#//also the sandalwood thing is a cursed reference to very old rps between liz and i
therattsden · 4 years
Some facts about the Portal genderbent gang!
- Was arrested for trespassing in an abandoned factory once as a teen. Somehow that was the only time she was ever caught and she’s still mad about it
- Sung and played guitar for a garage band in college
- Self medicates post-Portal 2 with the strange concoctions and creations of the former medical department, including a particular plant that has become rather overgrown and unruly through that part of the building
- Never properly learned how to drive and never had a license
- Sees hints of things that will eventually become important, but isn’t sure if it’s prophecy or dejavu. No one listens to her about it anyways
- Has met Dr. Vance, Dr. Magnusson, Dr. Kleiner, and Dr. Breen. The first three were met at science conferences, but she met Dr. Breen in college when he was there to meet and possibly recruit future employees. Unfortunately an Aperture representative was there that day too
- Spent most of the time during the 10 year gap before Ciel woke up exploring the facility when possible. She specifically learned about and knows things VLaD has no way of knowing about due to not having files on it. This includes the multiverse/multiverse device, Borealis travel times/locations and how to calculate it, F-stop technology, and most admin passwords
- Has not aged outwardly since joining Aperture at age 23 due to the food in Aperture containing untested elements. She has not realized this fact yet
- LOVES parkour and will backflip off of tall places if he has long fall boots
- Enjoys ice skating for the sole reason mun can’t get this video out of their head when thinking about Him
- Was arrested for arson as a teen after dropping a firework down a mystery pipe that just so happened to have gas. It exploded and caught a portion of the woods on fire, where he was later found trying to put the fires out
- Also arrested for trespassing around the same time for wandering into old houses that were falling apart
- If asked about why he joined Aperture’s testing initiative after Portal 2, he will lie and say he did it as part of a bet. If pried, he won’t give a real answer because he can’t really remember
- Really is a mute, but fluent in ASL due to learning in foster homes growing up
- Grew up taller than most of his peers, leading to his eventual 6′7 height
- Lost the ability to feel strong pain after 20,000 years in stasis, which also applies to Dorothy and test subjects left in stasis for that long
- Has a decent reason for hating the scientists that created him, but when asked, will simply say that "Perhaps they would still be alive if they weren't so intent on testing limits"
- There's a reason he was able to build up an immunity to the testing euphoria while others can't, but he refuses to say more than the fact that most anything becomes bearable with enough exposure
- Cameron lived in his head rent free until VLaD somehow figured out how to charge him rent
- “Tests on” (aka takes care of and secretly loves) a stray cat affectionately named Neuro
- It bothers him more than it should that something can be called a soap opera but have neither soap nor operas predominantly featured
- Doesn’t actually want to kill Dorothy after Ciel is set loose but pretends he does, because where’s the fun in losing his last adversary
- Knows absolutely nothing about the multiverse due to the Aperture that keeps other Aperture facilities at bay making it so no mainframe AI’s can easily access it
- Despite his love for opera, tango music can occasionally be heard from the main chamber and he refuses to explain why
- Has had a serum in the works but will never explain what it is or what it’s for. Animals or random found humans he tests it on tend to never be seen again
- Despite actually being quite intelligent as a human, was chosen to become the Intelligence Dampening Sphere because a good portion of her personal experiments were both ridiculous and failing miserably most of the time. They figured it would be more useful to let her suggest bad ideas to VLaD instead of actually go through with them on her own
- The glasses worn as an android actually worsen her otherwise perfect robotic vision, but she hasn’t taken them off because she was told not to. Therefore, reading paper or signs is super difficult and most think she can’t read. It was really useful if they accidentally left paper documents around her
- All hacking done in Portal 2 is actually just Dorothy helping them from a console, but Whit will never admit it and takes full credit
- Smells of sandalwood. No one knows how or why
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