taking affect. The only thing that lessens his worries as he slowly starts to slip out of consciousness is the sight of Jade before him. Even if he feels sorry for the fact she's having to find him like this. "Jade.." Her name escapes him quietly just before eyes slip closed.
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@aercnaut liked for a serafina starter
"I didn't saddle you with love for Lyra, you know," Serafina said. "You were already feeling it before I came to you."
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ravarui · 7 months
you said i could ask you questions. @ tony
Memes I once reblogged Always Accepting @redheadarcher
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"I...yeah I remember saying that." Would he regret that offer one day? Probably not, but one never knew with these kids nowadays! "Other question: How high are the chances of your Mum giving me this disapproving look for answering whatever question you're about to drop on me?"
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lustxpersonified · 1 year
Location: Law Firm offices Time: Late night Muses: Missy and Nina
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Nina was used to working late. She was young, driven and intelligent. She was the youngest partner in the firms history, but it never surprised her. She was never overly confident, careful to toe the line that would make her appear cocky. Her self esteem never seemed to turn anyone off. But she was sure of herself. Perhaps it was necessary in her line of work to have a certain level of confidence. Nina also knew that her success was a group[ effort, the para legals, the assistants, everyone was responsible when it came to winning cases. One that she found to be competent and enjoyed working with was Missy. In fact, she often requested to have her on every case she worked, developing a good rapport with her. Perhaps it was in her own mind, but she detected some sexual tension between the two. Nina was too much of a professional to ever lit it become too obvious, or to indulge. But she also recognized that she was simply human, at some point, things would come to a head. 
The rest of the conference room had cleared out, in fact, as Nina looked through the glass walls it was clear the entire office was now empty besides the two of them. This wasn’t the first time it had been down to Nina and Missy there. She sometimes wondered if Missy only stayed out of a sense of loyalty to Nina. Whatever the reason was, she enjoyed the company. But Nina also didn’t want her to feel obligated to stay into all hours of the night like she had planned to. “You don’t have to stay, if you have plans,” she said, peering through some of the paperwork before her.
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angelsrebellion · 2 years
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( @lionfated )
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Deep lavenders gave way to warm milky golds as the sunrise crept through curtains, spilling over bedsheets and sleeping bodies — well, one sleeping body. The other was just beginning to wake as light stretched over her eyelids and stirred her from slumber.
Delicate hands reached up to rub at her sockets, a tiny disgruntled noise catching in her throat — she was used to heavy dark curtains at home, it was not often she was awakened so early. But she had forgotten where she was, and with whom, until brown eyes opened blearily to peer around the momentarily strange room. It was only when she spotted the sleeping frame of the male next to her that she recalled fully the where and why of it all, but this did not keep her from startling a little and clutching the sheets up close to her chin.
He lay there, shoulders and back bare above the blankets, auburn hair tousled — perhaps her own doing. And he was not alone in his bareness, she noted, the sheets soft on her body and beneath toes as they curled against the mattress.
They had slept together last night — the first time between them. It had been nice, enjoyable, a little dreamlike in the way it still didn’t feel real even laying here next to him in the unfamiliar bed. She stared over the clutched sheets at his turned back before, in a fit of awkward jitters, she ducked her head under the blankets to hide her sudden giddiness lest he should wake and see her gawking.
She did not account for the fact that this was hardly more appropriate — if he woke up to find her head under the blankets along with everything else he might accuse her of being some sort of peeping Tom. But then again, they’d both seen it all now anyway, hadn’t they?
All except…
His back turned to her she spotted them — marks that she’d been too distracted to notice before. Battle scars no doubt, marking his beautiful, smooth skin. Her breath caught in her chest for a moment frozen in time before a curious hand reached out to touch, ever so gently, down between his shoulder blades and along his spine.
How many of these did he have?
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