#//OH and Archen. My specialest little guy..
rotomblr-polls · 8 months
Would you describe your primary partner Pokémon as popular? (Examples are subjective; use your own judgment!)
Yes, incredibly popular and well-liked (Eevee evos, starters, Zorua, Gengar, Clodsire...)
Yes, so popular it's considered "basic" (Pikachu, Charizard, Gardevoir, Lucario...)
Yes, it's a legendary figure (Kyogre, Xerneas, Solgaleo...)
Enjoys pretty decent popularity with the general public (Fidough, Slowpoke, Ceruledge, Metagross, Shinx...)
Totally Average Popularity (Vileplume, regional birds, Glalie...)
Not popular, but its enthusiasts love it (Vivillon, Purugly, Minior, fossil Pokémon...)
Often forgotten by everyone (Paras, Finneon, Klefki, Bunnelby...)
Nobody really knows what this thing is (UBs, myths, archaic forms, undocumented Pokémon...)
Well-known and actively disliked (Toxapex, Carvanha, Mr. Mime, many ghost and dark types...)
Incredibly well-phrased. Unfortunately I have to cut the pokemon parts because the poll options have a character limit, but yeah, read the above.
Reblogs are appreciated.
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