#//holds this ask gently. uve given me the will to live for the month
actualbird · 9 months
Let's goooo another dragon fic update!! Before I start talking about the fic itself though, never apologise for going on hiatus!! Fics take So Much time to write in general and it's just better to write when you're feeling the motivation to write so that both you and whoever reads your fics can be happy with it. What's important is that you enjoyed writing the fic!!
Also cn server spoilers for this chunk because I have to but oh my god the dragon event. My entire life was leading up to this moment and I can feel all my schips slowly flying away and it's not even going to be in global for a long time yet. All of them look so good????? Whoever came up with this event is a genius and I want them to come up with every single au event after this. I trust them with my life. I'm this close to dusting off my Flight Rising account that I haven't touched in years just so I can make these dragons ingame and actually have them. Reality is whatever you want it to be and I want dragons.
Actual fic content starts here xufxgucug sorry for going so off topic. I am a Sucker for creatures with fire affinities. Fire is so beautiful and powerful to me and those traits almost always reflect in the characters who wield and connect with it in media. There's a reason phoenixes are my favourite mythical creature. So Ria's powers being fire? 10/10, no idea if this is from canon or not because I haven't actually read the entire Looming Nightmare card, only a summary, but I love the choice regardless.
Luke joining Ria in the exercises is so cute.....he's such a supportive boyfriend, I love him so much!!!
You know, for as much narrative potential a shifter with two warring selves has, I've just always liked the idea that the shifted creature is just as part of the person as the human self is. I had a huge shifter phase when I was younger, still have one if I'm being completely honest, and I've just always liked this take better than both fighting for control. All this to say that passage in the book? I love it and the choice you made to have it that way so much.
So first I choked when I saw the pamphlet was written by Marius, and then I choked a second time when I saw his writing style. This is the funniest spell tutorial I've seen it my life and I would like Marius to make tutorials for everything under the sun going forward. "haha, normie" gets me every time I look at it. I want to strangle this man (affectionate)
Fruit guy is the best character in this fic. A crazy in shut-in living in the forest.......
Luke wouldn't be Luke without his tendency to call birds chubby xfjxjfxjg poor pigeon. I just know that in some au, Peanut has been turned fron a smol adorable myna into like. A falcon or roc or something, and Luke will still call him chubby. Speaking of Peanut, I cannot for the life of me remember but has he made an appearance yet? I should probably reread this fic to see...
Oh damn genius choice to tie in the value of names to magicfolk to bring in the NXX codenames for Luke and Ria.
When the dots connected with the seal I shot up so fast. Artem selkie!!!! How'd you decide on a selkie for him, actually? The rest of the boys+Rosa I can see the link pretty easily and I'm pretty sure I know what Marius is just. Based on what he's associated with in canon. But it's a little hard for me to see the link between Artem and a selkie.
Celestine being an amazing character as always. Poor Artem, getting bullied for his lack of sense in aesthetics. Knightboy is the best nickname and I hope she never stops using it.
I wasn't expecting Luke to come work for Themis too! I wonder if his role will simply consist of being the muscle or if he'll, in some way, start doing something akin to his detective work in canon.
Not the rose dress being torn!!!! I'm so inexplicably sad about that after reading that Ria didn't want to tear holes in it in the beginning :((( I hope it can be fixed.....
I would love details of that vampire and fae case actually it sounds hilarious. Not to Artem but it's fine he made it through
Artem and Vyn's antagonistic relationship persisting through canon is just so funny to me. Not the "my condolences"......
Omg the flying......there's so much to love in it, from the Whole Entire scene itself to Ria's happiness to Luke holding onto her to be as close as possible.....god i love them so mUCH
I can't exactly write thought out comments for Ria's story and the last scene because all that's going through my mind is AAAAAAAAA but this was such an excellent chapter!!! I loved seeing Ria so happy being able to interact with the outside world and just. Live again. I loved seeing Celestine and Artem and for Ria and Luke to know now that there Is a safe haven for them, somewhere they don't have to fear Ria getting persecuted for being a dragon hybrid. I'm anticipating the meeting with Marius right now and also the less bloody way to do the sigil cjgcgjcjg Luke definitely won't run out of blood now!!! But yes this fic is probably one of my favourites in the entire fandom. It scratches so many of my favourite things and every chapter is a joy to read through. Whenever the next update comes, I'll definitely read it as quick as I can.
WAHHHH HI HI MILKYWAY :DDDD you know, whenever i get a kilometric length ask after i update/post a fic i always get giddy because i know itll be you. thank you so much for reading ch3 of "yes, she’s my lover, yes, she’s a half-dragon. any more questions?" :DDD
on the current dragon event: GOD RIGHT. whoever was in charge of this au needs a raise and every employee benefit out there. possibly even new ones. I LOVE DRAGONS....I LOVE CHARACTERS TURNING INTO DRAGONS OR BEING DRAGON HYBRIDS....ive never played flight rising myself but ive seen a bunch of it from some people i follow and those are some PRETTY DRAGONS!! thank you for the dragon enthusiasm, it’s so wonderful, i will be so so so ecstatic once this event hits global….
now, onto the fic comment replies :DDD
on fire: fire is SOOOOOO A FAVORITE OF MINE YESSSS. it is indeed a reference to Looming Nightmare, because the dragon there breathes fire at luke at some point. i think. im actually not sure because it’s been forever since ive watched the card and i dont wanna rewatch it cuz i dislike it jhvlkJBAJSFBA;SFA.
on luke joining the exercises: luke does not Need to be doing yoga with mc but hes joining in cuz he supports her dragon needs!!! i think luke would be so bad at meditation btw. his mind goes a mile a minute, he cant clear his head ever unless focused on a Task Of Some Sort.
on the dragon and the self: and yes YESSSSSS I TOO LOVE THE DRAGON/SHIFTED SELF AS A PART OF THE SELF. like, it’s what i adore so much about creature hybrid aus so much, it’s why ive written Several “character turning into/is a dragon” fics: i see the transformation as like….giving a portion of what already exists within the character a Body, an Avenue. to me, creature hybrid aus are just so good when the creature is a manifestation of a part of the self, instead of a complete other
on marius’ spell: writing that spell after writing the very flowery and formal book passage was so funny to me because i shifted tonal gears like CRAZY. but hey, at least the spell was IMMENSELY useful. just also rather infuriating to read JHVSDLFSDJ
on fruit guy: full disclosure, i envisioned him a little bit like Cabbage Guy from A:TLA, HAHA
on chubby winged creatures: a constant throughout all universes indeed!!! maybe even in the new cn server dragon au, luke sees his dragon and thinks “hm, chubby fella” LKFKJBDSLKFJS. also, peanut has not made an appearance yet!!! which suddenly makes me SO SAD, im so making sure he arrives in the last chapter. luke without peanut….oh it feels so not right, he needs his bird buddy!!
on the nxx codenames: YEEEEEE IM SO GLAD U LIKED THAT, i felt so clever for finding a way to bring it in. and also having the rose description of the dress be useful for mc’s codename
on artem the selkie: i will be completely honest that at first, it was because artem is a good swimmer JHVSKJHFSKVHJFSD. but then the more i thought about it (and also talked about it w my gf) the more i saw i liked the few ways it fit—selkies in their human form are very beautiful (artem is pretty), selkies as creatures that can pass easily as human but are different (artem who is among others in canon yet always feeling as if he cant connect, or has trouble connecting with others casually), the Pelt (artem always wears a suit and i thought the coat jacket was a fun thing to turn the pelt into), and also because i thought of artem as a seal and made a mental AAAAAWWWWWWW so loud that i couldnt not do it. this rationale/connection isnt as strong as vyn being a fae, but it was still fun to do. artem in the water looking at them was like
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on celestine and luke joining themis: i dont write her very often so it was fun here!! she sees any man and is like “let’s put that guy to work”. also, this is kinda a spoiler but luke wont be working for them for long!!! seems like this guy doesnt have a life outside of his gf rn, hes gotta get something of his own!!!
on the dress: oh nNOOO JHAKVJFSFA SORRY ABOUT THE DRESS. it’s not completely ruined!! mc and luke can still mend it ;w;
on celestine’s response: she was like “what is the most anticlimactic way i can react to the dragon lady and the anxious dog of a man in my law firm”
on the vampire and the fae: that was actually inspired by a tumblr post i saw in passing and haVENT BEEN ABLE TO FIND AGAIN but yeah, all those overlapping traditions and supernatural laws….artem’s also had to deal with werewolf territorial disputes, “unicorn hybrid needs to stop stalking virgin crush and just talk to them” cases, and mages. mages are just mages, idk i see a mage or a sorcerer and think “oh yall must be fun in court” for some reason. theres a lot of fun stuff to think about when it comes to supernatural law, i wish somebody smarter than me could write a spinoff just for these JVSKJHJVSF
on artem and vyn: everybody in stellis knows vyn!! and everybody in stellis is like “aw man fuck vyn” because theyve all been tricked by him one way or another. vyn’s retort is usually that people should stop being so trusting and dull HSJVDFKHD
on the flying scene: im so glad you liked that :DDD that was one of the bits i was so excited to write because oh the romance of being held by your beloved and brought above the clouds in her arms…….luke u lucky lucky boy
on everything else: i am so so happy that you enjoyed this chapter and that you enjoy this fic in general. im flattered it’s one of ur favs because omg!!! yknow, while i was writing this update, i thought basically everybody forgot about the fic (and for good reason, i did take a loooooong time and idk when chapter 4 will be out) so knowing that you like it and that you even wrote this wonderful comment, it really means so much to me ;w;
thank you so so so much for this ask, milkyway!! im wishing you a wonderful day :’D
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