#//fuck you renegade
awakened-harmony · 2 years
Moral alignment test
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Lawful Good
People who are Lawful Good believe that an orderly, strong society with a moral government can work to make life better for the great majority of the people. When the laws are fair and the people respect them and try to help one another, humanity as a whole prospers. Therefore, people who are Lawful Good strive for a social order that will bring the greatest benefit to everyone and cause the least harm. Lawful Good personalities may sometimes find themselves faced with the dilemma of whether to obey the law or do good when the two conflict. For example, when upholding the law of the land would lead to unfairness or harm or when there is a conflict between two orders of what is right, such as between the ways of their community and the law of the government.
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kandidandi · 1 year
silly guys
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besavedbyaperfectkiss · 2 months
So Joe got dumped for being too depressed. Relatable king
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piggiebonez · 5 months
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i have no cluuuue how to draw xaviers face brooo i cant get it right. i think he should eat zim
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terepi · 1 year
no i dont think you understand ar is programmed to hate pm because shes a prospitian and because hes programmed to be an authority regulator on derse he should hate someone like wv who broke the law to start a revolution but he still manages to fall in love with them both anyway because its the end of the world and what does law matter anymore?
wv has lost all his army and lothes himself for being a failure and yet here come these two people who are in the same place as him who enjoy and support his dream of a new world where prospitians and dersites can get along (ar is shown helping wv with exile/can town)
pm lost her job, home, and everything she loved and lived for in one day yet here comes these two charming men who at one point were supposed to be her enemies, but they do their best to make her feel welcome and give her a dream of a better home *gripping your shoulders*
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harvestmoth · 7 months
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hi spoiler embargo ended. get rejuv blasted
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Idk who needs to hear this but someone being cringe does not give you the right to punish them or go out of your way to make their day worse. I was watching a compilation and one of the videos featured a boy running up to a window and kicking it with the intentions of getting a phone to fall. Why? Because the phone was being used to record a group of girls who were doing a tik tok dance. This boy went out of his way to break/damage a girl's phone for no other reason than the fact it was being used to record something he personally thought was cringy. Worst part is that I went to the comments and people were calling him a hero and one person said he "stopped more cringe from entering the world" and it's like... These girls did nothing wrong. They were recording a dance. This boy could have walked away or simply turned his head to not look at them. Instead, he decided to ruin their video.
Keep in mind that no matter how cringe you find tik tok dances, people STILL have to put in effort and time and accuracy to get it right. As someone who has been goaded into tik tok dances by friends, it's NOT simple. You have to PRACTICE. Getting a group of people together to dance in sync is fucking difficult. Don't believe me? You try it. In fact, don't even bother with a group of friends: pick a random tik tok dance and try to learn it by yourself, in your room, and tell me how easy it is to perfect a dance on the first try. Those girls put in effort for that dance and a bitter boy ruined it for no reason.
The way that completely harmless videos can lead to harassment is fucking insane.
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steakout-05 · 6 months
ahhh fucked up little six-nippled snake-handed spiritual dude covered in buffalo fur with heterochromia and a bird beak nose my beloved
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oh YEAH? you only got ONE PEENEYE????
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breadharmskoi · 25 days
deja vu episode of game changer is like doctor who to me
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aveimperatcr · 4 months
Open Starter.
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Deep within the farthest depths of the Warp where even the mightiest of daemons dared to tread, there was an odd domain that had formed ever since the Emperor had cast his humanity aside to properly defeat Horus-- while the Emperor himself did indeed still sit upon the Golden Throne, a part of his mind sat, lingering within the Immaterium and Warpspace, battling Chaos every second he could.
He sat in the darkness, in the ever-changing Chaos that threatened to rip everything apart. Except, where he sat, there was a small area around him that represented just what he was-- nothing changed, nothing crumbled or rose again or morphed, but instead stayed still, orderly.
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His soul still had the deep wound within its torso from the battle with Horus, and far more wounds that only mirrored the continued decay of his Imperium, which was only further mirrored in this one small pocket of respite... and he could sense a presence, which made him hold his breath to focus his mind just the smallest bit.
Who went so far as to search for the Golden God's humanity, in the deepest depths?
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tenojan-in-tevinter · 8 months
Thinking about my Shepard and how much more fucked up it is for a Sole Survivor Shep to be forced to work for Cerberus. Thinking about that personal quest in me1 where you find Corporal Toombs: a survivor of the Akuze tragedy that no one knew about because he was taken BY CERBERUS to be experimented on because he survived the thresher maws that CERBERUS SET UP IN THE FIRST PLACE. Yeah, apparently Akuze was a Cerberus experiment the whole time, and a Shepard who was there and survived is then forced to work for the very people who are responsible for the wholesale slaughter of his entire unit on Akuze. And they have to just act like that's okay because bioware says so. Like Shepard doesn't even mention Akuze when arguing with any of the Cerberus people. There's no option to say anything about it. I am fine.
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orangechickenpillow · 2 months
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docholligay · 2 months
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Explanation for the audience!
I wonder how many Americans are actually unfamiliar with the peerage system as regards land ownership. Is this a thing people know? Not to kiss my own ass, but I'm about to: I'm sometimes more intellectually curious than other folks I encounter on these here internets, and while they did not teach us this in school, I discovered early that these wonderful things called books had been invented, and often they conveyed information on any number of topics, regardless of whether or not someone had attempted to force me to learn something. So, I know about the tenancy system, at the very least in broad strokes, but I don't know if it's common knowledge.
Though I suppose this isn't giving us an in-depth view either, just enough of a touch that ideally the watcher will understand the position it puts them in (That our girlboss is going to ignore)
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braemjeorn · 3 months
the thing about lucas' departure from wayv-nct is that... unlike woojin or b.i, SM still manage him, he didn't move into another company or anything.
the separation is awkward rn but i'm just saying, if he appears on the next smtown, you know taeyong or kun will just pull him into the row of boys that is comprised of neocity-riize members without blinking.
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felikatze · 2 months
god yall dont even know my interceptor renegade route oc Muck The Horrible Bug Catcher
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lavender-lily · 5 months
My car: has a 4WD setting specifically for snow
Also my car: won’t start if the temperature goes too far below freezing
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