happypanda101 · 4 months
If I could write an essay on why sakura isn’t as bad as people say she was, how she’s unfortunately wasted potential, how her love interest is one of her biggest flaws, how SP did her dirty, how Kishimoto did her dirty, how she’s not a “bitch” for having good intentions, how A LOT of female characters were done dirty despite what some fans like to argue, how she should have been able to have her own jutsu’s/moves, how SasuSaku could have worked/be better liked, why she’s one of my favourite characters and why she’s my comfort character, I would.
The question is would anyone be able to handle how long that would be/actually want to read it XD
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strawberry-barista · 2 months
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⚅— Starter for @guidemetothedark —⚅
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
Hanekoma drew a deep breath as he stood in the short alley of the First District of Traverse Town. He could feel it, that soft pull to his soul. There was no mistaking the imprint that his Composer left wherever he went, and why Hanekoma had not tried harder here the first time he visited he would never understand. Though, at the time he had been rather panicked, and he had not seen Joshua anywhere. Even now, he had scoured every corner in and out of this place and hadn't seen him yet.
But he could feel his soul, so faintly it was barely there, and it was driving him mad.
"Where are you...?" he whispered, crossing his arms over his chest. "I know you're here somewhere..."
He flinched, attention suddenly drawn away from the point of the wall he'd been staring at for the better part of an hour, and turned his head to the side to get a better sense of what had just arrived. Souls like this weren't uncommon in this setting, he'd noticed. Very strong imaginations that led even the most mundane of humans to extraordinary new heights. That powers and objects of such power were with them, allowing them access to several different universes on their own. In Shibuya a feeling like this would be a cause for alarm, but since leaving into these connected clusters of universes he'd noticed that it was far less concerning to feel them. Even so, these individuals were still much less frequent than average humans or... non-humans... and there was still a need to be alert around them. They had the ability to do a great many more things than any regular person could hope to get away with, and since he had only been in observation he had yet to determine whether they could tell he was an angel, or even not human, yet.
He wondered if this individual had only just arrived or if he'd been observed.
A lazy smile painted over his face as he turned around to better look at the approaching figure, hand curling over the back of his neck. He wanted to come off as someone nonthreatening and maybe even someone not nearly so powerful as he really was. He could trick this person into thinking he was just a bystander, maybe, or at least no one of import.
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"Hey there," he purred. "How can I help ya, boss?"
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dontcxckitup · 6 months
// Guys!!! I just took my first steps without the special boot 😭😭😭
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chomperblue · 5 months
!! for the assigning you ability- you'd have natural cure, and helana would have vital spirit
Aw, Natural Cure, healing status conditions? I like that. Makes me feel like a Nurse Joy, ehehehe. :)
- rn I’m pretty tired for someone with Vital Spirit *lots of flexing emojis*
- Thank ya kindly though, I live to keep life interesting >:)
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tealeavesandthorns · 7 months
//The world is not enough is on and Pierce Brosnan is very distracting.... he's so hot.
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lavaridgexflannery · 6 months
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"Been hearing that the stores around here are selling pokemon plushies for the winter holidays. That's all well and such but..I don't think I'll be able to get any before they're all sold out. Especially those cute ones with those little hats."
She pouts and sighs,going back to her gym leader training with her pokèmon.
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redxriiot · 1 year
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ravarui · 4 months
"Come visit me tonight and I'll teach you things about the super serum the government doesn't want you to know." He winked at Tony with a cheeky grin.
Valentines Shenanigans Accepting @winterexinferna
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"You really say the most romantic shit Barnes." Still he returns the wink, appreciating the line way more than he should. He liked these things alright? They were fun! "Count me in though. I am always happy to learn government secrets about the serum. I assume your teachings will be hands on? I've always preferred a more visual and physical approach."
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facesofthefog · 10 months
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[ send me "be honest..." with a question your muse has been dying to ask mine and they'll answer truthfully. ] @little-monsters-entity
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"No, I don't think about eating you eventually." The Entity spoke before he could even think of the answer. The truth was simply pulled out of him, and that made Bass groan. It wasn't what he wanted to say. Because now Lucas would be aware that Bass had not planned to kill or consume him.
"Saying that, if you were to agree to a fight to the death, with the winner consuming the fallen, I would not have issues with it. Because then, I would not be breaking any laws."
Because the main thing that prevented the Bastard from attacking other Entities was that silly law the elders enforced.
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vocesincaput-arc · 10 months
@baronessed liked for a starter [x]
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With both hands on her staff, Keyleth looked warily over towards the edge of the cliff where some of the villagers were sitting.
They were fine. They were fine... totally fine...
Oh how much she wanted to go over there and pull them back. Part of her telling her to move even further away. She almost practically yelped when a small dog wandered near. She felt so unnerved by the thought of going close that she jumped and shrieked a little when she felt a hand upon her shoulder.
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mechahero · 1 year
stop talking about yourself so much
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mystic-man-mikey · 1 year
[They landed with a thump against the concrete, bright yellow cracks were still present around her green scale-like skin.
Slowly, their vision cleared. He seemed to be glowing, but it was fading fast. Her hands and feet felt tingly. Almost as though they had fallen asleep.
They stumbled to their feet, breathing heavily. He noted the lack of kraang in the area.
The spell had probably thrown him in the past, on another timeline most likely. She vaguely wondered if Casey had won, or if her nephew was still fighting to keep the Kraang from attacking New York.]
Only one way to find out..
[They flinched at how raspy their voice was, and made a mental note to drink some water later.
Luckily, her mystic mojo gave her the ability to sense their siblings. There was the whole "aging incredibly fast because of magic overuse" so conserving it was a must]
I'll... Conserve it. Take a breather and look around New York than find everyone. Perfect!
[He smiled to himself, pushing away the small wonder if his brother had made it out.
After all, if he hadn't, that'd mean Mikey'd survived and not him. That wouldn't be deserved, especially after all Leo had done for them]
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dontcxckitup · 5 months
@thecockysniper gets a late starter
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"Is everything okay down there?" An eyebrow was cocked up as he looked down at the soldier. What had been going on here, Gareth didn't know, and frankly, he wasn't going to ask, either. Better to stay out of trouble so shortly before his tests.
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networkscrambled · 1 year
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❒⇝ @pulsefelt asked: ⇜❒ ❒⇝ "damn, i’m good." // hi ryoji ⇜❒
Blindspot Prompts
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"Hell yeah, you are. You've got some sick moves."
Except, Ryoji hadn't quite been paying attention when whatever happened happened, and he was just speaking to keep up the energy. That's what you did if you wanted to make a quick buck. And he could have easily left it like that, too. Maybe talk Kariya into trading for one of his pins and make a sale. It was always a smart move when he was nearby for things like this.
But the more he pondered it the more curious he was about it. What was so good? What happened? It probably wasn't as smart to just out himself like that, but how else was he supposed to figure out what Kairya had done? He would totally miss out if he didn't!
"So uh, what happened?"
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thebahwrites · 2 years
The song Star Walkin’ by Lil Nax X make me think of killshot
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Don't ever say it's over if I'm breathin' Racin' to the moonlight and I'm speedin' I'm headed to the stars, ready to go far
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On the mission to get high up I know that I'ma die reachin' for a life that I don't really need at all Never listened to replies, learned a lesson from the wise
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Prove 'em wrong every time 'til it's normal Why worship legends when you know that you can join 'em? These niggas don't like me, they don't like me Likely, they wanna fight me Come on, try it out, try me They put me down, but I never cried out
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They said I wouldn't make it out alive They told me I would never see the rise That's why I gotta kill 'em every time 
added to the playlist, anon! thank you!❤️❤️❤️
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skxrbrand · 2 years
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The warband stops and rests. Skarbrand has sent ahead scouts to get an idea of the enemy’s numbers. He’s not really one for strategy, but when the odds were almost certaintly against you, it was better to err on the side of preparedness.
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