enarmor · 9 months
“ It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry. I hope this isn't awkward or anything, but I was thinking of how you helped me all the way back then, and I really wanted to do something to make it up to you, ”  Pelleas explains to Sain after approaching him the day of the Winter Festival.  “ I hope you'll accept this then. I understand if you don't though. That's fine. ”
The gift the shaman presents the cavalier, once unwrapped, turns out to be a book of sorts with pockets dedicated to be filled with something— a something soon explained by its gifter.
“ Since you seemed as invested in flowers as I am, I thought you might like a do-it-yourself encyclopedia for them. The idea behind it is that all those slots are designed to let you preserve pressed flowers into them, and it's spelled to protect them and the book from most kinds of damage it might take so you can bring the tome with you anywhere. I thought it sounded a bit fun if you're the type to go a lot of places and can find rare flowers... and you can even write in the space next to them where you found it or any flower meanings and things like that. I almost nearly bought one for myself too, actually...
“ Oh, but I'm rambling right now, aren't I? Sorry. I know I do that a lot. I just can't help getting excited over a shared interest like this. Anyway, I'll leave you be for today, but I do wish you a happy Winter Festival in any case. ”
Sain hears the ring of a familiar tolling-bell. Its hoarseness melds into the early morning light petering into the greenhouse, masking what uncertainty it carries with the prospect of a new day. When he turns around, Pelleas is almost shining. He retains that dream-like quality of their first meeting.
The Lance grins. He believes it amusing that the other would be so apologetic and apprehensive about giving a gift. Sain should be thanking him, not trying to shoo him away. And yet he seems to have prepared for the worst. This prompts him into nodding and earnestly listening to his explanation of the gift.
He accepts it into his hands, leafing through its pages whenever Pelleas' explanation gives him the cue.
And once finished, he claps it shut with one hand. The other moves to rustle his friend's hair.
"If I asked you to stop saying sorry, I think you'd only apologize for being a bother." He laughs a little, even if his words are weighted with genuine intent. "So thank you, Pelleas. The care you put into this is more meticulous than a master craftsman! If more people worried about as many details as you, I'd bet the roads we ride on would all be works of art."
He then turns away from the heir, eyes darting around the room. As he walks in a small line he brushes the petals of every plant he can. It's like he's perusing the wares of a general store. A short moment later, and he lands on a pair of pink, star-shaped flowers. "Mm, these'll do," he mutters to himself.
"Pelleas, get a good look at these. They're Pink Lucks--symbols of enthusiasm." After pressing one into the first slot of his scrapbook, he hands the other off to the Daein, as well as the remainder of his holiday bonus--kept in a small pouch.
"I want you to go back and buy a book for yourself. Press this Pink Luck into the same spot as mine, and we'll be lifelong partners! Maybe in a few years we can compare notes, maybe see whose flower dictionary is more romantic."
To perhaps appear more agreeable, he tilts his head to one side and allows his eyelids to flutter shut. With a wave, they see each other off.
"Happy Winter Festival, and don't forget the 'enthusiasm' I've given you!"
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sentofight · 2 years
❛ you’re welcome to stay, if you want. ❜ shutarooooo
Seeing the troublemaker cat is doing well, all thanks to the wizard--Lennox was it? He did care for it until it got better. Shutaro had a soft and kind heart for all creatures. He disliked violence, but he knew that being weak was not good either.
Playing with the cat, Shutaro took notice of someone approaching. "Akira!" the cat jumped and latched to his hand, biting at his gloved fingers. Aaah~ how adorable!! s-still, it kind of hurt. "A-aa okay, okay, I get it. Calm down, tiny one." picking it up, the vampire looked back to Akira. Seems like he had something to say, looking at how his face was.
"Something wrong?" Shutaro blinked when Akira suggested he can stay in here. Here? Where all the wizards are? "--!? M-me?? B-but I'm not ....I'm not a wizard ..." the cat made a fuss seeing how panicked Shutaro became and jumped out of his hold. "Ah--! ... I ... don't think it will...work." vampire life is different than a wizard. Unlike them, he was deprived of sunlight. All his work is done at night. This is why he keeps bothering Akira once the sun goes down. He had a little window in the morning, before noon at least when he can somewhat wander around but only with the help of the sun cream that a friend has developed. Still, it was ineffective in hot weather.
"Hehe...uh, sorry. I didn't want to sound gloomy but I'll be a bother in here. And ... I'm happy to visit whenever I can so don't worry about me, Akira. In fact, it might be unhealthy for my sanity to be here ..." too many eccentric people in one place, too many chances he might die. no thanks. he had not forgotten some of their faces when they knew he was a vampire. He could tell some wanted to try and test their magic on him, to see his regenerative power. Shudders!!!!
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"Um! Thank you! Thank you a lot, Akira. It means a lot but I have to decline. I have my own work to do, and so do you, too, Sage! I'll be happy to support you wherever and however I can. So ... can I still come over from time to time?" he grinned happily at him.
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softu starters | accepting | @flovverworks
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