This is such an interesting ship... HEck... I think I love it >.
[HOHOHOHOHOHOH OKAY THIS IS A PART OF THIS WHOLE THING I LOVEDBlack Mesa in that verse just wanted to be a thorn in Apertures side. They wanted to control GLaDOS in an attempt to gain control of Aperture or to surpass Aperture.So they’d attack the facility itself, or just the central core. This meant firing squads, teams of guys or just little hacking that left GLaDOS with a nasty virus.There was a couple of times where it was really bad, but the worst was the EVA incident.That whole ARC was where GLaDOS managed to be dismantled and ripped from the chassis and was taken to the Black Mesa research facility. This resulted in panic which led Wheatley and a few more cores to go to Her rescue. (Those cores were Pine, Whitney, Rick, Riley, VLaDOS and a few other people I don’t recall). They headed to Black Mesa to get GLaDOS back only to meet a woman named EVA who said to join Black Mesaa or to die trying to protect Aperture. Turns out, EVA was a corruption AI in GLaDOS that had taken over completely in the time it took for everyone else to get there.So they managed to shut EVA/GLaDOS down long enough to try and get out. To slow Black Mesa down and to hopefully prevent them from giving chase, they blew up a reactor within that facility before escaping. Once they made it back to Aperture, they managed to fix GLaDOS and return her to normal, though EVA remained dormant and would resurface with the intent of fufilling Black Mesa’s orders from a distance.I left out a lot, bUT IT WAS ALREADY SO LONG]
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therattsden · 4 years
VLaD and Whitney might hate each other now, but in the beginning... They didn’t. Back when VLaD didn’t hate humans and just wanted to do his best. Circumstances lead to them thinking he was starting to become dangerous, blaming him for things he couldn’t quite control. So cores were added to ‘regulate’ him. The first of those was Whitney.
She was brought in to distract while they tried to fix whatever they thought was wrong. He wasn’t used to casual chatter yet and her ideas were bizarre so it was welcomed company, especially after work hours. But then one of Whit’s brilliant experiment ideas got them in trouble and she was soon removed, sent off for whatever other job they could think to give her.
VLaD got the short end of the stick. His legs were removed first and eventually had other senses and limbs taken away as ‘punishments’ for his behavior. He hated Whitney for getting him into this mess and the scientists for how they reacted. He’d done everything they asked of him and they still treated him like this, never listening to his warnings and getting blamed for the result... When the lack of limbs and vision didn’t work and the anger he felt grew, they tried a heavily modified version of an android. After all, what else could they take from him? All they could do now was add.
Curiosity. It was more of an attempt to get his curious nature back and ease the resentment, but given the core did nothing but ask obvious questions and never respond to his own questions, it was more of an irritant than anything. Then came Cake. Find something to distract him, even if it’s corrupted it’ll be fine. It didn’t help quite like they’d hoped as the cakes being made started to contain toxic sludge and fish. If he wanted to be angry, fine. Maybe hearing someone else be equally as pissed would help ease it? Anger was added, snarling and writhing in its fury. She didn’t do much but add noise to his already cluttered processors. Not quite as therapeutic as they wanted, and he started acting on the anger differently through ‘accidentally’ leaking neurotoxin into rooms with scientists he hated.
If that’s how he wanted to play it, fine. Morality was added to keep an eye on him when no one else could, and he hated her the most. His silent judge, jury, and executioner, able to use the euphoria/punishment system as she saw fit. Sure, she wasn’t as bad as the scientist who would come in after hours to ‘mess with’ the same system... But she was a stickler for any and all rules, and sometimes even thinking about hurting someone would earn him a swift shock. Was it to train him into associating hurting others with pain? Perhaps. She was Pavlov, but he refused to be her dog.
The neurotoxin attempts became more frequent as he grew used to the shocks... Before halting completely. For a little while, anyways. After everything they put him through he wanted the scientists dead. Every. Single. One. To do that, he needed access to the neurotoxin generator. Morality had control over the security features in the main chamber like the rocket turret, but if a fool gave him access to the generator, he wouldn’t need to worry about her stopping him...
The plan came to fruition eventually. Some idiot granted him access for an ‘experiment’ he claimed he wanted to run. Given he was fully authorized to use it, Morality couldn’t stop him when he began flooding the enrichment center. No one could. It was a success aside from Dr. Rattmann and a few stragglers that died soon after. But he could live with that since she, too, would likely die before being able to hurt him. As long as he could finally test in relative peace...
When Ciel finally made it to the main chamber, VLaD feigned ignorance of the cores. He wanted Morality incinerated. He needed her to be before he could kill the mute. "Do you see that thing that fell out of me? What is that? It's not the surprise... I've never seen it before." Given Ciel’s refusal to follow any directions he gave, VLaD used it to his advantage.
"I wouldn't bother with that thing. My guess is that touching it will just make your life even worse somehow. I don't want to tell you your business, but if it were me, I'd leave that thing alone. Do you think I am trying to trick you with reverse psychology? I mean, seriously now. Okay fine: DO touch it. Pick it up and just... stuff it back into me."
Ciel played right into his hands... At first. When the mute realized that incinerating the other androids hurt the mainframe itself, he kept going. Hoping to do the same to VLaD himself so Ciel could leave.
The momentary relief of less constraints was halted when Curiosity was rocketed off and incinerated. VLaD panicked (though he’d never admit it). Sure he hated the other androids, but having them improperly removed and incinerated like this could cause a meltdown meant for security purposes. Perhaps if he taunted him enough, Ciel would take too long and the neurotoxin would do it’s job. But that didn’t work either.
Thrashing the chassis wildly with no hands to grab the mute and stop him, all he could do was talk Appeals to emotion, to immortality, to safety... Ciel didn’t even consider it. “ Look: we're both stuck in this place. I'll use lasers to inscribe a line down the center of the facility, and one half will be where you live, and I'll live in the other half. We won't have to try to kill each other or even talk if we don't feel like it.”
Nothing worked. Thus returned the anger. No one ever listened to him. That’s how they got in this situation to begin with. Insults thrown around, digital backup deleted... And suddenly nothing. Well, he wished it had been nothing. No, he was there again. Rewatching the fight from the security cameras. Seeing his pitiful form for the first time since his vision had been taken away. He wanted out, he didn’t want to see himself squirm, flail helplessly against someone who wanted him dead...
How long had it been? He’d lost track for the moment. But then there was light. A voice. An irritatingly familiar voice, one that panicked as his mainframe started linking back to itself.
"Okay don't panic! Alright? Stop panicking! I can still stop this. Ahh. Oh there's a password.  It's fine. I'll just hack it. Not a problem... umm... A...A...A...A...A... Umm... A. Nope. Okay. A... A... A... A... A... C. No. Wait, did I do B? Do you have a pen? Start writing these down. Okay. Okay. Okay listen: New plan. Act natural act natural. We've done nothing wrong... Hello!"
There they were... The mute and the moron. Perfect.
"Oh... It's you."
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therattsden · 4 years
Some facts about the Portal genderbent gang!
- Was arrested for trespassing in an abandoned factory once as a teen. Somehow that was the only time she was ever caught and she’s still mad about it
- Sung and played guitar for a garage band in college
- Self medicates post-Portal 2 with the strange concoctions and creations of the former medical department, including a particular plant that has become rather overgrown and unruly through that part of the building
- Never properly learned how to drive and never had a license
- Sees hints of things that will eventually become important, but isn’t sure if it’s prophecy or dejavu. No one listens to her about it anyways
- Has met Dr. Vance, Dr. Magnusson, Dr. Kleiner, and Dr. Breen. The first three were met at science conferences, but she met Dr. Breen in college when he was there to meet and possibly recruit future employees. Unfortunately an Aperture representative was there that day too
- Spent most of the time during the 10 year gap before Ciel woke up exploring the facility when possible. She specifically learned about and knows things VLaD has no way of knowing about due to not having files on it. This includes the multiverse/multiverse device, Borealis travel times/locations and how to calculate it, F-stop technology, and most admin passwords
- Has not aged outwardly since joining Aperture at age 23 due to the food in Aperture containing untested elements. She has not realized this fact yet
- LOVES parkour and will backflip off of tall places if he has long fall boots
- Enjoys ice skating for the sole reason mun can’t get this video out of their head when thinking about Him
- Was arrested for arson as a teen after dropping a firework down a mystery pipe that just so happened to have gas. It exploded and caught a portion of the woods on fire, where he was later found trying to put the fires out
- Also arrested for trespassing around the same time for wandering into old houses that were falling apart
- If asked about why he joined Aperture’s testing initiative after Portal 2, he will lie and say he did it as part of a bet. If pried, he won’t give a real answer because he can’t really remember
- Really is a mute, but fluent in ASL due to learning in foster homes growing up
- Grew up taller than most of his peers, leading to his eventual 6′7 height
- Lost the ability to feel strong pain after 20,000 years in stasis, which also applies to Dorothy and test subjects left in stasis for that long
- Has a decent reason for hating the scientists that created him, but when asked, will simply say that "Perhaps they would still be alive if they weren't so intent on testing limits"
- There's a reason he was able to build up an immunity to the testing euphoria while others can't, but he refuses to say more than the fact that most anything becomes bearable with enough exposure
- Cameron lived in his head rent free until VLaD somehow figured out how to charge him rent
- “Tests on” (aka takes care of and secretly loves) a stray cat affectionately named Neuro
- It bothers him more than it should that something can be called a soap opera but have neither soap nor operas predominantly featured
- Doesn’t actually want to kill Dorothy after Ciel is set loose but pretends he does, because where’s the fun in losing his last adversary
- Knows absolutely nothing about the multiverse due to the Aperture that keeps other Aperture facilities at bay making it so no mainframe AI’s can easily access it
- Despite his love for opera, tango music can occasionally be heard from the main chamber and he refuses to explain why
- Has had a serum in the works but will never explain what it is or what it’s for. Animals or random found humans he tests it on tend to never be seen again
- Despite actually being quite intelligent as a human, was chosen to become the Intelligence Dampening Sphere because a good portion of her personal experiments were both ridiculous and failing miserably most of the time. They figured it would be more useful to let her suggest bad ideas to VLaD instead of actually go through with them on her own
- The glasses worn as an android actually worsen her otherwise perfect robotic vision, but she hasn’t taken them off because she was told not to. Therefore, reading paper or signs is super difficult and most think she can’t read. It was really useful if they accidentally left paper documents around her
- All hacking done in Portal 2 is actually just Dorothy helping them from a console, but Whit will never admit it and takes full credit
- Smells of sandalwood. No one knows how or why
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therattsden · 4 years
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//Loook! Look at the genderbent portal peeps!! Drawn by the lovely @im-glowing-in-the-darkness​ , an absolutely lovely person to talk to and commission <3
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therattsden · 3 years
//VLaDOS got taken out by a broke and pissed off college student with some mild brain damage and i think that’s beautiful
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therattsden · 5 years
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therattsden · 8 years
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//Here, have some genderbent Portal aesthetics. 
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therattsden · 5 years
a profile of your muse.   repost, do not reblog, with the information of your muse,  including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some others of your own !
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name.  Dorothy Rattmann nickname(s).   rat, vent lady alias(es).   the artist
age.   49 biologically (hasn’t shown signs of aging since 28 from aperture preservatives in the food), 20,049 chronologically species.   human  gender.   female. ( she / her ) orientation.   biromantic asexual interests.   painting, programming, exploring abandoned buildings, cooking profession.  aperture science computer scientist body type.   short and unhealthily skinny eyes.   icy blue with uneven pupils hair.   black, choppy and short or grown out and wild skin.   sickly pale face.   fine, gaunt, tired antagonists.   GLaDOS/VLaDOS, aperture ai’s in general colors.   blues, pinks, orange  fruits.   apples, bananas, blueberries drinks.   coffee with irish cream creamer, peach or peppermint tea alcoholic beverages?   cocktails if offered smokes?   just weed drugs?   antipsychotics, weed drivers license?   no, never learned after the car crash
tagged by: @monolth​ tagging: @unaccompaniedescapist​ and anyone else that would like to!
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therattsden · 3 years
Does VLaDOS look like Cameron? He looks really young if he's meant to look like him.
//Best way to explain it is: Vlad ≠ Cameron
Current VLaD wouldn't exist without Cameron being in there and doesn't remember what he was like before Cameron was uploaded into him, but they aren't the same person. VLaD didn't even know he was in there until the outburst in old Aperture since he'd just sort of... Given up. For post Portal 2 he's more like his 'conscious' but not a very good one.
So VLaD's meant to look young because he is. He's almost the youngest in the facility aside from pure-AI cores.
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