#//as well as cadash and adaar
ashesofwhoweare · 7 months
thinking thoughts abt how a majority of companions (and people) in dai see inky as something sent from andraste [god], a holy relic, a symbol of hope and light. and altho those, in theory, are good things, inky is no longer a person
inky can no longer make friends or lovers without being seen as something more, of something to worship or look on with reverence
to be disassociated with your own mortality, and your near death spurring your holiness, the impossibility of your survival being the thing that bathes you in the light of their god that you don't even believe in
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nanowatzophina · 5 months
I'm having too much fun with this picrew--
Been makin' all my dragon age babies with it, lol--
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Just a buncha lil' guys--
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a-gay-bloodmage · 1 month
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Made some cute little picrews of my Inquisitors using the "Little Guy Maker" (Link)! While both my Adaars are grey-skinned in reality, I figured I'd give them their non-Qunari skin tone for the sake of the picrew. I'd hate to leave them out!
Here's a link to the post about my Wardens!
I'm planning on making a proper series of posts to serve as reintroductions to my Wardens and Inquisitors, but I couldn't help but share these adorable little versions of them! I've added little descriptions of them below in the Read More!
First up is Mallory Trevelyan! He's a lovely little (six foot) guy who got caught up with the Inquisition in full crossdresser garb and just kept up the ruse for as long as he could. He fully identifies as Mallory, but has no issues with being referred to by the name and pronouns (she/her) his female "persona", Mallie. Disowned at 20 for being a gender-nonconforming homosexual, Mallory made his way to Ansburg and quickly formed a friend group made up of sex workers. The fact that he ended up the Herald of Andraste while trying to meet up with his estranged father at the Conclave never ceases to baffle him. I do hope it's no surprise that he fell in love with Blackwall! Not a Warden, Thom? Not a woman, Inquisitor?
Next to Mallory is Kiora Trevelyan! While a rift mage in game, she really functioned as a magical cuddle therapist and budding somniari back in her Circle days. She's a narcoleptic, her intense connection to the Fade often pulling her into sleep incredibly often and quickly. She's often encountering demons, but she's become incredibly proficient at tricking or coaxing them out of her over the years. Thanks to her, Skyhold is full of little black cats, all of which she's named. She adores her girlfriend, Sera, as she's one of the few people who never fail to keep her awake.
Below Mallory is Aelon Lavellan! He's a chaotic little man, obsessed with tinkering and order. He barely identifies with his Dalish heritage, and quite enjoys all of the new things the human world has to offer. He just wishes it was less full of humans. With the exception of Dorian, of course. The stress of battling Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and likely several other issues has left his incredibly soft ginger hair with many grey patches. He has few friends in the Inquisition, but that doesn't stop him from somewhat enjoying it.
Next to Aelon is Ashavise Lavellan! A woman who cares far, far more for the dead than the living, it's no wonder that Cole is her closest companion in the Inquisition. She has a deep love for elven history and uses her summoned spirits to help her learn. As soon as Solas started talking about his trips in the Fade, she instantly started flirting. What better way to get a man to tell you about his ancient knowledge than to offer him a beautiful woman's body? The day he told her that her vallaslin were slave markings however, she realized that an ancient culture is nothing compared to the one she was blessed with in the present.
Below Aelon is Ademamar Cadash! His mother was from Antiva, his father was from Orzammar, and his mostly-faux confidence knows no bounds. Regardless of the Iron Bull's insistence that he'd break, Ade never let that stop him from trying to ride the Bull. He got there, eventually, of course. Deeply romantic and social despite never having been romantically kissed nor having had friends, Ade would kill and die for the members of the Inquisition, especially Bull and his Chargers.
Next to Ade is Harta Cadash! A very proud member of the Antivan branch of the surface Carta, Harta is a bundle of joy and poison. She loves wine, romance, and all things warm and sunny. Having to live in dreary Skyhold and not beautiful Seleny is one of the biggest drawbacks to being the Inquisitor, in her mind. While she initially flirted with Cullen, she quickly moved on to pursuing Dorian. It's no wonder why her attempt at romance didn't work out, but she couldn't care less. After all, she got a best friend out of it!
Below Ade is Ozol Adaar! A Tal-Vashoth by choice, Ozol is the world's largest pacifist. Originally an Arvaard, he helped his saarebas escape the Qun, unable to tolerate the cruel way it treated mages. Once in the South, he renamed himself Özil—Öz- meaning self or essence, and -il meaning city—but, with time, the name morphed into Ozol thanks to the non-Qunari accents of his mercenary company. While initially hopeful that the massive qunari would be a good fighting force, Cassandra was incredibly disappointed to hear that the massive mercenary was the tax guy for his company. He won her over, in the end. Pie and poetry go a long way in wooing a Seeker.
Next to Ozol is Semiha Silva-Adaar! Found at the edge of a wheat field in a town outside of Markham, Semiha was adopted by two older human parents. Her birth parents left her with only the word "Adaar" scrawled onto a piece of paper. While she wishes she knew them, Semiha doesn't resent the Qunari who left their daughter, only a few days old, out in the elements. Semiha was incredibly proud to be deemed as the "Herald of Andraste" despite being a grey-skinned farm girl. Her adoration for the grace and charm of Josephine quickly turned into a full-blown crush, and it was only through the lack of available livestock that she didn't try to woo her using cattle.
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a-drama-addict · 1 year
me after finishing the full plan for my three worldstates: I should make a fourth one
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beastofmoss · 2 years
Thinking of my Cadash who's a combat-medic and how she could use his older sibling, Adaar, to help bully people to take care of themselves.
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icewept-a · 2 years
im an idiot that just NOW realized varric & bull would’ve been arenthil’s first introduction to dwarves & qunari
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drasticdoodling · 2 years
im not v far in my tabris playthrough but i kinda wanna start a surana one bc ive been Thinking about my surana warden a bunch
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shem-fatale · 3 months
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Dragon Age Inquisition: "Canon" Choices Survey Results!
Tell us about your personal "canon" Inquisitor who will make an appearance in The Veilguard? What were their choices? Answers to this short survey were collected via a tumblr post between June 11th and June 22nd 2024. I have since found out which of the choices mentioned will and will not affect DA:TV but I will include all questions anyway. Text version and tags under the cut!
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1. Who is your "canon" Inquisitor and are/were they in a relationship with another DAI character? Female Adaar/Blackwall - 1% Female Lavellan/Blackwall - 1% Male Lavellan/Josephine- 1% Male Lavellan/The Iron Bull- 1% Male Trevelyan/Cassandra - 1%
Female Lavellan/Josephine - 2% Female Trevelyan/Josephine- 2% Male Lavellan - no romance - 2%
Female Adaar/The Iron Bull - 3% Male Adaar/Dorian - 3%
Female Trevelyan/Blackwall - 4%
Female Adaar/Josephine - 6% Male Trevelyan/Dorian - 6%
Female Lavellan/Cullen - 7%
Male Lavellan/Dorian - 12%
Female Trevelyan/Cullen - 13%
Female Lavellan/Solas - 33% Added headcanon comment from @spiders-scribbles: Male Adaar/The Iron Bull "Kas is played with the female model cause I hate how bulky the male Qunari body is and also trans reasons" <3 And another one from @doves-wing: Female Cadash/Josephine "i think they have an open relationship and so my quizzy has dated iron bull though that relationship ends before trespasser. she is still with josie though." <3 2. What combat class and specialisation apply to your "canon" Inquisitor?
Warrior/Two-Handed/Templar - 0% Warrior/Weapon and Shield/Templar - 0%
Rogue/Daggers/Artificer - 1% Warrior/Two-Handed/Champion - 1% Warrior/Weapon and Shield/Reaver - 1%
Warrior/Two-Handed/Reaver - 3% Rogue/Archer/Tempest - 3% Warrior/Weapon and Shield/Champion - 3%
Mage/Necromancer - 4%
Rogue/Archer/Artificer - 5% Rogue/Archer/Assassin - 5% Rogue/Daggers/Tempest - 5%
Rogue/Daggers/Assassin - 8%
Mage/Rift Mage - 30%
Mage/Knight-Enchanter - 32% 3. Did the Inquisition form an alliance with the Mages or with the Templars?
Mages - 86%
Templars - 14% 4. Who was left behind in the Fade?
Alistair - 5%
Loghain - 9%
Hawke - 29%
Stroud - 57% 5. Did the Inquisition give the Wardens a second chance?
Yes - 89%
No - 11% 6. Who rules Orlais?
Gaspard - 1%
Celene - 10%
Gaspard as Briala's puppet - 14%
Truce between all parties - 32%
Celene and Briala - 43% 7. Who drank from the Well of Sorrows?
Morrigan - 48%
The Inquisitor - 52% 8. Who becomes Divine Victoria at the end of DA:I?
Vivienne - 7%
Cassandra - 18%
Leliana - 75% 9. What happened to the Inquisition at the end of Trespasser?
The Inquisition continues in the service of Divine Victoria - 17%
The Inquisition was disbanded - 83%
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A big thank you to:
@precious-gem-of-a-cat @onlypartiallystars
@spiders-scribbles @titanwolfackerman @nervousparsnip @sowrongbutsowrite @argonian-at-heart @too-caught-up-in-moves @yjannu @lilywasx and also to everyone who didn't want to be tagged, plus everyone who spelled their user names wrong! I figured out some of the typos but some of you left me some crazy riddles hehe. <3
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daitranscripts · 2 months
Doom Upon All the World Conversations
Doom Upon All the World Masterpost
Varric is sitting at the head of one of the tables with a drink in hand.
Varric: I’ve been starting to think about putting all this into a book.
Varric (Qunari PC): What do you think of This Shit Is Weird: The Inquisitor Adaar Story. Varric (Dalish PC): Right now I’m thinking: This Shit Is Weird: The Inquisitor Lavellan Story. Varric (dwarf PC): How does This Shit Is Weird: The Inquisitor Cadash Story strike you? Varric (human PC): I’m thinking: This Shit Is Weird: The Inquisitor Trevelyan Story. What do you think?
Varric: It’s a working title.
Dialogue options:
General: I’m glad you’re writing. [1]
General: Keep working. [2]
General: It’s awful. [3]
1 - General: I’m glad you’re writing. PC: I’m glad you’ve gone back to writing. Varric: Well, nothing’s certain until it’s in print. [4]
2 - General: Keep working. PC: Maybe you should keep working. Varric: I’ll leave the title for last. Naming things is always the worst. [4]
3 - General: It’s awful. PC: Don’t use that. Varric: Spoilsport. [4]
4 - Scene continues.
Varric: I still haven’t decided if I should do this book. As if anyone will believe this story if I tell it. Not to mention, I’ll have my hands full with reconstruction and relief efforts in the Free Marches as soon as I get back.
Dialogue options:
General: Write the book. [5]
General: Focus on helping people. [6]
General: You should stay here. [7]
5 - General: Write the book. PC: You should write the book. Varric: I’ll see what I can do once I get home. [8]
6 - General: Focus on helping people. PC: Don’t divide your efforts. The people of the Free Marches are more important than a story. Varric: As it happens, I agree with you. Kirkwall is in bad shape, and a lot of other city-states were hit hard by the war. [8]
7 - General: You should stay here. PC: The Inquisition could still use you here. Varric: That’s generous of you, but it’s past time that I went back and took care of things in Kirkwall. [8]
8 - Scene continues.
Varric: I’m not leaving for a while yet, though. We’ll have to get in at least one Game of Wicked Grace before I go.
Varric (invited to Wicked Grace with companions): Curly needs to win back some of his dignity. Varric (did not get invited to Wicked Grace): I can’t leave until you can bluff at least a little.
Scene ends.
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dragonagekeeper · 2 months
Disclaimer: This is not directly recorded in the keep. Just wanted to see if your Inquisitor's race impacted whether or not they drank from the Well of Sorrows.
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mightymizora · 3 months
you asked me about solas and now I am here to ask about thom rainier! if you have a ted talk, i would love to hear it :D
(but also: how did your inquisitor deal with him??? how did you feel about how the confession went down in-game?)
haha WELL my canon Inquisitor is also an elf who romanced Solas (my second playthrough, I decided that it was best for the balance between the two so I will talk a little about both.)
My first inquisitor was a Cadash, and I tell you from pre-game (much like Gale) Blackwall was my least likely romance option. I had thought it would be Sera but then my character was older and it felt much more like a mother/daughter kind of thing - Blackwall completely sucker-punched me and was very unexpected.
The thing I love about him is he is just. A guy? He's like, the most just a guy I think I've ever seen in a bioware game, even more so than Kaidan! When you meet him he just seems quite shy and serious, with little flashes of a cheeky nature. And then... I'm going to go under the cut as I know some people are playing Inquisition for the first time...
The sort of doomed lover approach is something I loved for the drama, but I was NOT prepared for the reveal of why! I absolutely loved it. I had very much assumed that he was just an older Warden experiencing his calling and not wanting to get involved, and then to find out that he had done what he had done completely chilled me. I loved the drama of the reveal, how it completely repainted everything that came before it, and the fact that to save him a Cadash or Adaar can be forced to lean on their old criminal connections, something he, a man trying to atone, would hate SO much.
My main criticism of the romance (aside from the voice actor's wildly inconsistent performance, man I don't know how I coped with it) is what happens after that moment. The kiss in the throne room would NEVER have happened with my Cadash, even if she definitely leverages her power to keep him. And then it's very neatly resolved, which again isn't how I read it and isn't how I started to write it to "fix it." They have a very painful few years rebuilding their relationship and marriage with a lot of further mistakes on both sides, which to me feels right.
The thing I think I love the most about him and how he is written is that he's on a genuine redemption path. He is so obviously not the man he was - the gambler, the social climber, the cold soldier, the womaniser. He is genuinely on a path of atonement and I love that even if you give him the "out" of freedom, he still takes the time to try and atone, journeying around the Marches to try and do what's right. It's extremely rare to me that you see a redemption path done right - mostly because these things take time and changed behaviour and most fiction doesn't have the space to do it, and I adore how it works in Inquisition.
As for my canon inquisitor, they have a very solid friendship that is really, really rocked by the reveal. She sends him to become a warden, which again feels like the right path for him and is certainly what she thinks is his destiny. She's reeling from the recent deaths of her children and grandchildren, so their friendship never recovers from what he confesses.
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I finally, FINALLY, got all my main Inquisition OCs created and posed for a picture.
After scouring through mods I'm pretty satisfied with how this turned out! A couple of them still have some tweeking and I might hunt down some more clothing mods but all in all, it feels good to finally get to this point. It's not perfect, the poses don't account for the height mod I used but I think I got them together well enough that it doesn't matter much.
Special shout out to @simmireen for this pose. There aren't many for larger groups without kids/toddlers/babies and this one worked out perfectly. You can find this pose mod here.
Everyone is labeled under the cut:
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Row 1: Zarina Brio Row 2: Isla Cadash, Mackenzie Trevelyan, and Iliyana E'Lalee Row 3: Mariella Trevelyan, Riona Cadash, Bracha Cadash, and Kyrrha Lavellan Row 4: Jadzia Feyhon, Eira Adaar, Maxiana Trevelyan, Zara Brio, and Blake Ondri.
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britcision · 1 year
Okay it’s time for the primer for the Four Heralds AU cuz I’ve got so much to post and some of it only involves the heralds tangentially so other people might read it.
As the title suggests, there are four heralds of Andraste:
Tavi Adaar - a qunari mage woman, she/her pronouns, bisexual, mostly blind (late stage retinitis pigmentosa), 23
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Corin Cadash - a nonbinary dwarf warrior and blacksmith, they/them pronouns, sex positive asexual, ADHD and arthritic as hell, 42
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Lluciano Lavellan - an elf rogue, he/him pronouns, femboy, omnisexual twink, seizures both of the motor and absence variety, AuDHD cranked up to eleven, 25
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Séamus Trevelyan - a human warrior, trans man, he/him pronouns, gay as hell, chronic insomnia and hard of hearing (binaural, moderately severe), 37
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Only Séamus was actually supposed to be at the Conclave, but Lavellan is our game protagonist and victim of most major plot events
(A different group from Adaar’s mercenary troupe were supposed to be sent, but got waylaid on the road so Adaar’s group subbed in since they had the shortest travel time
Lavellan was actually specifically told to stay as far away from the Conclave as possible with his scouting, walked over a single hill, and said “hmm where was I not supposed to go again oh well can’t be important” and went to check out the Conclave
(He was hiding from the other actual Lavellan spy when he came across Justinia and Corypheus)
And Cadash is a menace to society, entirely stealth free, chronic pain bitch who is about as subtle as a sledgehammer, but an unforeseen flu ravaged the local branch of the Carta and since dwarves very rarely get sick, none of them knew what to do about it
Corin, being a blacksmith, at least had a semilogical reason to be carting a large load of lyrium, and no one who talked to them for five minutes would believe they were capable of being a spy, which was close enough at the last minute
Trevelyan is the oldest son of the Trevelyan family in the Free Marches, who hoped he would eventually become a templar right up until this whole “rebellion” thing made it a bit unsexy
He’s a knight instead, and actually prefers living and training with the knights to being at home so he did get himself one whole non-nepotism promotion
Most of his friends and all of his subordinates went to the Conclave with him to keep the peace and be a bit more impartial. Oops.)
This whole thing mainly started with me looking at Cole and going “you know what would be funny and extremely counterproductive? An Inquisitor with ADHD hanging out with Cole”
So now we have four beautiful, disabled, queer heralds because why stop at one?
(Tavi has also been fucking around with time magic, mostly around Slow spells, and it got weird with what Corypheus was doing and accidentally replicated the anchor they were all playing Keep Away with
Lluciano got hit in the face with at least one, he didn’t used to have the green face tattoos but so many Dalish do that no one has asked and he hasn’t noticed yet
None of them are at full power, but they’re not quite even quarters and can combine when focusing on the same rift to speed things up
Corypheus only needs one)
The full herald rundown will be linked here when it exists!
Fic (by me) and art (by @ekwolfwood) will be added in reblogs
Lluciano and Corin are staring in most of it so far, by dint of Luci being the main character and Corin being A Problem On Purpose slightly harder than the other heralds
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uchidachi · 3 months
Dragon Age Exchange Letter 2024
Hello Black Emporium Rare Pair Exchange Writer/Artist!
Thank you for making this gift for me! I know I will love whatever you come up with, but for those who like a little more guidance I have left many prompts in the signup and some general likes & dislikes here.
I'm open to treats of Fic and/or Art and multi-recip treats!
General Likes:  I really like UST and mutual pining, also the corny stuff like “fake married” or “bed sharing” or “arranged marriage” tropes. I LOVE Soulmate AUs more than anything else, I’m an absolute sucker for those. I also like the enemies-to-friends-to-lovers trope. I also really like cats, so if you give a character a cat, I will be happy
General dislikes: I love angst, but not really hurt/comfort. I love canon deviation and certain AUs, but I really don’t get into any AUs that change the setting for Dragon Age
DNW: any kind of abuse, bathroom kinks, bestiality, crossovers, humiliation, incest, modern AUs, mundane AUs, noncon/dubcon, omegaverse, pregnancy, PWP, second-person POV, underage, whump.
Specific Character/Pairing notes: I tag all my ships on this blog with “character a x character b” in alphabetical order, so if you want to look up what I’ve reblogged/posted on Krem/Harding for instance, look for the tag “harding x krem” and Adaar/Vivienne would be under both “inquisitor x vivienne” and “adaar x vivienne”. OT3s are under the tag “ot3″. A lot of the pairings this year are truly the rarest of rare, so for some of them I may not have any content yet!
For the many Vivienne ships I requested; I do headcanon her and Bastien having an open relationship when they are together, so feel free to use that headcanon if you want!
Now for the spoiler part of the letter. Please let this photo of my cat protect you if you wish to not read Veilguard prompts. Otherwise please scroll past the cat & click read more for more prompts.
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Male Adaar/Solas or Female Cadash/Solas - I put this under the spoiler group because I am in love with the idea that maybe Inquisitors who were shot down by Solas during Inquisition get a second chance at romance in Veilguard. Just imagine the possibilities…
Vivienne/Emmrich Volkarin - Well, she does canonically like silver foxes ;)
Davrin & Merrill (Dragon Age) - LET! MERRILL! PET! THE! BABY! GRIFFON! Ok apart from Assan, I really would love to see Merrill able to make friends with another Dalish elf, and as a Grey Warden Davrin is likely less anti-blood-magic than average. Or at least I’m going to headcanon that he is, until proven otherwise. 
Fenris/Neve Gallus - All the joy of pairing Fenris with a mage, with less drama because she’s 100% with him on hunting down maleficars & helping Tevinter slaves. Also I have one word for you: Casefic.
For general Veilguard stuff: I'm planning to play as a lady Rook that is a Dwarven rogue archer named Rhea. If there's a background for Rook that doesn't involve being part of the Carta I'll be over the moon. That's not at all required to include, but I thought I might as well include it
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the-cryptographer · 3 months
'do it for sera (and calpernia)' pt log 05
Finally got my approval with Sera high enough to initiate the romance. (Though I think I will actually go back on it and trigger it after WEWH instead.) And, man... it's really cute. I wasn't actually expecting this romance to be as sweet as it is, but it's def making up for how emotionally blueballed I felt by Thom's romance my first pt. Have to say, I also actually really ended up liking Sera yielding less approval for Lavellan flirting than Adaar or Cadash in the end? Like... I don't think her internalised racism is actually as horribly written in *every* aspect as has sometimes been claimed. She has a pretty good explanation imho of why she was worried at first about dating another elf and how she was concerned about how other people would see her (and Solas for one immediately proves these fears are validated by condescendingly saying Sera would of course prefer someone 'of her own kind', in what has to be my favourite most horrible banter in the entire game). But I really appreciate that like... Sera deals with this fear on her own time. She's hesitant when things are just flirting, but by the time she's actually ready to start a relationship with Lavellan, she's all 'yeah, well, fuck being worried about what other people are going to think of me for this 😤i want everyone to know we're together 🥳🎊' which is honestly so much better than her agreeing to the romance before she was ready and then being ashamed and closeted about it. Idk, I'm really feeling this part of things was satisfyingly written.
trying to pay a bit more attention to the wartable missions in DAI this time and doing a not that great job tbh. but the difference between a war mission where there are drastic differences in result depending on the advisor and ones where all advisors produce the same result is terribly unclear. One of the ones that's always stuck out in my mind is 'Improving Morale' [at Griffon Wing Keep] because I like the mundanity of actually trying to work out logistical problems to keep your troops happy. But yeah, it kind of disappoints me that all the advisors produce the same reward/result here. It's not that I think Josie's idea to send reading material is bad at all, but it feels a bit trivialised that soldiers in unfitted shoes are going to be in pain, and they're going to be hungry without proper meals. Idk I guess the reason I'm perseverating on it is I wish the game had leaned more into these logistics of running an army instead of just paying a superficial nod to the idea.
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cactusnymph · 1 year
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[ID: eight pictures of different Dragon Age OCs done in the same picrew. From top left to bottom right the pictures show:
Yaran Tabris (she/her), a brown skinned elf with a grumpy expression, holding up a middle finger. She’s wearing a red button up witha white floral print, black pants and her hair is pulled back in an untidy ponytail. A red cat is curled up beside her.
Terit Brosca (they/them), a white dwarf with almost white, short hair, wearing a blue overall, orange shoes and an orange crop top. They’re holding up a peace sign with a smile. There’s a knife lying next to them.
Alim Surana (he/him), a black elf with square glasses, a flower in his hair and his black curls pulled back into a poofy cloud on top of his head. He’s smiling softly. He’s wearing a white shirt with a purple vest over it and blue pants. An open book lies next to him.
Allison Hawke (she/they), a brown human with untidy black hair, a red stripe over her nose, many scars, bandaids and piercings and a snake tattoo on one arm. They’re wearing a red top, black hot pants and black boots as well as a black spiked collar.
Damian Hawke (he/they), a brown human with chin length hair, a goatee and a shy look on his face. They’re dressed in a red hoodie, black pants and converse. An open books lies next to him.
Miniel Lavellan (she/her), a black elven woman dressed in pastel pink and white with a pink flower crown in her hair. There’s a plushie bunny lying next to her.
Asaara Adaar (any), a Qunari with curled horns, long, white hair and red stripes on their cheeks. She’s dressed in black and red, smirks at the camera with his middle finger held up and has a piece of cake next to them.
Hilda Cadash (he/they), a white dwarf with short grey hair and a grey beard, facial scars and white spots on his skin. They wear a blue button up shirt and checkered black and white pants. End ID]
i was tagged by @calicostorms and @curiouslavellan to make my OCs in this picrew and i went slightly overboard BUT the sauce is deep and i was sooo happy to get tagged!!! thank you so much you guys! :D
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