the-ultimate-muses · 1 month
@despairs-memorial liked for a starter uwu (X)
Despite being exactly who he was looking for, Kazuichi looked startled by the sight of the breeder, with him having rounded a corner so fast he'd all but slammed into Gundham's chest. "Fuck!" Stumbling back, the poor mechanic tripped over his own feet, sending himself to the floor.
"Hey! Watch where you're-" Words stop short upon the realization of who he had bumped into, Kaz scrambling back to his feet, a grab being made for Gundham's hand to first pull himself up, and then to inistantly tug his classmate along. "You! You gotta fix this! There's a cat- It's- I-I don't know how it got in there! I tried to get it out, but I can't reach!" Half rambles as he tried to get Gundham to follow him, assumedly towards his garage. "Hurry up!!"
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phantasmalnightmare · 11 months
Starter for @despairs-memorial
Junko stared down at the board member listlessly. "Heyyyy. Don't give up already. I just took one eye. Don't you wanna like live or something? Pretty L to just give up like this if you ask me." She huffed in annoyance, crossing her arms across her chest. The man had stopped struggling and crying after she'd taken his eye. She grabbed a spoonful of curry and placed his eyeball on top, bringing it to his face, but the spark of hope that had been in his eyes earlier was long gone. "Say Ah~" She trilled, and forced the spoon into his mouth, but the man had no strength to chew, or even to spit, as the curry mix fell out of his mouth, and dribbled onto the front of his shirt. "Ick."
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"BORING. Hey sis!" She called out, knowing that Mukuro was somewhere else in the small house. "Get your fat, smelly, ugly ass in here! I need someone to take out this garbage." The Fashionista kicked the man with her heel for emphasis. She wore very sharp and sturdy stilettos, and the heel sank into the man's leg with a satisfying squelch.
The man was still alive and managed a small whimper, but he was already in the realms of despair. "Where is that ugly cow!? Do I have to do everything myself? I don't wanna kill someone who's already broken. It's like totally no fun." She pouted.
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ahogedetective · 1 month
[ REFRESHMENT ]: Someone made cookies, and what is a cookie without a cup of tea? The receiver won't need to find out; the sender is already making a cup as we speak.
//from Amai, if that's all right?
{ Fancy a Cuppa? 🍵}
@hopes-memorial !!!
Just as promised, Shuichi had come to visit Amai's shop, Sweet Dream Confections. After how delicious that tiramisu cup was from their fist visit, Shuichi was excited to see what else he could try! And it looked like Amai just baked some freshly made cookies, along with that cup of tea on the house, too.
"Thank you again for the tea, Amai-kun! And wow, these cookies look so good... is it okay if I try one, already?" Even just the smell of the cookies alone, told him he definitely going to enjoy them. And as he picks up a cookie and takes a bite, he was proven right: it was nice and soft, and incredibly tasty... he loves it.
He quickly finishes the rest of that cookie, before telling them with a bright smile: "And is good, just like I knew it would be!" Then as he enjoys a second cookie, he takes slow sips of his tea with it, humming at how tasty that was, too.
"This tea is wonderful as well... I love this flavor! Truly a perfect combo of tea and cookies this is!"
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Continuation of x with @despairs-memorial
Ayano smiled and shook her head. She didn't exactly see the need for him to apologise. She figured it was difficult to keep the dog from running off, no matter how well trained or tamed an animal was, it was still an animal. "Ah, it's alright." She said with a hum.
She thought for a moment, trying to remember if she had in fact seen which way the dog had ran off. "No, I don't believe I did see where she ran off, I'm afraid." She said with a sigh, arms crossed. She didn't want him to spend ages searching, and that's when she had an idea. "Perhaps, I can help you look."
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danganmuzes · 10 months
Continued from here: X
*Kaito liked the enthusiasm the male before him had displayed but really, an educational crusade? He got that it was Hope’s Peak and all but wasn’t that a bit much?*
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“It’s nice to meet you as well and thanks for showing me around. I can’t believe I managed to get lost…”
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[ MESS. ]  the sender finds the receiver covered in blood that certainly isn’t their own.
-Gundham to Sonia, if that's alright and you're still accepting these
Vampiric Starter Prompts (Accepting)
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"Oh hell..." Of all the times Sonia could have run into Gundham, it just had to be now...
The princess had done her best to conceal her vampiric nature from the rest of the student body, but the need to drink could only be suppressed for so long. She'd figured that it was late enough that she could sneak off of campus to feed and return again before anyone noticed she was gone.
And now here she was, standing in front of her classmate with freshly spilt blood staining the front of her dress, dripping from the corner of her mouth down her chin.
"G-Gundham, I... this isn't what it looks like..."
Nice one, Sonia. Good save. He's definitely going to buy that.
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chxrgebxltmeltdown · 2 months
5'5" or 165 cm for Sayaka
From this meme! But with this site <3
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“Only an inch of difference~! Perfect for hugging?”
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Suicide isn't selfish because it often emerges from a place of profound suffering and despair. It's essential to recognize that those who contemplate or tragically choose this path are not seeking to inflict pain upon others, but rather seeking relief from their unbearable emotional pain. Understanding this complexity is crucial, as it reminds us of the urgent need for empathy, compassion, and mental health support to prevent such tragedies. Instead of labeling it as selfish, let us strive to offer understanding, support, and hope to those who need it most, acknowledging that their pain is genuine and deserving of our care.
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aquariiium · 1 month
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stormbros · 1 month
This isn't a theory or anything, just based on vibes alone. If Bells Hells do happen to seek out other prime deities for guidance or boons, the Moonweaver would be so juicy for Dorian...
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hajihiko · 2 years
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Emotional Support Bestie comes along to first therapy appointment
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the-ultimate-muses · 6 days
@despairs-memorial liked for a starter uwu (X)
Kazuchi wasn't one to get into fights, often seeking to disengage completely if it all possible. Fighting back wasn't something he was used to, it often leading to far worse pain than if he'd just let it happen. For him to start a fight was near unheard of, there really only being one thing to get him angry enough to do so, and that was protecting his friends. While Gundham wasn't a friend friend, more of a....yeah, he still didn't know, and was sort of afraid to ask. It didn't really matter anyways, not like they were broadcasting it, Kaz sure most people didn't even pay them any mind.
He really hoped it stayed that way after the tussle he'd gotten himself into, but it was a bit too late now to have regrets. Nor did he even feel any regret over it, and maybe that should concern him a little, but the only thing Kaz was capable of feeling in that moment was anger.
Even now, that's all he was really able to feel, the mechanic just having left the Headmaster's office after a long talking to. Seeing him in such a state was so abnormal that there were students clearing from his path as he made his way out of the school's main building with the intention of heading to his garage and lose himself in some work until he could calm down.
The world had different plans though, and while Gundham was the last person he wanted seeing him like this; not only still fuming, but also bleeding and bruised, a cut on his lip where his teeth had caught, slowly purpling knuckles, and dirt staining his clothes, it gave him just that.
"If you're here to give me shit too, I don't wanna fucking hear it." Was out of his mouth before he could even think of curbing his anger as he pushed past the breeder now blocking his path. Kazuichi didn't even know if Gundham knew of the fight beyond just now seeing Kaz in the aftermath of it, with this being a far cry than how he shattered after an altercation with his father.
"The asshole deserved it. I'd hit him again if I fucking could."
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pastelclownkitty · 20 days
im legally required to do something for this freak's birthday/silly
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ahogedetective · 18 days
@despairs-memorial replied to your post ““Shu-chan, Shu-chan~♪” Not knowing if he was...”:
You're welcome! Sayaka and Amai both are just so happy that he is and are definitely going to end up spoiling him again, ngl. Amai especially, they adore him so much.
​HEHE, but of course!!! They made him super happy and made his already great day, even MORE great!!! 🌟 and then wanting to spoil him more, OOO SAYAKA AND AMAI, WHEN I GET Y'ALLL!!! THEY ARE SUCH SWEETHEARTS TO MY BOY, Shuichi feels so blessed and happy to have them as friends~! They make him so happy and somft....
HEHE, HE ADORES AMAI, TOO!!! They always make him the tastiest sweets and give him such cute compliments, making him all blushy~ Amai better expect to be spoiled lots by Shuichi at times, too!! Sayaka as well!!! Tee hee hee~! ✨
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Nico with non-binary flag
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How the hell did she say this without giggling
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